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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just a quick little note................I am so tired and sore from all the cleaning last week, and over the weekend, it is finally catching up with me. I am trying to get last minute stuff done, so I can relax brother and family are leaving around 7 or so in the morning, which will put them here around 5 or 6 its about a 10 hour drive.

I got up this morning and started picking up a bit, but Aiden was not letting me get too much done, so played with him for awhile, took him to Subway for lunch, then back home to watch General hospital, which the show is really getting on my nerves. Then I hear this crazy lady outside screaming her lungs off, and I go look and its my crazy neighbor yelling and laughing with this really crazed look on her face, I ignore her and come back in where my father heads out to get some different this time the temp outside is falling, and the wind is picking up. I have to run to walmart to get a few things, and back home to get the old furniture out and the other set in, take the old set to a friends.

Now I really have to get the house picked up a bit more............seems like when I think its done, something else comes up and is all of a sudden laying on my, "what was once a clean floor" LOL

Monday, November 19, 2007

Finished the Bear Afghan

Well I finished Aidens blanket tonight, and here it me it kinda reminds me of a tree! LOL Anyway its done, and I put two rows of a border around it, but you can't see that very well in the picture. I am just glad its done and I will finish the living room lapghan tomorrow, most of it will be done tonight, I will crochet some while relaxing in bed......I am tired from all the cleaning.

My rotten Aiden laying on his blanket, he loves it, I had it spread out on the floor to take pictures and he came running and landed right on it............he loves anything I crochet especially blankets. I hope to have this one for a long time. He is so darn cute laying there.

You can just barely make out Aidens head in the lower right hand corner, but this is him taking off with it!!! LOL my little goofy boy.

Almost Turkey Time!

The boys laying on the couch the other night, this was just too cute!
Taken yesterday , and there is double the leaves out there now. It was in the 80s today, can you beleive that in November??? Tomorrow in the 70s then turning colder!!! I love this time of year, just wish we had some snow. LOL Things here are good, we are pretty sure we got everything for Thanksgiving............turkey has been taking up a lot of room in the fridge, we got a 22 pound turkey, we always try to get the biggest turkey.............My brother Charlie, his wife, Karen and Dylan are coming up, they are leaving Wednesday morning early. Hopefully they drive safely, and miss the hectic holiday travel.
This is Aiden with a bowl!!! I had gotten out some potato salad, and he ate most of it, then started licking the bowl!!!! I had to grab the camera!! This was way too cute to miss out on. What a rotten boy!!
Ok one of me thrown in.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Crochet Slump??? NOOOOOOO!!

I feel like I am going through a crochet slump..........I have all my swaps done, but some still need mailing, and my only reason for it not being done is that I have been lazy! I have not been feeling too well, just sore from running errands, or cleaning up. But now I feel like I am in a slump. I have a few Secret Santa swaps I am in, and will get them fact i have to venture down into that nasty basement of ours, to get a few christmas crochet stuff i did last year, but they don't have patterns and I have to wing it by sight, which is fine, i did it last year and they came out good............I did put up my thanksgiving stuff, and took a few pictures and realized i don't really have much crochet turkey stuff, so I should get busy with that. Wish me luck and hope that no spiders attack me!!!!

This is the mantle, I don't really like them up here, so I would not be surprised if i don't move them around a bit more.
Turkey Turkey

I feel like I am in a crochet slump and I don't like it!!!

Halloween is OVER!

This is my bat boy and my dinosaur baby!! Aren't they just cute!! AJ was going to go as a Star Wars character AGAIN..........but changed his mind. The only costume he could find that he liked and would fit was Bat Man. I think he looks good in it. The dinosaur costume for Aiden was found pretty much Tuesday, the last minute!! I am always doing things so late. Anyway I had seen this costume for Aiden and really liked it it was so cute. But when i saw it, it was a toddler size, so i wanted to look around for another one a smaller size. I went back on Tuesday and it was gone................oh no!!! but luckily I went back and looked on another rack they had in a another location of the store and found it...............too big on him, but not too big.
This is Aiden again, we are getting ready to go Trick or Treating.............we had no plans on passing out candy, we were going to be gone and my mom did not want to go to the door so many times in her wheelchair. So we had our lights out and still kids came...........I gave one girl some candy AJ had from Fun Night Saturday but after that I did not answer the door, the news told everyone that if lights were off don't go to that house! LOL
My handsome Bat boy!!
Trying to keep his hands out.............his little thumbs were getting caught!
Out trick or treating..........Aiden really got into this..................He loved it........He was walking most of the time, although Papa had to pick him up a few times to "catch" him up with his big brother and Chris..................but he just really loved all the "canny" he got!! LOL my little dinosaur boy!!! WE didn't stay out long, we were all tired and Aiden had fallen asleep, but we wanted to go to pizza hut for dinner, so we did, and the boys had fun.
AJ was kinda bummed that he had to go to school Thursday, but oh well! Today has been a pretty good day, just been hanging out and relaxing...........i ran around a friend yesterday so my knees and back are hurting today.
I am trying to catch up with online stuff and will work on crochet later tonight.