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User talk:Brooke Vibber/Arkivo 1

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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Coolness! Thanks for taking my suggestion on background color to heart. When I first saw the new meta I was horrified on how similar it looked to the English Wikipedia. Now all we need is a Metapedia-specific image an d maybe changin the current events link into "Anouncements". --Maveric149

Thank you Mr. Vibber! The meta's never looked (or worked) better! --Stephen Gilbert 02:32 Oct 10, 2002 (UTC)

No doubt about that, I don't think it ever got a bug fix since November. ;) --Brion VIBBER

Brion, when I edit a page, all the special characters are transformed in blank in the edit page and in squares in the page itself ?

Opera 5.00 PPC - mac os 9.04
And...yes, it's beautiful :-)


Opera 5 on mac[1] doesn't support Unicode... (Meta is set up as Unicode so we can use all languages here.) I see there's a 6.0 beta for Mac, you might try it. (I know there are problems editing long pages also; if you do try 6.0, let me know how it works! I like to have things to recommend on the help pages...) --Brion VIBBE R 05:32 Oct 11, 2002 (UTC)

ach so ! Well, I did some testing with IE 4.5, Netscape comm 4.5, Op 5.04 and Moz 1.2a

So, to sum up

  • Op?ra 5 does not handle special char as you said, meaning it doesnot show up most weird char, but worse, each time you edit a page, it just destroys all these charact, so it is not only "not recommanded", it also "really shouldnot be used at all". And it destroy long edit pages also. But it is the quickest !
  • Netscape and Moz do handle special char ac pretty well.
  • IE d o handle very well everything, but that's an ethical issue to me
  • Netscape is not usable when logged 'cause it doesnot tolerate well the tool bar, plus it does not accept to display links with special char (no use possible on the french wiki for exampl e)

I'll try to download op 6.00 one of these days

Conclusion : I'll use meta with mozilla! cheers anthere

I was wondering... Would it be possible to load different language.php files based on user preferences? The def ault should still be English along with the urls but non-English speakers should be able to see all the links here in their own language. There could also be a link on each non-English Metapedia Main Page where non-English speakers could go in order to learn how to change their prefs. Eventually it would be really neat if the software could sense that somebody cl icked over from say the French Wikipedia and then automatically load language-FR.php (or whatever it is called) for that user while at the sam e time logging them into Meta. An easier way to do this might be by hard-coding something like &lang=fr to th e end of the link to Metapedia's Recent Changes from the French Recent Changes like so; p;lang=fr This could also set a cookie for that IP so that everything doesn't turn back into English at least for that session. A user would have to log-in and set their prefs to make this stick across sessions. --Maveric149


Not at the moment, but it's somethi n g I'm hoping we can work out -- see Thoughts on language integration. --Brion VIBBER 20:43 Oct 12, 2002 (UTC)

Brion, please redirect and to now, ther e is no errors to be found in the conversion. --Christian List 17:09 Oct 18, 2002 (UTC)

You're quite the busy person. --kq

Brion, there is a problem which is driving me crazy ! When I edit pages (be it with Netscape o r IE, since I can't use Opera for coding issues), I have constantly some random spaces being introduced in the text or in the links while I preview (and later save them). Say I have 3 appearing (breaking links), I correct them (remove the stupid space), I p review, and here it is, the previous spaces are gone, but other appeared. Should I mentionned that it has been the case since we are .org.

When I correct 10 times, it sometimes happen, all is fine, so I save. But, the longer the page is becomming, t he more (random) spaces appear...and I can't stabilize the system. Look at our accueil to see what I mean.
Or am I the only one for those these spaces and broken links appear ???

And why doesnot th at messed up THIS page ??? Afterthought, look beneath where I wrote preview, it is p review that is written...

