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dbSNP Short Genetic Variations

Welcome to the Reference SNP (rs) Report

All alleles are reported in the Forward orientation. Click on the Variant Details tab for details on Genomic Placement, Gene, and Amino Acid changes. HGVS names are in the HGVS tab.

Reference SNP (rs) Report

This page reports data for a single dbSNP Reference SNP variation (RefSNP or rs) from the new redesigned dbSNP build.
Top of the page reports a concise summary for the rs, with more specific details included in the corresponding tabs below.
All alleles are reported in the Forward orientation. Use the Genomic View to inspect the nucleotides flanking the variant, and its neighbors.
For more information see Help documentation.


Current Build 156

Released September 21, 2022

Homo sapiens
chr22:37066896 (GRCh38.p14) Help

The anchor position for this RefSNP. Includes all nucleotides potentially affected by this change, thus it can differ from HGVS, which is right-shifted. See here for details.

A>C / A>G / A>T
Variation Type
SNV Single Nucleotide Variation
A=0.439967 (128818/292790, ALFA)
A=0.361479 (95680/264690, TOPMED)
A=0.353139 (49407/139908, GnomAD) (+ 22 more)
A=0.34377 (27052/78692, PAGE_STUDY)
G=0.44030 (12442/28258, 14KJPN)
G=0.43938 (7364/16760, 8.3KJPN)
A=0.34138 (4440/13006, GO-ESP)
A=0.3855 (2469/6404, 1000G_30x)
A=0.3954 (1980/5008, 1000G)
A=0.4281 (1918/4480, Estonian)
A=0.4600 (1773/3854, ALSPAC)
A=0.4469 (1657/3708, TWINSUK)
G=0.4863 (1425/2930, KOREAN)
A=0.4822 (1005/2084, HGDP_Stanford)
A=0.3525 (667/1892, HapMap)
G=0.4962 (909/1832, Korea1K)
A=0.423 (422/998, GoNL)
A=0.368 (221/600, NorthernSweden)
A=0.438 (234/534, MGP)
A=0.269 (101/376, SGDP_PRJ)
A=0.362 (108/298, FINRISK)
A=0.338 (73/216, Qatari)
G=0.45 (30/66, Ancient Sardinia)
A=0.38 (15/40, GENOME_DK)
A=0.34 (11/32, Siberian)
Clinical Significance
Reported in ClinVar
Gene : Consequence
TMPRSS6 : Missense Variant
69 citations
Genomic View
See rs on genome

ALFA Allele Frequency
The ALFA project provide aggregate allele frequency from dbGaP. More information is available on the project page including descriptions, data access, and terms of use.

Release Version: 20230706150541
Population Group Sample Size Ref Allele Alt Allele
Total Global 309260 A=0.435190 G=0.564810, T=0.000000
European Sub 260492 A=0.440935 G=0.559065, T=0.000000
African Sub 10340 A=0.17369 G=0.82631, T=0.00000
African Others Sub 350 A=0.100 G=0.900, T=0.000
African American Sub 9990 A=0.1763 G=0.8237, T=0.0000
Asian Sub 3748 A=0.5475 G=0.4525, T=0.0000
East Asian Sub 2396 A=0.5434 G=0.4566, T=0.0000
Other Asian Sub 1352 A=0.5547 G=0.4453, T=0.0000
Latin American 1 Sub 1066 A=0.3780 G=0.6220, T=0.0000
Latin American 2 Sub 6438 A=0.4831 G=0.5169, T=0.0000
South Asian Sub 4992 A=0.5250 G=0.4750, T=0.0000
Other Sub 22184 A=0.43928 G=0.56072, T=0.00000


Frequency tab displays a table of the reference and alternate allele frequencies reported by various studies and populations. Table lines, where Population="Global" refer to the entire study population, whereas lines, where Group="Sub", refer to a study-specific population subgroupings (i.e. AFR, CAU, etc.), if available. Frequency for the alternate allele (Alt Allele) is a ratio of samples observed-to-total, where the numerator (observed samples) is the number of chromosomes in the study with the minor allele present (found in "Sample size", where Group="Sub"), and the denominator (total samples) is the total number of all chromosomes in the study for the variant (found in "Sample size", where Group="Study-wide" and Population="Global").

