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Chugging Along Days 10-15

After my last weigh in I decided I wouldn't step on the scale for awhile. I feel better, my body is less puffy looking, and I think I've lost weight. Why ruin feeling good?

Each day using Isagenix is easier then the last. I wake up excited about what flavor shake I will create. It has been fun to search Pinterest for shake recipes. I will say some have been great while others have been awful. I feel a little like a scientist trying out a new concoction at times.

My workout regimen is horrible, I need to up my game. This is a busy time of year in our families homeschooling world, trying to get all our subjects to a certain point for the semesters end. That means not  a lot of "me" time. But I still see slimming results, exciting. I hope I can get super motivated to work out like crazy soon and really kick butt.

Major win this week: I had 2 dozen doughnuts in my car, took them to a kids party, cut them all in half, and didn't even lick my fingers let alone eat one. YAY!

Mess up this week: I ate a slice of pizza. I know, I know, what's the big deal? There's nothing wrong with a little bit of something. This isn't a restrictive diet. Well, I felt bad and shouldn't have eaten it. Next time pizza will not win.

My 3rd cleanse is coming up in 2 days. I'm not so sure I like once a week. Even with doing well, I still don't look forward to it. Maybe next month I'll try the 2 day in a row cleanse 2 times a month. Then it won't seem so "oh crud, Monday, no food, boo." I understand the benefits, it just sucks a bit :P

Here's to another week, and THANKSGIVING!

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...


4 In A Row: Day 6, 7, 8 & 9

I am having some high highs and low lows with this program. Mainly because it’s making me really evaluate me. I had 2 pretty tough days and 2 pretty good ones. 

Day 6 was just a bad day. One of those days where it feels like negativity follows you. In the evening I finally decided to quit being a baby and head to the gym for yoga, I stood on the scale (1st time in a week) and saw I had gained 2 pounds. Needless to say my head was distracted the entire hour in yoga with “what the heck?! I’m eating perfectly and doing everything right.” Once my pitty party was over my husband reminded me I’m drinking so much water there’s got to be some water weight there and also to remember muscle weighs more. Nice try, I still wasn’t happy about gaining :P

Day 7 was a little better. Energy levels have been low these past 2 days. It’s been rainy here, I’m sure that adds to that. I stayed busy all day and made sure to take all my snacks and shake items with me. It’s getting very easy now to remember what to do when. I like that this program is easily falling into my routine. Dinner we took my son out to celebrate an accomplishment and he picked a seafood place where almost everything is fried on the menu. I had clam chowder and green beans. If I had stopped there it would have been great. But I ended up eating a handful of my husbands hush puppies and a few fried shrimp. I felt miserable all evening. Had a stomach ache all night and woke up with a headache. My body made it clear I can’t handle fried food right now. Message revived!

Day 8, Saturday, we had a lot going on with the kids. I was looking forward to a great day and getting out of my funk. I had yummy shakes, and a nice dinner catching up with a friend. It would have been a lovely day except for the woman in a department store restroom who asked if I was pregnant. I will use that to keep me motivated. But at the moment it hurt.

Today was day 9, first order of business, I NEED TO UPDATE THIS BLOG MORE FREQUENTLY!! My goal was every evening to type on here. As you can see form this post I am not doing that. Today was good diet wise, It was a day full of household chores and getting ready for the upcoming week. My husband and I cooked dinner together. We had fun. I am still shocked how much I am enjoying being in the kitchen on this program. 

Tomorrow is my 2nd cleanse out of 4 for this 30 day program. I am prepared and know what to expect now. Here's hoping I can keep my energy up all day. Night! 

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...


Motivated in Day 4 & Day 5

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it” Moliere

I have a ways to go, I have a lot I need to accomplish on this health journey. 60 pounds is what I’m trying to eliminate from my life. But I like a challenge, especially when I’m motivated.

I was very comfortable for quite a long time. I have wonderful people in my life that love all of me, and have always made me feel good no matter the weight I’ve gained. My need for change didn’t come from them. It had to come from within. And it took a long time to wake that sleeping beast inside me. But I’m awake now and running full speed towards my goal.

Day 4 & 5 I felt great. Lots of energy and less "puffy," hard to explain. All I can think about is where I’ll be next week or next month…

Both yesterday and today were basically the same:
2 shakes
2 small snacks
1 healthy meal
TONS of water, although, I will say, I think mu bladder is starting to catch on to this new system. 

Also I did some light workout. Played basketball with my kids yesterday and went for a nice walk with a friend today. 

This afternoon I really wanted some fatty foods; curly fries, cheeseburger, etc. I didn't give in, but I need to find a way to help when those cravings hit. 

5 days down 25 to go!

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...


1st Cleanse, Day 3

Today was (is) my first cleanse day. Basically I drink nutritious liquid all day with a few small snacks here and there. That is it. Last night I was dreading this, feeling like I wouldn't have the ability to make it all day. Well, so far so good!

The snack wafers Isagenix provides for the 30 day system reminds me of large flintstone vitamins. A bit more tasty, but basically large chewable childrens vitamins. I didn't think they'd be very satisfying but after hours of liquid, the wafer crunch was a welcome treat.

Ok so how is this cleanse going?

I'm not hungry!


I never thought I'd say that at the end of today. The cleanse schedule has you drink or nibble something every hour. Plus I chose to do it on one of my busiest week days. DISTRACTION, it's a beautiful thing.

All day I was sharp, I felt great, totally motivated. Now it's evening and I'm cooking dinner for my family. I am still not hungry, but tired. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I can barely keep my eyes open.

Coffee to the rescue. So here I sit, sipping coffee, surviving my first ever cleanse. I am pleased to say I can do this, and even more pleased knowing I will get an actual meal tomorrow :)

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...


Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge

I made it to day 2! Do I get an award? haha

Today was easier then yesterday, I did not get hungry until just before dinner. Which was a yummy baked turkey breast, stuffed with cranberries and topped with tons of delicious low fat mushroom turkey gravy. Green beans and left over wild rice and oats from yesterday. It is amazing how good food tastes when you've "saved yourself" until the end of the day.

A few observations today: 

Over 100 ounces of water is still a lot.

My new weight scale is broken, according to it I lost 40 pounds last night. I am doing good with nutrition, but not quite that good.

Also, I think cutting out tons of bad foods has heightened my sense of smell. Walking through Walmart this evening was interesting. All I could smell was cigarette smoke and pee. Super.

Tomorrow will be my first cleanse day, I am nervous. My schedule is busy tomorrow, and I am hoping the distraction will help me survive. Fingers crossed!

au revoir, adieu, ciao, till next time...