It is no solution that someone correct them after me. I need to know what is wrong in what I am doing. Do you have any idea ? Should I burn m y whole computer ? user:anthere

it looks as if it is a totally netscape related issue... sigh any idea ? -- ant

Hmm, offhand I'm not sure. I seem to remember someone used to have similar problems on the eo wiki, but I haven't seen it lately. M ay be netscape problem...? Usually I'd expect weird "insert spaces" things to happen around line wrapping, but some of them are near the beginning. --Brion VIBBER 11:31 Oct 26, 2002 (UTC)

Hi Brion,

I announced on the m ail ing list yesterday and the site today that if nobody is complaining any more (lol), we would be ready to go phase III, from the 30th of october (to give a last chance to those willing to update some last typos). Would it be ok for you? I am not workin g on the 31th, so will be able to help if necessary and to check everythings straight. Have a good day user:anthere

Oui, bien s?r! --Brion VIBBER 10:39 Oct 27, 2002 (UTC)

Brion, Aoineko indicated that there was still the pro blem of the conversion of words such as ?cologie or ?cosysteme (oups, sorry I created these...). I don't know whether there are a lot of words implicated in that case. If they are not numerous, we could do that by hands, or what ? ant

Yes, if I have n't got around to making the script auto-detect them by then, I can rename the files by hand (or w/ a separate special-purpose script which will take a few minutes to whip up). It's just one of those things that ought to work without trouble, it's kin d of annoying that it doesn't go smoothly. --Brion VIBBER 14:58 Oct 27, 2002 (UTC)

Hi Brion

Since the french seem very decided to enter the french communes in the, could I know how many days did it take for all RamMan entries to make it ? Did the script run all the time, or ju st part of time ? Did the server load charge suffer from it ? I seem to remember it was about 30000 entries, is that right ? French communes are about 40000. I am very worried abo ut the consequences on "copyright" and "vandalisme" issues, for it is obvious nothing will be checked while the script will be running. Are they any possibilities in terms of hiding these entries from recent changes and maybe from random pages ? (just for the record, I am not very happy with this) Anthere

The better part of a month -- it's a lot of entries!... If the bot marks them as 'minor' changes, you can hide them (and all other minor changes) from the recentchanges list; bot-specific options are under discussion but not yet decided on. See en:Wikipedia:Bots and en:Wikipedia talk:Bots... --Brion VIBBER 19:59 Oct 28, 2002 (UTC)

Hi Brion,

It is already for a long time that i am wondering how many or how few vis itors the Wikipedias have, and specialy the Dutch wikipedia. Now, finaly i am succesfull to make a commericial counter Netstat count more or less the traffic. It is not very accurate but it i s somthi ng. But not every one seems happy that that i put a counter on the main page. Can you please add on your to do list the implemenation of a system like Webalizer ? Giskart 20:44 Oct 28, 2002 (UTC)

Wil l do; we got all those server logs sitting around doing nothing. ;) --Brion VIBBER

[ ] One login - combine user accounts

If you do this, do not forget to include the option for granting Sysop-status f or evey la nguage independent. Giskart 10:45 Oct 29, 2002 (UTC)

Ach yes, this will be fun to implement, I can tell... --Brion VIBBER 10:47 Oct 29, 2002 (UTC)

Yo tengo una idea. Would it be possible/desi rable to automatically convert at least some (if not most) namespaced links to piped links that exclude the display of the namespace? For example: if somebody types en:United States in the meta or on the then that would be automatically converted to United States ([[en:United States|United States]]) when the page is saved. This is more important for the above example than for regular namesspaces in the encylopedia sections (such as wikipedia or user -- talk should be left alone). --mav

[ ] raw link to (www.) should point to nl/fy select page

Can you try to move this up on youre to-do list please? I would like to do some promotion for the Frysian W ikipedia but for that i need that url to point to a select page. Giskart 21:18 Nov 5, 2002 (UTC)

Ack, sorry! Got it. --Brion VIBBER 00:30 Nov 6, 2002 (UTC)
Thanks. Giskart 07:40 Nov 6, 2002 (U TC)

