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Currently, we do not charge for the use of the API, but in case you choose to add it to the stack of the technologies of yours it is a must to mention us as the provider wherever our technology is involved: watermark on the output image and the link to technologies Photo Lab app on your page.

If you are ready to go, please request the activation of your account along with the logos and your unique short link to use by e-mails: [email protected] [email protected] API servers are highly scalable and can process millions of requests per day, so partnerships with websites with MAU>1M are our first priority.

Implementation is fast and easy. The procedures of sending requests and getting results via API are described below into Sending requests and Getting results sections. To give you access, we need your AppId and the KeyFirst.

Please read the Documentation section for detailed information and instructions.

Custom photo templates creation

You are able to create your own frames, filters, photorealistic montages, and more with our ready-to-use tool:

We can make a custom photo template for you - like the ones you see in the Categories tab of the Photo Lab app. The price varies and is provided upon request.