
Showing posts from 2008

I finished!

Yesterday I finished my Christmas tree skirt! On Saturday DH managed to get both boys to nap at the same time. I grabbed the sewing machine and sewed on the binding. I still had embroidery to do but I can, sort of, do that when the boyos are awake. I will probably re-sew the top part of the binding. I tried to pin it and it isn't as smooth as the lower edge binding that I just held in place. I finished the small amount of embroidery Sunday morning while Tig was sleeping and immediately started putting up the Christmas tree. It looks really nice even though we have the whole tree behind a safety gate to keep the boyos from pulling it over. This pattern was from Plum Creek Collectibles-I love her patterns. In fact, I even bought more last week!

Take the edge off

Yesterday my assistant made me go to a meeting with her. It turned out to be a lunch/crafternoon meeting. It was a lot more fun than the meetings I usually go to. This is what we made: Today I have a serious jones for some crafty activity. I just need to do something to take the edge off. I really need to finish translating the pattern for the sweater I'm knitting Red. I had planned to knit one for each boyo for Christmas -and our family picture- but that is NOT going to happen.

Santa's workshop

DH and Tig gave me some sewing time yesterday. I played around with my new serger and used some misprinted Christmas fabric to make quick gift bags. I need to find a better instruction manual to make the darn thing really work! I made two of these candy pillowcases for the boys. I used this tutorial and it worked very nicely. I love Mary's blog. She's so prolific and generous. I also worked on my tree skirt. This horrible picture shows the end is near! I still have a few other sewing giftie ideas for the boys. I would like to make a bean bag game for them and maybe the elephant from Last Minute Patchwork for Tig.

Peppermint ornaments

I'm making my ornaments for the Betsy-Tacy list exchange again this year. I'm using one from Old School Acres and one from AllSorts . I actually have met my recepient once at a BT convention and she's having a tough time lately so I am really looking forward to sending these and some other pepperminty goodies to her.

Still knitting

I'm still working on the Airy scarf for my friend. I am going to make it longer than the one in the pattern as I know she likes long scarves. Now I'm thinking I should have made it wider too. Ah well. She will appreciate it no matter what. She's not crafty but her grandmother was so she appreciates handknits.


I have a quilt show hangover today. I was so sore last night from all the walking but it was worth it. My biggest purchase was a Janome serger. I've always wanted one and now I need to learn how to use it. I bought many kits and patterns from Plum Creek Collectibles. I absolutely love her patterns and she is a really nice woman too. She recognized me from last year and we had a nice little chat. My only disappointment was that I wasnt able to get into the handquilting class. Next year I am going to sign up well in advance to take classes and I am going to take vacation and do it properly. I didnt really do anything much today. Just laundry and I started an Airy Scarf for my friend that I hope to give her Friday night.

I'm going ALONE.

Yep. Alone. To the quilt show. Downtown. With all those evil quilters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister, Sister

Some gifts for sister: Her birthday is at the end of November so I wanted her to have this early so she could wear it this Christmas. I also made a autumn leaf version for my Gma as shown in this horrible picture. Her Christmas present-scattered Raggedy Anne and Andy PJ pants.




Made these socks using leftover yarn from the sweater I made for Baby T. I wasn't sure if I had enough yarn so I cast on and knit the heel and foot of each sock and then knit up for each leg. I've since realized that the feet are too long and will need to be shortened.

Happy Birthday!

I made these two bags for my niece and nephew.

Does this make me a quilter?

I needed a mat for under my teapot so I made this. Foundation pieced in colours that won't mind a tea stain.

I do still knit.

Some really old regia yarn I had laying around. Picot edge a la Claudia.

