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A Turning Point for Banking: Unravelling the Changing Landscape of Banking Activity in Europe since the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023). Gucciardi, Gianluca ; Bellucci, Andrea.
In: Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers.

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  36. COVID-19 and lending responses of European banks. (2021). Schandlbauer, Alexander ; Dursun-De, Ozlem H.
    In: Journal of Banking & Finance.

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  37. Global syndicated lending during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021). Politsidis, Panagiotis ; HASAN, IFTEKHAR ; Sharma, Zenu.
    In: Journal of Banking & Finance.

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  38. Banking research in the time of COVID-19. (2021). Demirguc-Kunt, Asli ; Demirgu-Kunt, Asli ; Berger, Allen N.
    In: Journal of Financial Stability.

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  39. State-level COVID-19 outbreak and stock returns. (2021). Truong, Cameron ; Phang, Soon-Yeow ; Garg, Mukesh ; Adrian, Christofer ; Pham, Anh Viet.
    In: Finance Research Letters.

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  40. Information sensitivity of corporate bonds: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis. (2021). Rhodes, Meredith E ; Arnold, Grace E.
    In: Finance Research Letters.

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  41. The impact of Covid-19 on liquidity of emerging market bonds. (2021). Gubareva, Mariya.
    In: Finance Research Letters.

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  42. Sovereign credit ratings during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021). Hoang, Tri ; Kraemer, Moritz ; Klusak, Patrycja ; Vu, Huong ; Tran, Yen.
    In: International Review of Financial Analysis.

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  43. Corporate cash holdings, agency problems, and economic policy uncertainty. (2021). Al-Thaqeb, Saud ; Nejadmalayeri, Ali ; Mollagholamali, Mohsen ; Javadi, Siamak.
    In: International Review of Financial Analysis.

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  44. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Sovereign Bond Risk. (2021). Andrieș, Alin Marius ; Sprincean, Nicu ; Ongena, Steven.
    In: The North American Journal of Economics and Finance.

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  45. Rethinking capital structure decision and corporate social responsibility in response to COVID?19. (2021). Ye, YE ; Huang, HE.
    In: Accounting and Finance.

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  46. Dollar funding of non-US banks through Covid-19. (2021). Aldasoro, Iñaki ; Huang, Wenqian ; Eren, Egemen.
    In: BIS Quarterly Review.

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  47. Firm-bank linkages and optimal policies in a lockdown. (2021). Villacorta, Alonso ; Segura, Anatoli.
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  48. The potential of export-oriented companies to contribute to post-Covid-19 economic recovery in North Macedonia. (2020). Petreski, Blagica ; Srbinoski, Bojan.
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  49. Love in the Time of COVID-19: The Resiliency of Environmental and Social Stocks. (2020). Koskinen, Yrjö ; Zhang, Chendi ; Yang, Shuai ; Albuquerque, Rui.
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