Brion, j'ai un probleme. Quand j ai essaye de me connecter a la il y a quelques heures, j etais deconnectee (non identifiee). Ce qui n etait jamais arrive (contrairement a Meta qui s obstine a ne pas me reconnaitre...). Je n arrive pas a m identifier! Il reconnait mon nom d utilisateur, mais indique que mon mot de passe est incorrect. En fait, je me demande si je ne suis pas toujours inscrite avec le mot de passe admin que tu avais donne au moment de la mise en place du serveur. Que j ai bi en sur oublie. Je fais quoi alors ??? anthere

Hmm, as-tu essay? la function 'envoyez-moi un nouveau mot de passe'? --Brion VIBBER 20:46 Nov 7, 2002 (UTC)

bien sur! Quelle andouille ! (ah food!) Je pensais n'avoir jamais remis correctement mes prefs puisqu'? l'origine je croyais que ce compte ne serait qu'un compte de test. Mais, j ai du rentrer mon adresse mail qlq part ? moment donn?. J ai vraiment des probl?mes de m?moire. Bon, pb resolu. Je vais me faire un ca fe au lait, sans sel. Car, quand on verse par erreur du sel dans son caf?, on ne peut pas l' faut jeter le caf?.

il y a une histoire en france ? propos du sucre et du lait. It says Dieu, c'est comme le sucre dans le lait chaud. Il est pa rtout et on ne le voit pas. Et plus on le cherche et moins on le trouve.Coluche -- God is as sugar in warm milk. He is everywhere and noone can see him. And the more He is sought, the less He is found.

Une belle histoire. :) Yes, when I set up the adminis trator accounts I put in the e-mail addresses where I knew them so you could use the e-mail password if necessary. I probably forgot to mention that, sorry! --Brion VIBBER 01:03 Nov 8, 2002 (UTC)

Brion, is it possible to know what the ip adresse was behind user Qwerty, who roamed on the yesterday? User:anthere The address belongs to the isp US West, and a traceroute indicates it may come from a school in Wyoming ( The guy was using a French-localized build of Mozilla (version 0.9.8 for Linux) as browser. --Brion VIBBER 12:13 Nov 19, 2002 (UTC)

Brian, when can the be up and running? What do we need to do? We are tra nslating the language.php to swedish and will hopefully be ready during the day. /Max Walter

If you can send me a more or less ready language file, I can set up the conversion the following morning if that's convenient for you. --B rion VIBBER 09:21 Nov 22, 2002 (UTC)

Reg the Swedish wikipedia: after the new script, is it a must that the site is transfered to at a new server? (it seems there is some problem with speed at those servers, why the speed at sv.wikipedi is pres ently OK.//Dan Koehl

Yes, everything goes on the new server; we have to take our stuff off the old server so Jimbo can reuse it for his business. :) The performance problems with the database are being worked on; for the meantime the sl owest function s have been disabled during busy times on the English wikipedia, which has helped considerably. --Brion VIBBER 02:32 Dec 1, 2002 (UTC)

Message: I think the Swedish langauagefile LanguageSv.Php,is translate d, but unfortunately there might be some $1, $2, $3 deleted, and we are not really sure where to put them. What is the next step? user:Dan Koehl

Great! I'll clean it up and set up a test server, hopefully tomorrow if I have time. If it seems to ru n smoothly, we'll do a final convert. --Brion VIBBER 22:53 Nov 30, 2002 (UTC)

Was not sure about the "special-question". There might be a difference in singularis and pluralis, one special-page and many speciella-pages, but if y ou need only ON E WORD, the special covers them all, since its a loan word, it can also be used in both tempus. Thanks for your help so far, this is exciting. With the new version, well increase the number of pages very fast. Where can I obtain substancia l important info, or could you supply me with thing we need to know, which are now different? Will we be able to bring with us statistics about what files we created and such, since we now have to change into a user:name system? user:Dan Koehl

Som e description of changed from the old to new software are at en:Wikipedia:PHP script new features; there are probably some gotchas not mentioned there, so beware. :) User accounts are not transferred to the new system, but the names are kept in the d atabase; once th e accounts are re-setup (as people log in on the new server) I can run a script which will re-attach the names to the accounts, so long as people use the same names. User pages can be moved/renamed to their new place in the user namespace. (Gotcha: you ha ve to move the user talk page separately, if any.) --Brion VIBBER 02:32 Dec 1, 2002 (UTC)

