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Saturday, November 20, 2021

Wow! A Lot of Changes Happening! The Farm. The Lake. And us!

So before I tell you our dreams and desires,
I want to show you this!
It is not stuff. Its real love!
Sweet Hunter has never put a sticker on his cars.
But when he fulfilled this dream, he added this sticker.
Yes! As a woman, from a woman, this meant everything to me.
We live in a world full of stuff but showing love
is what its all about!
A sticker is just a little bit of how he shows his love.
Now its my time to show him by supporting his dreams 
in this season of our life.
He deserves it.

Wow! I don't know where to begin!
It's been a whirlwind!
Sorry its been so long!
Last post we were hanging curtains in the living room at the farm.

As many of you know we started a little over 2 years ago at the lake!
Sweet Hunters dream!
We bought a camper in a campground.
We loved it and spent most weekends fishing or just having fun.
And our whole family loves it too!

Next we sold it to a very sweet couple (I think I have already shared this on here.)
Next we bought the "The Little house on the lake!"
It was a Little cottage and then a big camper!
You can scroll down to see it.
And we loved it!
Had so much fun there!

Then Sweet Hunter told me his dream was to retire on the lake!
I already knew that but he was serious this time!
He also told me that the farm needed some younger folks!
Although we both loved our home, I so agreed. 
We've been through a lot there.
Good times and hard times.
So we put the farm up for sale. 
Maybe my next post will be on that story.
It's a God story.
Yep. I will do that next.

Another one of his dreams was to have a jeep!
Well, that happened before we sold the farm.
Circumstances happened that made this happen quicker
than we planned.
He looks so happy!
It is the coolest Jeep.
I love it.

Well, to make a long story short,
we have sold the farm and moved.
Bought another place on the lake for our transition period. 
It is a great place and we have had so much fun here.
I will do another post on it.
It is really nice but most of our stuff is still packed because Sweet Hunter's 
other dream is a house on the lake!
Working on that now!
We still have an address in our home town and probably always will 
because we do everything there.

Sweet Hunter deserves everything he wants 
and I am honored to be by his side!
43 years & he still loves his wife! (sticker-lol)
And I love him.
So again, although this seems like its all about stuff, it's not!
We are just rearranging stuff we had!
Life is short. Make it sweet!
November 15, 2019 I lost my best friend on this earth.
I love & miss you Vicki Lou.
Gone but never ever forgotten.
To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the Heaven....
Ecclesiastes 3:1

ome visit me here too!

My Cooking Blog

My You Tube Channel

(I am not too good on here, but you can always find me everywhere else!)

God Bless America!


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Busy At The Farm With Lots of new projects. New Beginnings Journal

We have been a little busy.
I am so excited.
You will see in the last picture what we did.
This is a before picture.

Another before picture.

Just a few things I have been working on.
Before I was sick, I wanted to get this done!
I think it's about time, don't you?
This is so special because his parents are gone now.
And he lost his sister too.
His dad died when SH was 10 years old.
I have a few more pictures to add and some booties but
it is almost finished.
I love it.
I gave Sweet Hunter this shadow box on Valentines Day.
We don't usually get each other gifts but he does so much for me,
and just so happened I got t finished that day.

This will not be it's home, but I thought it was pretty there for the 
time being.

Sweet Hunter was born in 1954 just for me!
I truly know that.
Of course we both had other teenage loves and I was even married before,
I truly believe we were meant to be together.
We went to school together, but I never gave him a second look,
not because he wasn't good looking, because he was.
Got me, why.
I am sure he never gave me a second look although he says he did.
He even dated a couple of my friends.  lol
One was one of my best friends, Penny way back in the High School Days.
She was almost like a sister & although
we don't see each other much, we love each other. 
Always and forever.
Another one that he dated was another best friends sister.
Actually they were twins.
And I love them both. 
Kathy, my best friend back in our younger days 
will always have a special place in my heart.
And then when we actually started dating many many moons after High school, there was another one he spent a lot of time with. 
He was dating her too while seeing me but I knew already. 
And at the time, I wasn't interested, just having fun.
I can't even remember her name.
I know she didn't like me.  lol
For some odd reason, I called her "Brussel Sprouts."
I never was jealous of any and there were lots more.
(giggle) Jealousy wasn't in my vocabulary. 
I mean he was the legendary football player!
Funny, he could care less about that and that's not the man I know 
but I am proud of him for that.
I try to tell the Grands but they don't have a clue 
how good of a football player he was.

