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Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EU social indicators dataset

Indicator name Definition SPC ID SPC portfolio Key dimension Context of use LastUpdate
Share of population living in (quasi-)jobless households indicator - Revised version In 2021, EU Member States and the European Commission decided to slightly revise the definition of the... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Prevalence of (quasi-)joblessness within the population (at the household level). AROPE Component -(Quasi-)jobless households. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2021-12-16
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion (AROPE) rate - Revised definition The revised definition of this indicator is: Percentage, in total population, of the persons who are... ;1; Overarching - indicators The at-risk-of-poverty-or-social-exclusion (AROPE) rate is a multidimensional indicator which reflects the importance of looking at different aspects of poverty and social exclusion. It combines three major dimensions: relative income poverty (using the EU at-risk-of-poverty indicator), enforced lack of socially perceived necessities (severe material and social deprivation) and weak labour market attachment (people living in (quasi-)jobless households). Europe 2030 headline indicator (Risk of poverty or social exclusion). Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework,SPPM dashboard,JAF. 2021-12-17
Depth of material and social deprivation The indicator is defined as the average number of deprivation items lacked, because of an enforced lacked,... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary JAF dimension PA11 (as context indicator) The principle of having a new indicator specifically targeting the depth of material and social deprivation is similar to what had already been done with the introduction of the ‘Depth of material deprivation’ indicator in addition to the Material Deprivation indicator. The new ‘Depth of material and social deprivation’ and ‘Severe Material and Social deprivation’ indicators are both relevant to provide complementary information on the severity of material and social deprivation. The latter reflects the percentage in population of persons materially and socially deprived beyond a certain severe deprivation threshold (lacking at least 7 items), while the former informs on the degree of the severity (on average) of the material and social deprivation faced by the materially and socially deprived persons (i.e. faced by people lacking at least 5 items, so taking into consideration both those who are non-severely and severely deprived). JAF dimension PA11 (as context indicator) 2021-12-16
Severe Material and Social Deprivation (severe MSD) The Severe MSD rate in a given population is the percentage of persons in this population who are severely... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary The Severe MSD rate in a given population is the percentage of persons in this population who are severely materially and socially deprived. A person is considered as severely materially and socially deprived when he/she experiences an enforced lack of 7 or more of the 13 deprivation items in the list. AROPE Component -(Quasi-)jobless households. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2021-12-16
Inequality of opportunity - income dimension The indicator measures the gap in at-risk-of-poverty rates between the children (for the age cohort:... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources Inequality of opportunity based on the income dimension. JAF dimension PA11a (as sub-indicator) 2021-12-16
Inequality of opportunity – education dimension The indicator measures the gap (in pps) in the percentage of PISA low achievers for 15-year-olds by socio-economic... ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services Inequality of opportunity for the education dimension JAF dimension PA11a (as sub-indicator) 2021-12-16
Depth of child deprivation The average number of deprivation items among deprived children (i.e. the mean number of deprivation... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Depth/intensity of child deprivation To complement analysis of the child deprivation rate indicator, as it allows to show progress even in Member States with a high average number of deprivation items among the deprived. It shows the depth/intensity of child deprivation. 2021-04-14
Child Deprivation The child deprivation rate is the percentage of children aged between 1 and 15 years who suffer from... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Child wellbeing - child deprivation Monitoring progress in the implementation of the EU Recommendation on “Investing in Children: breaking the cycle of disadvantage” endorsed by all EU countries in 2013 2021-04-14
Share of people whose total disposable household income received from benefits is more than 90% Share of people whose total disposable household income received from benefits is more than 90% (among... ;5; Social inclusion – context Benefits coverage/effectiveness 2019-04-23
Share of people whose total disposable household income received from benefits is more than 50% Share of people whose total disposable household income received from benefits is more than 50% (among... ;5; Social inclusion – context Benefits coverage/effectiveness 2019-04-23
Relative poverty risk gap of total disposable household income Difference between the median equivalised total disposable income and the at-risk-of poverty threshold,... ;5; Social inclusion – context Benefits coverage/effectiveness 2019-04-23
Relative poverty risk gap of income from benefits Difference between the median equivalised income from benefits and the at-risk-of poverty threshold,... ;5; Social inclusion – context Poverty risk gap of income from benefits Benefits coverage/effectiveness 2019-04-23
