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Thirteen days; a memoir of the Cuban missile crisis. With an afterword by Richard E. Neustadt and Graham T. Allison.

A history of the people's democracies: Eastern Europe since Stalin. Translated by Daniel Weissbort.

Mao against Khrushchev : a short history of the Sino-Soviet conflict / David Floyd.

Both sides of the ocean; a Russian writer's travels in Italy and the United States, by Viktor Nekrasov. Translated by Elias Kulukundis.

Der Untergang des Judentums : die Judenfrage, ihre Kritik, ihre Lösung durch den Sozialismus / Otto Heller.

Sino-Soviet conflict : report on Sino-Soviet conflict and its implications by the Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of...

Year one of the Russian revolution; translated [from the French] and edited by Peter Sedgwick; photographic research by Celestine Dars.

Soviet economic prospects for the seventies [microform] : a compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States.

Sowjetunion; Aussenpolitik. Unter Mitarbeit von Heinz Brahm [et al.] hrsg. von Dietrich Geyer.

Liberals in the Russian Revolution; the Constitutional Democratic Party, 1917-1921, by William G. Rosenberg.

Memos from Russia, 1969; a study: industrialization of the building process in Russia and England.

Deutsche Internationalisten in Sowjetrussland 1917-1918 : proletar. Solidarität im Kampf um d. Sowjetmacht / von Sonja Striegnitz.

Economic maps on pre-reform Russia : material for a history of Russian economic cartography / Arkady I. Preobrazhensky ; translated by James R. Gibson.

Moscow diary / Veljko Mićunović ; translated by David Floyd ; with an introd. by George Kennan.

Shall America be defended? : Salt II and beyond / Daniel O. Graham.

Community and conflict in the Socialist camp : the Soviet Union, East Germany and the German problem 1965-1972 / Gerhard Wettig ; Translated by Edwina Moreton and Hannes Adomeit.

Pouvoir et administration dans la société socialiste, par Ju. A. Tikhomirov. Préf. de Pierre Lavigne. [Traduit du russe par Mme Dominique de Lapparent, Michel de Solère et...


Mizan. Supplement A, Soviet and Chinese reports on the Middle East & Africa.

Knizhnai︠a︡ letopisʹ. Ukazatelʹ seriĭnykh izdaniĭ / Ministerstvo kulʹtury SSSR, Vsesoi︠u︡znai︠a︡ knizhnai︠a︡ palata.

Naselenie SSSR: Chislennostʹ, sostav i dvizhenie naselenii͡a.

Narodnoe khozi︠a︡ĭstvo SSSR : statisticheskiĭ ezhegodnik.

Nauchnye trudy. Serii︠a︡ Ėkonomicheskai︠a︡ / Novosibirskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.

Materialy i soobshchenii͡a Issledovatelʹskogo otdela Instituta po izuchenii͡u SSSR.

Katorga i ssylka; istoriko-revoli͡ut͡sionnyĭ vestnik.

Sbornik mezhdunarodnykh dogovorov SSSR / Ministerstvo inostrannykh del SSSR.

Soviet Union, population.

Dimitrija Čupovski (1878-1940) i Makedonskoto naučno-literaturno drugarstvo vo Petrograd : prilozi kon proučuvanjeto na makedonsko-ruskite vrski i razvitokot na makedonskata...

Po puti, prolozhennomu v Khel'sinki : Sovetskiĭ Soi͡uz i osushchestvlenie Zakli͡uchitel'nogo akta obshcheevropeĭskogo soveshchanii͡a : dokumenty i materialy / [sost....

Pʻyongyang between Peking and Moscow : North Korea's involvement in the Sino-Soviet dispute, 1958-1975 / Chin O. Chung.

Polityka II Rzeczypospolitej wobec ZSRR w latach 1925-1934 : studium z historii dyplomacji / Marian Leczyk.

The day is born of darkness / by Mikhail Dyomin ; translated from the Russian by Tony Kahn.

Estimated Soviet defense spending in rubles, 1970-1975.

The Dragon and the bear : a study of Communist involvement in the Arab World / compiled by an-Nahar Arab report research staff ; editors, Riad N. el-Rayyes & Dunia Nahas.

Vizit Premʹer-Ministra Indii M. Desai v Sovetskiĭ Soi͡uz, 21-26 okt. 1977 g. : Dokumenty i materialy / otv. za vypusk E. M. Samoteĭkin].

The Soviet Union and the Palestine Liberation Organization : an uneasy alliance / Galia Golan.

Istorii︠a︡ istoricheskoĭ nauki v SSSR--sovetskiĭ period okti︠a︡brʹ 1917-1967 g. : bibliografii︠a︡ / [sostaviteli R.G. Ėĭmontova ... et al. ;...

The mortal danger: how misconceptions about Russia imperil America / Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn ; translated from the Russian by Michael Nicholson and Alexis Klimoff.

Leninism and the national question / [P. N. Fedoseyev in collaboration with M. I. Kulichenko ... et al. ; translated from the Russian by Vic Schneierson].

Iz istorii trekh russkikh revoli͡ut͡sii / [otv. red. N. I͡A. Ivanov].

Arms, men, and military budgets : issues for fiscal year 1978 / editors, Francis P. Hoeber, William Schneider, Jr. ; foreword by Eugene V. Rostow.

U.S.-Soviet relations--detente and the Middle East : a report on the views of leading citizens in thirty-six cities / edited by Rolland Bushner.

Uprochenie soi͡uza rabochikh i krestʹi͡an v pervyĭ god proletarskoĭ diktatury / P. N. Sobolev ; [AN SSSR, In-t istorii SSSR].

Rossii︠a︡ i osvoboditelʹnai︠a︡ borʹba moldavskogo naroda protiv ottomanskogo iga v kont︠s︡e XVIII [i.e. vosemnadt︠s︡atogo] v. / I.V. Semenova ; AN MSSR, In-t...

Россия и освободительная борьба молдавского народа против оттоманского ига в конце 18 в.

Soviet aid to the third world : strategy before economics / by Alexander Wolynski.

Imbalance of power : An analysis of shifting U.S.-Soviet military strengths / John M. Collins ; net assessment appraisal by Anthony H. Cordesman.

Mémoires d'une saint-simonienne en Russie (1839-1846) / Suzanne Voilquin texte établi, annoté et présenté par Maïté Albistur et Daniel Armogathe d'après le manuscrit...

The crisis of Soviet industrialization : selected essays / E. A. Preobrazhensky ; edited and with an introd. by Donald A. Filtzer.

Deutsch-sowjetische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik : e. Bilanz im Hinblick auf gegenwärtige Probleme / Werner Beitel, Jürgen Nötzold.

Problema evropeĭskoĭ bezopasnosti : istoricheskiĭ opyt ee reshenii͡a 1917-1977 / I͡U. N. Rakhmaninov.

Russland und Serbien von 1804-1915, nach urkunden der geheimarchive von St. Petersburg und Paris und des Wiener archivs, von Spiridion Gopčević.

Sovetskai͡a demokratii͡a v period razvitogo sot͡sializma / Akademii͡a obshchestvennykh nauk pri T͡SK KPSS ; otv. redaktor D. A. Kerimov ; [Avtorskiĭ kollektiv, V. G....

Za stolom peregovorov : obsuzhdenie germanskikh del na poslevoennykh mezhdunarodnykh soveshchanii͡akh i vstrechakh / V. N. Belet͡skiĭ.

Massovye istochniki po sot͡sialʹno-ėkonomicheskoĭ istorii sovetskogo obshchestva / [Otv. redaktor I. D. Kovalʹchenko ; rukovoditeli avtorskogo kollektiva, V. Z. Drobizhev,...

XXV [i.e. dvadt͡satʹ pi͡atyĭ] s?ezd KPSS i voprosy sot͡sialʹno-politicheskogo razvitii͡a sovetskogo obshchestva : [Sb. stateĭ] / Nauch. red. V. I. Soloshenko.

SSSR--Velikobritanii͡a, razvitie delovykh svi͡azeĭ / V.N. Cheklin ; Pod red. A.N. Manzhulo.

T͡Seny i t͡senoobrazovanie v potrebitelʹskoĭ kooperat͡sii : [uchebnoe posobie] / G. V. Petrov.

Prokli͡atīe vam, bolʹsheviki : otkrytoe pisʹmo bolʹshevikam / V. L. Burt͡sev.

Nekotorye problemy otechestvennoĭ istoriografii i istochnikovedenii͡a : sbornik nauchnykh trudov / [red. kollegii͡a Borshchevskiĭ, V. I͡A., otv. redaktor ... et al.].

Zasnuvanni͡a Moskoviï ta shli͡akhy utvorenni͡a despotychnoï imperiï : Politychnyĭ narys zhurnalista : Fili͡adel'fii͡a 1974-1977 / Dmytro Levchuk.

Kogda kniga sblizhaet narody : [vstrechi vospominanii͡a razmyshlenii͡a] / M. Zlatkin ; [vstupit. stat'ia G. Margvelashvili].

Otvetstvennostʹ za prestupnye iskazhenii͡a otchetnosti o vypolnenii planov / B. V. Korobeĭnikov.