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Saturday, January 29, 2022

Baby It's Cold Outside

 We woke up this morning to very COLD temps! Low = 32 and high = 50. Yes, it will be back into the 70's later this week but today is official winter (and it will last all weekend). Hurray for sweater weather!

Last week I was up in MD and it was COLD there. We even got snow! I managed to stay indoors and look out the window at the pretty but kept my slippers on and stayed warm. Quilt retreats are my favorite way to spend time with my favorite quilters.

My gal-pals sewed and sewed and ate and laughed and ate and laughed. Some of these women have been friends for over 20 years. We all NEED women friends!!! I hope you have some.

I managed to finish the top of my M&M 500 Member Challenge. It will definitely have some sort of pieced border. It might need to sit a spell until I figure out the next part.

Here's a little collage of where we were. Plans are already in the making for next year!

The whole East Coast is under some sort of weather alert this weekend. Stay warm!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

A Look Back At 2021

 It's been a minute and here I am ... 2021 is over. I just changed my calendar to 2022 - that says a lot about how time has been flying!  Sew - wrapping up 2021, here are some highlights!

I purchased a total of 17 yards of fabric and used 184 yards. That's a total loss of 167 yards in 1 year. That was a record for me! I'm not in "don't buy" mode but I am in a "USE IT" mode. Covid-crazy status has definietly helped.

I did sew a LOT. In 2021, as I emptied a spool of thread, I threw it in a basket and saved them. They have now all been tossed. I'm really trying hard not to save stuff that I really don't need ... yes, it does bring me JOY but no - I have no need for these.

In December I made a couple of covers for my couch pillows. I think I need to make more of these. They certainly did perk up the livingroom for Christmas and are now stored easily for next year.

This book came in the mail. If you are an Outlander fan - you get it. I spent a good deal of time from Thanksgiving to Christmas reading all 900+ pages. The new season of the TV series is coming in March!!!

About books ...
In 2021 I read eleven books. That's not as many as I've read in previous years. But it was 5840 pages! From now on, I'm tracking number of books AND number of pages for the year. I do not "do" audio books. I do read on a tablet and sometimes an actual book but I don't need more noise in my head - audio books just are not for me.

I finished "Second-Hand Stars" finally! This is made from leftover half-squares and is an M&M pattern. It's under "files" on our Facebook page.

I ended the year with a challenge finish.
SHHH ... no one is supposed to see this until January 26.

I just couldn't resist ... Sue in Space!

Goodbye to 2021 - it was a pretty good year for our family.
Here's to 2022 ... hopefully even better.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

A THANKFUL Filled November

 Here we are - the weekend before Thanksgiving, the Sunday of Thanksgiving week. It's been a lovely month filled with friends, family, birthdays, a little travel and a lot of time at home (best part!).

Amelia and I both celebrated birthdays. I made her a "happy cake" dress. She loves telling (and showing) the world that she is THREE!

My Cute Husband and I traveled to MD for a week, early in the month. The weather was a little chilly!! He went to a couple of hockey games - Go CAPS! I went to a guild retreat and sewed and snacked and caught up with friends. Some I had not seen in a few years.

I finished this top - still needs a name and a border.

My best BEE-mates helped me celebrate turning 65! There was a cupcake and surprises and singing. I do LOVE having women friends.

As we headed back home to FL, I napped and knitted on a pair of socks. This yarn was a deep stash dive from several (many?) years ago. It was a Thanksgiving color theme and they are now DONE.

A week's worth of hand knit socks were worn on our trip. They've been washed, hung to dry and are now back in the drawer, awaiting the little bit of chilly weather we might get this week.

I finished a baby quilt. This is called Arkansas Traveler and is an Accucut BOB die. The blocks were all made scrappy from leftovers. I had enough '30's for the border and a nice chunk for the back.  It's DONE and ready for a springtime baby.

I did not get Amelia's birthday sweater finished on time (or even started). Hopefully, it will be DONE for Christmas. I have several WIPS I'm working on at the same time ... each gets a little knitting love over the course of several days. They will be completed as needed - I think!

I also finished a 96-Charm Challenge quilt. I used 2 each of novelty charms for an "I Spy/Matching" quilt. This is the EASIEST quilt ever to make ... you know - I love a big WOW with a little effort. It is NOT sewn on-point ... straight sewing, 2 specific cuts, 2 seams to put it back together and PRESTO ... 

Don't you just love Quilty-Magic!!

I also managed to complete my guild challenge quilt - to be revealed in January. I cranked some Christmas socks. I completed the handwork on my BOM : Trees of the Season - to be revealed when I get around to taking a photo. AND ... have made a real mess (again) in my sewing room - who is surprised?

I think Amelia summed things up best for November ... we all need to crash early.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween is DONE

Halloween 2021 is D.O.N.E. We had perfect weather here on the Space Coast - it was in the low 70's and a clear (and later starry) evening. I took the easy way out for our little parrot and shopped Amazon for the wings. I did make her the cutest hat. This little grandie had some much fun with Trick or Treat!

I completed another quilt for a special exhibit at the Seaside Piecemakers Quilt Show in February 2022. Can't reveal the top, yet, but almost every piece of fabric that was stashed away for this abandoned project got used. Here's the beautiful backside. When you see the front you will understand why I named this quilt: That '70's Show.