Benefit Recipient rate Share of working age individuals (aged 18-59) receiving any benefits (other than old age benefits) among... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary The indicator is an important element of the effectiveness of social protection systems as it captures the capacity of the system to reach individuals in need of support. Receipt of social benefits 2019-04-23
Income inequality reducing effect of taxes and transfers This measures the extent to which social transfers and personal income taxes reduce market income inequality... ;5; Social inclusion – context Inequality Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion. This indicator measures the extent to which social transfers and personal income taxes reduce market income inequality in the distribution of income in the EU Member States. 2021-12-23
Income inequality reducing effect of taxes This measures the extent to which personal income taxes on their own contribute to reducing market income... ;5; Social inclusion – context Inequality Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion This indicator measures the extent to which personal income taxes on their own contribute to reducing market income inequality in the distribution of income in the EU Member States. 2021-12-23
Income inequality reducing effect of transfers This measures the extent to which social transfers on their own contribute to reducing market income... ;5; Social inclusion – context Inequality Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion. This measures the extent to which social transfers on their own contribute to reducing market income inequality in the distribution of income in the EU Member States. 2021-12-23
S40 income share This measures the (total share of income of the bottom 40% in the income distribution of a Member State,... ;5; Social inclusion – context Inequality Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion 2021-12-23
S80/S20 income quintile share ratio This measures the ratio of (total share of income of the 20% richest in the income distribution of a... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Inequality Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion. 2021-02-23
S50/S20 income quintile share ratio This measures the ratio of (total share of income of the middle 20% in the income distribution of a Member... ;5; Social inclusion – context Inequality Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion 2021-12-23
S80/S50 income quintile share ratio This measures the ratio of (total share of income of the 20% richest in the income distribution of a... ;5; Social inclusion – context Inequality Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion 2021-12-23
Causes of death of young people-suicide Deaths caused by suicide per 100 000 inhabitants aged 15-24 ;17; Investing in Children - context 2018-05-03
Regular smokers (youth) Share of daily cigarette smokers in the population aged 15-24 ;17; Investing in Children - context 2018-05-03
Obesity (youth) Young people aged 15-24 with a body mass index of 30 or above ;17; Investing in Children - context 2018-05-03
Vaccination coverage The percentage of infants who, on reaching their 1st birthday in the given calendar year, have been fully... ;17; Investing in Children - context 2018-05-03
Part time employment due to care responsibilities Persons employed part-time because of looking after children or incapacitated adults, as a percentage... ;17; Investing in Children - context 2018-05-03
Employment impact of parenthood Difference in percentage points (pp) between – employment rate of people aged 20-49 living in households... ;17; Investing in Children - context 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time for children Share of children (0-17) living in households with an equivalised disposable income below 60% of the... ;17; Investing in Children - context 2018-05-03
Total expenditure on main types of activities or functions of care This means analysing the proportion of total current health care expenditure that is allocated to the... ;13; Health and LTC - context 2018-05-03
Public and private expenditure as % of total health expenditure a) Total public expenditure which includes government spending HF.1.1 (central government HF.1.1.1, state/provincial... ;13; Health and LTC - context 2018-05-03
Nurses and midwives Total number of practising nurses and midwives per 100 000 inhabitants. ;13; Health and LTC - context 2018-05-03
Physicians Total number of practising physicians per 100 000 inhabitants ;13; Health and LTC - context 2018-05-03
Contribution to public and private pension schemes Pension contributions to public pension schemes as a share of GDP, current and projected to 2050. ;9; Pensions - context 2018-05-03
Pension system dependency ratio Number of pensioners relative to contributors, current and projected up to 2050. ;9; Pensions - context 2018-05-03
Evolution of life expectancy at birth and at ages 60 and 65, by gender (current and projected) Evolution of life expectancy at birth and at ages 60 and 65, by gender (current and projected) ;9; Pensions - context 2018-05-03
Old-age dependency ratio (Current and projected for 2010, 2030, 2050) Old-age dependency ratio (Current and projected for 2010, 2030, 2050) ;9; Pensions - context 2018-05-03
Composition of income by source Composition of income by source (pensions; other social benefits; earnings from work; other sources)... ;9; Pensions - context 2018-05-03
