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View a breakdown of Office Cost Allowances 2005-2006

Office Holder Allowance
Total Salary
Office Costs Allowance
Other Allowances
Travel Allowance
Other Travel
Total Allowances

Adams, Gerry

West Belfast










Armstrong, Billy

Mid Ulster










Attwood, Alex

West Belfast










Beare, Norah

Lagan Valley










Beggs, Roy

East Antrim










Bell, Billy

Lagan Valley










Bell, Eileen

North Down










Berry, Paul

Newry and Armagh










Birnie, Esmond

South Belfast










Bradley, Dominic

Newry and Armagh










Bradley, Mary











Bradley, PJ

South Down










Brolly, Francie

East Londonderry










Buchanan, Thomas

West Tyrone










Burns, Thomas

South Antrim










Burnside, David

South Antrim










Campbell, Gregory

East Londonderry










Clarke, Willie

South Down










Close, Seamus

Lagan Valley










Clyde, Wilson

South Antrim










Cobain, Fred

North Belfast










Copeland, Michael

East Belfast










Coulter, Rev Robert

North Antrim










Cree, Leslie

North Down










Dallat, John

East Londonderry










Dawson, George

East Antrim










Deeny, Dr Kieran

West Tyrone










Dodds, Diane

West Belfast










Dodds, Nigel

North Belfast










Doherty, Pat

West Tyrone










Donaldson, Jeffrey

Lagan Valley










Dougan, Geraldine

Mid Ulster










Durkan, Mark











Easton, Alex

North Down










Elliott, Thomas

Ferm & South Tyrone










Empey, Reg

East Belfast










Ennis, George











Ervine, David

East Belfast










Farren, Sean

North Antrim










Ferguson, Michael

West Belfast










Ford, David

South Antrim










Foster, Arlene

Ferm & South Tyrone










Gallagher, Tommy

Ferm & South Tyrone










Gardiner, Samuel

Upper Bann










Gildernew, Michelle

Ferm & South Tyrone










Girvan, Paul

South Antrim










Hanna, Carmel

South Belfast










Hay, William











Hilditch, David

East Antrim










Hillis, Norman

East Londonderry










Hussey, Derek

West Tyrone










Hyland, Davy

Newry and Armagh










Kelly, Dolores

Upper Bann










Kelly, Gerry

North Belfast










Kennedy, Danny

Newry and Armagh










Lewsley, Patricia

Lagan Valley










Long Naomi

East Belfast










Maginness, Alban

North Belfast










Maskey, Alex

South Belfast










McCann, Fra

West Belfast










McCarthy, Kieran











McCartney, Raymond











McCartney, Robert

North Down










McCausland, Nelson

North Belfast










McClarty, David

East Londonderry










McCrea, Rev William

Mid Ulster










McDonnell, Alasdair

South Belfast










McElduff, Barry

West Tyrone










McFarland, Alan

North Down










McGimpsey, Michael

South Belfast










McGlone, Patsy

Mid Ulster










McGuigan, Philip

North Antrim










McGuinness, Martin

Mid Ulster










McLaughlin, Mitchell











McMenamin, Eugene

West Tyrone










McNarry, David











Molloy, Francis

Mid Ulster










Moutray, Stephen

Upper Bann










Morrow, Maurice

Ferm & South Tyrone










Murphy, Conor

Newry and Armagh










Neeson, Sean

East Antrim










Newton, Robin

East Belfast










Nesbitt, Dermot

South Down










O'Dowd, John

Upper Bann










O'Rawe, Patricia

Newry and Armagh










O'Reilly, Thomas

Ferm & South Tyrone










Paisley, Ian

North Antrim










Paisley, Rev Ian

North Antrim










Poots, Edwin

Lagan Valley










Ramsey, Pat











Ramsey, Sue

West Belfast










Ritchie, Margaret

South Down










Robinson, George

East Londonderry










Robinson, Iris











Robinson, Ken

East Antrim










Robinson, Mark

South Belfast










Robinson, Peter

East Belfast










Ruane, Catriona

South Down










Shannon, Jim











Simpson, David

Upper Bann










Stanton, Kathy

North Belfast










Storey, Mervyn

North Antrim










Taylor, John











Trimble, David

Upper Bann










Weir, Peter

North Down










Wells, Jim

South Down










Wilson, Jim

South Antrim










Wilson, Sammy

East Antrim






















Basic Salaries

A Member’s basic salary in 2005-2006 was £31,817 per annum.

Those Members who received a salary as an MP or MEP had their MLA salaries abated (reduced) by two thirds. Assembly salaries of Members of the House of Lords are not abated as they do not receive a salary from the House of Lords

Office Holders Allowance

No office holders’ allowances were paid during 2005-2006.


Office Costs Allowance (OCA)

The maximum OCA claimable for 2005-2006 was £48,000.

Other Allowances

Other Allowances include childcare, temporary secretarial allowance, support staff mileage and disability allowance.

Travel Allowance

The amounts shown for Travel Allowance are gross and do not reflect any tax deducted. Members’ travel expenses are likely to be affected by the distance they live from Belfast and by the location and size of their constituencies.


Subsistence expenses may lead to a corresponding reduction in travel expenses (e.g. As a result if a Member staying overnight in Belfast for early meetings the next day, home to Stormont travel costs will not be incurred).

Other Travel

Other Travel includes airfares, taxis and public transport expenses.