OK, if possible, please do that script.Will we ba able to see our contributions before the upgrading to III version, like our contributions throughout October and november? Ill go to sleep now. Hopefully everything will work. Good luck, and one again, thanks, user:Dan Koehl

Back and presently active at the Sv.Wikipedia now, has made comments on the Diskussion page some translations need to corrected. Also asked the others help me check the site. user:Dan Koehl

When I'm logged in to my account I get database errors as soon as I go back to the main page. It seems to me tha t when I have logged in to the account I get database errors on all pages, but it works fine when I have logged out. What can be wrong? Max Walter

Fixed; a table was added since the conversion code was updated, and it didn't get put in automatically. --Brion VIBBER 19:50 Dec 1, 2002 (UTC)

Question: There is a common misunderstanding on the enlish wikipedia (all data concearning timetable, dates and such) that Swedes write November 2 like in english, which is wrong, we write in the old style 2 december 2002 (and officiallly on documents and such, sometimes with the new system 2002-12-02.

Presently we have to rewrite dates manually on the swedish server.

Does this has be take n into account when upgrading the programme now?

Well, as you gave the file to me it puts out dates like "1. dec 2002". Is that not right? --Brion VIBBER 22:09 Dec 1, 2002 (UTC)

No, sorry, thats German date format, (a point like . after the date) we somply just write 2 december or 2 dec without dots. Would be great if we could use this system, although we today should follow the standrad in the EC, which says 2002-12-02, we normally follow 2 december 2002 or 2 dec 2002 in articles, especially when citing older things like historic things and such, but also in normal daily life today. Was it OK that we edited the language file again? From my point of view it lokks allright. (also removed my earlier WIKIng things) Dan

Okay, how is it now? (I've updated the file running on the test site.) --Brion VIBBER 22:43 Dec 1, 2002 (UTC)
It seems to be running smoothly, thank You, Mr VIBBER. When is it ok to start add articles? (wrote 3 as test) I also made (hopefully the last one?) spell correction on the language file... Dan

Great -- I can do the final conversion tonight around 2-3 am California time (10-11 am European time) when the nightly backup on the old server runs; then the new can be considered the real Swedish Wikipedia. Then we can point the to the new server so either URL will work (that might take a day or so to go through). --Brion VIB BER 00:42 Dec 2, 2002 (UTC)

Sounds good, not sure if I can assist you, cause my girlfriend seems to have delivery pain, and we are leaving to the hospital within an hour. But there will surely be people there, willing to help, just shout for WIK Ings, good luck, Dan

Yowzers! Good luck to the three of you, hopefully I'll have the new wiki up and running when you get back. :) --Brion VIBBER 07:25 Dec 2, 2002 (UTC)

Great! A nice memory in some way, that this new swedish wikipedia, and my newborn daughter share birthdays. Everything you did looks great, not everything I and Max did is so good. I think youve got alot of things to do, so until the times comes, well really try to complete the list of translations, or if we could have the possibilty to correct the text ourselves, somehow.(Is suppose we did a wrong thing, translating the danish one instead of the English. The two langauges has so many similarities, that one sometimes overlook danish words. Anyhow, it works well, so thanks again.

Brion, I also saw what happened on the danish site today, and saw the messages here. I surely dont want to sit apathic when someone would like to ripe the Swedish site after all work. Asking for sysop lev el. How many do you normally grant for every country? I think actually we should need at least 2-3. (Mirrored the message on your englishpage) Dan Koehl

Pretty much anyone who wants to be sysop need just ask for it. Gimme some names, and I'll stick th em in the database. --Brion VIBBER

I don't think people express their extreme gratitude for what you

have been doing with the software (esp. the language-related fixes

and ports). This is just a rem inder that we really

do thank you for all your hard work. Thank you Brion! :-) --Maveric149 22:13 Dec 6, 2002 (UTC)

Thanks! Errr, or should I be saying 'you're welcome'? :) --Brion VIBBER

Brion the two gu ys on the swedish site is now a plague since some hours. Apart from their war, the articles are also written about living persons, and I m sceptic thats it legual to acuse living people on the Internet.