Early leavers from education and training (18-24) Population aged 18-24 years with lower secondary education at most and not in further education or training ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Overcrowding rate (0-17) Percentage of the population living in an overcrowded household. A person is considered to be living... ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Housing deprivation (0- 17) Percentage of the population deprived of each housing deprivation item. The items considered are: (1)... ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Low birth weight Weight at birth of less than 2 500 grams (5.5 pounds) ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Child mortality 1-14 years Death rate per 100 000 population ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Infant mortality Ratio of the number of deaths of children under one year of age during the year to the number of live... ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Self-reported unmet need for medical care (16-24) Proportion of people aged 16-24 reporting not having accessed medical services due to cost, distance... ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) rate (15-19) Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) rate ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Proficiency in reading, maths and science Share of 15-year olds who score 1 or below (on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)) in PISA tests ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Early school education Share of children between age 4 and the start of compulsory education who participate in early childhood... ;16; Investing in Children - access to quality services 2018-05-03
Housing cost overburden rate (0-17) Percentage of the population living in a household where total housing costs (net of housing allowances)... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources 2018-05-03
Impact of social transfers (other than pensions) in reducing child poverty Difference between the children at-risk-of poverty rate before and after social transfers (excluding... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources 2018-05-03
Childcare Children cared for (by formal arrangements other than the family) as a proportion of all children in... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources 2018-05-03
Relative median poverty gap for children (0-17) Difference between the median equivalised income of persons below the at-risk-of poverty threshold and... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty rate for children (0-17) living in households at work Share of children (0-17) living in households with an income below the poverty threshold (60% of the... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty rate for children (0-17) by work intensity of the household Share of children (0-17) living in households with an equivalised disposable income below 60% of the... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources 2018-05-03
In-work poverty rate of people living in households with dependent children Share of individuals (with dependent children) who are defined as in work and have an income below the... ;15; Investing in Children - access to resources 2018-05-03
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate for children (0-17) Share of children (0-17) living in a household with an equivalised disposable income below the poverty... ;14; Investing in Children - combating child poverty 2018-05-03
Dispersion of child poverty around the poverty risk threshold: at-risk-of poverty rate calculated with 50% and 70% thresholds Share of children (aged 0-17) living in a household with an equivalised disposable income below 50% and... ;14; Investing in Children - combating child poverty 2018-05-03
Share of children (0-17) living in (quasi-)jobless households (i.e. very low work intensity households) Share of children (aged 0-17) living in a household where working-age adults (aged 18-59) have worked... ;14; Investing in Children - combating child poverty 2018-05-03
Severe material deprivation rate for children (0-17) Proportion of children (aged 0-17) who live in a household whose living conditions are severely constrained... ;14; Investing in Children - combating child poverty 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty rate for children (0-17) Share of children (aged 0-17) living in a household with an equivalised disposable income below 60% of... ;14; Investing in Children - combating child poverty 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion for children (0-17) The share of children (aged 0-17) who live in a household which is at risk of poverty and/or severely... ;14; Investing in Children - combating child poverty 2018-05-03
Alcohol consumption The number of litres of pure alcohol per person per year ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Regular smokers The percentage of daily cigarette smokers in the population aged 15+ ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Hospital average length of stay Computed by dividing the number of days stayed in the hospital by the number of hospital discharges or... ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Acute care bed occupancy rate The number of acute care beds effectively occupied in inpatient institutions divided by the number of... ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Sales of generics The percentage of generics sales in all prescribed medicine sales ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Obesity The percentage of obese persons in the population i.e. the % of the population with BMI >= 30 kg/m2 ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Hospital day-cases Hospital day-cases per 100 000 inhabitants ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Hospital inpatient discharges Hospital inpatient discharges per 100 000 inhabitants ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Projections of public expenditure on long-term care as % of GDP Age-related projections of long-term care, current level (as % of GDP) and projected change in share... ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Projections of public expenditure on health care as % of GDP Age-related projections of health care, current level (as % of GDP) and projected change in share of... ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Total long-term care expenditure as % of GDP Expenditure (as % of GDP) on long-term nursing care (category HC.3 in the SHA), plus expenditure with... ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Total health care expenditure as % of GDP Total, public and private expenditure on health as % of GDP (see definition of public and private expenditure... ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Total health expenditure per capita Total health expenditure per capita in PPP ;12; Health and LTC - sustainability 2018-05-03
