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Thursday, December 30, 2010


Let me just say that 2010 was a good year ... not a great year and it doesn't seem like much quilting was done, so 2011 is going to definitely be a better year of quilting with my new Janome!

I just looked at my post archive from 2010 and only did 59 posts the whole year! ... Well that is definitely going to change! I'm going to make a better effort at posting more and hopefully having many more projects to show! I think I will also make more of an effort to leave comments on other blogs. I look at so many blogs and luv them all, just don't take the time to comment.

Oh gosh ... and those WIPs! I am probably not as bad as alot of other quilters, but i think i have about 4 quilts in the works and I want to get those completed early this year before I start another one! Remember this pinwheel quilt-along from Twiddletails ...well i still need to do a few blocks and all the pinwheel sashing ... i think it's going to be adorable, i just need to do it!
Thank you to all the comments left on my search of fabric in my previous post and THANK YOU Needlewings! I was able to find the fabric!! It is Collection for a Cause by Moda and I was able to order the border fabrics this morning! WOO HOO! This may actually be my first finish for 2011 when the new fabric comes in :O) I'm also planning on quilting this one my self, so i can tell you it won't be anything fancy ... just a bunch of straight lines!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year and thanks so much for checking out my blog :O)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Any Idea What Fabric Line(s) This Is?

So, when i got my Janome i was so excited and just wanted to sew but didn't have any projects cut out ... cuz i wasn't planning on getting the Janome! So i remembered i had received a scrap bag of stuff from the year of schnibbles and they were 3" i drug those out and decided to make a scrappy rail.

So here is my scrappy rail and I really like the looks of it...the colors are very pretty together! i just need to know what then name of the fabric line(s) are so i can order a few cuts for borders ... here are a few close-up shots of the fabrics...

i really love the paisley in these pictures.
Hopefully one of you great quilters out there will know this line!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog in 2010 and I hope 2011 is an even BETTER year with the new machine! Have a wonderful and safe new year's eve and we'll see you next year :O)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Santa ROCKS!

I have one of the bestest Santa's EVER!!

If you could only see me now! I can't stop smiling! I was on the verge of jumping up and down! I keep giving my Santa kisses! I told my Santa I feel like we have a new baby so we are definitely going to give it a name ... his suggestion ... Cadillac :O)

Today Santa and I stopped at a local Ice Cream store that has wonderful chocolate so we could get a stocking stuffer for my dad...I was just unlocking the car to leave and Santa said ... why don't you show me this sewing machine you've been talking about ... i about dropped the chocolate! Since the shop is just a few doors down from the ice cream store we strolled down, i showed it to him, the lady told us all about it (like i didn't already know the info!), I asked a bunch of questions (just to make it look good)... Santa just asked what the warranty was like ... then i asked the lady how many they had in stock and while she was checking Santa said ... let's just get it while we are here! My mouth dropped open, my eyes got huge and i couldn't take the smile off my face :O) is my new baby ... i'm thinkin the name Gerty or Bella Bleu sound good for her ...

Thank you Santa, you're the best and I LUV YOU!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween Again :O)

Hello! Well, it is still Halloween in our house, at least thru this weekend! Hubby worked so i knocked out another Halloween quilt with all the scraps from my last one. It turned out so cute and I think I'm going to give it to my sister-in-law. It was a pattern on Moda Bake Shop by KarrieLyne of Freckled Whimsey called Boxed In. I can't wait to get this quilt and my last one to the quilter this week! I'm going to dig thru my stash and see what i have in progress that i can get completed...i'm sorta luvin that the year of Schnibbles is over ... didn't get much else accomplished during that time.

Have a great week :O)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

LUV IT!!!!!

i LUV LUV LUV this quilt! It is so cute and fun that this picture just doesn't do it justice! This is my 2nd finish this weekend and i'm so excited! i cut the fabric out for this Saturday morning, sewed some blocks Saturday evening, made the pinwheels Sunday morning and put the quilt together this evening ... and it's only 7:54 pm! WOOT WOOT!!! OH! and i have plenty of fabric left to make a 2nd quilt, so i'm thinking maybe next year i'll do another one of these quilts and give it as a gift :O) So now here is what i'm thinkin ... i bought striped fabric for the binding ... see pic below ... so i'm thinkin this quilt needs a solid black border, maybe just 3 1/2" so that the binding doesn't get lost in the quilt .... what do you think?
Hope ya'll have a fabulous week!!!
P.S....have i told you how much i'm luvin Halloween lately :O)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fall Finish...