This is his little birth bracelet.
A sweet friend of mine picked this up on my porch and
restrung it for me. I have wanted this done for so long.
As you can see in the first picture, it is displayed with the birth card.
This original string and old bead is something you probably can't see.
I put it in a little plastic bag and saved it.
It is also in the shadow box.
I guess I should tell a little about my boys before my real man since 
I talked a little about a couple of his gals.
My favorite subject in school was BOYS!!!!
I am serious. 
Me and one of my best friends were the biggest flirts ever!
And I'm serious. When I married the first time, it was to get away from
home where rules reigned.  lol
Little did I know you live by rules.
Young and dumb.
But I have nothing against my ex. 
We really were young and dumb, especially me.
But thankfully, the Lord allowed me and Sweet Hunter to find each other.
42 years later, I am writing this.
Our marriage and our love is a good thing.
Not bragging. 
Just Blessed.

Changing the subject, I have picked up my crocheting needles again.
These are some dish cloths I made for my Mom for her birthday.
I love crocheting but I have to be careful with my hands and not over do it.

But I have always loved doing it, since my best friend, Vicki taught me the basics.
I made my Grandma Cochran (My MOMS mom) an afghan one time.
When she passed away they gave it back to me and I treasure it because
she was so proud of me making it.
It is in my living room today.

I wanted to show you another project I have been working on. 
We took our recliners out of our living room and moved them to the keeping room 
because we like comfort and in the winter, we stay near the kitchen where the wood heater is.
The love seat, that was in the keeping room, we moved in here to the living room.
In the summer, we use this room. But the main thing I want to show you is
that I got curtains!
Sweet Hunter put them up and it looks so much better.
Curtains just make a difference.
I also added some plants and pictures in here. I will show more later.
This is only because I have my "NEW BEGINNINGS JOURNAL!"
It has made me realize all I want to do and we are getting it done!
I am not good at everything I do, but I love it when I get stuff done.
I have many more projects that I will be adding soon.
I am just so thankful we can do it!!!!!

Come visit me here too!

My Cooking Blog

My You Tube Channel

(I am not too good on here, but you can always find me everywhere else!)

God Bless America!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Projects 2021

I am very very excited about this project.  For all our married life, 42 years,
 I have just put all my pictures in totes and packed away.  One day I was
talking to one of my sweet friends, and she shared with me these organizers 
at Amazon.  So I got busy.  I am not through and  have a ways to go.
When I got so sick, this is one of my things I wanted done
 so that my children could find pictures 
easily.  So I am organizing by families.  
That's what my friend did. I should finish this by March if I 
stay on track.  The manilla envelopes are for the 8 x 10's and bigger. I hope to figure out how to organize these too. Isn't this cool?

A fun little project.
When I was in chemo, I started watching Bob Ross for some odd reason.
Anyway, my sweet Mother bought me the whole set.
I was just too sick to try.
Chubby Hummer! 

I was pretty proud of this one.
I free handed it.

My female has been eating well! 
But I was pretty proud of the Cardinal and the pines.
This was my first 3 attempts.
I hope I get better.
I have several projects I want to do.
I plan on make 2021 a year of finishes!
I have a friend that crossstitches and she had 70ish
finishes last year. She inpires me!
It has been a minute since I blogged. 
I thought I might hop on here for a second.
I love blogging but its so much easier to Facebook.
It takes effort to do this but I would like to continue 
for my children to look back on one day.
I don't want them to forget me.

Come visit me here too!


Thursday, January 7, 2021

This Is Not My Home!

Bean soup and Cornbread!
It doesn't get any better than this!

Yesterday was a hard day in our country.
I am so glad that God is the one in control.
And I am glad I am only passing through.
This is not my home.

Everybody was looking so forward to 2021.
I wonder what they think now!
Praying for President Trump and Vice President Pence.
Prayers for our Country and the upcoming leadership!