Study Population Group Sample Size Ref Allele Alt Allele
Allele Frequency Aggregator Total Global 292790 A=0.439967 G=0.560033, T=0.000000
Allele Frequency Aggregator European Sub 250310 A=0.441085 G=0.558915, T=0.000000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Other Sub 20734 A=0.44270 G=0.55730, T=0.00000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Latin American 2 Sub 6438 A=0.4831 G=0.5169, T=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator African Sub 5502 A=0.1899 G=0.8101, T=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator South Asian Sub 4992 A=0.5250 G=0.4750, T=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Asian Sub 3748 A=0.5475 G=0.4525, T=0.0000
Allele Frequency Aggregator Latin American 1 Sub 1066 A=0.3780 G=0.6220, T=0.0000
TopMed Global Study-wide 264690 A=0.361479 G=0.638521
gnomAD - Genomes Global Study-wide 139908 A=0.353139 G=0.646861
gnomAD - Genomes European Sub 75738 A=0.42485 G=0.57515
gnomAD - Genomes African Sub 41944 A=0.15669 G=0.84331
gnomAD - Genomes American Sub 13640 A=0.48636 G=0.51364
gnomAD - Genomes Ashkenazi Jewish Sub 3314 A=0.4381 G=0.5619
gnomAD - Genomes East Asian Sub 3120 A=0.5494 G=0.4506
gnomAD - Genomes Other Sub 2152 A=0.3987 G=0.6013
The PAGE Study Global Study-wide 78692 A=0.34377 G=0.65623
The PAGE Study AfricanAmerican Sub 32512 A=0.16539 G=0.83461
The PAGE Study Mexican Sub 10810 A=0.45643 G=0.54357
The PAGE Study Asian Sub 8314 A=0.5545 G=0.4455
The PAGE Study PuertoRican Sub 7916 A=0.4058 G=0.5942
The PAGE Study NativeHawaiian Sub 4534 A=0.5909 G=0.4091
The PAGE Study Cuban Sub 4230 A=0.4092 G=0.5908
The PAGE Study Dominican Sub 3828 A=0.3177 G=0.6823
The PAGE Study CentralAmerican Sub 2450 A=0.5233 G=0.4767
The PAGE Study SouthAmerican Sub 1982 A=0.5368 G=0.4632
The PAGE Study NativeAmerican Sub 1260 A=0.4087 G=0.5913
The PAGE Study SouthAsian Sub 856 A=0.505 G=0.495
14KJPN JAPANESE Study-wide 28258 A=0.55970 G=0.44030
8.3KJPN JAPANESE Study-wide 16760 A=0.56062 G=0.43938
GO Exome Sequencing Project Global Study-wide 13006 A=0.34138 G=0.65862
GO Exome Sequencing Project European American Sub 8600 A=0.4351 G=0.5649
GO Exome Sequencing Project African American Sub 4406 A=0.1584 G=0.8416
1000Genomes_30x Global Study-wide 6404 A=0.3855 G=0.6145
1000Genomes_30x African Sub 1786 A=0.1008 G=0.8992
1000Genomes_30x Europe Sub 1266 A=0.3855 G=0.6145
1000Genomes_30x South Asian Sub 1202 A=0.5441 G=0.4559
1000Genomes_30x East Asian Sub 1170 A=0.5590 G=0.4410
1000Genomes_30x American Sub 980 A=0.503 G=0.497
1000Genomes Global Study-wide 5008 A=0.3954 G=0.6046
1000Genomes African Sub 1322 A=0.1006 G=0.8994
1000Genomes East Asian Sub 1008 A=0.5655 G=0.4345
1000Genomes Europe Sub 1006 A=0.3877 G=0.6123
1000Genomes South Asian Sub 978 A=0.543 G=0.457
1000Genomes American Sub 694 A=0.513 G=0.487
Genetic variation in the Estonian population Estonian Study-wide 4480 A=0.4281 G=0.5719
The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children PARENT AND CHILD COHORT Study-wide 3854 A=0.4600 G=0.5400
UK 10K study - Twins TWIN COHORT Study-wide 3708 A=0.4469 G=0.5531
KOREAN population from KRGDB KOREAN Study-wide 2930 A=0.5137 G=0.4863, T=0.0000
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Global Study-wide 2084 A=0.4822 G=0.5178
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Est_Asia Sub 470 A=0.540 G=0.460
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Central_South_Asia Sub 414 A=0.546 G=0.454
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Middle_Est Sub 350 A=0.386 G=0.614
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Europe Sub 320 A=0.463 G=0.537
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Africa Sub 242 A=0.099 G=0.901
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 America Sub 216 A=0.727 G=0.273
HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 Oceania Sub 72 A=0.85 G=0.15
HapMap Global Study-wide 1892 A=0.3525 G=0.6475
HapMap American Sub 770 A=0.483 G=0.517
HapMap African Sub 692 A=0.092 G=0.908
HapMap Asian Sub 254 A=0.583 G=0.417
HapMap Europe Sub 176 A=0.472 G=0.528
Korean Genome Project KOREAN Study-wide 1832 A=0.5038 G=0.4962
Genome of the Netherlands Release 5 Genome of the Netherlands Study-wide 998 A=0.423 G=0.577
Northern Sweden ACPOP Study-wide 600 A=0.368 G=0.632
Medical Genome Project healthy controls from Spanish population Spanish controls Study-wide 534 A=0.438 G=0.562
SGDP_PRJ Global Study-wide 376 A=0.269 G=0.729, T=0.003
FINRISK Finnish from FINRISK project Study-wide 298 A=0.362 G=0.638
Qatari Global Study-wide 216 A=0.338 G=0.662
Ancient Sardinia genome-wide 1240k capture data generation and analysis Global Study-wide 66 A=0.55 G=0.45
The Danish reference pan genome Danish Study-wide 40 A=0.38 G=0.62
Siberian Global Study-wide 32 A=0.34 G=0.66

Variant Details tab shows known variant placements on genomic sequences: chromosomes (NC_), RefSeqGene, pseudogenes or genomic regions (NG_), and in a separate table: on transcripts (NM_) and protein sequences (NP_). The corresponding transcript and protein locations are listed in adjacent lines, along with molecular consequences from Sequence Ontology. When no protein placement is available, only the transcript is listed. Column "Codon[Amino acid]" shows the actual base change in the format of "Reference > Alternate" allele, including the nucleotide codon change in transcripts, and the amino acid change in proteins, respectively, allowing for known ribosomal slippage sites. To view nucleotides adjacent to the variant use the Genomic View at the bottom of the page - zoom into the sequence until the nucleotides around the variant become visible.

