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Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advice. Show all posts

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hard Times Were The Good Times

We have been going through old pictures and remembering!
This is me 30 years ago in my kitchen of the first house we ever bought.
This seems like yesterday.
Wow how time passes by!

We had 3 children at this time in my life.  "May May" was not born yet.
The baby is "Big Sis"!
It was her very first birthday. 
This little girl of ours cried for the first 9 months of her life.
But she has been a complete joy to us since the day she was born.
A dear friend Linda made the cake for me as a gift.
We would have never thought about going to a bakery
and buying a cake.

We look back on these pictures and remember such good things.
We remember simple times.  We didn't have much but we did have much.
Does that make sense?

My dear friend Linda also gave us this folk art painting.
She is a very gifted person and I want to do a blog about her sometime.
She made an impact on my life that is still with me today.

This was our cow Molly.
We always told "Big Sis" that she got her eyes from Molly.
She still believes us to this day.
We also had chickens. 
If we had meat we raised it ourselves.
We always had a garden and put up all our food.
We worked hard but appreciated it because of that.

Meet Muffin, our goat.
When we moved out to the country "sweet hunter" said the
first thing he was going to buy me was a goat.
I had never been around a farm so the thought of a goat was weird to me.
He bought me one.  Fred was so mean.
We got rid of Fred and got Muffin.
She would not stay in a fence but loved to roam around just like a dog.
She was wonderful with my children.  She was a pet.
On Saturdays when the kids would watch cartoons
Muffin would stand at the front door and watch t.v. with them.
She was precious.
(Remember when we had 3 channels and cartoons were only on Saturdays?)

This is my son Nathan when he was about 5 years old.
He was a little doll!
He always had a smile on his face and loved life.
Christmas was his favorite time of year.
Both of my grandsons remind me of him.

This was our first home that we had ever bought.
We had 5 acres and a chicken house.
We had a clothes line.
We heated with wood and didn't have air conditioning.
We thought we were the stuff though!
That little one is "Big Sis"standing at the door.
Our house payment was 187.00!
We thought that was huge.

On the left is my daughter Trouble (Shannon).
She never liked to wear a shirt.
(She will kill me for this picture! lol)
She was just so cute.
(Her son doesn't like to wear shirts now either!)
Nathan is on the right side and the others are cousins.
"Big Sis" (Maranda) was in the high chair watching them play a game.

These were the good ole days.
We had one car.  We didn't own a dryer.
We used cloth diapers and safety pins.
We lived 30 miles from the city.
We couldn't afford to call family because it was long distance.
Eating out was unheard of back then with us.
We used hand me downs for our furniture and were proud to get it.

Our first bed was "sweet hunters" Grandparents first bed.
Things are too easy today.  If we want something we just go buy it.
We don't give it a thought. We are all spoiled.
We sacrificed back then to have the important things.

We didn't have new furniture or fine clothes but we had our family.
We always think we need more but we really don't.
I was doing what I loved most.....being a Mom and wife.
Life was simple then but not easy. 
We thought we were poor but we were so rich.
Our "hard times" were the "good times".
We just didn't realize it then.
We only get one chance with our children and then once they grow up it is up to them.
But if I could give a Mother of young children any advice it would be:
Hug your children.
Pray with your children.
Respect your children.
Listen to your children.
Talk to your children.
Read to your children.
Play with your children.
Sing to your children.
Rock your children.
Tuck your children in.
Enjoy the moment.
Remember we only have them for a while.
Sneak in and watch them sleep.
Look them in the eyes.
Spend time with your children.
Slow down.
Be the parent, not a child.
Remember that words DO hurt.
Love them with everything you have.
Because they grow up while you are not looking!

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58