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Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In the zone

USDA Hardiness Zone Map

The U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA] is about to release a new version of the
weather map that divides the country into climate zones.

Just as a pick-up artist identifies himself, I'm an Aries, a gardener shares the salient information, I'm Zone 7b.

At least I do--don't you?

Are we in for a mass identity crisis? In an interview with the USDA, blogger Graham Rice was told the zones would not be changed but instead shown in more detail.

That's as may be. The USDA is, after all, a federal agency, and political pressure could be brought to bear on its good workers.

The temptations are great. Think of the massive population shift if Michigan were suddenly reclassified as warm Zone 9. Droves of naive gardeners yearning to grow tender plants could be fooled into buying Detroit real estate.

What if a Senator wanted to contradict global warming theory by giving his state a colder zone number?

Perhaps it's time to take this zoning power out of the hands of the federal government and give it to an expert, apolitical body.

Yes, I mean the garden editors at Sunset in Menlo Park, California. They developed their own Western states zones with detailed gradations, and expanded that system to cover the whole country.

I'd be fine with introducing myself as Sunset Zone 7.

The Sunset staff would have to watch their backs though. Lobbyists would be lurking in the Sunset test garden, leaping out from behind buddleias to harass editors.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Capitol Bees

Bee hives in the White House kitchen garden. Photo: White House

WASHINGTON (DP) The bee hives in the famed White House kitchen garden received international attention this week at the G20 Pittsburgh Summit.

White House beekeeper collecting honey. Photo: White House

White House beekeeper Charlie Brandts has collected honey from the hives and saved it for special occasions.

The First Lady's gift. Photo: White House

While world leaders gathered for economic discussions at the G20 Pittsburgh Summit, First Lady Michelle Obama acted as hostess to their wives. Her official gift to each wife was a tea set featuring White House honey.

The White House found itself in a sticky situation when the Internet began to buzz with criticism of the gifts. Advocates for bees maintained that the bees had been robbed of their honey.

Photo: Infrogmation

During the G20 Summit meeting insect-rights protesters swarmed the streets of downtown Pittsburgh singing, "All we are saying is give bees a chance", and breaking the windows of florist's shops. Special security units clad in white mesh hoods and white coveralls advanced on them, throwing smoke bombs. The protesters formed one large group and disappeared down a side street.

They were later found milling around in the lobby of the Colony Hotel and were arrested for failing to disperse. Further trouble ensued at the City Jail when the protesters insisted on occupying one holding cell with their female leader.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arnold the herb Gardenator?

DAVIS (DP) Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger continued down the garden path today. During an appearance in Davis he said that California needed to have a serious discussion about the legalization of marijuana.

Commentators in the smoke-filled rooms of the capitol wondered if this was a strategy to promote interest in what will actually be planted by First Lady Maria Shriver in the forthcoming vegetable garden in Capitol Park in Sacramento. "It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase leafy greens", said Mary Jane, a Sacramento garden expert.

An anonymous source suggested that the Governor made the statement just to gain brownie points with some rural counties.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Arnold and Maria, the First Family of California, now First Gardeners too?

SACRAMENTO (DP) California's popular First Lady, Maria Shriver, is out in front with the Greening the Grounds movement (which promotes sustainable gardening at state and federal buildings around the country).

In March she announced there would be a new fruit and vegetable garden in Capitol Park, which is adjacent to the State Capitol. Famed chef and food activist Alice Waters is helping to plan the water-conserving garden, and installation is expected in May.

Today the gossips in Sacramento's watering holes are chattering about the unexpected involvement of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger with the garden project. The former actor has a history of media-savvy public appearances. Rumor has it he will be staging a dramatic press event for the garden's ground-breaking.

Whisperers in the state capitol say that Schwarzenegger is going to take the green movement one step further. Eschewing gasoline-powered roto-tillers, he is planning to demonstrate his physical prowess by harnessing himself to a wooden plow and personally tilling the soil for the garden.

Pundits think this athletic feat could change Arnold's nickname from the Governator to the Gardenator.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Supreme Court leak: Earth Day review of the separation of powers?