Genomic Placements
Sequence name Change
GRCh38.p14 chr 22 NC_000022.11:g.37066896A>C
GRCh38.p14 chr 22 NC_000022.11:g.37066896A>G
GRCh38.p14 chr 22 NC_000022.11:g.37066896A>T
GRCh37.p13 chr 22 NC_000022.10:g.37462936A>C
GRCh37.p13 chr 22 NC_000022.10:g.37462936A>G
GRCh37.p13 chr 22 NC_000022.10:g.37462936A>T
TMPRSS6 RefSeqGene (LRG_1128) NG_012856.2:g.47668T>G
TMPRSS6 RefSeqGene (LRG_1128) NG_012856.2:g.47668T>C
TMPRSS6 RefSeqGene (LRG_1128) NG_012856.2:g.47668T>A
Gene: TMPRSS6, transmembrane serine protease 6 (minus strand)
Molecule type Change Amino acid[Codon] SO Term
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 3 NM_001289001.2:c.2180T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001275930.1:p.Val727Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 3 NM_001289001.2:c.2180T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001275930.1:p.Val727Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 3 NM_001289001.2:c.2180T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001275930.1:p.Val727Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 1 NM_001289000.2:c.2246T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 1 NP_001275929.1:p.Val749Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 1 NM_001289000.2:c.2246T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 1 NP_001275929.1:p.Val749Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 1 NM_001289000.2:c.2246T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 1 NP_001275929.1:p.Val749Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 2 NM_153609.4:c.2180T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_705837.2:p.Val727Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 2 NM_153609.4:c.2180T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_705837.2:p.Val727Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 2 NM_153609.4:c.2180T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_705837.2:p.Val727Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 4 NM_001374504.1:c.2180T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001361433.1:p.Val727Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 4 NM_001374504.1:c.2180T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001361433.1:p.Val727Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 4 NM_001374504.1:c.2180T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001361433.1:p.Val727Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X1 XM_024452168.2:c.2246T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307936.1:p.Val749Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X1 XM_024452168.2:c.2246T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307936.1:p.Val749Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X1 XM_024452168.2:c.2246T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307936.1:p.Val749Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X2 XM_024452167.2:c.2246T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307935.1:p.Val749Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X2 XM_024452167.2:c.2246T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307935.1:p.Val749Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X2 XM_024452167.2:c.2246T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307935.1:p.Val749Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X3 XM_011529989.3:c.1814T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X2 XP_011528291.1:p.Val605Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X3 XM_011529989.3:c.1814T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X2 XP_011528291.1:p.Val605Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X3 XM_011529989.3:c.1814T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X2 XP_011528291.1:p.Val605Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X4 XM_047441170.1:c.1748T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297126.1:p.Val583Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X4 XM_047441170.1:c.1748T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297126.1:p.Val583Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X4 XM_047441170.1:c.1748T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297126.1:p.Val583Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X5 XM_047441171.1:c.1748T>G V [GTC] > G [GGC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297127.1:p.Val583Gly V (Val) > G (Gly) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X5 XM_047441171.1:c.1748T>C V [GTC] > A [GCC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297127.1:p.Val583Ala V (Val) > A (Ala) Missense Variant
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X5 XM_047441171.1:c.1748T>A V [GTC] > D [GAC] Coding Sequence Variant
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297127.1:p.Val583Asp V (Val) > D (Asp) Missense Variant

Clinical Significance tab shows a list of clinical significance entries from ClinVar associated with the variation, per allele. Click on the RCV accession (i.e. RCV000001615.2) or Allele ID (i.e. 12274) to access full ClinVar report.

Allele: G (allele ID: 257670 )
ClinVar Accession Disease Names Clinical Significance
RCV000246767.6 not specified Benign
RCV000384447.4 Microcytic anemia Benign
RCV001723861.5 not provided Benign
RCV001838608.3 Iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia Benign

Aliases tab displays HGVS names representing the variant placements and allele changes on genomic, transcript and protein sequences, per allele. HGVS name is an expression for reporting sequence accession and version, sequence type, position, and allele change. The column "Note" can have two values: "diff" means that there is a difference between the reference allele (variation interval) at the placement reported in HGVS name and the reference alleles reported in other HGVS names, and "rev" means that the sequence of this variation interval at the placement reported in HGVS name is in reverse orientation to the sequence(s) of this variation in other HGVS names not labeled as "rev".

