Official Labour Market Statistics (nomis)

Nomis offers free access to detailed and up-to-date UK Labour Market statistics from official sources. It allows you to:

  • design and define your own analysis for a wide range of statistical geographies
  • build your own geographic areas and compare with others areas
  • produce summary reports for individual areas
  • produce detailed analysis for multiple geographic areas

Customise my data (beta)

Try the new way to get data. Our beta currently enables you to filter datasets for ASHE to get only what you need.

More datasets will be added to this in the near future. For more information see our blog.

Data Explorer (beta) and Neighbourhood Statistics (NeSS)

The Data Explorer (beta) and Neighbourhood Statistics (NeSS) platforms closed on 12 May 2017.

The data that had been provided by these services is available via other channels:

  • 2011 Census data can be accessed from NOMIS
  • ONS data can be accessed from the ONS website
  • Data on NeSS published on behalf of other government departments can be found on GOV.UK