Perinatal mortality The number of foetal deaths (over 1 000 g) plus neonatal deaths (0-6 days) per 1 000 live births ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Breast cancer survival rate The percentage of those still alive 5 years after the disease has been diagnosed compared to a non-diseased... ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Breast cancer screening The percentage of women aged 50-69 that were screened for breast cancer using a mammography over the... ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Influenza vaccination for adults over 65 The percentage of those aged 65+ that have been vaccinated against influenza in the last year ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Colorectal cancer survival rate The percentage of those still alive 5 years after the disease has been diagnosed compared to a non-diseased... ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Cervical cancer survival rates The percentage of those still alive 5 years after the disease has been diagnosed compared to a non-diseased... ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Cervical cancer screening The percentage of women aged 20-69 that were screened for cervical cancer using a cervical smear test... ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Vaccination coverage in children The percentage of infants reaching their 1st birthday in the given calendar year who have been fully... ;11; Health and LTC - quality of care 2018-05-03
Infant mortality by socio-economic status Infant mortality as defined above but presented by socio-economic status of parents (such as level of... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Infant mortality The ratio of the number of deaths of children under one year of age during the year to the number of... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Self-perceived general health Self-perceived general health defined as the percentage sum of people reporting bad or very bad health. ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Self-perceived limitations in daily activity Self-perceived limitations in daily activities defined as the percentage sum of people reporting to be... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Healthy life years by socio-economic status Healthy life years defined as above but presented by socio-economic status (such as level of education,... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Healthy life years Number of years that a person is expected to live in a healthy condition, i.e. the number of years of... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Life expectancy by socio economic status Life expectancy defined as above but presented by socioeconomic status (such as level of education or... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Life expectancy The mean number of years that a new born child (or that of a specific age) can expect to live if subjected... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
The proportion of the population covered by health insurance The percentage of the population covered by public health insurance (which is defined as tax-based public... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Self-reported unmet need for dental care (examination) Total self-reported unmet need for dental care for the following three reasons: financial barriers +... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Self-reported unmet need for medical care (examination) Total self-reported unmet need for medical examination for the following three reasons: financial barriers... ;10; Health and LTC - access and inequalities 2018-05-03
Gender differences in the relative income of older people The absolute difference between males and females in the relative median income ratio, which is the ratio... ;8; Pensions - modernised pensions 2018-05-03
Gender differences in aggregate replacement ratio The absolute difference between males and females in the aggregate replacement ratio. The aggregate replacement... ;8; Pensions - modernised pensions 2018-05-03
Gender differences in the relative income of older people The absolute difference between males and females in the relative income of elderly people (65 and more)... ;8; Pensions - modernised pensions 2018-05-03
Gender differences in the risk of poverty The absolute difference between males and females in the at-risk-of-poverty rate for single-person households... ;8; Pensions - modernised pensions 2018-05-03
Decomposition of the projected increase in public pension expenditure Decomposition with the old age dependency ratio, the employment effect, the take-up ratio and the benefit... ;7; Pensions - sustainable pensions 2018-05-03
Total social protection expenditures (% of GDP) Total expenditure on social protection (as % of GDP) ;7; Pensions - sustainable pensions 2018-05-03
Projections of pension expenditure, public and total, 2004-2050 (% of GDP) Specific assumptions agreed in the AWG. For further details, see the 2009 Ageing Report: Underlying Assumptions... ;7; Pensions - sustainable pensions 2018-05-03
Duration of working life (replaces "Effective labour market exit age") The duration of working life indicator measures the number of years a person at a given age is expected... ;7; Pensions - sustainable pensions 2018-05-03
Employment rate % of persons employed in relation to the total number of people in a given age group. ;7; Pensions - sustainable pensions 2018-05-03
