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RePEc genealogy crowdsourcing tool

You are authenticated as Nasrullah Djamil

This form allows you to add or modify entries in the RePEc genealogy, for yourself and others. All changes are logged into the relevant page's history, which can be called from an author's genealogy page. Additions and changes may take up to 10 minutes to appear on the live website.

In almost all cases, people are identified through their RePEc Short-ID, such as the one you just used to log in. You can find it listed on author profiles at EconPapers or IDEAS. You can also use this handy RePEc Short-ID lookup tool. Or you may just enter parts of the name to get suggestions for the RePEc Short-ID.

Return to RePEc Genealogy.

You can edit the following for Nasrullah Djamil : this person's entry (form right below), this person's students, this person's advisor, or someone else's entry

Terminal degree graduation year (yyyy):

Department where graduated (xxxxxxx):
RePEc:edi:Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia

Advisor RePEc Short-ID (preferred) or name (may trigger Short-ID suggestions):
Are you sure this person is not registered in RePEc?
No genealogy page will be created for this person if a name is specified instead of a RePEc Short-ID. We have no Short-ID to suggest, sorry.

Second advisor RePEc Short-ID (only if advisorship was equally shared):

Changes may take up to 10 minutes to go live on the website

Amend students:
  1. of Nasrullah Djamil

Amend advisor:
  1. No advisor listed, please add advisor with RePEc Short-ID first with form above.

Amend someone else: