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Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I am starting 2014 on a good note, posting on the first day of the year!!  Last year I signed up for a block swap and below is the block I have just made for a swap partner.  I love this block and its a pity its such a fiddle to do as I would love a quilt made with lots of them. 

At my local quilting group we are doing a Row by Row  in 2014.  The theme for each row will be selected every second month.  The first was a choice of Log Cabin or Embellishment.  Below is a Twisted Log Cabin block.  Instead of making a bed quilt I am going to make a wall hanging, about 20 inches wide.  These blocks finish up 6.25 as apparently foundation piecing them with so many small pieces draws it up.  I intend to make 3 blocks and add a piece to either end which I will embellish in some way.  Yet to be decided!!!


Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Every good wish for the festive season to everyone.  I for one love the Christmas festivities and am sorry when it is all over.  I look forward to a great 2014 and my wish for everyone is good health and happiness.  I'm going to be busy at my sewing machine over the next week so see you all next year!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So much for that mantra back in September of posting weekly!!!   My two colour, aqua and white quilt, is now quilted and in my granddaughters room.  I'm pleased to say she was really thrilled with it.
It turned our quite bit but that was okay as I was able to easily quilt it on my new Bernina.  That is not to say I am completely enthralled with my new machine as I am having a lot of trouble piecing with the quarter inch foot.  Hopefully this will all be resolved soon!!!
This Friday is my local group's Christmas luncheon so hopefully all the two colour challenge quilts will be on display.  I have set up a blog for the group where I will endeavour to post photographs of our work next year.  That might be a very big challenge given my tardiness here.

Monday, September 16, 2013

I have been very remiss lately with this blog.  I really must try and post weekly!! New mantra!!  Don't know how long it will last.  I have finally finished the aqua and white (two colour challenge for my local group) now comes the hardest part the quilting.  Having just purchased a new Bernina I am going to give it a go even though it a very large quilt.  I plan on only doing very simple quilting so it should be okay. 
Spring has certainly arrived with a beautiful couple of days and then today RAIN.  But its wonderful to see the deciduous shrubs all starting to sprout. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Wow its over three months since my last post but I have been very busy.  My quilt group two colour challenge quilt is well on the way and I have made four quilt tops for my 'Quilts for Others' projects.    I will try and post them side by side here as I used to do but last time I had lots or problems so not making any promises.  I have also just joined up a 'Linky Party' which I am sure will mean more time at the computer drooling at other members work!!  Now for those pictures.
I will have to get serious about reading some instructions regarding posting photographs to this blog, now they are too big.  I have made two medalion style tops like the one above.  They are great for using up bits and pieces and good for male quilts. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Finally here is the finished quilt 'Wonky Blocks' with its new owner.  It was a pleasure to make although I was under the pump at the end as I wanted to give this quilt to Lola for her first 'big bed' when I presented her new sister Maggie with hers.  She was a very excited little girl and that was an absolute joy to see.  All the effort was worth it to see her face. 
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On January 24 I became a grandmother to another gorgeous girl, Maggie Anne.  Below is the quilt I have made for her.  I just love the pink elephants.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This is the first block of Sophie's new quilt which is also my local
groups 2013 challenge.  The photo is a little askew  but you get
the idea.  It will be different shades of aqua both blue and green
shades.  I have yet to decide on the finished design but envisage
turning the block around to make different patterns.
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As you can probably see I have decided to opt out of Cinza's photo challenge.  I just found it all a bit much at this time of the year.  Also having looked at what other bloggers have posted I have more of an idea what the challenge is all about.  On a quilty note I am steadily working on Lola's 'Wonky Houses' which I hope to have finished by the end of the month!!  Have also been adding sashings to another masculine quilt for 'Coorabin Hostel'.  Blocks were kindly donated by friend and fellow quilter from Bacchus Marsh.  Many thanks Alison. 
My local quilting group has set the challenge for 2013;  it is to be a two coloured quilt.  My older granddaughter Sophie has requested an aqua and white quilt so this one will be for her. I will post a picture of the first block shortly\.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Above are what I can  Whonky House Blocks but properly named 'Blossom Creek' by Natalie Ross in Stitches.  Eventually they become a quilt for my granddaughter Lola when her new baby brother or sister arrives at the end of Jan/early Feb.  The first block is finished but as you can see the others still have a lot of work before they are completed.  All have lots of little flowers, birds, embroidery etc still to be done so I have been trying to do a couple of hourse each day.  Hopefully this quilt will be finished in time.

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Australian quilter  Cinzia:has issued a challenge on Southern Cross Quilters  to  bloggers, and I have decided to participate, (not sure if I am up to the challenge but I intend to give it a go.  Rules are as follows:
“Scatterdays is a bit like categories. Every
Saturday a letter and four different categories will be listed. Scatterers have
one week in which to find one thing for each category, photograph it and upload
it to their blog. The following Saturday surfers often cruise around to check
out what you found. After you have checked out other scattering blogs you can
then start on next week’s list.. and so it goes around.”
If you would like to participate in this challenge with us, you can sign on with Cinzia at her blog:

I have mostly posted just photographs of my quilting journey with the odd holiday photograph so this will be very new to me.  Hope I am up for it.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Give Away Winner

AND THE WINNER IS ...........TA.....DA................MARIA KLEVIT

Many thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway and also to those who signed on as Followers.  This has been great fun, I have spent so much time checking out the giveaways, but not only that the blogs of those participating.  Luckily for me I am organized for christmas so I didn't have to feel guilty about all the time I have spent sitting at the computer. 
I have contacted Maria, I hope to see a photo of a finished 'Tribute to Mrs Williams' in the future.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tonight spells the end of my giveaway but I will wait until tomorrow morning (my time) so that everyone has until mnidnight their time.  I can't believe how many people have entered giveaways this year.  Obviously we all like receiving something for nothing, or we are just competitive!  Many thanks to Michelle for hosting the Birthday Blog Hop and I hope to be able to participate again this year.  I must admit I did enter a few myself and am hoping I might be the lucky recipient of something.  It would be a lovely christmas present. 

