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Showing posts with label Crocheting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crocheting. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Before We Left

Before we left to go to "Our Little Hilton" last week I went to my crochet class.
I haven't been there in about 3 weeks because of my hand hurting.
I just had to show you this picture of something one of the ladies had made.
Isn't it darling?

And a blanket to match!!!
I did crochet a little that day but my hand
 is still healing and I am trying to be careful.
I just loved this little set that she crocheted.
Then on our way out we stopped by to see our "Little D" & "Brudder."
I have helped "May May" for about a week and a half but now she has it under control.
She loves being a "Mom"!
I love this stacking container.
My Mother gave it to me. It was her Mother's.
My Grandma bought this with S & H green stamps.
Do you remember those???
It sure makes it easy to carry supper to someone.

I asked my daughter what she wanted for supper and she requested
Pintos, mashed potatoes, macaroni & cheese & cornbread.
You can tell she grew up a country girl!!!

I always put up these pickled green tomatoes.
I got this recipe from my husbands Granny many years ago.
You can go to my Cooking Blog to get the recipe.
"May May" loves peach cobbler too!!!
You can go Here to get this easy recipe.
Hey Behki.....this recipe  is just for YOU!!!
While I was at my daughters house we whipped these up.
I took some with us to "our little hilton"!
I have made these before with Rolo's and got them from Heidi's  blog.
This time we used Hershey's kissses and I got this idea from Pinterest!
Do you pin?
One of  "May May's" friends made them with the white hersheys kisses.
I LOVED them!!!

Do you remember when I crocheted these for "May May"?
These cuddle cocoons were for our granddaugher!!!
But our granddaugher ended up being a "Brudder"
and we could not be happier.  He is perfect.
 But there is a problem.

I had started this baby boy's snuggle sack before the birth  just in case he was a boy and since he was, I really need to finish this!!
But because of this thumb pain........

TODAY I AM THANKFUL THAT......."Brudder" passed  his hearing test!!!
The first night after our baby was born, a nurse came in at 1 a.m. in the morning
and told my daughter & son in law that their baby failed the hearing test.
Well you can imagine how they felt. But then they were suppose to
bring him back and have the test redone. She took him today and he passed!!!!
I have to tell you that the strength of my daughter & son in law was amazing.
And that made me think of one of my blogging friends, Glenda.  This family is so strong and a very loving family. This grandmother doesn't post much because she is busy helping with her grandchildren.  You can go Here  to read about their special grandbaby.
They are so blessed with 3 grands but one of them needs extra care. 
This family is an example to me!
(makes my complaining seem so silly) 
God Bless Mendy(the Mom) & Glenda (the grandmother) & family!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Crocheting Class & Update

Just wanted to share some pics of my crocheting class last week.
I love this blanket that this lady is making.

This is a picture of the pattern she is using.
Isn't it beautiful?

My high school friend, Teresa just started this baby blanket.
Oh I love it too. 
She shared the pattern with me.
May May has about 3 weeks to go
so I better hurry if I am going to make this one!

One of the ladies in the class just made this sweater!
She is showing us the scarf that she is making to match it.
I could not imagine making this!
The picture does not do it justice.

Remember this from my last post?
She is coming right along!

Polly, our crochet teacher is trying to make a sweater!
We won't leave her alone so she can work on it too much in the class.
We are lined up with questions and needing help.
Isn't this going to be beautiful though?

This is a baby blanket that Maryanne is making.
The whole thing is basically a chain stitch except for the border
and this edging she has started.
I LOVE it!
The edging is a Picot stitch!

Each month there is a theme at the Senior Center
and they have different displays out in the lobby.
This blanket is knitted.
I want to learn to knit too!

Look at all these old cameras!!

I loved those tap shoes!

Just wanted to give you all an update on "Sweet Teen"!
She is doing a lot better than I would be.
She hasn't missed any school even the day after she broke her leg.
I think she likes riding this scooter in Walmart!

