272 Search Results for mood board

Mood board Winner


Posted by Marie

30 December, 2019 - ,

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Dear MajaDesign fans,

2019 is coming to an end and this will be my last post for this year. I wish to thank you all for your support during the year, without YOU this brand would be nothing. So, thank you for chosing MajaDesign paper for your craft work ♥   We hope to see you all back next year.
The mood board challenge won’t be monthly in 2020 but more of a “season challenge”. Keep an eye out there in February for the first one.

We have had a great response for this the last Mood board of 2019 and it’s been so much fun seeing all the amazing contributions and reading all your encouraging e-mails. Thank you ♥♥♥
Here are a little reminder of what you had to play with:


And here are all the lovely entries:

Anna Petrova from Russia

Anne Mette Fredberg from Denmark

Caroline van Sluis from The Netherlands

Caroline van Sluis from The Netherlands

Elly Booij from The Netherland

Elly Booij from The Netherland

Gail Tasker from Norway

Ilonka Linssen from The Netherlands

Ilonka Linssen from The Netherlands

Jeanette Johansen from Norway.

Karien van der Westhuizen from South Africa

Katarina Karlsson from Sweden

Kristina Peshko from Russia

Peshko Kristina from Russia

Marjut Laine from Finland

Patricia Kragten from Canada

Marlies van Es from The Netherlands

Nicole Lacoste from Canada

Olesya Erankevich from Russia

Proshkina Alena Valerievna from Russia

Reetta Heimonen from Finland

Stine Byager from Denmark

Taina Siurola from Finland

Victoria King from Australia


And the winner is…..








With a great idea for the New Year’s table setting. Clean, simple, fresh and so beautiful…

… Anne Mette Fredberg from Denmark!!!

Congratulations Anne Mette! A collection of your choice will turn up at your place after the Holidays!

A huge thank you ta all the participants! Great work everyone!

Now, last but not least, we’d like to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!




November-December Mood board Challenge


Posted by Marie

15 November, 2019 - ,

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Hello MajaDesign fans! Welcome to the last mood board challenge of 2019!

This time it is a double one which mean you will have a little bit of extra time to be creative. We have made this mood board with the inspiration from the new collection “Holiday in the Alps” but if you have some other MajaDesign sheets you find will work it’s of course totaly fine to use them! We can’t wait to see some winterly, crispy creations for this one…

This is how we use the mood boards:
Definition mood board – n
[a board used by designers on which samples of various colours and textures are mounted to help in deciding which elements complement each other]

We truly believe in creativity and art at Maja Design and you are free to interpret the Mood board in any way you’d like. They are supposed to set you in an inspirational mood without too much controlling. We would like you to be inspired by the poems, words and photos. They are not given rules, they are just there as inspiration. However – we highly recommend you to follow the theme.. Feel free to use any Maja papers you’d like as long as they follow the colour scheme. You can use all of the colors, or only one of them – that’s up to you.

How to participate?

♥ Create anything you like – a layout, a card, something altered or maybe a canvas. Use MajaDesign papers primarily!

♥ Take a nice picture of it and send it to [email protected]. Please send us the pictures in the size of 800 pixels on the width. We would be so grateful if you also could change the file name of the photo to your first and last name including your country.

♥ We also need to know your full name, address and a phone number. Please specify what collection* you would like to win, if you are the lucky one. We will also want to know if you would like it in the size 12*12 or 6*6, thank you.

♥ Feel free to send us more than one picture, from different angles or some close-ups – or why not more than one project?

♥ Publish the project/s on your blog (or/and any social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) with a link to our site. Please also add the image of the mood board.

♥ Feel free to combine your entry with other challenges.

♥ The winner will be revealed on the 28th, at the MajaDesign blog. The winner will be sent one collection by their choice*, and also a digital Winner’s Badge to use and brag with.

*Note that we have run out of a few sheets of some of our older collections (e.g. the Sofiero collection) We will contact you if this applies to your chosen collection.

We need your entry by the 23th of  December at the latest.


Here are some lovely inspiration from The Best Creative Team:

Made by Camilla Støen Bakke

Made by Elena Olinevich

Made by Elena Olinevich

Made by Elena Olinevich

Made by Kavitha

Made by Kerstin Filou

Made by Lenet Mos

Made by Maja Nowak


We hope to see your entry for this, the last challenge of the year.

Happy crafting ♥

Winner of the October Mood Board


Posted by Marie

15 November, 2019 - ,

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Hello dear MajaDesign fans!

