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Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy H"OWL" oween

Fall is my very favorite time of year.  The days are warm and sunny the nights are cool and snuggly.  The leaves start to change and fall and best of all Halloween rolls around.   Up until last year I never made anything handmade that hung around.  They were always gifts and baby blankets and such that went away and found new homes.  So last year I vowed to start making things for our home.   Having Abbey helped with that process.  I made baby quilts and even a shade and valance for her windows.  While pregnant with her i made a little birdy quilt for the living room.  But my very favorite thing I finished recently was this Halloween door hanger....

I love the owls...

I have several other Halloween projects to finish.  Big ones.  I got the embroidery done on two Crabapple Hill Halloween quilts.  I figure after Christmas I can start working on them again.   
Hope you have a spooky Halloween with lots of Treats and no Tricks!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Lots of Embroidery Going On!

I have always loved embroidery.  I learned to embroider from my Granny when I was a little girl. I didn't stitch regularly until I was an adult.  Lately I have found my love again.   Crab Apple Hill Halloween Patterns captivated me from the very first time I saw them.   I splurged and bought several of them knowing that I was going to be staying home from work for a while with my daughter.   The patterns are involved...requiring you to use a light box and trace patterns before you stitch but they are well worth the work.
The current pattern I am working on is Spellbound
The pattern is traced and then colored with crayon to tint fabric to give the embroidery more depth.  Then you use a hot iron to remove wax and set color.

I am really enjoying this one!
Does anyone else do embroidery or have a great link for patterns?

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Claiming My Blog

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Going to move to the link above.

So I have been out of commision for forever.  But have had a good excuse...really.

Her name is Abbey :)  Pregnancy and baby wiped me out for a while and honestly barely had time to sew much less blog.

But have completed a few projects....will be sharing them with you.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer is here...wish I was at the beach!

Okay so this is my first post in a while.   Been out and about for a bit.   Thanks so much to everyone who commented after my last whine...ahem...I mean blog post.   I really did get down in the dumps after my festival fiasco.  But I can honestly say that looking back I had a fun with my friend and met some great people. 

So here goes....Quilty/Crafty Goals For JUNE!!!

1. Complete IPOD case for a friend
2..  Savannah gradation quilt- more on that later...lets just say I love this fabric!
3.  CLEAN my sewing room.  I moved from a very large attic room to a very small bedroom with a HUGE closet.  Carpet is very dirty and organization needs to happen.
4.  Complete several baby quilt tops to hold in reserve for those special little  bundles of joy that pop up from time to time.  
5.  utilize more scraps into quilts...I hate to throw away scraps and right now I have a steamer trunk full that need to be used.  

My Guy!!!!Finally Done!!!

My guy is done...and the quilt and the guy!!!

This awesome quilt was a graduation present for my son...who graduated from high school May 27th.  

Here's the quilt...


And Here's "My guy"

Man am I glad that is over!  We sure are proud of our kid!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Quilty/Crafty Goals For March

Here are my quilty and crafty goals for March. Yes March is shoot me I am now posting my March acomplishments to see how well I did.  March was a bit of a great month (made several sales on my etsy site) and then a bust with the disasterous festival that I did a booth at a week ago.   I am proud of myself for putting my work out there.  I may not seem like I am shy and reclusive but just posting my art and quilty goodness is hard for me.  

I can honestly say that I feel pretty good about what I accomplished in February.  I always put the bar way too high for myself anyway. Between 40 hour work week, 2-3 hours a day commuting back and forth to work and 3 days a week at the gym it doesn't leave me enough time to do all the crafting I want to do. 

So here goes....Quilty/Crafty Goals For March

1.  2 Iphone cases off the list since the craft show is over but will revisit sometime soon
2.  2 e reader cases *see #1
3.  Complete 10 coffee cozies  done :)
4.  Complete Nook Case for a Friend  done :)
5.  Complete 4th row of the "My Guy" quilt for my son. About 3/4th of the 4th row done...  almost there!
6.  10 pairs of Alabama and Auburn lego earrings done :)
7.  10 pairs of other lego earrings done :)
8.  banner for our booth at the Prattville Arts Festival done :)
9.  2 funky paintings not progress
10. Complete 2 coin purses not progress
11.  Try my hand at fabric post cards not progress
12.  start putting together Savannah's quilt not progress

So that is what I did and did not accomplish this month...glad it is over and that winter is winding down...spring has finally sprung!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sara's Scrap Swap

I am so pleased with my swaps from the Sew Sara Sew Blog.

Her blog can be found here... .

Ignore Cat Butt on Right :)
 I was lucky enough to be partnered with Laura from and Monkia from  .  I got home from work last week and surprise surprise...not one but TWO envelopes.  Both my swaps arrived on the same day.   Oh wow! I was totally overwhelmed at the glorious fabric these two fabulous swappers sent me!  My Mom in Law and I sat for an hour at the kitchen table pouring over them and then going back to our favorites.  I can't wait until I can put these beauties into a quilt.   Thanks so much ladies...I think my packages to you were woefully pitiful compared to yours!

Thanks again Ladies!!!