Total current pension expenditure (% of GDP) “Pension expenditure” is the sum of seven different categories of benefits, as defined in the ESSPROS... ;7; Pensions - sustainable pensions 2018-05-03
Risk of poverty calculated at 50% and 70% of median national equivalised income for the elderly Risk of poverty calculated at 50% and 70% of median national equivalised income for people aged 60+,... ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Incidence of risk of elderly poverty by housing tenure status Incidence of risk of poverty for people belonging to the 60+, 65+ and 75+ age groups by the housing tenure... ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty rate of pensioners At-risk-of-poverty rate restricted to the field of people whose main activity status is 'retired' ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty gap of elderly people Poverty gap by age brackets (for 65+ and 75+) at the 60% threshold ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Income inequality among population aged 65+ Income quintile ratio (S80/S20) among population aged 65+ ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Aggregate replacement ratio (incl. other social benefits) Ratio of median individual pensions of the 65-74 age group relative to median individual earnings of... ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Median relative income of elderly people (60+) Median equivalised disposable income of people aged 60+ as a ratio of equivalised disposable income of... ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
At-risk-of poverty rate of older people Risk of poverty for people aged 0-59, 0-74, 60+, 75+ One should note that for the age breakdown of... ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Change in projected theoretical replacement ratio for base case 2006-2046 accompanied with information on type of pension scheme (DB, DC or NDC) and change in projected public pension expenditure 2006-2046 ) These results should systematically be presented collectively in one table. + assumptions and relevant background information on representativeness + present also calculations of changes in replacement rates for one or two other cases, if suitable (for instance OECD) Change in the theoretical level of income from pensions at the moment of take-up related to the income... ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Aggregate replacement ratio Ratio of the median individual pensions of the 65-74 age group relative to median individual earnings... ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Median relative income of elderly people Median equivalised disposable income of people aged 65+ as a ratio of income of people aged 0-64 ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
At-risk-of-poverty rate of older people Risk of poverty for people aged 65+ Complemented by composition of income ;6; Pensions - adequate pensions 2018-05-03
Impact of social transfers (excluding pensions) on poverty reduction for persons with disabilities (16+) Reduction in percentage of the risk of poverty rate, due to social transfers, for the population of persons... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Poverty reduction effect of social transfers for people with disabilities 2018-03-23
Material and social deprivation rate for persons with disabilities (16+) The share of persons with disabilities who experience an enforced lack of 5 or more of the 13 deprivation... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Material or social deprivation for persons with disabilities 2018-03-23
Share of persons with disabilities living in (quasi-)jobless households (aged 16-59) The share of persons with disabilities living in households with very low work intensity (aged 16-59). Here... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Persons with disabilities living in (quasi-)jobless households 2018-03-23
At-risk-of poverty (Monetary poverty) rate for persons with disabilities (16+) The percentage of persons with disabilities in the total population of persons with disabilities who... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Poverty risk of persons with disabilities 2018-03-23
Severe material deprivation rate for persons with disabilities (16+) Share of population with disabilities living in households lacking at least 4 items out of the following... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary Material deprivation of persons with disabilities 2018-03-23
At-risk of poverty or social exclusion rate for people with disabilities (16+) The sum of persons with disabilities who are: at-risk-of-poverty or severely materially deprived or living... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Poverty or social exclusion of the disabled Used in: SPPM dashboard 2018-03-23
Material and Social Deprivation (MSD) rate The share of people in the total population lacking at least five items out of the following 13 deprivation... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Material and social deprivation 2018-03-23
Share of housing costs in total disposable household income Median of the distribution among individuals of the share of housing costs (net of housing allowances)... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-03-06
Self-reported limitations in daily activities Self-reported limitations in daily activities defined as the percentage sum of people reporting to be... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
Net income of social assistance recipients as a % of the at-risk-of-poverty threshold Net income of social assistance recipients as % of the at-risk of poverty rate threshold ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
low-wage trap The percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through the combined effects of income taxes, social... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-03-06