My shopping is all done, decorations are up, sadly no lights on my christmas tree this year as when I tried them out they had died and I couldn't purchase the type I like so decided to wait until next year to get the lights I like best.  My cakes and puddings have long been made and all that remains is to put together my gingerbread house.  I have to confess that I have never made a gingerbread house before, it seems to have turned out okay all that remains is the putting together and decoration and I guess that will be another challenge!!!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wow how great is the Blog Hop Birthday Party.  So many blogs to look at, not only to check out the generous offers but to have the opportunity of seeing everyone's variety of work.  This is a wonderful idea.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Block Hop Party

I have just added a last line to the post below.  I hadn't advised anyone having a look that I am happy to send anywhere, why would I limit it when there is so many members out there from all over.  Good luck to everyone and lets hope we all have lots of fun hopping around the blogs.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

 Although I haven't been in bloggerland for quite a while I haven't been idle.  My local quilt group make quilts for a nearby residental care facility as well as an aged care facility.  These are four which were made for the aged care folk who really love receiving a quilt.  Most ask how much they have to pay for them!!   

I seem to be having trouble moving my photos around at the moment.  I used to be able to made two lots of two but that doesn't seem to be happening for me at the moment!

My 'Sylvias Bridal Sampler' quilt is finished, except for the borders.  I have had a great deal of difficulty finding just the right fabric.  I did purchase the backing in Alaska when there on a recent cruise and now at last have found a lovely piece that I hope will look great around the borders.  Just have to find time to put it together and I guess that won't happen over the next couple of days as I will be busy hopping around the various blogs entered in the 'Blog Hop Birthday Party'.

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My Giveaway for the Blog Hop 5th Birthday Party

Welcome everyone who is hopping around during the Blog Hop Party.  For those who do not know about it just click on the button over on the right on have a look around.
My giveaway is a gorgeous pattern of a replica quilt made by Mrs. Williams sometime between 1830-1850.  Inside the pattern is the story of the quilt.  The original quilt and story can be found in the book 'The American Quilt A Historty of Cloth and Conmfort 1750-1950 by Roderick Kiracof.
This version is replicated by 'Threadbear' of Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia. 
To win this great pattern please leave a comment about the design and perhaps what colours you would like to made in.  I am happy to post worldwide!!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Once again it hasn been quite a while since I last posted to this blog.  During that time my husband and I have had a trip to Canada and Alaska and I know this is probably all a bit old hat to those in the northern hemisphere but from a down under Aussie living by the sea the scenery was simply spectacular as shown above.  It was all simply mind boggling.  I took some hand sewing with me but alas I don't think I even opened the folder it was in for the whole month, too much other goodies to see and do. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

I can't believe it is over three months since I posted and also finished the blocks for my Sylvias Bridal Sampler and I still haven't decided on a border!!  I haven't been idle during the three months though; have been busily working on two black and white quilts, one for my daughter and one for my grandson and yes they are both "Collingwood" supporters.  (For those non-aussies Collingwood are a 'much loved or much hated' football team.  Must admit I am over black and white and don't want to see this colour combo for a while.  My local group have decided to take over the responsibility of making quilts for a local aged care facility.  It will be a ongoing project and although most of us have plenty of fabric/scrap etc.  we are fortunate enough to be getting assistance with finance for batting and backing from a local service organization.  Very big help as we are looking at probably making between 15-20 per year.  They are only 40-42 inches scquare, just big enough for lap quilts, not too big for those in wheel chairs but big enough to put over the end of their beds for decoration.  The residents love their quilts and the staff really look after them and are generous in their praise for our efforts as they love having the rooms look great. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Can everyone here me cheering!  I have finally finished all the blocks (well all I am doing) for my version of Sylvias Bridal Sampler.  As mentioned before I have chosen substitute some blocks for patterns that I like or patterns which have some meaning to me, eg. I have a very good school friend whose name is Suzanne, the reason I chose the Oh Susannah block.  Others were patterns in a friendship swap at my local group.  My other alteration is to make the quilt one row less. As I started joining up the rows into blocks to make sure I liked the overall look I realized just how big it is, so decided 13 rows is enough for my bed.  I can't begin to explain the feeling of satisfaction now the blocks are all done, my only wish would be that I didn't have to join all the rows together!!! Well onto it so I can finally put up a photo of my finished quilt.  I have enjoyed the journey though.

AT LAST the very last block - its a variation
on the diamond in a square which is the design in
Sylvias Bridal Quilt but this is my alternative

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Weathervane, Tumbling Blocks and Log Cabin
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New Mexico, Providence and Key West Beauty
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Ohio Star, Goose Variation and Storm at Sea
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Kansas Troubles, Contrary Wife and Clay's Choice
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Mother's Favourite, Friendship Quilt, and Pineapple
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Friday, January 27, 2012

As you can see I am powering along with these blocks after a slow 18 months.  I have decided now is the time to get this quilt finished and to this end am endeavouring to make one block a day!  Sometimes this just doesn't happen but that is my aim.

Gentlemans Fancy, Grandmother's Fan and My Heart
The heart is not in Jennifer's Sylvias Bridal Sampler but I have decided to change some
blocks for some of my own which have some meaning for me!
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