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Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilts. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Small World

When we took our Golf cart to get it redone this is the place we brought it.
I have never ever saw so many old cars.

While "sweet hunter" was talking details with the guy, I of course was
walking around taking pictures.

Then I started listening to their conversation and the guy was telling
Sweet Hunter about the cars and how he has this business
just by word of mouth.

Some of these cars have actually been redone and been in movies.
My ears perked up when I heard that.

Then he told us about how some people have had him start the process of
fixing these old cars up and then this economy hit and some can't even pay
for the work that has been done on the cars. 
 I think he said that 8 are just sitting and waiting.

There was a lady inside the building and I smiled at her as she was
cutting some upholstery fabric.
Then the man told us that she was his wife and that she has been a
great help to him in this business.

He said that she would rather be in the house quilting
and he would rather her be but right now he needed
her in the business!!!

So I mosy (is that a word?) right over to her and introduce myself.

I asked her about her quilting.
She said that is her hearts desire but
right now with the economy she was having to help her husband.

As we talked I share the chicken scratch that I was working on
in the car. I went out and got it and it was the butterfly and wasn't finished
but she loved it.

We all hit it off first thing!
As we got to talking we found many more things that we had in common.

The more we talked the more we enjoyed meeting them
and hearing about their life.
They are very hard working people
with lots of goals.

This picture hanging on the wall was one of the cars in a movie.
I think it was called "I'll Fly Away". Not real sure about that name though.
He said the guy has $150,000.00 in this car.
Can you imagine?

Then he pulled out this drawer full of pictures and showed us
many more pics of cars that he had redone.
I told his wife that I would rather see her quilts but she
said that she hasn't got to do any in a while.
But then she went on to tell me that her 86 year old mother
quilted all the time. She hand quilts and has a frame that hangs
from the ceiling. 
O.K. Now my eyes are getting big!

Then they told us where to walk down to see the river.
It was right next to the "mothers" house.
So as we walked to see the river I was looking at the Mothers house!
Oh I want to go and visit her.
"Sweet Hunter" said that the river was way too big for me.
He thought I would be disappointed but I had something else in mind.

I told him that I would go visit the Mother that quilts.
The man and woman heard me say that and they were thrilled.
They said that would make her so happy.
They said she is an herb doctor and knows how to tell you to doctor anything
with the herbs that she grows.  They also shared that she could tell you the names
of every flower in her yard.  She also tends to a big garden in the back yard.
They also told us that the mother and daughter make hominy every year.
Hominy?  That just doesn't sound good to me.
They said it was delicious.
They said they have a recipe that they use and they cook it outside.
They also invited us to come when they do that.
Oh I wanted to go visit right then but we didn't have the time!
But we do have plans to go back and I can't wait. 
"Sweet Hunter" is excited about fishing and
 I am excited about visiting this little 86 year old woman.
They told us to plan to stay a whole day because
she will not let us leave without cooking a full country meal for us!
Well that sealed the deal for me!
I can't wait to go fishing...........NOT!


A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." -Proverbs 18:24 KJV

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daddy's Quilts & His New Sewing Cabinet

Daddy has a very small house and he was trying to find a place to store all
of the quilts he is making.  Looks like he found the perfect place.
All of these quilts are for sale along with the ones in the sidebar marked "Daddy's Quilts".
Each quilt is 60.00 plus shipping.

Daddy had to do some rearranging in his house
 to make room for his new sewing cabinet that he bought.
He is even moving pictures around.
This frame is all of Granny.  I made that for him when she left us.
Right behind that little lamp is the framed poem  "Granny's Perfect Quilts" that was written by
Marlene about the quilt she purchased from Granny.  If you haven't read it, go to my sidebar and look for it.  I LOVE it.

Look at Daddy's new sewing cabinet!
He is so proud of it!

He opened it all up for me to show me how it works.
This is definitely a space saver.
See his caps up on top?
My Dad was in the Navy and has been looking for Navy hats.
He found 2. One of them says Navy Veteran on it.
He loves them.  When I was a baby he was in the Navy.
Thanks Dad for your service.

He is so very proud of it! 
He hasn't put his machine in it yet but
he is working on it. 
Then it's back to sewing quilts for Daddy!
Just let me know if you want to purchase one of Daddy's quilts.
Sewing has made him so happy.
This is truly a gift from Granny and the Lord.
Today I am thankful for......
the birds singing outside my window!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Year Ago "Granny,The Energizer Bunny" - Revisited

I really and truly believe that Granny could be the energizer bunny!
She had already finished 2 quilts this past week and was starting on another one.
The one she is pictured with above is beautiful. I will put it along with the other one that looks almost identical on my side bar in case anyone is interested in buying a Granny quilt. Just let me know.
This is the fabric that she was using for the next quilt. It is going to be beautiful too. It is a floral and maroon color. I am sure it is finished by now. I will see tomorrow because I am headed over there before work.
Aren't these hands so precious.

