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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday

Happy What's on your Workdesk Wednesday! It's been a while since I've joined in the fun of posting a picture of my desk and peeking at other people's desks! On my recent trip to Europe, my schedule was just too hectic for desk hopping and afterwards, when I got home, my desk was just too much of a mess, even for me!

Well, I finally got to clear up my prayer desk a little bit and here it is...

My sister got married recently and she designed her own invitations. The calligraphy is so pretty! I should have taken a close-up. That monogrammed handkerchief is from my daughter who brought it back from Budapest.

And now, for my main desk. Tada...

I know, it looks like a typhoon swept through!  I hope to get around to tidying up soon and seeing my desk again!  Til next time, be blessed, everyone!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

WOYWW: Book Art

It's time for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday care of Lunch Lady Jan (Julia, the WOYWW queen, is on sick leave).  My main desk is filled with packing cubes, toiletry bags and all sorts of travel stuff.  I am packing to go to Europe in July!

My niece, together with her family, is opening a new bookshop soon and she assigned her mom (my sister) to make installation art using books. And so my sister gave us an open book each to do with as we pleased (only black and white please).

So this is what I made...

That's it for today!  Julia always reminds us to keep it short!  And I hope you don't forget to wear your invisible crown!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

WOYWW: Faithfulness

Every Wednesday, as much as possible, a group of faithful WOYWWers post pictures of their desks (and all sorts of other things as well) for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.  It is usually hosted by Julia, who is presently recovering from an operation.  Thanks to Lunch Lady Jan, the weekly blog party, continues...

There's not much progress in my main desk but I have finally gotten my prayer desk back to normal.  It is a lot easier to be faithful to my morning quiet time if my desk is tidy!


How reassuring to know that God is faithful even when we are unfaithful.  He loved us first!  A blessed week ahead, everyone!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

WOYWW: Step by Step

After last week's "typhoon"desk, I hoped that I would be able to show you a tidy desk today for What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday (usually hosted by Julia, but for now Lunch Lady Jan is subbing for her).

But instead of the calm after the storm, it's more like ongoing rehabilitation efforts. This is a classic case of the push back method!  

But then, in tidying up, just like life, we don't have to accomplish everything all at once.  We can always just take it step by step!

So sorry for the lack of creativity!  Here are some pictures from my recent trip... San Francisco, where my son lives,

 and Yosemite where God's creation is awesome!...

Happy WOYWW!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

WOYWW: Post Travel Typhoon

I missed What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday's 7th anniversary last week!  Belated Happy Anniversary to Julia and the rest of the WOYWWers!  Isn't it amazing how time flies?!

My desk today looks like a typhoon passed through since I dumped all sorts on it after my trip to California. I haven't downloaded my travel pictures yet so none to post today.  Actually, it isn't just my desk that looks like a typhoon passed through so I still have a lot of tidying up to do!  Perhaps next week I will have a better post for you!  Happy WOYWW, everyone!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

WOYWW: Packing

It's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday and because I am packing for my next trip, my desk is full of stuff to pack (aside from the campaign materials for our upcoming elections).

I'm voting for Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo but there's this funny image going around that I thought I'd share with you...

Happy WOYWW, everyone!  Please pray for our elections!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

WOYWW: Campaign Time

I took this picture for last week's What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday but I never got to post it because that day was my 14th wedding anniversary so my family went out for lunch (I often make my post during my lunch break.)

This is my desk today, with some campaign materials of the Roxas-Robredo team.  Wow, this election is crazy, with the survey front runner being a man who promises to eradicate drugs and crime but who can't make a speech without cursing, who jokes about rape and disabled people, who goes around kissing women during his campaign sorties, and who has confirmed his links to extrajudicial killings (as Mayor of Davao City).  He warned that, if elected president, he may kill up to 100,000 criminals! Whaaaat?!

So I am fasting and praying for our country and trying to do my part to campaign for Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo.  Mar Roxas has already done so much for our country and he was once recognized by the World Economic Forum as "one of the Global Leaders of Tomorrow who are expected to shape the future."  Please help me pray for the Filipinos to have wisdom in choosing our leaders on May 9.

So, there is not much to show on my desk except all the yellow campaign materials (the yellow watch was a gift from my hubby so that it would match the campaign ballers I wear every day).

Happy WOYWW everyone!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

WOYWW: El Nido, Palawan

My desk has my sewing machine on it and one of the embroidered blouses I bought in India...

I missed What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday last week because I didn't have a desk to post.  This was my view during breakfast in El Nido, Palawan...

 Some shots while my family went island hopping in paradise...

Wow, God's creation is so awesome!

Our boatmen grilled some fish and porkchops and prepared our food right in our boat.  Look at the presentation of the eggplant salad!

See how "El Nido" is spelled out?

Thanks for dropping by!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

WOYWW: Jesus is Risen!

A blessed and joyful Easter season to all of you!  It always amazes me that the week goes by so quickly and it's time for another edition of What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday.  My main desk is still the same as last week and so I'm showing you my prayer desk which is also quite busy.  

Here is an illustration in my prayer journal, reminding me to "Go and carry the news."  I guess that's why I started out this blog in the first place!  May you experience the joy, hope and power of Jesus' victory each and every day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

WOYWW: Sew Busy

There's something new going on in my desk for What's on your Workdesk Wednesday

I'm doing some sewing. Nothing exciting, I just finished the seams in one of the blouses I bought in India.  I plan to wear it during the Easter Vigil Mass. Now that the sewing machine is out, I may decide to do the rest of the blouses as well.  I wish I had a serger or lived near Annie who offered to lend me hers!

By next Wednesday, we would have celebrated Easter, so I wish for you a meaningful and joyful Easter.  It is a such a special day for us, celebrating Jesus rising from the dead.  And that's why I just had to unearth my sewing machine and get my special outfit ready for Easter ;-)
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