inactivity trap Total increase in effective tax burden resulting from a transition from labour market inactivity to a... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
Unemployment trap The percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through higher tax and social security contributions... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate Individuals who are classified as employed and who are at risk of poverty. ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-03-02
Jobless households by main household type Proportion of people living in jobless households, expressed as a share of all people in the same age... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social cash transfers (other than pensions) The share of persons with an equivalised disposable income, before social transfers, below the risk-of-poverty... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2008) Share of persons aged 0+ with an equivalised disposable income below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
Life expectancy Life expectancy defined as the mean number of years that a new-born child (or a person of a specific... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
Healthy life expectancy (e.g. at birth) Number of years that a person (at birth and at 65) is still expected to live in a healthy condition.... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
Regional disparities – coefficient of variation of employment rates The dispersion of employment rates (measured using the coefficient of variation) across NUTS level 2. ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
Gini coefficient The Gini coefficient measures the extent to which the distribution of income deviates from a perfectly... ;5; Social inclusion – context 2018-02-11
Income quintile ratio (S80/S20) The ratio of total income received by the 20% of the country's population with the highest income (top... ;5; Social inclusion – context Income inequalities. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF Income inequalities. Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF 2021-02-23
Population living in jobless households Proportion of people living in jobless households, expressed as a share of all people in the same age... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-03-02
Impact of social transfers by age Reduction in the at-risk-of-poverty rate in % due to social transfers, calculated as the percentage difference... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
Housing deprivation by item Percentage of the population deprived of each housing deprivation item, and by number of items The following... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
Overcrowding rate Percentage of people living in an overcrowded household – all households – excluding single households. The... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
Housing cost overburden rate Percentage of the pop. living in a household where total housing costs (net of housing allowances) represent... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-03-06
Depth of material deprivation Un-weighted mean of the number of items lacked by the population concerned out of the nine items retained... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
Low reading literacy performance of pupils Share of 15 years old pupils who are at level 1 or below of the PISA combined reading literacy scale ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
Persons with low educational attainment Share of the adult population (aged 25 years and over) whose highest level of education or training is... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
At-risk-of-poverty rate of children living in households at work Poverty risk for the child population (0-17) living in households at work, defined as having work intensity... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-03-06
Dispersion around the at-risk-of-poverty threshold Share of persons aged 0+ with an equivalised disposable income below 40%, 50% and 70% of the national... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
At-risk-of-poverty rate by accommodation tenure status Poverty risk for the total population aged 0+ in the following accommodation tenure categories: –... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
At-risk-of-poverty rate by most frequent activity status Poverty risk for the adult population (aged 18 years and over) in the following most frequent activity... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
At-risk-of-poverty rate by the work intensity of households Poverty risk for the total population aged 0+ in different work intensity categories and broad household... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
At-risk-of-poverty rate by household type Poverty risk for the total population aged 0+ in the following household types: Households with no... ;4; Social inclusion – secondary 2018-02-11
In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate Individuals who are classified as employed according to their most frequent activity status and are at... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Poverty prevention through employment. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Poverty prevention through employment. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-06
Impact of social transfers Reduction in the at-risk-of-poverty rate in percentage (%) due to social transfers, calculated as the... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Impact/effectiveness of social transfers. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF Impact/effectiveness of social transfers. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Child well-being To be developed ;3; Social inclusion – primary 2018-03-06
Self-reported unmet need for medical care Total self-reported unmet need for medical examination for the following three reasons: financial barriers... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Care utilisation. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Care utilisation. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-06
