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Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 1st

 hello old has been a while.  September reminds that fall is coming. 

Resets and repeats pretty much cover the months since the beginning of the year. A few life style changes along the way and here we are.

 Over the top heat waves again, still.....  well the change to fall  colors and cooler temperatures is very much welcome. Definitely counting down the days.

next post will be catching up with photos to share.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Hello 2024!

 It was a long time, a very long time actually from May till December (2023). Blogging took a back seat as life got in the way.

                           Happy New Year!

And here we are, a clean slate with new year ahead.  52 weeks of creative adventures.

till next time ......

Monday, May 1, 2023

hello May!

 It seems my time blogging is still hit and miss.  It's akin to Spring on the west coast, hit and miss.

The pot of mini daffodils have done their dash.  One small pot, at least 15 blooms and over a months enjoyment.  Not bad for $3.99.  With any luck the bulbs can mature then be saved for next spring.

Revisiting cross stitch. it's  so nice to have needle and thread in hand.   Also having a magnifier helps.

Bee well has travelled to it's new home.  Oh baby will soon take flight.

On my bucket list of things to learn, crochet twisted tassels. First try for the tassels.  Hand spun yarn and made a crochet shoulder wrap.  

Friday and Saturday were perfect spring days, in the mid 70's.   With a bit of warmth the blooms on the nearby trees all seemed to pop.  A beautiful backdrop for our patio.   

Blooms in the garden.

Back in 2019 I tried to felt a completed piece.   It's ok but not as firm in structure as hoped for.   

Fast forward to 2023.  With a lengthy you tube tutorial providing step by step instructions, I took the plunge to try a felted bowl.

The process was easy, took only a few at home tools, bubble wrap and a tea towel.   Next time I'll have a larger template.  With shrinkage of approx. 30% this bowl  is less than 4 inches across.  

So another bucket list challenge underway with another bowl to make.

Last week I purchased a preloved Hazel Rose loom.   The seller was local and kindly was able to deliver it as well.  The loom size is 14 inch.   Weaving is done on the diagonal.    Progress photo to come.

Seed trays indoors are doing well.  The sunflowers will be ready to transplant.   And then the next lot of seeds to get started.

One nearby grocery store has a limited garden department.   So as well as ordering my groceries I've been able to add a couple of hanging baskets.  Also some smaller plants.    It's the compromise.
And the patio is looking brighter.

where's the spinning???     coming soon......

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

counting down the days

Spring is coming....mind you the current outdoor temperatures don't reflect this, not does the snow falling elsewhere in the province.

Yet maybe this visitor  to our patio is a sign of spring. 

This month I've been working on a new knitting project.   So nice to make things from hand spun wool.

Also nice to try something new, punch needle.  My attempt at a hand drawn sunflower.  Again using hand spun wool.  I'm not sure that punch needle is really my thing.  Like anything, more practice needed.  The project morphed into a table mat of sorts. 

The addition of  fabric pieces and crochet edges became part of the mat.  And it's a wrap to the mat!

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Monday, February 13, 2023

and so it goes

 With always the best of intentions of updating my blog......  it has been sidelined (again).  Life gets in the way when you least expect. The ups and downs of our winter weather have really played havoc with my knees.   

Looking at the calendar, on March 12th the clocks move forward for Daylight Saving time and come the 20th, Spring begins!

During my  blogging absence, I've tried some weaving.   Using a small frame loom made a mug rug from hand spun yarn. 

Lots of combing of fleece too.  I'm still learning the right way to use the combs.

And waiting for a spa day, many skeins of hand spun colors.   

thinking Spring, thinking Spring.....

Saturday, December 31, 2022

goodbye 2022

before the year ends, one more look at Christmas 2022 

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

it's Christmas Eve once more


Simple pleasures of the Season

The wooden Snowman, a gift received from a dear friend,

crochet pinecones made by hand,. silver pieces polished,

and starry lights added.

Merry and Bright!

Tomorrow the table will be set, a meal shared and memories made.

And we will remember those no sharing a chair at our Christmas table this year.

To friends near and far, my wish to you,

a very Merry Christmas 

and Happy New Year!

Monday, October 24, 2022

here comes the rain again

Yes, we have rain.  It is most welcome after a very long drought.  Stage 5 conditions.

My blogging absence wasn't planned it just sort of happened.   My focus was elsewhere required due to a medical issue, appointments, surgery and recovery.

And here we are late October. Through everything I always remember that I am

thankful, blessed and grateful

Here's what has been keeping me busy.

Spinning cotton 

September finishes

Knitting fun

So today marks a return to regular blogging.  

till next time........

Saturday, June 4, 2022

new gardening

 the indoor gardens grow

Citrus seeds up and doing well (foreground).  Parsley started in the Aerogarden and the plug moved/setup up in a canning jar.  So long as the water is changed and the plant food feeding is done regularly, it seems to be working well. To the right, the Aerogarden with basil, dill and cherry tomatoes.

In the new idoo, tomatoes and lettuce.   The plastic domes come off once the seeds are established.  It doesn't take long.

I'd never planned on indoor gardens but it seems that Mother Nature keeps coming up with curve balls .. ...between rain and cooler temperatures the growing season seems to be shrinking.

and while it rains and the wind blows, indoors there is always time to enjoy spinning.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

it might be

the end of May but our weather continues to feel more like much for getting an early start to the patio garden.

In the meantime we're trying out indoor compact hydroponics units.   So far so good with parsley, dill and basil all well established.

As for my blogging absence, that will keep for another day.