She went to see the surgeon last week and he looked at the Xrays and
came in and told her that instead of 2 breaks--she has 3 broken bones!!
As of right now she doesn't have to have surgery but he said she had to be
very careful. They put this hard cast on but will have to change it
next week as the swelling goes down!!!
And do you remember my friend, J that was so sick?
She actually came to church on Wed. night and gave an awesome testimony!
Please continue to pray for her.
Also my friend, Gayle....her mother had a stroke last week and is need of our prayers.
Thank you all.

TODAY I AM THANKFUL FOR.........contentment.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crocheted Gifts Of Love

Have you ever heard of a Cuddle Cocoon?
Well I hadn't until I went to my crochet class
and saw a lady crocheting one.

I immediatley knew that I wanted to make one for my daughter.
So I started one and got it all done and realized I had made it too small.
I took it to Polly (my crochet teacher) and she showed me exactly what I had done wrong.
So I made this one and gave it to "May May" at the shower.

That was not the one I wanted to make for her
so I had her one more gift!!!

This is the one I intended to make first so after
that last one I got busy on this one!

I think she loves it!!

This truly is a gift of love from me to May May!

So she now has two!
One can be used for a boy or girl
but my favorite is the one for a girl!!!
See the picture frame?
That is her ultrasound pictures of the baby!

The first one I made was really pretty but you could not get a baby in it.
So I had this yarn with me and started this one and it turned out pretty.

But this one is the one I love!
If the baby is not a girl this will be passed on to "Big Sis"
in hopes of a little girl in the future.
She is still in college right now so maybe one day!!!
I am so proud of learning to crochet
but I am even prouder that I am learning to read the patterns!

This is the book that the lady at my crochet class was using.
As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it!
So off to Hobby Lobby I went.
I already have another one started for a baby boy!
It is called a snuggle sack!

TODAY I AM THANKFUL FOR......anticipation!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Miss My Crocheting Class

As most of you know "Sweet Hunter" is not feeling well
so I missed my crocheting class today but here are last week's pictures!

Thank you for all your prayers.
The doctor says he has 2 stones and they are passable
so lets hope it happens soon for his sake!

And for my sake!!!! lol
I have saw way too many hunting shows & sports!!!
Bless his heart.
I LOVE this man!

I think this is going to be a scarf!

This is going to be a sweater vest.

And this is absolutely beautiful and it is going to be........

Isn't it gorgeous!

I believe this is an afghan!
I love the colors!

And this is going to be.......

Her yarn looks just like the colors of this yarn in the picture!

And we celebrated August's Birthday last week
with lots of yummy goodies!
I worked so hard on mine!
See those brownies from Kroger's???
That is mine.

The lady that made those crackers made more but this time she used those
Escort Crackers! 
They were yummy!

But this was the hit of all of those goodies!
Texas Caviar
Polly, our crochet teacher brought it
and is going to share the recipe with me
so when I get it, I will share it with you!
She served it with those Tostito Scoop Chips!
Oh my goodness!

And look at these gorgeous necklaces that Polly made!
I just fell in love with them and she gave them to
me for my 2 granddaughters!
I haven't got to give them to the girls yet but they are going to love them!
Enlarge the picture to see them better.
When I find some fancy yarn I am going to try to make one for me!
Thank you Polly!


"Sweet Hunter" said, "it is true, if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.
He said, "everyday that we wake up feeling well we ought to thank the Lord."
He said, "we never need to take it for granted."
So true.
Thank you for your prayers.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Crocheting Anyone?

A while back my Dad rung the doorbell and had been to
a yard sale and bought all this for 5.00!!!

I layed it all out so I could see what all was here.

Just a few of the things.

Look at all these flowers!

It was like Christmas!

I had never saw so much stuff........................
 until he came this past weekend!!!!

He brought all of this!
He got all of this for 10.00!!!

TODAY I AM THANKFUL FOR..............little gifts!

I better get busy crocheting!!!!