Housing ;3; Social inclusion – primary 2018-02-11
Material deprivation rate Share of population living in households lacking at least 3 items out of the following 9 items: i) to... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Material deprivation. Material deprivation. 2018-03-02
Employment gap of immigrants Percentage point difference between the employment rate for non-immigrants and that for immigrants. Immigrants... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Labour market integration of immigrants. Used in: JAF Labour market integration of immigrants. Used in: JAF 2018-02-20
Early school leavers Share of persons aged 18 to 24 who have only lower secondary education (their highest level of education... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Eudcation, skills. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (primary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Eudcation, skills. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (primary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Population living in (quasi-)jobless households Share of people aged 0-59 living in (quasi-)jobless households (i.e. households with very low work intensity),... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Social exclusion due to limited, or no, work intensity. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Social exclusion due to limited, or no, work intensity. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Long term unemployment rate Total long-term unemployed population (≥12 months' unemployment; ILO definition) as a proportion of total... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Long term unemployment. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Long term unemployment. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Relative median poverty risk gap Difference between the median equivalised income of persons aged 0+ below the at-risk-of poverty threshold... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Depth of poverty Used in: SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Depth of poverty Used in: SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Persistent at-risk of poverty rate Share of persons aged 0+ with an equivalised disposable income below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Duration of poverty. Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF Duration of poverty. Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
At-risk-of poverty rate Share of persons aged 0+ with an equivalised disposable income below 60% of the national equivalised... ;3; Social inclusion – primary Poverty risk. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Poverty risk. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Total health expenditure per capita. Total health expenditure per capita in PPP ;0; 2018-02-11
Change in projected theoretical replacement ratio Change in the theoretical level of income from pensions at the moment of take-up related to the income... ;2; Overarching - context 2018-02-11
At-risk of poverty rate before social transfers (other than pensions), ;2; Overarching - context 2018-03-06
Net income of social assistance recipients as a % of the at-risk of poverty threshold for 3 jobless household types ;2; Overarching - context 2018-02-11
Low-wage trap The percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through the combined effects of income taxes, social... ;2; Overarching - context 2018-02-11
Inactivity trap (esp. second earner case) The total increase in effective tax burden resulting from a transition from labour market inactivity... ;2; Overarching - context 2018-02-11
Unemployment trap The percentage of gross earnings which is taxed away through higher tax and social security contributions... ;2; Overarching - context 2018-02-11
Jobless households by main household types ;2; Overarching - context 2018-02-11
Social protection expenditure Social protection expenditure, current, by function, gross and net ;0; 2018-02-11
Public debt, current and projected, % of GDP ;0; 2018-02-11
Distribution of population by household types ;0; 2018-02-11
Old age dependency ratio, current and projected The ratio between the number of persons aged 65 and over (age when they are generally economically inactive)... ;2; Overarching - context 2018-03-06
Life expectancy at birth and at 65 Life expectancy at birth: The mean number of years that a new born child can expect to live if subjected... ;2; Overarching - context Life expectancy Used in: JAF Life expectancy Used in: JAF 2018-03-06
Long term unemployment rate Total long-term unemployed population (≥12 months' unemployment; ILO definition) as a proportion of total... ;2; Overarching - context 2018-03-06
Unemployment rate Unemployed persons as a percentage of the labour force based on International Labour Office (ILO) definition.... ;2; Overarching - context 2018-03-06
Employment rate, by sex Persons in employment in age group 15-64 as a proportion of total population in the same age group, by... ;2; Overarching - context Employment Employment 2018-03-06
GDP growth Real GDP growth rate - volume - Percentage change on previous year ;2; Overarching - context 2018-02-20
Regional disparities – coefficient of variation of employment rates Standard deviation of regional employment rates divided by the weighted national average (age group 15-64... ;1; Overarching - indicators Regional cohesion. Used in: Regional cohesion. Used in: 2018-02-20
Activity rate Share of employed and unemployed people in the total population of working age 15-64 ;1; Overarching - indicators Participation in the labour market. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), JAF Participation in the labour market. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), JAF 2018-03-16