Placement A= C G T
GRCh38.p14 chr 22 NC_000022.11:g.37066896= NC_000022.11:g.37066896A>C NC_000022.11:g.37066896A>G NC_000022.11:g.37066896A>T
GRCh37.p13 chr 22 NC_000022.10:g.37462936= NC_000022.10:g.37462936A>C NC_000022.10:g.37462936A>G NC_000022.10:g.37462936A>T
TMPRSS6 RefSeqGene (LRG_1128) NG_012856.2:g.47668= NG_012856.2:g.47668T>G NG_012856.2:g.47668T>C NG_012856.2:g.47668T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 2 NM_153609.4:c.2180= NM_153609.4:c.2180T>G NM_153609.4:c.2180T>C NM_153609.4:c.2180T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 2 NM_153609.3:c.2207= NM_153609.3:c.2207T>G NM_153609.3:c.2207T>C NM_153609.3:c.2207T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript NM_153609.2:c.2207= NM_153609.2:c.2207T>G NM_153609.2:c.2207T>C NM_153609.2:c.2207T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 1 NM_001289000.2:c.2246= NM_001289000.2:c.2246T>G NM_001289000.2:c.2246T>C NM_001289000.2:c.2246T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 1 NM_001289000.1:c.2246= NM_001289000.1:c.2246T>G NM_001289000.1:c.2246T>C NM_001289000.1:c.2246T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 3 NM_001289001.2:c.2180= NM_001289001.2:c.2180T>G NM_001289001.2:c.2180T>C NM_001289001.2:c.2180T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 3 NM_001289001.1:c.2180= NM_001289001.1:c.2180T>G NM_001289001.1:c.2180T>C NM_001289001.1:c.2180T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant 4 NM_001374504.1:c.2180= NM_001374504.1:c.2180T>G NM_001374504.1:c.2180T>C NM_001374504.1:c.2180T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X3 XM_011529989.3:c.1814= XM_011529989.3:c.1814T>G XM_011529989.3:c.1814T>C XM_011529989.3:c.1814T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X6 XM_011529989.2:c.1814= XM_011529989.2:c.1814T>G XM_011529989.2:c.1814T>C XM_011529989.2:c.1814T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X5 XM_011529989.1:c.1814= XM_011529989.1:c.1814T>G XM_011529989.1:c.1814T>C XM_011529989.1:c.1814T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X1 XM_024452168.2:c.2246= XM_024452168.2:c.2246T>G XM_024452168.2:c.2246T>C XM_024452168.2:c.2246T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X2 XM_024452168.1:c.2246= XM_024452168.1:c.2246T>G XM_024452168.1:c.2246T>C XM_024452168.1:c.2246T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X2 XM_024452167.2:c.2246= XM_024452167.2:c.2246T>G XM_024452167.2:c.2246T>C XM_024452167.2:c.2246T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X1 XM_024452167.1:c.2246= XM_024452167.1:c.2246T>G XM_024452167.1:c.2246T>C XM_024452167.1:c.2246T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X4 XM_047441170.1:c.1748= XM_047441170.1:c.1748T>G XM_047441170.1:c.1748T>C XM_047441170.1:c.1748T>A
TMPRSS6 transcript variant X5 XM_047441171.1:c.1748= XM_047441171.1:c.1748T>G XM_047441171.1:c.1748T>C XM_047441171.1:c.1748T>A
FLJ30744 transcript NM_153019.1:c.*1241G>A NM_153019.1:c.*1241G>C NM_153019.1:c.*1241= NM_153019.1:c.*1241G>T
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_705837.2:p.Val727= NP_705837.2:p.Val727Gly NP_705837.2:p.Val727Ala NP_705837.2:p.Val727Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 1 NP_001275929.1:p.Val749= NP_001275929.1:p.Val749Gly NP_001275929.1:p.Val749Ala NP_001275929.1:p.Val749Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001275930.1:p.Val727= NP_001275930.1:p.Val727Gly NP_001275930.1:p.Val727Ala NP_001275930.1:p.Val727Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 3 NP_001361433.1:p.Val727= NP_001361433.1:p.Val727Gly NP_001361433.1:p.Val727Ala NP_001361433.1:p.Val727Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X2 XP_011528291.1:p.Val605= XP_011528291.1:p.Val605Gly XP_011528291.1:p.Val605Ala XP_011528291.1:p.Val605Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307936.1:p.Val749= XP_024307936.1:p.Val749Gly XP_024307936.1:p.Val749Ala XP_024307936.1:p.Val749Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X1 XP_024307935.1:p.Val749= XP_024307935.1:p.Val749Gly XP_024307935.1:p.Val749Ala XP_024307935.1:p.Val749Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297126.1:p.Val583= XP_047297126.1:p.Val583Gly XP_047297126.1:p.Val583Ala XP_047297126.1:p.Val583Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform X3 XP_047297127.1:p.Val583= XP_047297127.1:p.Val583Gly XP_047297127.1:p.Val583Ala XP_047297127.1:p.Val583Asp
transmembrane protease serine 6 isoform 2 NP_705837.1:p.Val736= NP_705837.1:p.Val736Gly NP_705837.1:p.Val736Ala NP_705837.1:p.Val736Asp

Submissions tab displays variations originally submitted to dbSNP, now supporting this RefSNP cluster (rs). We display Submitter handle, Submission identifier, Date and Build number, when the submission appeared for the first time. Direct submissions to dbSNP have Submission ID in the form of an ss-prefixed number (ss#). Other supporting variations are listed in the table without ss#.

209 SubSNP, 31 Frequency, 4 ClinVar submissions
No Submitter Submission ID Date (Build)
1 KWOK ss1244079 Oct 05, 2000 (86)
2 KWOK ss2048632 Oct 18, 2000 (87)
3 TSC-CSHL ss3070168 Jun 15, 2001 (96)
4 YUSUKE ss3189390 Aug 15, 2001 (98)
5 SC_JCM ss3872466 Sep 28, 2001 (100)
6 SC_SNP ss8296198 Apr 21, 2003 (114)
7 SC_SNP ss13359222 Dec 05, 2003 (119)
8 CSHL-HAPMAP ss16919379 Feb 27, 2004 (120)
9 CSHL-HAPMAP ss17715081 Feb 27, 2004 (120)
10 PERLEGEN ss24601298 Sep 20, 2004 (123)
11 ABI ss44317694 Mar 13, 2006 (126)
12 APPLERA_GI ss48416741 Mar 13, 2006 (126)
13 ILLUMINA ss66661500 Nov 30, 2006 (127)
14 ILLUMINA ss67881362 Nov 30, 2006 (127)
15 ILLUMINA ss68022227 Nov 30, 2006 (127)
16 CSHL-HAPMAP ss68405073 Jan 12, 2007 (127)
17 PERLEGEN ss69272756 May 17, 2007 (127)
18 ILLUMINA ss70975315 May 25, 2008 (130)
19 ILLUMINA ss71586858 May 17, 2007 (127)
20 ILLUMINA ss75519074 Dec 06, 2007 (129)
21 SI_EXO ss76888047 Dec 06, 2007 (129)
22 HGSV ss77148094 Dec 06, 2007 (129)
23 ILLUMINA ss79284426 Dec 15, 2007 (130)
24 HGSV ss81123200 Dec 15, 2007 (130)
25 HGSV ss81172079 Dec 15, 2007 (130)
26 KRIBB_YJKIM ss83581143 Dec 15, 2007 (130)
27 HGSV ss84248801 Dec 15, 2007 (130)
28 BCMHGSC_JDW ss91921442 Mar 24, 2008 (129)
29 HUMANGENOME_JCVI ss96125361 Feb 05, 2009 (130)
30 BGI ss106226917 Feb 05, 2009 (130)
31 1000GENOMES ss112646986 Jan 25, 2009 (130)
32 1000GENOMES ss114210492 Jan 25, 2009 (130)
33 ILLUMINA-UK ss117405243 Feb 14, 2009 (130)
34 ILLUMINA ss122920447 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
35 ENSEMBL ss138355438 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
36 ENSEMBL ss139448745 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
37 ILLUMINA ss154474407 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
38 GMI ss157180672 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
39 ILLUMINA ss159648891 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
40 SEATTLESEQ ss159744420 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
41 ILLUMINA ss160958603 Dec 01, 2009 (131)
42 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss167946619 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
43 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss169254774 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
44 COMPLETE_GENOMICS ss171977841 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
45 ILLUMINA ss172411392 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
46 ILLUMINA ss174751522 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
47 BUSHMAN ss204089585 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
48 BCM-HGSC-SUB ss208834597 Jul 04, 2010 (132)
49 1000GENOMES ss228682801 Jul 14, 2010 (132)
50 1000GENOMES ss238071683 Jul 15, 2010 (132)
51 1000GENOMES ss244188996 Jul 15, 2010 (132)
52 GMI ss283637899 May 04, 2012 (137)
53 GMI ss287570234 Apr 25, 2013 (138)
54 PJP ss292761941 May 09, 2011 (134)
55 NHLBI-ESP ss342541927 May 09, 2011 (134)
56 ILLUMINA ss410840788 Sep 17, 2011 (135)
57 ILLUMINA ss410955398 Sep 17, 2011 (135)
58 ILLUMINA ss481811077 May 04, 2012 (137)
59 ILLUMINA ss481843598 May 04, 2012 (137)
60 ILLUMINA ss482804555 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
61 ILLUMINA ss485700214 May 04, 2012 (137)
62 1000GENOMES ss491192345 May 04, 2012 (137)
63 EXOME_CHIP ss491571289 May 04, 2012 (137)
64 CLINSEQ_SNP ss491824122 May 04, 2012 (137)
65 ILLUMINA ss537565872 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
66 TISHKOFF ss566645074 Apr 25, 2013 (138)
67 SSMP ss662574839 Apr 25, 2013 (138)
68 ILLUMINA ss778629560 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
69 ILLUMINA ss780762294 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
70 ILLUMINA ss783295667 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
71 ILLUMINA ss783441329 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
72 ILLUMINA ss784248146 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
73 ILLUMINA ss825614944 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
74 ILLUMINA ss832556966 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
75 ILLUMINA ss833159712 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
76 ILLUMINA ss834087147 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
77 JMKIDD_LAB ss974512837 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
78 EVA-GONL ss995359212 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
79 JMKIDD_LAB ss1067606150 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
80 JMKIDD_LAB ss1082663992 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
81 1000GENOMES ss1367192260 Aug 21, 2014 (142)
82 DDI ss1429258833 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
83 EVA_GENOME_DK ss1579755841 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
84 EVA_FINRISK ss1584127791 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
85 EVA_UK10K_ALSPAC ss1640009754 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
86 EVA_UK10K_TWINSUK ss1683003787 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
87 EVA_EXAC ss1694332876 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
88 EVA_EXAC ss1694332877 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
89 EVA_DECODE ss1699429367 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
90 EVA_MGP ss1711568837 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
91 EVA_SVP ss1713741786 Apr 01, 2015 (144)
92 ILLUMINA ss1752421108 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
93 ILLUMINA ss1752421109 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
94 HAMMER_LAB ss1809792125 Sep 08, 2015 (146)
95 ILLUMINA ss1917955667 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
96 WEILL_CORNELL_DGM ss1938925697 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
97 ILLUMINA ss1946590679 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
98 ILLUMINA ss1946590682 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
99 ILLUMINA ss1959979984 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
100 ILLUMINA ss1959979985 Feb 12, 2016 (147)
101 GENOMED ss1969274176 Jul 19, 2016 (147)
102 JJLAB ss2030235063 Sep 14, 2016 (149)
103 USC_VALOUEV ss2158854232 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
104 HUMAN_LONGEVITY ss2247386369 Dec 20, 2016 (150)
105 SYSTEMSBIOZJU ss2629614784 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
106 ILLUMINA ss2633879323 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
107 GRF ss2704606206 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
108 ILLUMINA ss2710958109 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
109 GNOMAD ss2745120079 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
110 GNOMAD ss2750549455 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
111 GNOMAD ss2974459996 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
112 AFFY ss2985238721 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
113 AFFY ss2985855211 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
114 SWEGEN ss3019315513 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
115 ILLUMINA ss3022186803 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
116 ILLUMINA ss3022186804 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
117 EVA_SAMSUNG_MC ss3023073515 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
118 BIOINF_KMB_FNS_UNIBA ss3028954784 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
119 CSHL ss3352841417 Nov 08, 2017 (151)
