Editorial Information

Article types

Authors can publish a wide range of articles in Thamar University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (TUJNAS):

  • Full-length articles,
  • Review articles,
  • Short communications,
  • Systematic reviews,
  • Editorials,
  • Perspectives,
  • Letters to the editor,
  • Commentaries and supplements,
  • Conference proceedings and
  • Case studies.


Open Access Publication

  1. All articles are freely available and immediately accessible online upon publication.
  2. Readers can study, download, and/or print Open Access articles without any cost.

Objections and Complaints

Editorial decisions will not be reversed. However, authors who believe that their manuscript has been rejected due to a misunderstanding may request an explanation for the decision in the form of an appeal. Appeals must include a valid justification and compelling evidence against the criticisms raised in the rejection letter. A difference of opinion about the interest, novelty or suitability of the manuscript for the journal will not be considered an objection. The Editor-in-Chief and other responsible editors will review the complaint and their decision will be final. Acceptance of the manuscript is not guaranteed even if the journal agrees to reconsider the manuscript. The reconsideration process may include previous or new reviewers or editors and a revision of content.

Authors who wish to submit a complaint should contact the editor-in-chief of the journal in question. Complaints to the publisher can be sent by email to [email protected].

The Credibility of Sources- Acknowledgments

The study of an author has to be original. If there are credible sources of the content referred to in the manuscript, the author needs to cite all of them. TUJNAS has different editorial policies for authors who have more than one publication. Following those policies, the authors need to specify the sources of the submission in their recent work. TUJNAS strictly follows COPE guidelines to detect plagiarism. For clearer insight, authors may refer to the flowcharts provided by COPE by clicking here or visiting the COPE website.

Fabrication and Provision of False Information

To ensure the scientific integrity of each article, TUJNAS publishes post-publication notices. The authors of published articles or those who have submitted manuscripts with false information, such as falsified data or images, will be subject to sanctions and their articles will be retracted.

Non-identifiable Images

Anonymous images, that do not identify the individual directly or indirectly, such as through any identifying marks or text, do not require formal consent, for example, x-rays, ultrasound images, pathology slides or laparoscopic images.

Errata or a Corrigenda and Corrections in Published Articles

Authors and readers are encouraged to notify the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Director if they discover errors in published content, authors’ names and affiliations, or if they have concerns about the legitimacy of a publication. In such cases, TUJNAS will publish an erratum or corrigendum to replace or retract the article in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Director and the authors of the article.

Article Withdrawal

Articles in press (articles that have been accepted for publication but which have not been formally published with volume/issue/page information) that include errors, or are determined to violate the publishing ethics guidelines, such as multiple submissions, fake claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like, maybe “withdrawn” from the journal. Withdrawal means that the files of the article are removed and replaced with a PDF, stating that the article has been withdrawn from the journal by the editorial policies of TUJNAS..

Article Retraction

If published manuscripts with the information of volume/issue/page number, are found to violate professional ethical codes in their content, such as plagiarism, excess similarity with some other article, fraudulent use of data, etc., then such manuscripts are retracted. Any decision to issue a retraction notice for an article will be taken by the COPE guidelines available at: https://publicationethics.org/files/retraction-guidelines-cope.pdf.

  • A retraction note entitled “Retraction: [article title]” is published in the paginated part of the next scheduled issue of the journal and is also listed in the table of contents.
  • The retraction note is approved by the Editor-in-Chief of the concerned journal.
  • A link to the original article is displayed in the online (electronic) version.
  • A screen containing the note of retraction appears before the electronic version of the article present on the website. On the screen, a link to the complete retracted article is present to access and view the article.
  • The link webpage of the original article remains unchanged, however, a downloadable PDF document in the form of a shaded watermark is available, referring that the article has been retracted.


Concurrent publication/Simultaneous submission It is a condition for manuscript publication that manuscripts submitted to the TUJNAS journal have not been previously published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden, and by submitting the article for publication the authors agree that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors if plagiarism or fabricated information is discovered.

Abstracts and posters of conferences, results presented at meetings (for example, to inform investigators or participants about findings), results databases (data without interpretation, discussion, context or conclusions in the form of tables and text to describe data/information, where this is not easily presented in tabular form) are not considered prior to publication.

Authors who wish to publish translations of the articles that have been published elsewhere should ensure that they have appropriate permission(s), clearly indicating that the material has been translated and re-published., along with the original source of the material. The editor-in-chief may request copies of related publications to ensure any overlap and possible redundancy.


Responsibility for the content published by TUJNAS in any of its journals, including any opinions expressed therein, rests exclusively with the author(s) of that content. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, TUJNAS (on behalf of its employees and editorial board members) disclaims the responsibility for any injury and/or damage, financial or otherwise, to persons or property, resulting directly or indirectly from any ideas, methods, instructions or products (including errors in the same) referred to the content of any of TUJNAS journal. Any dispute arising, including any claim, shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Yemen.