We still live in the best country there is and I am so thankful.
I pray things calm down but I honestly don't think we have seen the worst of it.
Yesterday was so hard to watch but back in the summer was hard to watch too.
And I have to question why it would be so easy to break in to the capitol.
I just think that is strange and questionable.
By the way, this is my helper! 
Sweet Hunter cutting Jalapenos for poppers!
"What I love most about my home is who I share it with."

Evelyn's Spinach Dip!
You can go to my cooking blog to get the recipe for this
or you tube to watch a video.
Both links are below.

Today, I ordered my upcoming birthday present from Sweet Hunter!
He told me too!
So I did!
I actually ordered 2 things!!! 
Billy Graham Video 
Please watch.
You will have to copy and paste in to Youtube.
I couldn't get the link to work.
Copy and Paste


Come visit me here too!


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

New Beginnings Entry & A little Cleaning

Bacon, Gravy & Biscuits
Even Canned biscuits!
Today. I am adding : "MEALS" to my New Beginnings Journal.
I am reserving several pages for this.

Yum! Homemade Bread! 
I will add the video soon!
So back to MEALS!
We all get in a rut and can't figure out what to cook.
I am listing my normal everyday meals in my journal
just as a reminder.  When I am at a loss, I can always
go to my journal to help me when I can't think of anything.
When I cook something good, I will add it to the list.
This journal is something I will use all year long.

Look at my new sign!
My Mom bought me that!
I love it.
We also started a cleaning series on Facebook like
get their homes in order.
Today I shared my Basic Weekly Plan.
I use index cards. I learned this method back in the 80's!
Sidetracked Home Executives Book

Monday: Home Blessing Hour
    Catch up Day
Zone: Laundry Room

Tuesday: Free Day
Zone: Bathrooms

Desk Day 
Zone: Living room/Dining Room/ Keeping Room

Gofer Day
Zone: Bedrooms

Friday: Baking Day
Date Night
Zone: Kitchen

Play Day

(even online for such a time as this)

Come visit me here too!


Monday, January 4, 2021

New Beginnings: Drama & A Special Day

I am adding to my New Beginnings Journal today.
And its about Letting it go.
These are just reminders to me to make for a better 2021.

Wouldn't it be better to fix a good dinner instead of
concentrating on drama.
I will be 66 years old this month.
Oh wow! I am old.
And I don't have time for drama or being upset.
So I am choosing to "Let it go!"

I often say, 
"Take every opportunity to be quiet."
And as hard as that is to do,
we have to for the person looking 
at me in the mirror.

This little meal is cream cheese
 with hot pepper jelly
served with crackers.
Shrimp Cocktail 
And Rotel Cheese dip 
served with tostada chips and
dessert was red grapes!
I must have been in a mood!

 Now back to my thoughts on Drama.
And this quote says it all.

"There comes a time in your life, 
when you walk away from all the drama
 and people who create it. 
You surround yourself with people who make you laugh.
 Forget the bad and focus on the good. 
Love the people who treat you right, 
pray for the ones who do not.
 Life is too short to be anything but happy. 
Falling down is a part of life, 
getting back up is living.”
-J. Harris-
And to end this post on one of the best things that ever 
happened to us.......
Happy Birthday to our Baby Girl, Mandy!
I will never forget the day she was born.
It was 1982.
It was snowing. 
We lived 30 miles from hospital.
Sweet Hunter had me way out in the country.
He took me to the hospital because I just knew I was in labor
 and they said it wouldn't be long,
 but it wouldn't be that day.
Yeah Right!
I was really hurting.
My Mom had kept the other kiddos for us
 and we  had to pick up the other kiddos!
By the time we got there, I told him
I was having this baby NOW!!!
He said, well, can you wait until I feed the cows.
Now imagine.  Roads were slick
Snow coming down.
I am in labor. 
He is going to drive 30 miles there and 30 miles back!
That's an hour at least right there.
No cell phones.
It took several hours.
By the time he got there, I knew it wasn't going to be long.
We drove a little Toyota station wagon.
I told him to get me to hospital.
And I meant NOW!
So he did.
He barely go the paperwork done and got dressed
in the paper gown and hat they required the daddy's to wear 
when she was born. 
I had her less than 2 hours after we got there!
Won't forget that one!
Isn't she beautiful?
We love you May May!!!

Come visit me here too!