120 ILLUMINA ss3625802899 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
121 ILLUMINA ss3628536085 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
122 ILLUMINA ss3628536086 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
123 ILLUMINA ss3631830565 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
124 ILLUMINA ss3633273561 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
125 ILLUMINA ss3633989353 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
126 ILLUMINA ss3634868179 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
127 ILLUMINA ss3634868180 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
128 ILLUMINA ss3635673791 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
129 ILLUMINA ss3636563988 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
130 ILLUMINA ss3637426032 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
131 ILLUMINA ss3638383160 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
132 ILLUMINA ss3639195375 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
133 ILLUMINA ss3639614432 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
134 ILLUMINA ss3640575483 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
135 ILLUMINA ss3640575484 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
136 ILLUMINA ss3641138337 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
137 ILLUMINA ss3641434787 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
138 ILLUMINA ss3643342841 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
139 ILLUMINA ss3644800524 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
140 ILLUMINA ss3644800525 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
141 OMUKHERJEE_ADBS ss3646567223 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
142 URBANLAB ss3651181107 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
143 ILLUMINA ss3652650230 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
144 ILLUMINA ss3652650231 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
145 ILLUMINA ss3654006824 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
146 EGCUT_WGS ss3685811099 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
147 EVA_DECODE ss3708215533 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
148 ILLUMINA ss3725969217 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
149 ACPOP ss3743940962 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
150 ILLUMINA ss3744206964 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
151 ILLUMINA ss3744502824 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
152 ILLUMINA ss3745168027 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
153 ILLUMINA ss3745168028 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
154 EVA ss3759392108 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
155 PAGE_CC ss3772091894 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
156 ILLUMINA ss3772663926 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
157 ILLUMINA ss3772663927 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
158 PACBIO ss3788828872 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
159 PACBIO ss3793694205 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
160 PACBIO ss3798580674 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
161 KHV_HUMAN_GENOMES ss3822554850 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
162 EVA ss3825444796 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
163 EVA ss3825534263 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
164 EVA ss3825548497 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
165 EVA ss3825970555 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
166 EVA ss3835996028 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
167 EVA ss3841626271 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
168 EVA ss3847141343 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
169 HGDP ss3847689637 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
170 SGDP_PRJ ss3890561446 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
171 KRGDB ss3940960134 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
172 KOGIC ss3983653583 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
173 FSA-LAB ss3984235367 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
174 EVA ss3984760606 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
175 EVA ss3984760607 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
176 EVA ss3985918380 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
177 EVA ss3986087761 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
178 EVA ss3986862534 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
179 TOPMED ss5109454403 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
180 TOMMO_GENOMICS ss5232658656 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
181 EVA ss5236991150 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
182 EVA ss5237256040 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
183 EVA ss5237676410 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
184 1000G_HIGH_COVERAGE ss5311126199 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
185 TRAN_CS_UWATERLOO ss5314457755 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
186 EVA ss5316057751 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
187 EVA ss5441348674 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
188 HUGCELL_USP ss5502965954 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
189 EVA ss5512383753 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
190 1000G_HIGH_COVERAGE ss5618693416 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
191 EVA ss5623983766 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
192 EVA ss5624122521 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
193 SANFORD_IMAGENETICS ss5624503380 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
194 SANFORD_IMAGENETICS ss5664508086 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
195 TOMMO_GENOMICS ss5793788823 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
196 EVA ss5800041551 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
197 EVA ss5800075692 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
198 EVA ss5800236186 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
199 YY_MCH ss5818719246 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
200 EVA ss5822082962 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
201 EVA ss5847518595 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
202 EVA ss5847944626 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
203 EVA ss5848568030 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
204 EVA ss5853397405 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
205 EVA ss5881850835 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
206 EVA ss5936580420 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
207 EVA ss5959364419 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
208 EVA ss5979637732 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
209 EVA ss5981322241 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
210 1000Genomes NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
211 1000Genomes_30x NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
212 The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
213 Genetic variation in the Estonian population NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
214 ExAC

