Map of Botswana

In brief

EIU expects the ruling party, the Botswana Democratic Party, led by the president, Mokgweetsi Masisi, to maintain its dominance, given its large parliamentary majority. The government will pursue market-oriented economic policies to support economic growth while attempting to diversify away from diamond mining. This will, however, prove to be fairly challenging, owing to Botswana's small domestic market, substantial skills gap and volatile business cycle. Economic growth in 2024 will be constrained by relatively weak external demand, which will curb domestic output and inward tourism. Growth will accelerate throughout 2025-28, driven by the services and mining sectors. 

Read more: Botswana's economy loses momentum in second half of 2023

Read more: G7 ban to affect Botswana's diamond industry

Read more: Botswana devalues currency to boost export competitiveness

Economic growth

Economic growth
(% unless otherwise indicated)
2023 2024 2025
US GDP 2.5 2.2 1.8
Developed economies GDP 1.6 1.6 1.8
World GDP 2.6 2.5 2.7
World trade -0.9 2.6 3.4
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit

Expenditure on GDP

(% real change)
= 2024
= 2025
Private consumption
2024=4.9, 2025=3.9
Government consumption
2024=5.5, 2025=4.2
Gross fixed investment
2024=5.1, 2025=5.3
Exports of goods & services
2024=5.2, 2025=6.8
Imports of goods & services
2024=1.5, 2025=3.4
Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit