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Friday, November 20, 2020

Hard Holiday Choices


Better safe than sorry. I heard that a lot growing up. This year, our household is taking that to heart, that and the advice of every sane medical expert on the planet.

So, we have taken our turkey day plans down from six to five to three. Actually our invited guests are as reasonable and sane as we appear to be. They were ready, willing and able to stand down.

Maybe next year, we all say. Well, be safe and sane this year and hopefully, we will all be inoculated and together next year. 

Happy quiet and peaceful turkey day everyone.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

A Modest If Selfish Proposal


I came to some fuzzy conclusions while watching the election results last evening. This is a personal decision. I know it is a self-centered and therefore a somewhat selfish direction for the future. Yes, at the moment I am feeling a bit guilty. However, I offer my thoughts here, in public, as a possible path to friends, family and fellow travelers.

Full disclosure - I am a progressive, a liberal, on some issues a radical and even a socialist. I offer those labels based on neutral definitions not those offered by the other side. But my decision is not based on ideology or even solely on this year's election.

What I noticed last night was that the entire political process made be sad. Sad, uncomfortable, disgusted but most significantly unhappy. And here is the crux of my decision. At this point in my life I desire happiness. Add to that desire: peace, calm, tranquility and rest. The politics of the United States provide none of these.

What is clear to me and should be clear to all those on the left is that despite the litany of critiques of Donald Trump. Despite the opposition of the Lincoln Project of intelligent moderate republicans. Despite the insults, lies and an onslaught of "isms." Despite all of that, over 74 million of our fellow citizens voted for hate, division, racism and violence. They voted against their own financial self-interest. They believed the lies or simply didn't or couldn't care.

This is what I saw last night and what has moved me to make several personal resolutions. I would point out this is my decision and only mine. I offer my actions as a path you might consider but I understand if you go another way. Several dear friends have suggested two alternative directions, which I have strongly considered.

To my friends who are prepared to once again grid their political loins and push forward, I understand. Beto nearly won last time in Texas, but he lost. Stacy Abrams nearly was elected governor of Georgia, but she lost. Florida, almost. Texas, nearly. Almost, nearly, close but no.

I am focused on 60+ million votes for darkness and hate. Apparently, 20% of African-American male voters went for Trump. They voted for a racist. The economy was more important. Hispanics of all hyphenated persuasions are heavily conservative voters, even with children locked in cages, they voted red. They are the fastest growing segment of the population.

I truly thank those  friends who will soldier on in the political swamp. I mean that, thank you, but I'm sorry, I will not be joining you. The pain, the strain, the stain have become too much.

To other friends, who have put forward a more spiritual path. A longer view, a Gaian view, hope, charity and love. I appreciate the words and the kindness. May your path bring you peace. I shall be searching hither and yon for inner calm myself.

So, here are my personal resolves, I don't expect the execution of these to be easy or immediate but I've been slowly moving in these directions for several years. Time now to fully commit.

Resolve #1: No more politics. No CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, WaPo. Nix, nope, nothing. I did my time in the trenches, I now officially offer an exhausted resignation. That goes for all forms of social media as well. Goodbye Facebook, so long Twitter.

Resolve #2: A refocusing on the health and safety of a 72 year old body. That would be me. Enough said in public.

Resolve #3: Fiction. Two strains of thought here. First, my own writing will be fiction from this point forward. This may mean abandoning this blog, at the very least there will be a seismic shift away from anything political.

A second fictional direction will be entertainment. I have become a serial binge convert over the last couple of years. So Netflix and Amazon Prime will get my attention in the evenings. Just as long as its full on fiction. No West Wing, no Veep, definitely no House of Cards. I'm installing a Washington D.C. filter on my smart TV.

I offer each of you my sincere hope for whatever path or paths you follow. May we encountered each other on the road to nowhere in particular.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Ann Arbor @ Curbside (October)


5 Reviews for October

Dimo's Deli & Donuts (2030 W. Stadium Blvd.) Like so many eateries, Dimo's has limited hours (breakfast and lunch) due to Covid. Currently they are open 6 am to 4 pm, which can lead to some items running out mid-afternoon. A main reason I patronize Dimo's is the hot pastrami and I was not disappointed. What was missing in our lunch order was the grape leaves, which were substituted for with really good falafels but alas not grape leaves. All was forgiven when we reheated the apple fritters the next morning. Yes Deli and Donuts.

Zingerman's@Home (422 Detroit St.) Our third try with the Zingerman's at Home menu but a repeat dish as we couldn't stop raving about the Ginger Glazed Salmon in August and this week that dish was back. Four orders this time around, we had socially-distanced guests. Sides were Wild Rice with Mushrooms and Cranberries plus Sweet Garlic Squash. Both sides and salmon were more than generous portions. On a side note, no matter how, where or when you interact with employees at any of Zingerman's establishments, they are uniformly friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. 

No Thai (Kerrytown) Yes, four months is a row. I guess I can no longer suggest this isn't an endorsement of No Thai. There was a minor screw-up on the timing of delivery on our order but I assume that was karma because the blog title is "curbside" and I ordered delivery. The drunken noodles were perfect as always and the spring rolls remain divine.

Hotel Hickman Chuckwagon BBQ (8050 Main St. in Dexter) Look there are a lot of good BBQ places. Each to his or her own favorite. In our case we may have a couple of favs. However, one of us has a long remembered affinity for Dexter back when it was a village. Hotel Hickman occupies a space that has been the village library, the police station, the village council chambers and rumor has it a speak-easy. On the other hand, the BBQ is chuckwagon old west style, we have a strong prejudice for that style of Q. They also have truly memorable apple, cherry and bourbon peach cobbler and they serve breakfast. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 6 AM 'til 7 PM.

Bell's Diner (2167 W. Stadium Blvd.) Yes, another repeat but this time we actually only got one order of Bi-Bim-Bop (bibimbap or bibimbob). As I've said before, Bell's is a real diner. So I indulged in a patty melt with onion rings, comfort food for these scary times. It was Halloween after all. 

September Reviews

August Reviews

July Reviews