WASHINGTON (DP) News has leaked that the Supreme Court Justices will spend Earth Day together, digging into the constitutional issues involved with the "greening" of the White House. A reliable source said this meeting would not be a garden-variety gathering of the Justices, but would take place sub rosa.

There are budding concerns about recent congressional support for sustainable gardening practices at the White House. Congress provided seed money to purchase sheep for the White House lawn, and it set up committees to work in the White House vegetable garden. This congressional intervention with the Executive Mansion may have violated the separation of powers dictated by the U.S. Constitution.

An informal judicial review could be an effective way to get to the roots of the tangled relationship between the legislative and executive branches.

It is hoped that the Court's meeting will not become an occasion for raking up dormant disagreements about constitutional law. 

The Court's Public Information Officer refused to comment on the Earth Day meeting, and it is entirely possible that this leaked story is simply a plant.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Congress to Buy Sheep for the White House Lawn

WASHINGTON (DP) Sheep may safely graze on the White House lawn for the first time since the Wilson administration.

Congress shepherded in a special financial allocation for the purchase of sheep to crop and fertilize the lawn at the Executive Mansion. The use of sheep will eliminate the need for gasoline-powered lawn mowers and petroleum-based fertilizers.

The Congressional bipartisan, ad hoc committees formed last month to support the White House vegetable garden have been a resounding success. Starting today, two new committees will expand the scope of Congressional aid to the White House grounds.

Organic Lawn
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)

The vegetable garden committees established a few weeks ago are still accepting new members.

The Sheep committee, however, is being quite selective and turned down an application from Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA).

Monday, March 23, 2009

Congressional Support for the White House Vegetable Garden

First Lady in the White House garden. Photo: The White House

The South Lawn of the White House. Photo: Stockxpert

First Lady Michelle Obama and local school children broke ground for the South Lawn garden on March 20, and the project has received widespread public support. A surge of interest in kitchen gardens has swept the country this winter, with seed companies running out of popular vegetable varieties. The current White House garden plan incorporates vegetables, edible and ornamental flowers, and herbs.

Senators and Representatives have formed ad hoc, bipartisan committees to assist with specific aspects of the garden, and to explore future additions. The initial committee assignments are:

Summer vegetables
Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL)

Winter vegetables
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME)

Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL)

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC)

Rep. Marion Berry (D-AK)
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD)
Rep. Ander Crenshaw (R-FL)
Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA)

Pest control
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)
Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL)
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)
Rep. Louise Slaughter (R-NY)

Subcommittee on beneficial insects for pest control
Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA)

Subcommittee on use of ducks for pest control
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV)

Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO)

Organic practices
Rep. Al Green (D-TX)

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)

The committee members denied they were jumping on the bandwagon of a popular program, and insisted they had been eating fresh fruits and vegetables with their constituents for many years.

© Daffodil Planter 2009. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bush and Obama in White House Vegetable Garden Crisis

WASHINGTON (DP) Rumors of an open clash between President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama were confirmed this morning. The nation learned for the first time that both are experienced gardeners, with conflicting views.

The two men had planned a joint announcement today at 11 a.m. EST regarding the new organic vegetable garden on the White House grounds. As journalists approached the section of the South Lawn designated for the announcement, they heard raised voices from Bush and Obama, and could make out a few words.

"Double-digging? Man, this is the 21st century!"

"That's how I do it on my ranch and I won a blue ribbon for pole beans!"

The press conference was abruptly cancelled. Although photographers were rushed away before they could take pictures, they did see the two men struggling over a shovel.

The transition between the administrations had gone smoothly, beginning with the cordial reception the Obamas received on their first visit to the White House, but has now hit an ugly patch.

Reliable sources from the West Wing and the Obama team say they are working toward a reconciliation in time for the inauguration ceremony on January 20, and are considering various intermediaries. Jimmy Carter may be brought in, and it is expected that internationally known gardening expert Penelope Hobhouse will arrive from England within a few hours.

On Inauguration Day the President-elect and Mrs. Obama will have coffee at the White House before they are driven to the Capitol with the President and First Lady. Conversation is sure to be strained and there are hopes that sensitive subjects, such as the probable date of the last frost in Washington, D.C., can be avoided.