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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Now all the fun is over I must get back to sewing.  I haven't touched my SBS for 2 weeks and that doesn't happen very often.  Before that though I want to make some christmas coasters.  I received one from a friend and now want to make some more to go with it.  So away from the computer and back to the sewing machine, although I have enjoyed reading everyone's interesting blogs this past week.


*********And the winners are **********

100 charms are going to Denmark to Maria

Xmas panel is going to Sandy in New South Wales,  Australia

All the above two ladies need to do is let me know their snail mail addys and their packages will be in their way. 
This has been great fun

Friday, December 16, 2011

I am completely overwhelmed by the number of comments I have received for the 'giveaway'.  I must rethink how I will make a selection.  My idea now is to select all the ideas then as I don't have an automatic selector on my computer I will put all names in a hat and get my granddaughter to draw one out.  There seems to be a bit of a trend in what quilters are making at the moment, eg. disappearing nine patch and twisters seem to be the most popular.  I have made a disappearing nine patch so know what that is but I am not familiar with the twister.  I have a little square ruler that I purchased at a show which I haven't used yet and I'm wondering if this is what you use.  What I have is called a 'Pinwheel Magic' but it seems by reading the instructions you join diffeent squares together then cut the centre out of where they are joined then then turn it around, is this what you call a 'twister'./

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Additional Giveaway

I have decided to add a little something to my giveaway.  With christmas just around the corner, the winner will also receive a beautiful christmas panel kit, which includes the panel and backing and binding fabric.  My winner will still be my favorite use of charms.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Michelle Foster over at The Quilting Gallery is hosting a blog hop beginning on December 10 and ending December 17th. 
I am participating by giving away 100 charm squares of varying sizes 3 4 and 5 inch.  To win please leave a comment telling me your favourite design using charms.  I will select the winner on the 17th.
Don't forget click on the logo to pop over and find lots of links to other giveaways.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Posted by PicasaIt has been a while since I posted and during that time we have travelled across the Nullabor Plain to Perth to visit my son and his family.  Above are some of the beautiful wildflowers which were growing along the side of the road and in paddocks.  I especially love the pink carpet under the trees which was between Perth and Kalgoolie.  The other photos were taken in Southern WA.  Lots of magnificant grevillias, bottle brushes etc.  The Nullabor itself was quite green and not as I expected, but they have had quite a bit of rain so I guess it is only natural that it should not be red dirt.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Below are the BOW blocks for the last few weeks.

I am finally over half way on my journey with this quilt.  I finally feel
as if I am getting somewhere,  it was a very daunting task in the beginning.
Now I really want to get on with it.  I have started joining the blocks together
and must decide whether or not to do quilt as you go in rows or just quilt overall
at the end.  Decisions, decisions.

Right Hand of Friendship and Pinwheel

Dogtooth Violet and `Cut Glass Dish
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Card Trick and Jack in the Box

Childrens Delight and Star of the Orient
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I haven't posted for a while but have been diligently working on Sylvias blocks.  The following are the next in the order I am doing them but I have also done some on a BOW on Jennifer's list.  Must say that really keeps you honest and you at least sew one a week even if you don't get around to any more. 

Mariners Compass and Autumn Leaf

Wedding Ring 2 and   Shooting Star
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Chimneys and Cornerstones and Sarah's Favourite

Crown of Thorns and Dutchmans Puzzle
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Friday, July 29, 2011

Well I've gone and done it!  I vowed and declared I wouldn't purchase any more fabric, just use from my stash, famous last words.  When Hancocks email arrived announcing free international postage for orders oof $100 I just couldn't resist a few Kaffe Fassett beauties.  After sewing mainly fairly masculine type colours lately for the retirement lodge I feel I am deserving of some brightness!!  Can't wait until they come, who knows what they might become.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I thought I would show you our journey over the past 12 months
From a very bare paddock which actually was actually part of a canola field when
we purchased the block to our finished house.  We now look out over a paddock of
what will be wheat come the warmer weather, it is just showing through now.
Just under the right hand pillar is my sewing room.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am totally frustrated with 'google' at the moment.  When I try and post a comment on another blog it keeps redirecting me to the 'create a blog' 'sign in' page, when I sign in it takes me back to the blog and once again it starts all over again, can anyone help me.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Inside walk in robe which is great for storing fabric!!
Only problem it is now all in view and my DH couldn't
believe how much fabric I have.  It was obviously all
well hidden in our old house

One side of the room is used for my computer/office

Latest Bridal Sampler Blocks

Arizona and Love in the Mist

Bears Paw and Oklahoma Dogwoo
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Posted by PicasaI can believe how long it is since my last post.  But the above is one of the reasons why.  My local group was asked by the local rotary club to make quilts for a local retirement lodge and these are 5 of seven quilts I made in the past month.  All very basic, quilt as you go but they will be appreciated by the residents as they are feeling the cold