Woo Hoo ... i finished my Halloween quilt this evening! I'm so excited to get it done!!! She turned out very cute! Oh ... remember this fabric that i just showed you 2 days ago ??? Well today i was back at the Door Mouse to find more fabric to go with it ....
and this is what i found!!! The colors look AWESOME together except for the light orange w/ purple bats in the picture above, so i don't think I'm going to use that, but the rest are fabulous!!!
And this is what I'm going to make with them! It's called A Little Bit of Boo from the Fall/Winter 2010 Quilt Sampler...i think it's adorable. I didn't buy any border fabric because i think I'm just going to make mine super sized and not do the border or ric rac stuff. And the striped fabric above...that is going to be the binding....FUN!!!
So I'm going to sign off for the evening, go do some reading and then first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to be cuttin out another Halloween quilt!!! YEAH!!!

Have an awesome weekend everyone!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lovin Halloween

I am not sure what has gotten in to me this year, but i am loving Halloween! I just cut out fabric Monday evening for a Halloween quilt ... then i bought a few more cuts of fabric for another Halloween quilt ... I'm thinking about buying more to make some table toppers ... and then there's this ... i have loved these gourds for so long but never bought one, so this past weekend i bit the bullet and bought one ... now I've decided I'm going to keep buying a different one each year and put them all over the top of our TV cabinet. My cousin and I decided they would each need a name, so this one will be named Giggly Gordie ... i just love his happy face :O)
Not much else going on in my neck of the woods so i think I'll sign off and go work on the Halloween quilt. Have a fabulous week!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween Quilt

Hello and happy week-end! I am so glad the week is over and hopefully work will begin to slow down so i can get back to some sewing!!!

I decided I'm going to get some outstanding projects finished this week-end and so far I'm off to a good start. This evening I made binding for my big Pink quilt and got that sewn on and washed, so now it's all crinkly and pretty on my couch! Check out the picture below ... and then I made and put the binding on one of my schnibbles and made the binding for another schnibble that i plan to get sewn on tomorrow evening when hubby falls asleep in his chair :O) Then all my bindings will be on and I'm going to start a new quilt. This is the new quilt I'm going to start ... you can see the pattern in the top right of the picture, but i just love all this Halloween fabric! I've never been much in to Halloween, but for some reason this year i am so i decided it's time to start making a Halloween quilt. It will probably be finished for this year, but not back from the quilter, so I'll definitely have it for next year.

Isn't this fabric just adorable !!!
This is the outer border for the quilt which I'm not real big on, but with all the bright colors and busy-ness of the quilt, I think it will work well...especially with black binding...
and this .... this is the backing and i LOVE LOVE LOVE this fabric! The picture so doesn't do it justice because the green is a bright lime green and it is ADORABLE! All the cute funny-face pumpkins!!!!
Well, that's it for me this evening...i am going to head off to bed because this is hubby's weekend off and we have a busy weekend planned ... i just love fall weekends!!!

Have a great weekend and happy sewing :O)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lovin Fall ... Leona's Quilt ... Just Workin...

I can not believe it has been 1 month today since I have posted! That should definitely tell you that I have not been sewing! Things have been crazy busy at work and I've been putting in lots of overtime, so by the time I get done working and do the stuff i need to do, there isn't time left to sew...but that will be changing shortly i hope! I have lots of projects lined up, several UFOs i want to get done and a few Holiday gifts i want to make!

A while back my quilter Leona was looking for fabric that she had run out of ... she was putting binding on the below quilt and was about 9" short ... UGH! So I posted the fabric and Pat from QuiltsandOtherHobbies just happened to have a fat quarter of the fabric that she gave to Leona. Thank you so much Pat and check out Leona's quilt...she was tickled! One evening dave and i went out to dinner and when we returned home, i was inside getting some things picked up in the kitchen and he came to the window and asked if was hearing any popping noises ... i said no, i was picking up some stuff and in my own world, so he told me to come outside and here is what i found... It's been a while since we've had a fire in our backyard, so it was nice to sit around with the neighbors and visit. Most of the time we hang out in our neighbors backyard around the fire, so this was a nice change.