Living Crafts Seal


bounce bounce bounce

Tig, who I think we should just call Tigger, has mastered crawling. He is supremely proud of himself and practices incessantly. Including at night. All Night. When he likes to crawl to Mama and lean on her and bounce gleefully! I'm not kidding. Talk about a sleep regression. This was the one who would sleep! Last night I gave up, got up, and took him to the living room so he could be a free-range baby. He loved it-esp since big brother wasn't there taking away all the toys. bounce bounce bounce. Oh, he's also trying to pull up. bounce bounce bounce. *yawn*

Love that orange

So I went back and bought the remainging eight yards. So far I have made myself a pair of pj pants and a pair for Red. DH wrangled and Tig napped and I sewed them up just in time for Red's Third Birthday Party!

I love this fabric so much . . .

I would marry it. I only bought a yard last Sunday as I am planning to use it for Spaceboy (from WeeWonderfuls of course). But now I'm thinking I may want to use it for a twin size comforter for Red someday. So I would need two more yards. And a pillow to match-another yard. And what if I think of something else for it? Should I buy the whole bolt? It *is* on sale. I also plan to make the Wee Wonderfuls robot for my dear Piglet who had knee replacement surgery. She's a little down right now-it's a long haul to heal for her-and maybe it will cheer her up. These are the fabrics I bought (along with some green and orange for a future project).

Shopping for sister

Well I went shopping for sister: six yards yellow broadcloth and some buttons (which I forgot to buy). And some fat quarters followed me home. When I was making the Wee Ones last weekend I realized that I needed some fabric that I could just use without stressing over it-I tend to hoard my very favorites like those from Superbuzzy. Now I want to use my new fat Qs to make a little log cabin square. Must hold off. . .

What I did this weekend.

Other than having coffee with Dad and spending the afternoon with him, this is what I did this weekend: The taggie blankie is for my preemie niece, the bear and bunny (from Wee Wonderfuls ) are for my boys and the cowboy tshirt is for Red. I wanted to work on my cushion for the sofa but that will have to wait.

Quickie update

1. clean one of Mom's closets a month-one closet done but I was over there this weekend and it was full of junk. She actually shoved stuff in there. It was so tidy. Should I just give up? 2. blog my projects-Needs improvement! 3. sleep with DH- ;-) 4. teach DS#1 to talk-DS#1 is enrolled and receiving services from ECI and we had a school appointment on Monday. 5. craft more-did a little this weekend-made two choo-choo blankies for Red. 6. fill in the front flowerbed-Done and it's gorgeous! 7. organize my attic-well started! 8. organize my homedesk-done! 9. organize my closet-well started! 10. work on the baby books for *both* sons-Maybe I should keep these books at work for my breaks?


We are all just filthy right now. DH and my brother spent the afternoon washing the siding on my parents' house. And I spent the afternoon going through one of my mother's closets. Yuck. She has eightymillion sheets, pillowcases, blankets etc. Even some that dont fit on any of their beds. I dumped the waterbedsheets in the trash. I wanted to throw out more stuff but I was afraid she would realize it. At least that is one closet off my list of things to do in '08. On the upside I did find one more red gingham napkin from the set that my sister made. I think I have all four now. Now, off to shower. BTW: Love my DH. He spent the day washing MY parents' siding and then made us dinner and even smores for dessert. What a guy!


Ugh! I got rearended Monday on the way to work. Thankfully I had dropped the boyos off at their Montessori school. I would have completely freaked if they had been in the car. I was really dizzy and nauseous so my friend took me to the ER. I had a CT scan to make sure I didnt have a brain injury-so at least I know I have a brain! The ER dudes told me that I would have a Really Bad Day for the next few days. My neck and back are really stiff and sore and I can't even stitch for any length of time. Grrr. I hope this is all settled quickly and easily. I just want my car back to the way it was. Last night I let Red spend a little time stitching. He was so excited to do it and v. proud of his work. And Baby T showed off a new skill: he sat up unassisted!

Tea towel

I finished my first tea towel for my sister. I bought the Raggedy Anne transfers from Pattern Bee and the ruffle rac was a free sample from the Making It Fun giveaway. I hope to do all of these for my sister but I really need to lay my hands on some of the red check Ruffle Rac. Really, this stuff is lovely and has a great hand.


