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For eternal life
We are all Muslims

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Date de création : 01.12.2017
Dernière mise à jour : 17.04.2024
226 articles


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· Why Islam?
· Death is not a taboo subject !
· Allah sees us!
· The Great Imposture!
· The truth is in the holy Koran !
· We are all Muslims !
· The good character in islam !
· The price of loving for the sake of Allah

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Quran Complete Arabic and English

Publié le 07/12/2024 à 12:08 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : versets allah islam coran

Nos parents,ces chères et nobles personnes !

Publié le 17/04/2024 à 16:54 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : uslam foi Allah
Nos parents,ces chères et nobles personnes !



Nos chers parents ! Ces respectueuses et nobles personnes qui représentent en réalité toute notre vie dans ce monde. Ces géniteurs qui sont à l’origine de tout notre bien, de toute notre existence, et grâce à qui, se réalisent tout le bonheur et le bien-être que nous accorde notre Seigneur dans ce bas-monde.Ils sont la lumière et le phare qui illuminent notre chemin dans cette vie.

Toute la Miséricorde de notre Seigneur repose sur le respect, l’attention, la soumission et l’obéissance aveugle, que nous devons leur accorder, particulièrement durant leur vieillesse. Cette grande période d’affaiblissement, de sensibilité, de susceptibilité, d’incapacité et de maladie. Cette période de faiblesse physique et dans certains cas même psychique.Cette dernière phase de leur vie, où ils ont le plus grand besoin de nous autres leurs enfants , nous devons leur prouver, en retour tout notre respect et notre amour possibles.

Aussi grand que soit notre respect pour nos parents, nous n’arriveront jamais à « payer » nos dettes envers eux. C’est sans doute pour cela que Dieu nous recommande, après leur mort, de prier toujours le Seigneur de les couvrir de sa large Miséricorde.

Devant leur “retour d’âge», cette très sensible et dernière étape de la vie, ils sont considérés pour nous, en quelque sorte, comme des « enfants en bas âge ».Nous devons donc, les qualifier comme tels, et ce quelque soit leur condition sociale.Avec l’argent, on peut se permettre pourtant tous les bienfaits possibles dans cette vie, mais jamais un amour sincère que l’on devrait avoir envers à nos parents.

Ces grandes personnes représentent aujourd’hui nos parents, demain nous seront à notre tour, des parents pour nos enfants ! Alors tachons de bien semer aujourd’hui, pour mieux récolter demain… !Dans un sens, toute cette expérience et cette grande notion n’est en fait qu’un test, une grande épreuve que Dieu a décidée pour éprouver notre grande foi en lui, et permettre un jour à notre descendance, à nos enfants de nous rendre la pareille.

Que Dieu fasse de nous et de toute notre descendance, une noble lignée qui se poursuivra jusqu’à la fin des temps.Le respect des parents est une notion fondamentale en Islam. C’est sur cette notion que repose la stabilité de la société entière. Plusieurs versets dans le saint Coran font allusion au type de relation que doivent avoir les enfants envers leurs parents au sein de la cellule familiale.

Dans le saint Coran, Dieu nous apprend :{Ton Seigneur en a décidé ainsi : Que vous n’adoriez que Lui et de traiter les deux géniteurs (père et mère) avec bienveillance. Si l’un deux ou tous deux atteignent chez toi la vieillesse ne leur dis pas « ouf ! », ne leur réponds pas avec brutalité et tiens-leur un langage généreux.(S.17.V-23){Baisse pour eux l’aile de l’humilité par miséricorde et dis : « Seigneur ! Aie-les en Ta Clémence comme ils m’ont élevé enfant ».(S.17 .V-24){Votre Seigneur sait mieux (que tous) ce qui est en vous-mêmes. Si vous êtes vertueux, il est pour ceux qui ne cessent de revenir à Lui essentiellement absoluteur. »(S.17 .25)Dieu nous apprend également : {Nous avons recommandé à l’homme ses deux géniteurs. Sa mère l’a porté en allant d’affaiblissement en affaiblissement. Son sevrage se fait au bout de deux ans. « Rends grâce à Moi et à tes géniteurs ! C’est à Moi qu’aboutit toute destinée ».Et…{S’ils te combattent pour t’amener à M’associer ce dont tu n’as aucun savoir, ne leur obéis point et tiens-leur compagnie dans ce bas monde selon la bonne coutume. Suis la voie de celui qui est revenu à Moi. C’est à Moi que se fera votre retour et Je vous informerai alors de ce que vous faisiez. »(S.Lokman-31-V ;14 – 15).

Auteur : Reguieg Mokhtar

L'histoire du prophète Muhammad en une seule vidéo !

Publié le 23/03/2024 à 21:40 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi Allah

The death of the Prophet Mohamed !

Publié le 10/02/2024 à 17:27 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi Allah

Death is not a taboo subject!

Publié le 25/01/2024 à 16:53 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi Allah
Death is not a taboo subject!









Death in the eyes of Islam is not considered a taboo, a topic that we avoid talking about, and a subject that we fear to raise and discuss in our daily discussions.

Death must be present in our minds; it must be our concern and our major preoccupation. We must not forget death, it must be in our thoughts unceasingly, yet this does not mean that Islam incites us to wish death, but on the contrary. The Prophet (peace and salvation on Him) tells us: «The best of you is the one who has had the longest life and the best work".

How can we forget or ignore death as it takes hold of us and begins to eat away at us on the very day of our birth, reducing our life expectancy on a daily basis, day after day. So we are considered dead on the very day of our birth. Our whole life here - no matter how long it is - is in fact only a period of time and a gradual death, and every day that passes is a part of ourselves that goes away.

Death in the background is not an end in itself; on the contrary, it is a rebirth; it is the end of one stage and the beginning of another stage of life, better and more pleasantly eternal.

Death is for the believer a great concern, a major preoccupation, a permanent worry that disturbs the peace of his mind, torments his serenity and the peace of his soul. He must think about it and remember it as often as possible, because by doing so, the believer could largely avoid evil and run behind the practice of good.

The believer in Islam does not fear death, which is the passage from one ephemeral life to another eternally eternal life. The great worry is to avoid spiritual death, that of the heart.

In the time of the Prophet (peace and salvation on Him), the noble Companions (may Allah be pleased) did not flee from death; on the contrary, they went against it, they defied death, they offered themselves to it body and soul in the vast murderous spaces. Especially in the battles that were then their great pride and in all the circumstances that could damage the good image of Islam or expose religion to any danger whatsoever and put their lives at risk.

The best among them and the most advantageous was the one that the Prophet (Peace and Salvation on him) designated to participate in the fights. Death was not an apprehension for them; on the contrary, it was seen for them as a great trial of faith and courage, a trial like all the other trials of life that God prescribed for all humanity. Death for these pious and righteous Companions, which Allah has accepted, was seen as a deliverance, [f=rgba(255,255,255,0.7)]a kind of freedom and a great relief that allowed them to leave this low life, «safe and sound" and with a minimum of sins.

True life is found in the permanent thought and invocation of death for the true believer in God. Instead of learning life, it would be better for us to learn death. Let us talk about it often and without complex to live well, let us above all avoid forgetting it and making it a taboo subject, so as not to die spiritually, running behind life and forgetting eternity.

Wise man must not fear death, but must fear and preserve himself from life and its dangerous tribulations, its passions, its evil dominations that undoubtedly lead only to the ruin and eternal perdition of the soul.

In any case, death is our predestination to all of us, it lives with us permanently, it does not leave us with a sole, and death is as close to us as our jugular vein. Moreover, it carries us all the nights when our souls leave us for heaven and it is only at the moment of our awakening that it joins our bodies. Death is immutably eternal salvation or damnation of man...

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Above all, we must not forget that every man, at the time of his death, sees the unseen worlds revealed. Among other things, he sees the Angels and his future place remains in either Heaven or Hell. He is thus fully convinced of the merits of the Holy Scriptures and no one leaves this world without being a believer. Only those who believe only in this ultimate phase of their life here on earth will not be accepted by the Lord and are believers only those who have believed before seeing with their own eyes, that is, those who have believed in the invisible worlds. A famous hadith tells us that Allah accepts repentance when He comes before death.

Allah the Most High has said:

Chapter 63 - verses 9 to 11:" O you who have believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from remembrance of Allah. In addition, whoever does that - then those are the losers. (09)

In addition, spend [in the way of Allah] from what we have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only you would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous."(10) [f=rgba(255,255,255,0.7)]However, never will Allah delay a soul when its time has come. In addition, Allah is acquainted with what you do. (11).

The Prophet (peace and salvation on Him) said: According to Ibn' Omar (peace and salvation on Him?), grasping him by the shoulder: «Be in this lower world as a stranger or as someone passing through". The son of Omar (let Allah be pleased with them) said: «When you are in the evening, do not wait in the morning and when you are in the morning, do not wait in the evening. Take good health for your illness and life for your death. (Reported by Al Bukhâri.)

Author: Mokhtar Reguieg
Translated from French by habib attifa Boukar


Muslim raises his head while walking!

Publié le 24/01/2024 à 09:07 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islamn foi Allah you islam
Muslim raises his head while walking!





Walking, raise your head neither too high nor too low, greet and smile to the people you meet in the street, whether Muslim or not, it does not concern you at all, you owe them respect and politeness. You are neither a fanatic nor a terrorist, you are a tolerant Muslim who loves good for all, a believer in a single God and without a partner, be proud of it. This favor has not been given to all. Islam is an honor and divine grace that Allah (exalted be He) bestows on those who deserve it, only it is not a privilege of the other creatures, on the contrary, Islam is a burden and a great responsibility. Because it is through our good behavior that we transmit the best of our religion, and thus encourage non-Muslims to know Islam better and to embrace it with faith and conviction. By doing so, you can consider yourself a blessed, an elected and a favorite of Allah, for you are really part of a blessed community, a community that Allah has preferred to all other communities, and your Prophet is Mohamed (peace and blessings upon him), do not forget him above all. Pray on him constantly and above all apply his commandments, and apply in your life and through all your senses, the principles of his noble Sunnah as much as you can.




(Translated from French)

The greatness of a blind man with Allah!

Publié le 20/01/2024 à 13:45 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi Allah






According to the Holy Quran, and while one dayprophet Mohamed (sala Allah alayhi wa salam) convinced some of the most eminent of the tribe of Koreich, came the companion Abdullah ibn oummi Mektoum (whom Allah approves) who was blind and asked aloud to the Prophet (sala Allah alayhi wa salam) to teach him what God (swt) taught him. As he insisted in his request, the Prophet (sala Allah alayhi wa salam) showed his impatience and turned away from him completely to deal only with his "distinguished" hosts. Before this event, a chapter of the Holy Quran (Sura 3'bassa) came to reprimand the Prophet Mohamed (sala Allah alayhi wa salam) and let him know that this sincere blind man was worth a thousand times better than these notable hypocrites who only came to make fun of him.









The Great Forgiveness!

Publié le 11/01/2024 à 16:51 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi Allah







If we want God to forgive us, we as humans, who sin disproportionately night and day, we need to know how to seize this opportunity and a great favour that the Lord has reserved for us and yet grants us in spite of everything, so that we may be able to love one another continuously. The Lord tells us, « He who does not forgive, will not be forgiven. In addition, in a verse of the Quran, God teaches us «May they forgive and absolve. Don't you love that God forgives you! Moreover, God is Oft Forgiving and Merciful! ( Quran 24/22) Therefore, forgiveness is the basis of everything in this life. We cannot love without forgiveness, and we cannot live without love.
The world has aged, the end is near! The lights are red, blinking, don't you think? Do you not think that it is already time for us to come to grips with ourselves, to be lucid, to reflect, to come back to reason, to take the right path, the only way that must save us, the way of Allah (Exalted be He), the way of the godly, the way of the chosen ones of Allah, that of the eternal Paradise?



In one of the verses of the holy Qur' an, Allah (Exalted be He) tells us, «Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve,62/Those who believed and were fearing Allah,63/For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah. That is what is the great attainment.64 (Surat Yunus/Jonah 62:64).
In the face of this great tragedy, which pitted Algeria against France for years and which, among other Arab and Muslim countries in particular, caused tides of blood to flow and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides, and for which the responsibility for this massive loss of human life lies today directly with our generation and the generation before us, and not with our children, who are totally innocent in the presence of our lord and the people.
It is only when we assume this painful past, and acknowledge all our mistakes and our great murderous madness, that it is perhaps only after, when our generation will probably disappear so that the norm will probably be trivialized between our two countries, and that this Mediterranean sea which has made us dream so much, makes us realize today that we are decidedly made for each other, that we are made to live together, and that we are made to live together, and that we have been living together for a long time.
However, the great and true friendship between people's demands from all of us that we abandon this slang, this hypocrisy and that we finally tell each other everything we have in our hearts.
Once this moral and effective peace has been restored forever, we will be able to withdraw from the scene with serenity and stillness in our hearts, and hand over the torch to our descendants, so that they can put things back in order and inherit at the same time the new Mediterranean, a Mediterranean that their ancestors so dearly desired to have.
However, this time, with the faith of our Lord in the heart and spirit, our children will come if God wills to their destination, and with the help of God in this Mediterranean, they will make a Paradise on this earth.
Historically and throughout the history of humankind, wars between peoples have never solved conflicts; on the contrary, they have only led to disaster, tragedy, and misfortune.
This historic project, which we have so longed for and yet the madness of humanity has completely destroyed and reduced to nothing, could be realized. In my humble opinion, it is no longer necessary today to look back and remember the past. This painful past that will only stir the knife in the wounds not yet healed, on the contrary today it is time to definitively turn this dark page and look forward from now on only. Our Lord of infinite mercy always recommends forgiveness and reconciliation. The forgiveness that liberates us and brings our hearts together erases all our sins and brings us closer to divine mercy.
Today it is inevitable that the only salvation for these peoples, some of whom are unfortunately still in bloody conflict, is peace, dialogue and reconciliation.
For once, let us forget the temptations of this morbid and yet so ephemeral world for which we kill each other and tear each other ruthlessly. Let us forget this transitory world and think instead of the other, the ultimate to the eternal. Tell me sincerely where are today the great troublemakers, those great actors of death, those brave warriors of the "darkness" who once powered the engines of great conflicts, who decided the fate of others, the fate of the weak and the unhappy, those who were both judges and the law, those foolish people who blew on fire and stirred up the embers, where are they now?.. !? God only knows!
A hadith reported by anas ("May Allah be pleased") teaches us that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and salvation on Him) said: «This community is a community to which God's Mercy has already been granted. Therefore, the torment that should suffer on Judgment Day will in fact be alleviated. On that day, an associate will be offered free of charge to the Fire, in the place of each Muslim, and then it will be declared: «This one is sacrificed for you, O Muslim! So you wouldn't be among the occupiers of the Fire." (An authentic el-Jameh hadith: 2257.).
We have no right to let our children relive the past we have lived through. This past now belongs to history, and history is made to be studied in schools. History belongs to the past, to our past, and the future belongs to children, to our children. Let us not deprive them of this great opportunity, who knows? Perhaps one day, they will make us forget our pains of yesteryear and allow us to leave... peace in our souls!
Today, the duty that calls us all is, in my opinion, even more serious than all the conflicts in the world put together. This duty is spiritual, a duty that comes out of this unhealthy world, this materialistic world, an ungrateful, selfish world in which everyone thinks only of himself, a world in which we only think of enjoying the material pleasures of this life.
Our Prophet (peace and salvation on Him) could possess all the jewels of this world, yet he preferred to sleep on a simple mat on the ground. Why? Why? Because our Prophet knew the true value of this life, which is in fact only a trial for us and a field of ploughing, whose fruits will be harvested in the ultimate life. Many people attach themselves to the ephemeral goods of this morbid world and forget the fundamental priorities that God has revealed to us. How can we worship and satisfy our Lord if our hearts are shared and let themselves be taken by the ephemeral desires of this world!
The true believer, the righteous, the one who genuinely fears God must not pass up any opportunity to invoke and worship God, to beg him and ask forgiveness every day. Let us not forget that the Lord at the Last Judgement will judge us on all our sins, however small they may be, no matter how small, as small as the size of an atom...! So let us always try to ask his forgiveness and beg his immense Mercy, which is so close to each one of us, as close as we think.
May God forgive us all and fill us with His great Mercy, Amine.

Author: Mokhtar Reguieg
Translated from French by habib attifa Boukar




The Great Forgiveness!

Publié le 06/01/2024 à 12:12 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi Allah
The Great Forgiveness!






If we want God to forgive us, we as humans, who sin disproportionately night and day, we need to know how to seize this opportunity and a great favour that the Lord has reserved for us and yet grants us in spite of everything, so that we may be able to love one another continuously. The Lord tells us, « He who does not forgive, will not be forgiven. In addition, in a verse of the Quran, God teaches us «May they forgive and absolve. Don't you love that God forgives you! Moreover, God is Oft Forgiving and Merciful! ( Quran 24/22) Therefore, forgiveness is the basis of everything in this life. We cannot love without forgiveness, and we cannot live without love.
The world has aged, the end is near! The lights are red, blinking, don't you think? Do you not think that it is already time for us to come to grips with ourselves, to be lucid, to reflect, to come back to reason, to take the right path, the only way that must save us, the way of Allah (Exalted be He), the way of the godly, the way of the chosen ones of Allah, that of the eternal Paradise?

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In one of the verses of the holy Qur' an, Allah (Exalted be He) tells us, «Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve,62/Those who believed and were fearing Allah,63/For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah. That is what is the great attainment.64 (Surat Yunus/Jonah 62:64).
In the face of this great tragedy, which pitted Algeria against France for years and which, among other Arab and Muslim countries in particular, caused tides of blood to flow and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides, and for which the responsibility for this massive loss of human life lies today directly with our generation and the generation before us, and not with our children, who are totally innocent in the presence of our lord and the people.
It is only when we assume this painful past, and acknowledge all our mistakes and our great murderous madness, that it is perhaps only after, when our generation will probably disappear so that the norm will probably be trivialized between our two countries, and that this Mediterranean sea which has made us dream so much, makes us realize today that we are decidedly made for each other, that we are made to live together, and that we are made to live together, and that we have been living together for a long time.
However, the great and true friendship between people's demands from all of us that we abandon this slang, this hypocrisy and that we finally tell each other everything we have in our hearts.
Once this moral and effective peace has been restored forever, we will be able to withdraw from the scene with serenity and stillness in our hearts, and hand over the torch to our descendants, so that they can put things back in order and inherit at the same time the new Mediterranean, a Mediterranean that their ancestors so dearly desired to have.
However, this time, with the faith of our Lord in the heart and spirit, our children will come if God wills to their destination, and with the help of God in this Mediterranean, they will make a Paradise on this earth.
Historically and throughout the history of humankind, wars between peoples have never solved conflicts; on the contrary, they have only led to disaster, tragedy, and misfortune.
This historic project, which we have so longed for and yet the madness of humanity has completely destroyed and reduced to nothing, could be realized. In my humble opinion, it is no longer necessary today to look back and remember the past. This painful past that will only stir the knife in the wounds not yet healed, on the contrary today it is time to definitively turn this dark page and look forward from now on only. Our Lord of infinite mercy always recommends forgiveness and reconciliation. The forgiveness that liberates us and brings our hearts together erases all our sins and brings us closer to divine mercy.
Today it is inevitable that the only salvation for these peoples, some of whom are unfortunately still in bloody conflict, is peace, dialogue and reconciliation.
For once, let us forget the temptations of this morbid and yet so ephemeral world for which we kill each other and tear each other ruthlessly. Let us forget this transitory world and think instead of the other, the ultimate to the eternal. Tell me sincerely where are today the great troublemakers, those great actors of death, those brave warriors of the "darkness" who once powered the engines of great conflicts, who decided the fate of others, the fate of the weak and the unhappy, those who were both judges and the law, those foolish people who blew on fire and stirred up the embers, where are they now?.. !? God only knows!
A hadith reported by anas ("May Allah be pleased") teaches us that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and salvation on Him) said: «This community is a community to which God's Mercy has already been granted. Therefore, the torment that should suffer on Judgment Day will in fact be alleviated. On that day, an associate will be offered free of charge to the Fire, in the place of each Muslim, and then it will be declared: «This one is sacrificed for you, O Muslim! So you wouldn't be among the occupiers of the Fire." (An authentic el-Jameh hadith: 2257.).
We have no right to let our children relive the past we have lived through. This past now belongs to history, and history is made to be studied in schools. History belongs to the past, to our past, and the future belongs to children, to our children. Let us not deprive them of this great opportunity, who knows? Perhaps one day, they will make us forget our pains of yesteryear and allow us to leave... peace in our souls!
Today, the duty that calls us all is, in my opinion, even more serious than all the conflicts in the world put together. This duty is spiritual, a duty that comes out of this unhealthy world, this materialistic world, an ungrateful, selfish world in which everyone thinks only of himself, a world in which we only think of enjoying the material pleasures of this life.
Our Prophet (peace and salvation on Him) could possess all the jewels of this world, yet he preferred to sleep on a simple mat on the ground. Why? Why? Because our Prophet knew the true value of this life, which is in fact only a trial for us and a field of ploughing, whose fruits will be harvested in the ultimate life. Many people attach themselves to the ephemeral goods of this morbid world and forget the fundamental priorities that God has revealed to us. How can we worship and satisfy our Lord if our hearts are shared and let themselves be taken by the ephemeral desires of this world!
The true believer, the righteous, the one who genuinely fears God must not pass up any opportunity to invoke and worship God, to beg him and ask forgiveness every day. Let us not forget that the Lord at the Last Judgement will judge us on all our sins, however small they may be, no matter how small, as small as the size of an atom...! So let us always try to ask his forgiveness and beg his immense Mercy, which is so close to each one of us, as close as we think.
May God forgive us all and fill us with His great Mercy, Amine.

