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Sunday, January 5, 2020

Product Packaging Design

With the 5th graders were able to spend some time talking about art that we see everyday but NEVER think about.... Graphic Design and Packaging.

We looked at how graphic designers create packaging that make us want to buy their products. 
We discussed the facts that must be listed (ingredients, directions, size, cost, etc)

... and then they got to work.
They had to develop a product that the world needs and then design the packaging for their product. 

Once this was done, there were able to create a 3-D package for their product. 

When they were done, we filled one of our display cases with all their products. 

If you ask me, it looks like a pretty good place to shop! 

Friday, January 3, 2020

Left vs. Right Brain - The Left Side

As we finished our "right side of the brain drawings" we talked about how artists use the left side of the brain also.  We see and use symbols everyday.

Related image   Image result for instagram logo   Image result for mcdonalds

We also took a moment to look at symbols throughout history:
Image result for egyptian hieroglyphs
Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Image result for keith haring
Keith Haring  (1958-1990)

... and even students younger than them who create artwork with symbols. 

Students started by creating a worksheet filled with personal symbols that represented who they are. 

Then they went on to create images in which they painted (or used markers) a main symbol. We created these in a "cartoon style" with flat bold colors and we finished them with thick black outlines. 

Finally, we put our main symbols onto a symbol filled background, using our personal symbols and more. 

It was fun to see they symbols they could come up with. 

Left vs. Right - The Right Side

A big change happens in middle school when it comes to kids and their art. Kids change from "loving art and being proud of their creations" to feeling that they "can't draw." It has everything to do with their brains changing and it breaks my heart. So we spend some time learning about our brains and how they work, with art.
Related image
We talk about how the left side of their brain is what they use for most of their learning.... Math, Science, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, etc. The left side of their brain is really good at drawing "symbols" but symbols don't really look like the "real object" and therefore we start to say we "can't draw."
Students spent a class time learning how to "see and draw" using contour line skills. These drawings are always amazing to the kids. They learn that if they take their time, look, and use the right side of the brain, they CAN draw. 

They practiced these at home and we did a digital drawing on DrawingPad here at school. 
...drawing  an object at home on paper... drawings at school...

Students did a great job of focusing and drawing both on paper and digitally. You can check out more digital images on artsonia.  It always amazes me how many kids prefer paper and pencil to drawing digitally. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Value Landscapes

We finished up our non figurative paintings and uploaded them to artsonia. They look really, really neat but we needed to do something more with them.... so we made them into parts of other drawings. 
Image result for value scale
Value is an element of art that focuses on the light to dark range of a color. We looked at Ansel Adams beautiful black and white value photographs and then got to work. 

Students worked to create a black and white landscape using oil pastels. They were given a white and a black oil pastel. They were drawing on a grey piece of paper and they had to create 5 different values. Once their images were finished, they cut a main object out of their painting and added it to their drawings. They also had to write a story about their colorful object. They were really fun! 
People would only go in this house if they had $100 on the line. People say nobody would return if they went in. Well one person went inside and explored every room in the house. People say that he was never the same again.

 It was a dark gray, sad day. There was no wind and everyone was too scared to go anywhere. 2 hours later people stared noticing something in the distance. It was growing and they were not scared anymore.

The night had an unusual crisp to the air. Winter was near. My cat, Mango, was sitting on the window ledge. As the leaves fell, Mango stuck her tongue out and ate one! She immediately turned the same colors as the magical leaves. Mango has had rainbow fur ever since.
Once upon a time there was a pumpkin with magical seeds. Every year the villagers would collect the seeds to make health potions. One year the pumpkin didn't grow seeds, so the villagers couldn't make health potions. The next day all of the villagers died.
You can check out more of the images and stories on Artsonia

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Celebrating Creativity

Every year the orchestra teacher and myself take 50 6th graders to the Joslyn Art Museum... 
and every year it is AWESOME! 

(this years group)

They spend the morning taking classes that focus on art, theater and music. 
Then we spend the afternoon listening to the Omaha Symphony perform (we can't photograph that).
It is always so much fun to see our kids enjoy the day 
and I am always so impressed with their behavior. 

Students were learning about theater makeup and how to make "bite marks." 

Students were learning how moving through dance works for storytelling. 

We get to have awesome docents take our students on fun gallery tours.

This years traveling exhibit is the St. John's Bible. It is amazing. Some students were able to learn about gilding and how it was used. 

Love that he had to wear an art shirt on the art field trip. 

and you can't forget the bus sing alongs... 
(even if I wish we could)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Just Makes Me Happy!

The 5th graders have been finishing up their non-figurative paintings... and they just make me HAPPY! Stay tuned for the things that are going to be happening with these!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Non-Figurative Artwork vs. Abstract Artwork

Abstract Art is an image of something broken down into lines, shapes and colors. 
We looked at the painting "Musical Forms" by Georges Braque and discussed how once you know the title, you can see more of what the image is based on... but that it isn't an exact drawing of a guitar or music. 

Students then took a subject (their name)
and drew them onto 9" square paper. 

We cut the squares into 3" squares
and students were able to move them around.

Students focused on turning their names into an abstract image 
of lines, shapes and color (black and white). They focused on making sure 
the image was interesting to look at. 

They then uploaded them to Artsonia. You can see our images here.

Non-Figurative Art is artwork that is art created by using lines, shapes and colors. 
(sound familiar?)
We looked at this sculpture by Louise Nevelson called "Case with Five Balusters."

And then we created these non-figurative watercolor paintings 
that focus on lines, shapes and colors.

You can check out our non-figurative paintings here.

This was a fun way to create some quick projects that really 
help us understand the differences between abstract art and non-figurative art.