Well, I did it. Instead of taking a nap Friday afternoon, that I really, really wanted, I went up into the attic and inventoried and labelled all those tubs. I don't have as much junk as I feared but boy does DH! I did find that I have three or four boxes of what my brother calls TLPS (trinkets and little pieces of sh%%). These are generally gifts from the women in the family-little statues, vases etc, that are cute but that I'm not interested in having out or no longer want to have out. Next up for the attic: go through these boxes and either donate them to the fairy godmother or give them away at work. Today Baby T got his monthly picture made. Oh, it was too cute and so hard to decide on the pose. Then the boys and I had coffee with Dad. I love having coffee with Dad but it is harder with two boys. Red is all over the place and half the time I'm nursing Baby T so it's hard to wrangle him. Oh well, I'm sure the men at the coffee shop enjoy the show! After

FOs and ToDos

Well, I finished all my UFOs from last year: bamboo socks, DH's scarf, and the cardigan. I am especially proud of that last one! Updates on my ToDos: 1. clean one of Mom's closets a month-havent even started this one. 2. blog my projects-doing better on this one. 3. sleep with DH-we're in the same room now at least. 4. teach DS#1 to talk-Have contacted ECI and now waiting for an appt. 5. craft more-As soon as I find out where I can buy more spare time. 6. fill in the front flowerbed-LawnGuy is working on this one. 7. organize my attic-hoping to start this one this afternoon. 8. organize my homedesk-done! 9. organize my closet-soon 10. work on the baby books for *both* sons-I've started this one. I put in the new teeth for Baby T as well as his rolling over and his first belly laugh. Well, at least there is progress there. I started a quicky knit project. I bought one of those Sushi Wallet Kits a long while ago and I found it again this week, after finishing the card


I finished my Romantic Cardigan yesterday. Ties crocheted and sewn on. All loose ends tucked away. I tried it on several of the girls at work so I could see it on someone. V. chuffed. Then last night I was folding some clothes and had Baby T on the floor near me. He looked like he was about to roll over and I said "Dude, you nearly did it." He gave me a look that said "What, this?" and over he rolled! From back to front. I was so excited! My baby is growing so fast! So a finished sweater. That's nice. A new milestone for my baby? Even better!


It is an absolutely beautiful ThankGodI'mAlive kinda day outside. And I'm stuck inside working. I haven't worked on my sweater or other projects this weekend. I did manage to get most of my laundry done before I came into work. I'll just have one load of towels and blankies to fold when I get home. The boyos are spending the afternoon with my parents and all four seemed v. happy to see me scoot out the door. I'm stopping off on the way home to see my preemie niece who grows more gorgeous daily!

Not until you do your homework missy!

Still haven't finished my sweater. I've woven in some ends and crocheted one of the ties but that's it. I've also knit a swatch of Elann Sonata on some size 6 Denise needles. The yarn is a lovely gold colour and I hope to knit a sweater from Big Girl Knits out of it. Unfortunately the colour is currently sold out on Elann so it will have to wait for a while. I'm having to work today (a Saturday) for reasons that I won't go into right now. One of my coworkers told me to bring my knitting-and I did- along with my crochet sweater, some noro for DH's hat, and the tea towel I need to do for my sister. HOWEVER: I am not letting myself do anything "fun" until I finish my work. So, really, I guess I shouldn't even be blogging!

Nearly there!

Honestly, if I could get thirty minutes free I would be done with the sweater. Another thirty and I would have all the ends woven in attractively. So close!

Getting closer!