Submission ignored due to conflicting rows:
Row 5912754 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 51424/120428, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 69004/120428)
Row 5912755 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 120426/120428, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:T 2/120428)

- Oct 12, 2018 (152)
215 ExAC

Submission ignored due to conflicting rows:
Row 5912754 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 51424/120428, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 69004/120428)
Row 5912755 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 120426/120428, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:T 2/120428)

- Oct 12, 2018 (152)
216 FINRISK NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
217 The Danish reference pan genome NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
218 gnomAD - Genomes NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
219 gnomAD - Exomes

Submission ignored due to conflicting rows:
Row 14451893 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 108662/250414, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 141752/250414)
Row 14451894 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 250413/250414, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:T 1/250414)

- Jul 13, 2019 (153)
220 gnomAD - Exomes

Submission ignored due to conflicting rows:
Row 14451893 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 108662/250414, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 141752/250414)
Row 14451894 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:A 250413/250414, NC_000022.10:37462935:A:T 1/250414)

- Jul 13, 2019 (153)
221 GO Exome Sequencing Project NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
222 Genome of the Netherlands Release 5 NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
223 HGDP-CEPH-db Supplement 1 NC_000022.9 - 35792882 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
224 HapMap NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
225 KOREAN population from KRGDB NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
226 Korean Genome Project NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
227 Medical Genome Project healthy controls from Spanish population NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
228 Northern Sweden NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
229 The PAGE Study NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Jul 13, 2019 (153)
230 Ancient Sardinia genome-wide 1240k capture data generation and analysis NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
231 CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas

Submission ignored due to conflicting rows:
Row 310191 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 313/712)
Row 310192 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 315/714)

- Apr 26, 2021 (155)
232 CNV burdens in cranial meningiomas

Submission ignored due to conflicting rows:
Row 310191 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 313/712)
Row 310192 (NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G 315/714)

- Apr 26, 2021 (155)
233 Qatari NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
234 SGDP_PRJ NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
235 Siberian NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 27, 2020 (154)
236 8.3KJPN NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
237 14KJPN NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
238 TopMed NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
239 UK 10K study - Twins NC_000022.10 - 37462936 Oct 12, 2018 (152)
240 ALFA NC_000022.11 - 37066896 Apr 26, 2021 (155)
241 ClinVar RCV000246767.6 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
242 ClinVar RCV000384447.4 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
243 ClinVar RCV001723861.5 Oct 16, 2022 (156)
244 ClinVar RCV001838608.3 Oct 16, 2022 (156)

History tab displays RefSNPs (Associated ID) from previous builds (Build) that now support the current RefSNP, and the dates, when the history was updated for each Associated ID (History Updated).