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm really teed off.  Went to the reject shop for another trolley with drawers to be told he had just sold the last one, which means there was one out the back on Sat when I asked but staff didn't know it was there so I missed out.  Not to worry he will get me another but it may be at least 3 weeks away.  I am looking for a pat on the back as I have pressed every piece of fabric in my stash and put it on new shelves.  What a job!  I've got to say it is probably a job everyone should undertake every now and then, maybe not press, but just handled every piece as there is now fabric on my shelves that I do not remember purchasing and certainly didn't know was in my stash (perhaps some was gifts but don't remember is that old age creeping up I used to be able to remember all the little details of my fabric).  Must say it all looks very pretty in the walk in robe.  Husbands comment before it was half done "does anyone person need this much fabric there must be enough to open your own quilt shop."  He doesn't know the saying about who has the most wins!!!! and I'm not about to tell him!!!!!1
On a non quilty note I wish everyone a very happy easter and hope the easter bunny brings you all lots of goddies.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Did I say the unpacking was done.  What an understatement, that was everything but my sewing room.  Didn't seem too big a job, how wrong can one be.  I have new shelves in a walk in robe for storage but decided all fabric needed to be ironed before setting up.  What a job but it really did need it as it had been sqashed into plastic tubs for twelve months and I know I will be happy when it is all done.  I'm off to the local reject shop again today (I'm their best customer lately) for another trolley with drawers.  I know some are pretty shabby but these are quite nice, fairly sturdy metal frame and 5 plastic drawers, just right for my strips and charm squares, ribbon, etc instead of shoe boxes which they are in at present.  Once again no sewing done and also no reading and it is my book club meeting tonight, I'll just have to listen to everyone's comments and if they are good get the book from the library.  I have literally been falling into bed at night absolutely spent.  Did get to the AQC in Melbourne on thursday (gave myself a day off) and boy oh boy do we have some talent in this country, the quilts were to die for.  Hopefully sewing will be on the agenda by the end of this week!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Finally we moved into our new home last Friday would you believe 1st April. Quite a date for me as I actually started a new job for the Dept of the Army on 1st April 1965, long time ago and only a week after my engagement to John. The house is really wonderful very spacious after the tiny little rental we have been in for the last 11 months. The sewing room looks like a bomb hit it at the moment but hopefully after another trip to Ikea next week it will look respectable and I will proudly put up a photograph for you all to see. The last week has been pretty hectic but most of unpacking has been done except for my very best china and crystal which awaits a new cabinet which will arrive a week from today. My big disappointment this week was that my son and his partner and my gorgeous granddaughter Lola were to have arrived from Perth on Thursday (haven't seen them since first week in December) but unfortunately Lola developed an ear infection so they were unable to fly. They will how be joining us in mid May. A few tears but I guess in the scheme of things what is another 6 weeks (says everyone but me)!!!!!!!! She will have had her 1st birthday by then, but only just so perhaps we will have a second celebration. Looking forward to getting back to sewing in another week or so. I know I could probably do it now but wouldn't enjoy it as much knowing I still have quite a bit to do so would rather get it all out of the way first. Thats just me!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I am missing Sylvia.  After having my Sylvias Bridal Sampler on the wall for nearly 12 months I find I am missing looking at it daily. I'm sure having it on the wall really inspired me to get the blocks done as recently I am not inspired to do much sewing at all.  I know I am in a very busy period leading up to moving house (when it finally happens hopefully in about 3 weeks) but I can't seem to settle to sewing at all, then at the end of the day I feel cranky because I haven't done any.  Tomorrow my group is having a welcome yearly  visit from our usual overseas visitors (over the Bay).  They are always very generous with their advice and usually have wonderful show and tell so maybe that will kick start me again.  One young lady seems to have a new quilt every 6 months when we see them and she only sews by hand. Truly inspiring.  I am looking forward to seeing her latest quilt. Unless I have got some all important news this will probably be my last post for a while.  Hopefully when I have a lovely new room to use for sewing and office things will look rosy once again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

We are now only about six weeks away from moving into our new house so it is time to once again begin packing up.  I have taken all my Sylvias Bridal Sampler blocks down from the wall and packed them up.  I must admit to being a little frustrated with it at the moment so am glad to see it down for a while.  After much indecision I decided to put it together in the quilt as you go method, which didn't prove very successful, so I unpicked the three rows and will join them in the traditional manner.  Not sure how I will quilt it though.   I participated in a Mug Rug swap through the Quilting Gallery and have posted them off  ( forgot to take photo of them before I sent them ).  Am awaiting mine in the mail also a christmas quilt block of the month through the fat quarter shop, so although I am in packing mode again I am also looking forward to receiving both of the above.  I have never had the room to hang a nice christmas quilt but will in the new house so must get onto it when it comes so it can be finished for THIS coming christmas!!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year to everyone who reads this.  I have added more blocks for my SBS Quilt along with a couple of replacements.  I have had all the blocks on the wall and decided a couple just didn't look right, so before I begin another row it was time to move a few blocks around and redo a couple.  I'm happy with it now!  My next decision is whether or not I sew them together in the quilt as you go method.  I'm very tempted.  I have also made the decision to make my joining strips 3/4 inch instead of 1 inch.  It sounds a very minor alteration but to me it looks better with my blocks, just my choice. 
My group will begin again next week and once again I must submit a list of UFOs to the keeper of that list within our group.  Must admit I think I only completed one on the list in 2010 but my excuse is that where I am living presently is not condusive to sewing (very very limited space thats my excuse anyway).  Only another couple of months and hopefully we will be in our new house and I won't have that excuse any longer!!!  Hope everyone has a great 2011 with plenty of sewing.

Replacement Blocks - Lady of the Lake and
Crows Foot
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F9 - Blazing Star, F10 - Aunt Sukey's Choice
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