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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone

Happy New Year to all my friends new & old some of you are already celebrating.....may God bless you with Love, Peace, Health & Happiness this new year!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

JC Kid's choir Christmas program

My grandson's TJ & Tyler's Christmas program at church....they were each a different Christmas tree ornament TJ my oldest he was the Polar Express train conductor & that is a real conductor's hat he's wearing and Tyler he was a race car driver. The following pictures show Tyler with the hanger on his head falling down because of a little help from him playing with it and TJ was saying "All aboard" in his picture. The pure innocence of children....God Bless them all!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to All!!

I just want to wish all my friends a Very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful, Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year and remember "God" is the reason for this glorious season...may his light shine down upon you today and everyday may you feel his love around you forevermore...Amen

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fun times w/grandson's

We had a fun filled weekend with our grandson's, first both set's of Mamaw's & Papaw's took them to see Santa and out to dinner on Friday then just the papaw's and daddy took them on a train ride with of course Santa on board on Sat. ....they had so much fun our oldest one TJ he loves diesel & steam engine trains so he was thrilled beyond words and Tyler the youngest liked Santa best... don't know how much longer they will want to go with us to see Santa so we're trying to keep in going as long as possible we had a few snow flakes today.....I want snow for Christmas then it can stay away, well enjoy those little one's they sure grow up fast!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Now it's..wait..wait.. wait

Well, I got at the inside decorating yesterday took me all day cause I really wasn't in the mood to do it but now it's done and it feels good... and the grandson's are happy that's what it's all about anyway's to see their little faces all lit up like the christmas tree so here is our fireplace mantle we're real country so that's how I decorate stuffed deer, moose, and snowmen no glitz & glitter for this country gal but I love to see other's who do it. Our tree looks like it just came out of the forest all covered with snow and the real reason for the Jesus lying in the manger, then a little table with grandson's and both set's of mamaw's & papaw's pictures taken every year when we go see the man himself "Santa claus" so that's pretty much it for my decoration's not alot but just enough so here's wishing all my friends & their families "Merry Christmas & a Wonderful New Year"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Looking alot like Christmas

Well since it's now the Christmas season I've changed my background & header picture.....I love the reindeer background I found at and the header picture is from our front yard....DH & I decorated this past Sunday after church since it was such a beautiful fairly warm day...we usually wait till it's cold & snowy before we do it but, got smart finally and did it when the weather cooperated with the mood so last night I went outside and took alot of pictures and put a collage together and made it my header picture. I love using the photo's I've taken to decorate with I hardly have any pictures on my walls that I've bought they are all photograph's taken of family, vacation's or whatever just seems so much homier to me well enough rambling on, think I'll start my inside decorating today so stay tuned for indoor pictures soon till then stay warm, hug someone you love and beeeeeeeeee happy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for you!

To all my blogging friends I wish you & yours a very Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving thanks. 1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his [a] ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ornament arrived in Hawaii

Kathleen my ornament swap partner informed me she had received the ornament I sent her....I had to use the picture she posted because I can't find the one I took. Go to and visit her blog and say Sandy sent you!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Aloha.....Ornament swap

I received this darling ornament from Kathleen today...we were partner's in Clare's Christmas ornament swap she is from Hawaii lucky me to have a partner from somewhere I've always wanted to go. Hope she likes mine as well will show it when I know she's received it.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veterans Day 11/11/2009

Representing the red white and blue The colors of our flag stand out proud and true May God bless all our veterans past & present for dedicating their lives to keeping our country free so that you & I can enjoy all the freedoms our great country has to offer
God Bless the USA!! Amen

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My little pirate & bat

My little grandson's TJ is the oldest and he's the pirate and Tyler is the bat....we had so much fun halloween night was abit chilly but they didn't care only mom & grandma did.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Just want to wish all my favorite ghosts & goblins a happy & safe halloween my daughter always has a little get together for family before trick or treat so I made these cupcakes to take down I love halloween always did as a child still do and probably always will so to all of you have fun and be safe!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fabric shop giveaway

Head on over to for a great fabric giveaway 5 1/2 yds. in 2 different fabric pkgs. 2 winners you have till 11/2 better hurry!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lot's of giveaway's to check out

A new subscription to McCalls quilting could be yours go to
Want this signed book then go to and maybe it will be yours good luck!