US slander/libel law is pretty lax, so Wikipedia as a project would likely not be liable, but if they're posting from Sweden they're probably personally subject to the local laws for anything they post. --BV

Id actually like to remove some files. Still I feel reluctant to stop their IPs. is there any general guidel ines? What shall I do? Its no fun, and its difficult to write articles...Dan Koehl 12:15 Dec 12, 2002 (UTC)

  1. Stay calm! Set a positive example.
  1. You may consider locking out certain pages from editing (Skydda denna sida) in an a ttempt to enforce a cooling-off period. (With rabid weasels though, this may not help. :)
  1. Always remember -- you and sane people like you can fix every page once the troublemakers get fed up and leave.

Managad to negotiate with the guys and I delited some 15 files, all of them about extreme politicals and/or neonazism material. Hopefully both of them are staying and contributing serious material. All is well, Dan Koehl 17:26 Dec 12, 2002 (UTC)

I would hav e prefered to settle o n a strictly neutral text and then lock it since now it's nothing stopping someone from writing again. It's also regretable to delete good articles just over some minor points, but I guess it was the only thing to do. // Liftarn 10:14 Dec 13, 2002 (UTC)

And now the articles are back again and it's an obvious risk it will all start over again... // Liftarn 09:12 Jan 8, 2003 (UTC)

And its on... This time we got sabotage from could you perhaps block this IP so we can get some peace and quiet at the Swedish Wikipedia? This IP have also made some accusations that I "and associates" have made threats against another user (utterly false). // Liftarn

The same user is now back from IP with no change in behavious. I think this IP should be blocked too. // Liftarn

The same user seems to change IP as other people change underwear. Now he's back from IP and with the same behaviour. should be blocked too. // Liftarn

Ok, now the same user is using so please block that one too. // Liftarn

Hi Brion, Sorry to harrass you here as well...

I added the hebrew translations to Historical_wikipedia_pages_-_Non-English_Wikipedias/Old_Text_To_Translate - I know it's not the right place, but I didn't know where else to put it. Also - I'm not sure the heb formatting is the one you need. I have a copy of the text itself - and can put it somewhere else if required, in another format as well (I tried to paste from a UTF-8 text but I don't know if that works).

Hope this helps at all.

Also point me to someone else to trouble and I'll leave you alone :).

Thanks! --aarrrggghhh

Could you upgrade the Romanian, Moldavaian Wikipedia, as i know someone who may want to start it up.

I'll add it to my list; sorry, I'm still catching up on things after the holidays! --Brion VIBBER 10:19 Jan 8, 2003 (UTC)


Souci. For so me reason I can't explai n, the mailing list is refusing me to connect (admin connection). I get a failure of authentification. Unlike the wiki password, there is no system set up to send again a password to the admin. It is possible I am victim of an ear ly alzeimher and I change d it once I was very drunk, but I don't think so. I checked with Aoineko (he knows the password also), but he didnot change it. I don't remember exactly when I last had to clean up the spam, but I think it was in 2002. I mean here before the 01 of janua ry...when my anthere identity was usurpated on the french wiki. The mailing list password was not the same that my wiki one of course. ...well, the admin cannot be accessed any more. What do we do ????

Hmm, I really don't know too well how the maili ng list system works. Try asking Jason (jasonr chez, I think he set it up. --Brion VIBBER

Brion, may I spoil your page ? :-)
I don't know where is the page to indicate browser compatibility. So, I just tell you. On t he bright side, Opera 6 is handling the special caracters well. On the dark side, it add some lines in the file (I think in place where people edited outside of the edit window); besides, it crashed a total of seven times for the few save I just did. Cons equently, you may consider Opera 6 on Mac 9 is not a compatible plateforme/browser for Wikipedia. So, I'll go on messing with accents and breaking long pages on Opera 5. At least it doesnot crash.