She sat with me and "fellowshipped" about 3 minutes and said, "Beth, are you going to work because I have got to get to sewing!!!" I said, "yes Granny, you go get busy." She is hilarious.

I guarantee you the energizer bunny doesn't have anything on this woman!!
She never ceases to amaze me.

Today was a difficult day for me.  One year ago today, April 13th my Granny passed away. 
This post above was actually posted on April 7, 2010.  You can even read some of your comments on that date last year below. 
Isn't it amazing that I titled that post "Granny-The Energizer Bunny" and 6 days later she left us?
One of her greatest fears was that she would leave this world with an unfinished quilt. 
But let me tell you that she had all her quilts finished before she left us. 
The day that she got sick me and my Dad had a cleaning job to do
and she had told us to go on.  My aunt came and took her
to the E.R.  We just thought it was something like a virus
 or something because Granny hardly ever got sick.
Then we found out that it was more serious than we thought. 
Today I went and visited my Daddy.  I didn't know if he would realize the date but he did.
He had been going through her pictures and reading all of the comments that you bloggers sent to the funeral home.  I will never forget the gift of love that you all gave to my Granny.
I miss her so much.
I know that you all do too.
Just felt like revisiting Granny today.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sewing At The Hilton

Do you remember the deer quilt that "Sweet Hunter" wanted for Christmas?

Well, I finally took one of 401A Singer sewing machines
 to the Hilton and just got busy.

I decided that I would try to do the binding
just like Granny used to do.
Boy it was hard.
I really don't know how she did it.
She didn't even have the little clips either.
She would just fold it over as she sewed.

Yes, it is just a giant king size panel but that is the fabric that
"Sweet Hunter" picked out so that is what
"Sweet Hunter" got.

Well, this is not my pick for my big king size bed at the Hilton
but it is a "hunting cabin"!

O.K. Do you see the wall that is covered with another quilt behind the bed?
That is because first of all there is no headboard with this heavenly bed
and also because behind that quilt is the ugliest door that you have ever seen.
Do you see that big bump sticking out???
That is a door knob!!
Did I camoflauge it good enough?

I just love this little pillow. 
I got it from my sweet blogging friend Karen!
She has the neatest stuff.

So what do you think?
I can tell you one thing......
it may just be a giant panel but you add the
warm and natural batting
and the backing.......
this is a huge king size quilt!!!
Sewing this was true love for the "Sweet Hunter"!!!

And you want to know what he said when I got it done?
(well, you have to know the history of the other quilt that I made him-
it took me 25 years....yes, 25 years to complete it. lol)
He didn't take you as long to finish this one!!! Ha!
He loves it and that is what counts!!!
What this "sweet hunter" wants....he gets!
I told him when he is sad during deer season because he hasn't got a deer,
all he has to do is come and look at his bed at "our little Hilton"!!!

And look what was on one of the trail cameras along with many other deer pictures!
I just love our trail cameras!!
Today I am thankful for........
getting this Christmas present from 2010 finished!!!!
I am linking up to Allie's Christmas Through The Year even though this present was late!!
Does it count Allie???
I am also linking up to Peg and Kris for the "Once A Month Project".
I am early on both of these but just wanted to go ahead and show it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sad News About Our Favorite Quilt Store

My Mom & I at our favorite quilt store.

Mom is so excited about making a mug rug!

Isn't this quilt beautiful? 
And do you notice my bag?

"Angel" loves quilts too!

"Brother" found this little display bed and made himself at home.

"Brother" & Nana!

Just some eye candy.

Everything in this store is just gorgeous.

This is our block of the month.

This is the quilt that we are working on.

Look at the Block of the month finished,

Show and tell time in our Saturday club class!

I asked her if I could show something that wasn't quilt related. 
I told them that my purse  was crocheted but when I told them that
it was made from plastic shopping bags everyone was so amazed.

Look at this lady looking at the bag as they passed it around
for show and tell.  Her face tells you how intrigued they were  with this bag.
I love it and if you love it too, you can visit Granny J and see what all she makes.

We got some sad news about our favorite quilt store today. 
We were just there yesterday and didn't even know this.
We received an email saying that they were closing.
This is not just a store to us. This is "special times" for me,
my Mom & my Grands.  We will miss the family who owns this store.
I don't know why this store is closing but I would like for you to help me pray
for the owners. I know they are so sad.  They have worked very hard to build this business.
This economy is hitting everyone hard.
We need to pray for our country.

Today I am thankful for ......HOPE.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14