Jetson Leder-Luis


Assistant Professor
Boston University, Questrom School of Business

Faculty Research Fellow
National Bureau of Economic Research

Email: [email protected]



You can view my CV here and my Google Scholar profile here.


Ph.D., Economics, MIT 2020. Advisors:  Jim Poterba and Ben Olken.

B.S., Applied and Computational Mathematics and Economics, Caltech 2014


I am an assistant professor at Boston University and a Faculty Research Fellow at the NBER. My research addresses fraud, misreporting and overbilling in public expenditures, particularly in the Medicare program, as well as the consequences of these behaviors for public spending and patient health outcomes.  I am also interested in the detection and deterrence of fraud and corruption, as well as the statistical properties of misreported data. This work lies at the intersection of public economics, political economy, health economics, and law and economics.

I am an alumnus of MIT, Caltech, the Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, the Stamps Scholars program, The Masters School, and REACH Prep.

Working Papers

Ambulance Taxis: The Impact of Regulation and Litigation on Health Care Fraud
with Jimmy Roberts, Ryan McDevitt, Paul Eliason, and Riley League
Accepted, Journal of Political Economy
NBER Working Paper #29491, November 2021

Dying or Lying? For-Profit Hospices and End of Life Care
with Jon Gruber, David Howard and Theo Caputi
Conditionally Accepted, American Economic Review
NBER Working Paper #31035, March 2023

Detecting Fraud in Development Aid
with Jean Ensminger
Revise and Resubmit, World Development
NBER Working Paper #30768, December 2022

Can Machine Learning Target Health Care Fraud? Evidence from Medicare Hospitalizations
with Leman Akoglu and Shubhranshu Shekhar
Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
NBER Working Paper #30946, February 2023

Government Audits
with Silvia Vannutelli and Martina Cuneo
NBER Working Paper #30975, February 2023

Unemployment Insurance Fraud in the Debit Card Market
with Umang Khetan, Yunrong Zhou and Jialan Wang
NBER Working Paper #32527, June 2024


Can Whistleblowers Root Out Public Expenditure Fraud? Evidence from Medicare
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023
Media coverage: ProMarket, MondaqNational Law Review

Maimonides Rule Redux
with Josh Angrist, Victor Lavy and Adi Shany
American Economic Review: Insights, 2019,
NBER working paper 23486 
Online Appendix

Measuring the Value of Healthcare Anti-Fraud Efforts
with Cori Andriola and Gabriela Gracia
CMS Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership White Paper, 2024
(Non peer reviewed)

Structural Topic Models for Open-Ended Survey Responses
with Molly Roberts, Brandon Stewart, Dustin Tingley, Christopher Lucas, Shana Gadarian, Bethany Albertson and David Rand
American Journal of Political Science, 2014
Winner, Gosnell Prize for Excellence in Political Methodology, 2014

Computer-Assisted Reading and Discovery for Student Generated Text in Massive Open Online Courses
with Justin Reich, Dustin Tingley, Molly Roberts, and Brandon Stewart
Journal of Learning Analytics, 2015

Works in Progress

“Competition and Fraud in Health Care”
with Jimmy Roberts, Ryan McDevitt, Paul Eliason, and Riley League

“The Economics of Health Care Fraud”
with Anup Malani

“Revolving Doors and Political Selection”
with Raymond Fisman, Catherine O’ Donnell and Silvia Vannutelli

Other Writing

Written Testimony for Pennsylvania House of Representatives State Government Committee
October, 2022

“Trillions in infrastructure spending could mean hundreds of billions in fraud,” (2021)
MarketWatch,  TheConversation
Quoted in: Wall Street Journal

Contributing Author, Global Anticorruption Blog, Harvard Law School, 2017-2019.
