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Visar inlägg med etikett GDT. Visa alla inlägg

onsdag 16 december 2015

13@rts - GuestDesigner

The other day I was guesting over at 13@rts with this layout. It was inspired by their december moodboard.

Instead of using my favorite winter tale I used what is my favorite thing about christmas. Being together.
I have used alot of 13arts modeling paste and mica flakes to make the snow. And I just love the delicate snowflake stencil also from 13arts.

With some backlighting you can really see al the textures :)

torsdag 12 november 2015

It's the golden season

It's fall!

I just love al the beautiful colors that comes with fall. Granted it is almost winter now but here at our place it still feels and looks like fall.

This is a layout I did as a guest designer for Berry71Bleu. It was all about layers and leaves. I did mine with small dashes of gold. Thought it was appropriate for the title :)

fredag 6 november 2015


Happy halloween!

Okay yes, i'm a bit late :) But I made this a couple of weeks ago at an scrap event and I couldnt show it untill now since I made it as a guest designer for Scrap Africa. Tha post went live yesterday and you can find it here.
It is made out of a sketch. Now originaly I had plan to put the photo on the right like in the sketch but it didn't look right with how my son was angled in the photo so I flipped everything around :)
I also used a rubbons instead of the flower wine I was intended to paint black and use. In the end it turned out to be a really twisted version of the sketch.

But that's kind of fun. Sketches are suppose to inspire and bring ideas and this one totally did! Loved how the layout turned out and more important my son adored it! He put it up on his wall :)

måndag 31 augusti 2015

Prima Guest Designer! + process video!

It's finally time!

I am this month guest designer over at PrimaMarketingInc and I could't be happier!!

Here are my inspiration pieces for this month BAP and PPP.
I has a blast working with Prima products. The PPP moodboard was especially lovely!
For one of thwse layouts I also made a process video. Process videos are my new big "scrapbook" passion :)

måndag 2 mars 2015


Jag blev tillfrågat att gästdesigna hos CSI colorstoriesinspiration och självklart tackade jag ja! :)
Här är länken

Här var The case file vi skapade utifrån

Jag gjorde en layout om min yngsta och skrev ett litet brev till honom där jag använde orden "go, wisdome, possibilities"

lördag 31 januari 2015

Remember: GDT Words&Paintery

Today I am Guest Designer over at Words&Paintery :D Wohoo!
I scrapped this photo of my son taken the first day of second grade. He takes every opportunity he can to dress up :)

torsdag 15 januari 2015

Reach for the stars!


Så idag är jag GT hos Stuck?!Sketches :D

Här är skissen som jag skapat utifrån.

So, today I'm guest designing over at Stuck?!Sketches :D
Here is the sketch I have been interpreting

Jag gjorde en rätt clean and simple layout den här gången och lyckades hålla mig från att använda vatttenfärger (men lite svart stänk måste ändå dit). Stjärnorna är ritade med hjälp av Memory box toksnygga "Starry Night" stencil. Det blev mycket doodling och rubons också och självklart ett par chipboards. Det är kul när man märjker att man återkommer till samma slags produkter hela tiden men det ändå blir så olika resultat.

Hoppa nu över till Stuck?!Sketches och var med i deras skissutmaning eller bara njut av design teamets tolkningar :) 


I made a pretty clean and simple layout this time and managed to keep my self from using water colors (but I had to put som black splashes here and ther). The stars are drawn with Memory box amazing "Starry Night" stencil. I added a lot of doodling and rubons also and of course a couple of chip boards. It's fun when you notice that you return to the same kind of products all the time but the result are always so different.

Now jump over to Stuck?! Sketches and enter in their sketch challenge or just enjoy the design team's interpretations :)

torsdag 8 januari 2015


Glömde ju bort att berätt;. jag har turen att få vara gäst designer hos Stuck?!sketches nu i Januari :D
Så otroligt kul! Den 15 kommer min layout att publiceras men redan i dag bjuder jag på lite sneaks.


Forgot to tell you;. I have been fortunate enough to be a guest designer for Stuck?! sketches now in January: D
So incredibly fun! The 15 will my layout be published, but today I offer a little sneaks.

Återkom gärna den 15 januari både här och hos  stuck?! för att kolla in hela layouten.


Be sure to check back both here and over at stuck?! for the complet layout.