Brion, bonsoir
As tu eu le temps de regarder les pages que j'avais creees dans le sandbox avec Opera 6 ? Si non, quelqu'un vient d'utiliser la page Sandbox/free texte ou j'avais teste le mot elephant et de multiples sauts de ligne :-(

LanguageSv.php spellchecked a nd some corrections made. All languagelinks are in Swedish, noone in native language... Back in creative mood! :) Dan Koehl 13:24 Jan 27, 2003 (UTC)

Great, thanks! Will update when I'm back at my desk. --Brion VIBB ER 19:15 Jan 27, 2003 (UTC)

Brion - could you ban from meta? This is the IP which Axel is certain is 24 and is also the IP which just said that I should be murdered in a genocide. --Maveric149

Well, that certainly doesn't sound like the spirit of amicable discourse we like to engender here. Do you have a cite for this? --Brion VIBBER 19:54 Jan 27, 2003 (UTC)
See my talk page. --Maveric149 20:06 Jan 27, 2003 (UTC)
So what ??? *Why* would that IP be banned *for* ? For which vandalism ? What are your *real* arguments ? ~ ~ ~ ~Ã
Can't you read? It was a death threat. --Maveric149

Thanks Brion. --mav

Hi Brion, could you update the version of Language.php in the meta? --User:AstroNOmer (yes, probably I should just got to sourceforge, but i'm lazy)

As for the remarks from Liftarn regarding IP adresses and such, it has to be remembered: The texts were initially written by Liftarn, they are rather subjective and shows if you look through theirs history a provocative tone, and will forever atract people with oposite thoughts to edit them, rsulting in editing war. My removal of those files (when I was still a sysop) ended the war perfectly for a while, because as a matter of fact even if theres is living persons like Robert_Vesterlund, Robert_Wennerstedt, Christopher_Rangne, Jean-Marie_Le_Pen, Anders_Carlqvist, we can survive without articles about them. As well as a bunch of articles of various neonazi caracter. Its a shame that those articles in sow dominating the sweish wikipedia.

Liftarn were having his edit war with this other guy on since september, where the combination of them both has their own page were people cry or argue about their boring war at

The decission to bann me and my IP and remove my sysop rights has left the swedish wikipedia in the hand of them both, and naturally it affects other contributors. But just to remind you, The both of them are apples with different colors from the same basket. And as long as noone is taking responsibilty about their behaviour and show very clear signals about what an wikipedia is, and what its goal is, they will just make the sw. wiki to a kindergarten and a plague for other persons, which I clearly stated in the Intl-maillist in january, when the decision was made to punish me insted of putting and end to the war going on.

The articles were in my view written in order to provoke, and the result, the edit war is natural. The ambition behind the writing of the articles can then not be anything else than using a wikipedia to provoke. When Liftarn is weeping about what those guys are doing with his files, ist exactly as when he managed to convince you that I was a bad an inresonsible sysop. You made him very happy when you banned me, since he knew I would take it very personally after what I had done, while he just created some new usernames.

Users who build up the swedish wikipedia left during january. Now theres a new "generation" there, confused by whats going on. This time, please consider what you do, act "adult", thats my advice. Dont´t let Trolls rule the show! Dan Koehl 22:51 Feb 19, 2003 (UTC)

They are about a somewhat controversial subject, bit I (an obviously several others) feel that they are NPOV. The suer with the many IPs on the other hand never even attempts to write in a neutral way and attampts to ask what he/she/it wants changed has been fruitless. That he also makes claims that I have committed crimes against him doesn't add to his credibility. Btw, I have never used any other username than Liftarn. // Liftarn

What the Swedish Wikipedia needs is at least one active sysop. I checked the sysops and when their latest activity was and it's didn't look good. With an active sysop (preferably more than one) to quickly deal with abuse we wouldn't have this situation. // Liftarn