Yesterday I made it through about a quarter of row 5 on the border on the sweater! I would have done more but I was starting to get impatient and cross and I had a ton of housework I wanted to do. Will work on it during lunch today. Yesterday I did four loads of laundry, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, washed all of the baby bottles AND sterilized them, cleared off my dresser and cleared off my desk. The last is a minor miracle because it has been covered in junk since the day I moved it into my bedroom. Now I would like to ruthlessly go through all my bookshelves, go through my closet and move my sewing and craft stuff out of the kitchen. Maybe even put the sewing machine up on my desk so I can use it more often. Crazy! DH also reminded me that we need to get moving on the attic. He wants us to put up some insulating panels to see if it helps with our AC bill this summer. I want to go through our storage tubs up there. I have some clothes that I would love to wear up there as well


Well, we went out to dinner last night. And I distinguished myself by breaking my wine glass within five seconds of sitting down. It looked like it still had soap on it so I was wiping it with my napkin. I was really embarrassed. It was a fantastic dinner and DH let me splurge and get a $50 bottle of gigondas wine. It was just as good as I had read. It was a wonderful anniversary dinner. I'm still crocheting away on my cardigan. I'm nearly finished with row 4 of the border-one more to go. Then I have six rows of border on each of the sleeves. The end is nigh and I will be v. proud and relieved to be finished with this project. ETA: Miss Potter is a wonderful movie. If you havent seen it yet you should!


Yippee! My meeting for my consulting job (that I hate) was cancelled so I am FREE this afternoon. I plan to stop by the library and get my Miss Potter dvd and sit and crochet until it's time to pick up my sons. Am v. happy about it. After my consult job has it's big pow-wow in April I am going to quit that job. I dont have the time for it and dont want to do it anymore. It's stressful just thinking about it. Tomorrow night DH and I are going to our favorite restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. My DM is going to babysit both boys so we can go. I am even going to have a glass of wine!


Well, I finished the multidirectional scarf for DH today while at the dentist. I was getting my permanent crown for my root canal. My dentist enjoyed me referring to the scarf as my Root Canal Scarf. I've also been logging in some time on my crochet project. One of my cowokers and I are attending an online class this week so I have been bringing the Romantic Cardigan along with me. I finished the body and started on the border. Today during class I need to count how many stitches I've picked up so I can see if I have enough to follow the pattern. This is the first garment I've ever crocheted and I will be v.v. glad when it is finished.


I swear we are living in the Plague House. Red and Baby Tig has swapped out getting sick ever since Sister went home in September. This month they have really ratched it up a notch and I have missed so much work taking them to the dr. Then I started running a temp on Sunday and have been out now for three days. I saw the PA yesterday and she thinks I have the flu. I dont think so. She gave me a z-pac to ward of any opportunistic complications and my fever is gone today. I hope it's just an upper respiratory bug and not the flu. I expect the boyos gave it to me. Bleech. I haven't been this sick in years. I have been so miserable I haven't even knit anything-not even while I was stuck waiting for the PA. That is pretty well sick. As sister put it: what a horrible way to use a vacation day!

Well, not much done.

Well, I havent done much on my list for the year-other than talk to the yard guy about the flower bed. I hope to surprise DH with it but that will be difficult as it will take more than one day for yard guy to do it. Baby Tig has cut two teeth! I noticed them yesterday. I was thinking he was teething because he has been really rough during nursing lately. He also has thrush so we've just been having a great time. He is a very sweet baby though. Today DH cut Red's hair for the first time. I was v. sad. I know he's nearly THREE! and it was about time but he looks so grown up. I miss that toddler boy look. My mom is going to kill me because she wanted to take pictures. And she's coming over this afternoon so she can kill me for not waiting until afternoon to do it. I finished my bamboo socks. I am going to give them to my friend Pigwit for last year's birthday gift. I hope she likes them and that they fit. After I finish DH's scarf I plan to start a pai

Things to do in 2008

clean one of Mom's closets a month blog my projects sleep with DH teach DS#1 to talk craft more fill in the front flowerbed organize my attic organize my homedesk organize my closet work on the baby books for *both* sons I think ten is enough. Most of these I can do with just a little diligent effort. One of them, no. 6, I don't even have to do myself-I can pay the yard guy! There's a crying need for organization on this list. I have been worried about my mom's hoarding tendency and her house and am even more worried that I will end up the same way. I need to nip that in the bud! Well, Happy New Year to all. May this year be healthy and blissfully boring.