Other than that, not much has been happening in my part of Ohio. I did go down to Amish Country with a few girlfriends and have some pics of that to show, so hopefully i'll get them posted soon.

Hope you all have a wonderful week!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Relaxing Weekend

Hello and happy week-end! I am so glad this week is over .. sometimes it feels like the short work-weeks last longer than the regular ones!

This is the hubster's weekend to work so not a whole lot going on ... going out to dinner with the neighbors and while at the store yesterday bought a bottle of wine ... sounds like a good evening!

So i just made a chocolate cake and some homemade chocolate frosting for hubby to take to work tonight and while i was rinsing the dishes the most wonderful smell of rain came thru the kitchen window so i decided i'd do a lil post with some fall stuff.

Last night i dug out my fall quilt and threw it over the doesn't really match the curtains now, so i'm thinkin it's time for some different curtains for the seasons ;o) This morning i've been working on making some pinwheel blocks using the below fabrics...i'm testing out the way Vickie makes them in THIS tutorial before i do them in a large quilt which i plan to give as a gift. The tutorial says something about leaving bias edges so i figured i better make sure i know what i'm doing. This will probably be just a table topper or small throw.

When it comes to running out of bobbin thread, it NEVER fails to happen at the worst time for me! But check this out ... this is what was left when i finished one of my squares ... WHEW!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Year of Schnibbles....

The Year of Schnibbles was awesome! Thank you so much Sinta and and Sherri for coordinating our year of was fun....we all ended up with great schnibs...and it was great to see what everyone did theirs in. You guys are fabulous!!! ,P.

So here is my Year of Schnibbles...

This is September 2009's Winter White. I did it in Frosted will be perfect for Christmas!

October 2009's Cindy Lou Who done in some miscellaneous fabric that looks great together...much prettier in person ... pictures don't do it justice...
November 2009's Picnic ... this pattern was very trying for me because i just wasn't diggin in ... i did it in scraps of bright colors and feel it turned out ok...
December 2009's Tuffet ... LOVE IT!!! these were all pin cushions and i decided to 'super-size' mine. I made it out of scraps from my nephew's quilt so it's a big pillow for Matthew's's awesome!
January 2010's Madeline done in Rouenneries by French General...i love this schnibble...the fabric is so pretty and i love the pattern!
February 2010's Sunday Best ... done in red and blue scraps and it is so cute! I think this may be the first thing I've done in red, white and blue, but not for long ... i'm on a roll now!
March 2010's Roundabout ... liked the pattern ... loved the fabric ... had a difficult time ... i used the fabric for another quilt that i ended up taking apart so it made it more difficult to re-use the fabric, but i did and i made it bigger than the sample so i'm happy with it...
April 2010's Tagalong ... the pattern is adorable ... didn't care for the fabric, but would definitely make this again using different colors...
May 2010's McGuffey ... this was our choice and i picked this pattern because i had just made a large version of this quilt for my living room...i did it in scraps from the Kansas Troubles quilt i made for hubby ... i just love this fabric and this looks great on my husbands table next to his chair and quilt!!!
June 2010's State Fair ... made out of scraps from my large version of McGuffey ... the fabric was In The Pink II and i LOVE this schnibble...the pattern was fun and i love the look of this in my living room...
July 2010's Joy Luck ... done in Blush ... i bought this fabric VERY impulsively and afterwards i thought i'd never use it and i would end up giving it away, but then when i did Joy Luck in it ... i just love the softness of it and am so glad i made this purchase...thanks Kristin!
And finally ... August 2010's Plan C ... done in Zippity Doo Dah ... love the colors ... love things with stars and glad i made it thru the year of schnibbles completing every month ... on time ... and have a great assortment of table toppers for my home!!
Again, thank you so much Sinta and Sherri for all you have done ... you guys Rock!