Author: Mokhtar Reguieg
Translated from French by habib attifa Boukar


Man and his destiny !

Publié le 19/12/2023 à 16:01 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi Allah









Our Lord (Swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. A decided divine decision is written in a Book with Allah even before this man comes into the world. This is how Allah willed it

before Adam, our spiritual father, be created.



The Prophet Mohammad (sala Allah alayhi WA Salam) said in this regard: «God wrote the Destiny of all creatures fifty thousand years before the creation of heaven and earth" (Reported by Muslim).



Allah (swt) created Paradise and Hell in His great will and created two paths, good and evil, and gave man the power and will of choice in life. Why?  Quite simply because the importance and price of the issue

is beyond the reach of the imagination of human brain.  Paradise, this second stage of man's life after his death, a life of heavenly pleasures, is an eternally happy life for believers, for the righteous

here below, for the blessed, for those whom Allah's grace (swt) will have touched.



Paradise, this great and eternal divine mercy, which no man could describe happiness or imagine the slightest detail, is too expensive to be rewarded. The good works of the whole life consecrated to godliness, worship and sincere devotion of Allah (swt) could not be equal or even less deserve a single moment in heavenly life. If it were not for the infinite mercy of Allah (swt), no man on earth, no matter how righteous and righteous his deeds could hope or think of entering Paradise.



However, in spite of this great divine stoppage, this providential ordinance, Allah (swt) in his infinite indulgence, and although He (God) already knows the destiny of the whole Universe and knows in advance all that could happen to each of his creatures during this earthly life, man has a margin of freedom and a chance, in order to enable him to make a salutary path, according to his choice and his will.



After coming into the world and having reached puberty, man becomes responsible and is now faced with the fatal fate and destiny. He finds himself at the crossroads, between two paths, the way of good and the way of evil, it is up to him to make this inevitably decisive choice, and finally, it is up to him to choose which of these paths he must choose and choose for his eternal salvation.



A very difficult choice indeed for man, a real struggle against good and evil. A fight for a lot of inequality, especially when we know that we are dealing with formidable adversaries, ruthless antagonists, without faith or law! Life and its delights, its attractions, passions, the incitements to sin and permanent rebellion against the divine laws, the evil inspirations of demons and the exhortations of evil of one's own person (enafs), the spirit that dwells in us (our inner fortitude). A real "armada" that this weak man must face and fight daily for his life. Fearful adversaries that nothing in the world could detract from their main objective, which consists essentially in dragging man into perdition here below, and especially in the depths of Hell's depths of the hereafter.



Great trials that Allah (swt) imposes on man to test his true and sincere faith in this world, and give him a chance to be touched by his grace and to win and deserve with the mercy of Allah (swt) a dwelling place in the eternal Gardens of Paradise life.



Only our Exalted Lord be He and in His infinite mercy, He, who is our Creator and who knows better than anyone else the weakness of man, and before the inequality of this struggle between human life and his

"incorruptible" enemies, Allah (swt) could "intervene" and come to the aid of his sincere and willing servants, if they obviously do the "first".



To conclude, good and evil are in the hands of man, and it is incontrovertible that the final decision to make the choice lies with man. Somebody once said this great maxim, which is very similar to the obvious one: «If destiny does not help us, we will help it to come true".


In any case, man, without any constraint whatsoever, is free to choose his salutary path. He is the only author of his own deeds and he is the only one responsible for his own deeds, which will obviously lead him to either Paradise or Hell» Race toward forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whose width is like the width of the heavens and earth, prepared for those who believed in Allah and His messengers. That is the bounty of Allah which He gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty. "(Quran, 57/21).



Moreover, according to the holy words of our noble Prophet Mohammed (sala Allah alayhi Wa Salam):"He who will be in the lowest row of the gardens of Eden (Jannat El Fir daws), will have ten times the equivalence of the planet earth. Thus, the latter will enjoy all pleasures, and will have everything that made him dream on earth, and this multiplied by ten.



Author: Mokhtar Reguieg

Translated from French by habib attifa Boukar