In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate Individuals who are classified as employed (12) (distinguishing between “wage and salary employment plus... ;1; Overarching - indicators In-work poverty. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF In-work poverty. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Employment rate of older workers Persons in employment in age groups 55-59 and 60-64 as a proportion of total population in the same age... ;1; Overarching - indicators Employment of older workers. Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF Employment of older workers. Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2008) Share of persons aged 0+ with an equivalised disposable income below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold... ;1; Overarching - indicators Improved standards of living resulting from economic growth. Used in: JAF Improved standards of living resulting from economic growth. Used in: JAF 2018-02-16
Growth rate in real gross household disposable income (GHDI (unadjusted)) GHDI = Compensation of employees (received) + Gross operating surplus and gross mixed income (received)... ;1; Overarching - indicators Household income (aggregate for the household sector, providing a link between macro-economic developments and household income developments). Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF Household income (aggregate for the household sector, providing a link between macro-economic developments and household income developments). Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-02-16
Self-reported unmet need for medical care Total self-reported unmet need for medical care for the following three reasons: financial barriers +... ;1; Overarching - indicators Inequalities in access to health care. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Inequalities in access to health care. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Aggregate replacement ratio Median individual gross pension income of the 65-74 age group relative to median individual gross earnings... ;1; Overarching - indicators Pension adequacy. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF Pension adequacy. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Median relative income ratio of elderly people Median equivalised income of people aged 65+ as a ratio of income of people aged 0-64 ;1; Overarching - indicators Pension adequacy. Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF Pension adequacy. Used in: SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Projected total public social expenditures Age-related projections of total public social expenditures (e.g. pensions, health care, long-term care,... ;1; Overarching - indicators Financial sustainability of social protection systems. Financial sustainability of social protection systems. 2018-02-16
Early school leavers Share of persons aged 18 to 24 who have only lower secondary education (their highest level of education... ;1; Overarching - indicators Educational outcome and human capital formation. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Educational outcome and human capital formation. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Healthy life expectancy (e.g. at birth, at age 65) Number of years that a person at birth, at 45, and at 65 is still expected to live in a healthy condition... ;1; Overarching - indicators Health inequalities. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF Health inequalities. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-02-16
Income quintile ratio (S80/S20) Ratio of total income received by the 20% of the country's population with the highest income (top quintile)... ;1; Overarching - indicators Income inequalities. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF Income inequalities. Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF 2021-02-23
Relative median poverty risk gap Difference between the median equivalised income of persons aged 0+ below the at-risk-of poverty threshold... ;1; Overarching - indicators Intensity of poverty risk. Used in: SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF Intensity of poverty risk. Used in: SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
At-risk-of poverty rate (AROP) Share of persons aged 0+ with an equivalised disposable income below 60% of the national equivalised... ;1; Overarching - indicators AROPE Component - the Risk of poverty. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF AROPE Component - the Risk of poverty. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Severe material deprivation rate Share of population living in households lacking at least 4 items out of the following 9 items: i) to... ;1; Overarching - indicators AROPE Component - Severe material deprivation. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF AROPE Component - Severe material deprivation. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
Population living in (quasi-)jobless (i.e.very low intensity) households Share of people aged 0-59 living in (quasi-)jobless households (i.e. households with very low work intensity),... ;1; Overarching - indicators AROPE Component -(Quasi-)jobless households. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF AROPE Component -(Quasi-)jobless households. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SDG indicator framework, SPPM dashboard, JAF 2018-03-02
At risk of poverty or social exclusion rate (AROPE) Share of persons who are at-risk-of-poverty and/or severely materially deprived and/or living in (quasi-)jobless... ;1; Overarching - indicators Europe 2020 headline indicator (Risk of poverty or social exclusion). Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework,SPPM dashboard,JAF Europe 2020 headline indicator (Risk of poverty or social exclusion). Used in: EPSR scoreboard (headline indicator), SDG indicator framework,SPPM dashboard,JAF 2018-03-02

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