Another, possible solution for someone who wants to solve problems, and have peace from the Sweish Wikipeda for some time, regardless if theres 23.657 489 sysops there, is to remove Liftarns totally unnecesary highly provocative articles about living sweidsh persons, as well as his articles about political parties. Because the list of IP-numbers in Sweden and elsewhere is very long. I belive theres a total of 12 articles or something, written by Liftarn for whatever reason while he had edit wars about the identical articles on, and still has. Unfortunately this is not a situation of "Saint Liftarn and the bad guys whos IP should be stopped" its a situation about questionable provocative articles Liftarn wrote, which naturally attracts people who wants to correct them to give their view. Theres no end in this. I deleted the articles in december and there was peace for some time until Liftarn started with his war with me, and I got pissed off, and almost left the wikipedia after being banned and loosing my sysop rights. Just before I was banned, nad my sence of democracy was questioned by Liftarn, I undeleted the articles. 2 days after that I was banned and lost my sysoprights.

Either you have to babysit at the Swedish wikipedia and try to to tell whos good and whos bad (which the history may show is not so easy??????) or delete the files, get rid of Liftarna war for ever, cause we will all happily survive without that kind of litterture and personal acusations of murder and other crap.

Stopping IP adresses of people having different political opinion than Liftarn is higly unethical and undemocratic. Protecting the pages in versions of Liftarns taste would be very unethical and likewise undemocratic. The truth is they were written to provoke. Get rid of them and theres no war anymore! Dan Koehl 22:15 Feb 20, 2003 (UTC)

It's not just an issue of a "different political opinion". Actually, politics have very little at all to do about it. As you can tell I have tried to write NPOV and also include LATMH's views, but that haven't satisfied him, he wants to have his POV article instead, even including the broken language links et.c. // Liftarn

Hello, mates. I have just started to contribute to the Swedish language Wikipedia. The only negative part of that Wikipedia is without doubt the childish "editing war" that is going on in the name of different political ideologies, which Mr. Koehl is referring to above.



Could someone please install a sysop at the Swedish Wikipedia. There is an eternal "editing war" going on in there that spoils all the fun for us who try to contibute to the encyclopedia in an intellectual and proper manner. The editing war is waged around political ideas and I guess I can understand why the feelings run ro hot. The matters concerned are contemporary right-wing political articles and the people involved in the discussions all have different versions of the articles.

We need some peacekeeping forces right now :)

Cheers. Adlercreutz

We now have a couple of more sysops, but one of them decided it is better to delete articles than to enforce NPOV... // Liftarn
You guys need to police yourselves (or better yet, act such that you don't need policing at all). If removing some flamebait material keeps the project moving forward until you can handle the subjects maturely, I'm strangely content with that. --Brion VIBBER 20:07 Feb 27, 2003 (UTC)
No problem. Another sysop decided to undelete the files and enforce NPOV instead. The files are now locked instead. I think we may see the end of this problem now. We still have the old issue about using old public domain articles to resolve. As usual feeling run hot over this issue. At least it´s never boring at the Swedish Wikipedia... // Liftarn
"One of them" was me, Dan Koehl who deleted the files. This was done after voting, which is to be seen at Thing about editwar 23-24 february. A majority voted for deletion of Liftarna 12 neonazi articles, (a story going on since 12 of december) which was done 24.00 the 24th. (delete in swedish translates radera, and votes transalates rösta; the full sentence is: radera alla de kontroversiella filerna (4 röster: Dan Koehl, Roger Wernersson, Max Walter, Jörgen Nixdorf), which Liftarn knows perfectly well. After this cooling period "den tjattrande ankan asked me if he could rewrite the files in a better way and I agreed, although it was actually against the voting. The four most extreme acusations of living persons in Sweden is still deleted, so Liftarns information is also regarding this part, not correct.

The issue about using old public domain is specific: Liftarn wants to copy 100 year old material in an older swedish and paste this into the wikipedia, and a majority only wants to use this material as source, but write new articles. Obviously Liftarn is not telling the truth here, and doesnt respect the wish of the majority at the swe wiki. And this is very boring. Dan Koehl 04:49 Mar 1, 2003 (UTC)

It should be noted that the articles are aupdated and wikified before saving them just as we agreed on the last time we discussed the issue. // Liftarn