Isn't this the cutest snowman and don't you love Gooseberry patch anything if so go leave a comment at

Birthday giveaway at

Love to win these beautiful FQ's then head on over to the more entries the more winner's!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is so much funnnnnnnn

Here's a little collage I put together using "photoshop" and the frames are from if your into digital scrapbooking you need to go and check this site out she has beautiful frames etc. but, I really need to get back to my sewing until then hug's to all!! An Autumn Riddle
They are seen on the trees, They are seen on the ground. They are seen in the air,Whirling softly around; They sing rustling songs As our footsteps they hear, And their name is well known, For they come every year.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy fall ya all!

This is for my dear friend "Jane" at I finally got it figured out Jane....took quite awhile but, I am so excited the picture is a scarecrow I have in my front yard and I thought the frame was just perfect for it. You were so nice, helpful and very patient with me how can I ever thank you enough. Jane wrote a tutorial just for me on how to use "Photoshop" and how to use these wonderful frames with your own photo's
Thank you so much Jane you were so nice. helpful and very patient with me how can I thank you enough.
Hug's & Blessing's dear friend!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Heidi's giveaway

Heidi has a great giveaway of your choice of picture that she hand painted so go see them at

Saturday, October 3, 2009

100th. follower giveaway

You must go check out this giveaway at everything is just wonderful for a "fall" giveaway I'm really hoping to win it but, will give everyone a chance good luck!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My cat pincushion

Here's another pincushion that I made here"kitty-kitty" the stand is an old thread bobbin I found on one of my many antique shopping trips. It's stuffed, the eyes are pins and the tail is made using a tie twisty inside the fabric so it will curl. Well need to get back to my new project will show when finished until then

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Look at my goodie's

Look at what I received today in the mail the first picture is from the "Friendship bag swap" at that I swap partner is Kristie from Montana and I absolutely adore what she made me the bag, journal cover and pincushion are in my favorite colors and the card is handmade also and just as cute as can be thanks you a million times over Kristie I love them. The second picture is from Heather at I won a giveaway and she sent the most beautiful tatted necklace & earring set...cannot wait to wear them thanks Heather love them. Giveaway's & swaps are so much fun don't you think especially when you win but, even if you don't making new friends and sharing is so go and find a new friend and smile God loves you!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another fun giveaway

Another bfun giveaway at don't you just love all these giveaway's head on over!

Pumpkin giveaway

Go check out she's having a great pumpkin giveaway!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Teapot pincushion

Well it's been awhile since I've posted anything I've made we've had company for the past week our best friends were here visiting from Fl. and left this a.m. to head home....sure hated to see them leave "Life is nothing without friendship" by CICERO! Well anyway we did a little shopping (little) hehe while they were here and I found the cutest pattern among other's of course for pincushion's so here is my "Teapot" pincushion I just finished making. The base is an old wooden spool of thread I found at an antique shop soooooooooo cute & simple once in awhile don't you? I have some other things will take picture's and post soon until then......

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Isn't this neat

Here is my name made from things I found outside and in my house......

I seen photographs of letters of the alphabet made from outside objects yesterday at a craft store I went to and thought this is just the neatest thing, so today it was so beautiful outside I took my camera and started looking for letters is so amazing what letters you can find in trees, on building's, inside your homes....all you have to do is look. I found each letter of the alphabet except for J, R, & Q but I am determined I will find them somewhere. So go have some fun get your kid's, DH or just yourself and see what you can find leave me a comment if you find some and you publish it.
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Monday, September 14, 2009

Sad day!

I'm feeling pretty sad right now I just read that Patrick Swayze has passed away he was one of my favorite stars. He put up a good fight but the good Lord decided it was time. He will be missed "Rest in peace Patrick" and my prayers to all his family!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My hydranges

I've been working on a few projects but, none are finished yet to show, I picked these yesterday from my garden they are from 3 different plants. The colors are so beautiful I thought I needed to share them with all of you I just love hydranges....don't you? Enjoy the rest of your summer it's slipping by fast and my favorite season will be here soon "FALL" until tomorrow....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Friendship bag swap

Well I just signed up for the Friendship bag swap over at sounds like alot of fun and get to meet new bloggers and give & receive friendship bags maybe you want to head over there and sign up yourself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's here!!

I'm really excited my pattern that I won from Amanda at came today I'm ready to get started on it and hopefully it will turn out at least half as nice as her's did. Thank you Amanda I love it and my grandson's will too!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mixed bag to quilt

I just finished this really easy and lovely bag by Nanette Merrill at I made it out of "At waters edge" fabric by Moda I changed it just a little from what the pattern calls for but it turned out just fine. I added the antique doily with silk ribbon roses on to the front to add a little pizazz. It has 2 pockets on the inside. I made it for my quilt guild meeting tomorrow night seems I never take anything for "show n tell" so now I have something.

Until next time