Here's a little sneak peak of the top ... this brings back SEW many memories!!

AND ... I made a cute (and fast) Halloween dress for my special grandie. We went to Boo at the Zoo and she got her face painted for the very first time.

Now I need to go and make a birthday dress ...

Thursday, October 21, 2021

And The Clock Keeps Ticking

 How many times, in how many languages can you say - Where the heck did the time go? Autumn in Florida = a little less humidity, a little breezer and lovely sunshine!

Amelia loves playing with the "babies." that her Grammy (me) makes. They needed a nap and the mug rugs were a perfect size.

There's always sock knitting. These are not for Halloween, but they might be done in time.

Sewing has been happening.This is MY block in a 12 person swap that's been going on (and traveling around) since January. I'm making an additonal 13 so that I can have a big quilt of 25 blocks.

This is my block made for Prescott Deb. It was sew easy to make this bird and sew cute!

Apparently, I am not yet done making Halloween costumes. Kid#2 needed bat wings.

I Goggled "best apple cake" and found this receipe. OMG - it is so yummy. I've made 2!

I'm working on a quilt that went VERY wrong on the math side. It's made with charms - for me they were scrappy prints in light orange, coral, salmon, sort-of-pink, and a bit of yardage.  A bit of yardage? While figuring it out, turns out it was more that "a bit." THAT should have rung a bell in my head ... but NO. After I made 3 blocks (of 20), it occured to me that the finished quilt was going to measure 90 x 112!  That's way too big!!! This whole project has been scaled down to 12 blocks and put aside.

I still need a project that uses 500 pieces, just smaller! Back to the drawing board.

Happy Almost Halloween

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Good Bye September

 Today is the last day of September. I still have stuff on "The List" for this month. It might get done ... it might not get done. I have stepped into my sewing room this week long enough to look around and ponder the mess and the STUFF. How the heck did I ever have time to work and care for children and a husband and move every 3 years ! ? ! ?  I got a lot less done.

Sew ... I haven't been sewing. BUT - I have been fibering ... some knitting, some crochet and some cranking.

I made a newborn baby bonnet - Anker's Bonnet. It's so sweet and so teeny. Are newborn heads really the same size as a sugar bowl? There is a listing for a doll-size. This is for an actual baby. It's headed off to cousins in Denmark, along with a quilt (of course).

Another Christmas gift sweater (2 of 6). This one is going to New York.

When I really should have been doing other things (laundry?) I cranked a couple of tubes and made some JACKs. ok ... you know these are just too cute. Same designer as the bonnet.

And, while down THAT rabbit hole, I just had to make her Emma doll. This took 2 days of fussing with the hat and face and making the hair just right. My kids always said that I wasn't great a bangs.

Here's what the tubes look like before stuffing and other magic tricks are imposed.

To round out the fiberyness of September, I finished a pair of socks and I made a shawl. Sometimes my seasonal crafty-self is on target!

I did finish The Perfect Storm. I do love the colors of this quilt. I keep thinking I will eventually run out of these shades but so far ... the stash keeps coming through for me.

It's a lovely autumnal day here in Florida!

Friday, September 17, 2021

 There are only 4 days left of summer ... and that pretty much means nothing when you live in Florida! Except - that it kinda does. Even thought the temps are still really warm and we're still swimming, you can definitely feel a change in the air. The days are getting a little shorter, mornings are darker and evenings are a bit cooler.

My sweet grandie picked an interesting "prize" when we went shopping a couple of weeks ago. She really wanted a flashlight. This Grammy could not possible say No to that! And Gramps came through with the batteries. 

I found another box of fabric. How can this possibly keep happening? This was in my yarn closet - what the heck? It is now in the sewing room and will someday be cleared out and put into the proper color bins.  But - there's no rush - right?!

I have been sewing/quilting but my evenings have been all about crochet. I've committed to making 5 children's sweaters for Christmas. 2 are done! This is my Mom's original pattern from her company - Practically Aran. I love making these and I'm even using her hooks. It's like she's sitting beside me enjoying a little hooking with me.

What else has been going on? I can't reveal the quilts I've been working on - M&M Sew Charming is doing a special presentation at our 2022 Quilt Show in February. It's called "Best Intentions" and I have a lot of work to do for that. It's been challenging and fun.

I also have to provide a contribution to our "Boutique". The items sold at the quilt show help to off-set cost for the show and other guild programs. I decided to try out some quilted cards. These are photo-insert cards (Amazon). I'm making little quilts to insert. The inside of the card is blank and it comes with an envelope.  I think they'll be well-received.

And the knitting! Yesterday, I received a Halloween Surprise Box. Today, I'm casting on. I just love the multi-colored yarn ...  The only thing missing - Candy Corn! I'm going for a light/airy shawl that I might get to wear in October. The bright green and purple skeins - into the stash they go ... for now. Something will inspire me, I'm sure.

Sew - not too much sewing to show off. I am getting close to finishing a quilt - The Perfect Storm. If you want to sew along with me (us). Check out the M&M Sew Charming Facebook page, the pattern is there. It's not a mystery but we are releasing the instructions slowly. It's not a race ... Hurricane (our storm of choice) Season goes until November.