Associated ID History Updated (Build)
rs17749938 Oct 07, 2004 (123)
rs59898578 May 25, 2008 (130)
Added to this RefSNP Cluster:
Submission IDs Observation SPDI Canonical SPDI Source RSIDs
ss5981322241 NC_000022.10:37462935:A:C NC_000022.11:37066895:A:C
ss77148094, ss81123200, ss81172079, ss84248801, ss3639195375, ss3639614432 NC_000022.8:35787435:A:G NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G (self)
367529, ss91921442, ss112646986, ss114210492, ss117405243, ss160958603, ss167946619, ss169254774, ss171977841, ss204089585, ss208834597, ss283637899, ss287570234, ss292761941, ss410840788, ss481811077, ss491824122, ss825614944, ss1699429367, ss1713741786, ss3643342841, ss3847689637 NC_000022.9:35792881:A:G NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G (self)
80745389, 44665761, 31549347, 124252, 5920780, 1901628, 19903486, 48137528, 684597, 17225827, 1144307, 20967619, 42578426, 11370586, 90627963, 44665761, ss228682801, ss238071683, ss244188996, ss342541927, ss481843598, ss482804555, ss485700214, ss491192345, ss491571289, ss537565872, ss566645074, ss662574839, ss778629560, ss780762294, ss783295667, ss783441329, ss784248146, ss832556966, ss833159712, ss834087147, ss974512837, ss995359212, ss1067606150, ss1082663992, ss1367192260, ss1429258833, ss1579755841, ss1584127791, ss1640009754, ss1683003787, ss1694332876, ss1711568837, ss1752421108, ss1752421109, ss1809792125, ss1917955667, ss1938925697, ss1946590679, ss1946590682, ss1959979984, ss1959979985, ss1969274176, ss2030235063, ss2158854232, ss2629614784, ss2633879323, ss2704606206, ss2710958109, ss2745120079, ss2750549455, ss2974459996, ss2985238721, ss2985855211, ss3019315513, ss3022186803, ss3022186804, ss3023073515, ss3352841417, ss3625802899, ss3628536085, ss3628536086, ss3631830565, ss3633273561, ss3633989353, ss3634868179, ss3634868180, ss3635673791, ss3636563988, ss3637426032, ss3638383160, ss3640575483, ss3640575484, ss3641138337, ss3641434787, ss3644800524, ss3644800525, ss3646567223, ss3652650230, ss3652650231, ss3654006824, ss3685811099, ss3743940962, ss3744206964, ss3744502824, ss3745168027, ss3745168028, ss3759392108, ss3772663926, ss3772663927, ss3788828872, ss3793694205, ss3798580674, ss3825444796, ss3825534263, ss3825548497, ss3825970555, ss3835996028, ss3841626271, ss3890561446, ss3940960134, ss3984235367, ss3984760606, ss3984760607, ss3985918380, ss3986087761, ss3986862534, ss5232658656, ss5316057751, ss5441348674, ss5512383753, ss5623983766, ss5624122521, ss5624503380, ss5664508086, ss5800041551, ss5800075692, ss5800236186, ss5822082962, ss5847518595, ss5847944626, ss5848568030, ss5936580420, ss5959364419, ss5979637732, ss5981322241 NC_000022.10:37462935:A:G NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G (self)
RCV000246767.6, RCV000384447.4, RCV001723861.5, RCV001838608.3, 106219351, 570171080, 2257371, 40031584, 1313363, 127625927, 384563350, 1359460612, ss2247386369, ss3028954784, ss3651181107, ss3708215533, ss3725969217, ss3772091894, ss3822554850, ss3847141343, ss3983653583, ss5109454403, ss5236991150, ss5237256040, ss5237676410, ss5311126199, ss5314457755, ss5502965954, ss5618693416, ss5793788823, ss5818719246, ss5853397405, ss5881850835 NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G (self)
ss13359222, ss16919379, ss17715081 NT_011520.9:16771989:A:G NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G (self)
ss76888047 NT_011520.11:16853450:A:G NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G (self)
ss1244079, ss2048632, ss3070168, ss3189390, ss3872466, ss8296198, ss24601298, ss44317694, ss48416741, ss66661500, ss67881362, ss68022227, ss68405073, ss69272756, ss70975315, ss71586858, ss75519074, ss79284426, ss83581143, ss96125361, ss106226917, ss122920447, ss138355438, ss139448745, ss154474407, ss157180672, ss159648891, ss159744420, ss172411392, ss174751522, ss410955398 NT_011520.12:16853504:A:G NC_000022.11:37066895:A:G (self)
48137528, 42578426, ss1694332877, ss2745120079, ss3890561446, ss3940960134 NC_000022.10:37462935:A:T NC_000022.11:37066895:A:T (self)
1359460612 NC_000022.11:37066895:A:T NC_000022.11:37066895:A:T (self)

Publications tab displays PubMed articles citing the variation as a listing of PMID, Title, Author, Year, Journal, ordered by Year, descending.

69 citations for rs855791
PMID Title Author Year Journal
19820698 Genome-wide association study identifies variants in TMPRSS6 associated with hemoglobin levels. Chambers JC et al. 2009 Nature genetics
19820699 Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume. Benyamin B et al. 2009 Nature genetics
19862010 Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium. Ganesh SK et al. 2009 Nature genetics
19880490 A genome-wide association analysis of serum iron concentrations. Tanaka T et al. 2010 Blood
20858683 Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A₁(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways. Soranzo N et al. 2010 Diabetes
20927387 A genome-wide association study of red blood cell traits using the electronic medical record. Kullo IJ et al. 2010 PloS one
21115529 Genetics and genomics of human ageing. Wheeler HE et al. 2011 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences
21149283 Novel association to the proprotein convertase PCSK7 gene locus revealed by analysing soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels. Oexle K et al. 2011 Human molecular genetics
21208937 Identification of a common variant in the TFR2 gene implicated in the physiological regulation of serum iron levels. Pichler I et al. 2011 Human molecular genetics
21483845 Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron deficiency. McLaren CE et al. 2011 PloS one
21785125 Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations. Traglia M et al. 2011 Journal of medical genetics
21873547 TMPRSS6 rs855791 modulates hepcidin transcription in vitro and serum hepcidin levels in normal individuals. Nai A et al. 2011 Blood
21975967 Genetic determinants of variability in glycated hemoglobin (HbA(1c)) in humans: review of recent progress and prospects for use in diabetes care. Soranzo N et al. 2011 Current diabetes reports
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