Finally! a delayed announcement of the October mood board winner. After a period of technical issues I’m so glad to be up running again. I am so grateful that there are technicians to be helped by whenever things don’t work proparly. I’m even more grateful to be working on the creative side of this and not the technical…

Thank you so much to all the participants for being patience with this post! For the winner; we’re gonna put a little extra something in the box as a compensation for the extra waiting time ♥

Do you remember what the October mood board looked like? Here it is:


All the lovely entries:

Made by Anna Petrova from Russia

Made by Anna Petrova from Russia

Made by Ilonka Linssen from the Netherlands

Made by Ilonka Linssen from the Netherlands

Made by Ilonka Linssen from the Netherlands

Made by Karita Vainio from Finland

Made by Kethy Nordström from Sweden

Made by Marjut Laine from Finland


Made by Pernilla Rosenlund from Sweden

Made by Kristina Peshko from Russia

Made by Reetta_Heimonen from Finland


A big thank you for joining in, you have all done a great job! There can only be one winner though… and the lucky one this month is…








With the most lovely little notebook that captured the mood of the board perfectly;  Kristina Peshko from Russia!!!!


Congratulations Kristina! Your prize-winning will soon turn up at your place.


The last Mood Board challenge for 2019 will be published in just a few hours. Don’t miss out, we would love to see your entry!

October Mood Board challenge


Posted by Marie

1 October, 2019 - ,

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Hello MajaDesign followers!

It’s time for a new Mood Board.
October is my favourite month of the year. Perhaps it is because the lack of light makes it okey to stay inside doing things just because you love doing them. The fall season seems to offer more “slow time”. Or maybe it’s because fall season bring out some of my favourite colors (like the ones in this mood board). Or maybe it is just because it’s my birthday month and I get to enjoy having my family over for dinner. However; it is a wonderful time of the year.

What do you like about October? Join in for this Mood Board challenge and show us.

This is how we use the mood boards:
Definition mood board – n
[a board used by designers on which samples of various colours and textures are mounted to help in deciding which elements complement each other]

We truly believe in creativity and art at Maja Design and you are free to interpret the Mood board in any way you’d like. They are supposed to set you in an inspirational mood without too much controlling. We would like you to be inspired by the poems, words and photos. They are not given rules, they are just there as inspiration. However – we highly recommend you to follow the theme.. Feel free to use any Maja papers you’d like as long as they follow the colour scheme. You can use all of the colors, or only one of them – that’s up to you.

How to participate?

♥ Create anything you like – a layout, a card, something altered or maybe a canvas. Use MajaDesign papers primarily!

♥ Take a nice picture of it and send it to [email protected]. Please send us the pictures in the size of 800 pixels on the width. We would be so grateful if you also could change the file name of the photo to your first and last name including your country.

♥ We also need to know your full name, address and a phone number. Please specify what collection* you would like to win, if you are the lucky one. We will also want to know if you would like it in the size 12*12 or 6*6, thank you.

♥ Feel free to send us more than one picture, from different angles or some close-ups – or why not more than one project?

♥ Publish the project/s on your blog (or/and any social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) with a link to our site. Please also add the image of the mood board.

♥ Feel free to combine your entry with other challenges.

♥ The winner will be revealed on the 28th, at the MajaDesign blog. The winner will be sent one collection by their choice*, and also a digital Winner’s Badge to use and brag with.

*Note that we have run out of a few sheets of som of our collections (e.g. the Sofiero collection) We will contact you if this applies to your chosen collection.

We need your entry by the 24th of  October at the latest.


Here are some lovely inspiration from our amazing Creative Team:

Made by Elena Olinevich

Made by Elena Olinevich

Made by Elena Olinevich

made by Jennifer Snyder

Made by Lenet Mos

Made by Mary Tzalla


We would love to see your interpretation of the October Mood Board. Send your entry to: [email protected] by the 24th of October and you have the chance to win a MajaDesign collection of your choice.

Happy crafting!

Winner of the September Mood Board


Posted by Marie

28 September, 2019 - , ,

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Hi dear MajaDesign followers!

It is almost the end of September, which means it’s time to reveal the winner of this month’s Mood Board.
Fall season here at my place on the Globe means shorter days and chilly weather, which gives you the perfect opportunity to just stay inside and enjoy some lovely craftwork. That is what I will be looking forward to now when the Summer officially is over for this time…

A little reminder of what the Mood Board looked like:

Here are the lovely entries for September:

Made by Angelica Grosser from Sweden

Made by Kethy Nordström from Sweden

Made by Kristina Peshko from Russia

Made by Marlies van Es from The Netherlnds

Made by Natalie Grantham from the UK

Made by Reetta Heimonen from Finland

Made by Silvia Murillo from Spain


And the lucky winner is…



Marlies van Es from The Netherlands!!!
Congratulations Marlies! We think you captured both the colours and the feel of the mood board in a great way ♥

This is Marlies words about her lovely card:
“I was inspired by the colours, the words last of Summer, trees, outdoors and cozy. The two little mice are enjoying the last of the warm Summer days before going into their warm and cozy home.
The papers I used are Walking in the forrest. The image is a stamp I coloured with distress ink. “

Thank you to all the participants! You’ve all done a great job ♥  and we hope to see you back for the October challenge, wich will be published on the 1st of October.