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Thursday, December 25

Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 19

Busy Busy Busy!

Wow! The countdown is on, and I think I'm *just* about ready for the big day! One more gift to finish, and another to purchase! This time of year always has me in a bit of a frazzle, rushing here and there, trying to get through my to do list....I've decided to slow it down this weekend while I'm in Halifax visiting Dave and not to worry so much about that "one last thing".

Here is the album I made for Dave's Dad, filled with photos of Dave and the boys :)
Rose Moka Paper(awesome Canadian company), AC Puffy Alphas and Basic Grey Chocolate album and of course, button by My Little Bit of Whimsy!
I hope you all get the opportunity to take a moment to *slow it down* this weekend and really enjoy the season.

Cheers for now, and I promise to have photos of all the gifts I've made this year!


Monday, December 15

Dog Gone Cute!

I was quite nervous this was the reveal for the Creative Scrappers Guest Designer... please visit the site and give some love to all the other wonderfully creative layouts posted! They are all so inspiring!

Here was my take on this week's sketch, one of my favorites photos of the dog that lives next door: Buck. I'm not sure what kind of dog he is, (part Shepherd I imagine) or how old he is...but this dog is one of the kindest souls I've ever met. During the summer months, I walk him around our neighborhood when I get home from work (with the owners permission of course! LOL) and we visit all his favourite spots.

Papers: October Afternoon, Alphas AC Thickers, and Button: My Little Bit of Whimsy

Thanks for visiting!

ps Isn't the new blog PHENOMENAL! Kristine changed it today, and I absolutely LOVE IT! The owls were cute, but she was right....this design is more me! Thanks K!!!

Saturday, December 13

12 days until Christmas....

and I'm still working on my gifts! Why oh why do I always wait until the last minute? I'm about Half way done my shopping and gift making, and then on to the dreaded wrapping. Have any of you attempted to wrap gifts with 5 cats in the house? I usually end up shutting myself up in the spare bedroom, otherwise Seymour will start to eat the paper and Gabe and Bronte will want to sleep on top of it! Pure Chaos!!

If you're reading this, that means you've found me without any difficulties! Yay! I thought it would be best to create a separate *personal* blog, with my day to day scrapbooking related postings and layout photos...and keep the Whimsy Blog dedicated to the goings on with the shop, especially for the new year when I announce my mini design team! Huge shout out to Kristine for creating this AMAZING blog....she has such an eye for this blog decorating! Thank You!!!

Saving my big news for last.....
I've been chosen to be on the Creative Scrappers Design Team!!!! Wahooooo!!! I'm honored, thrilled and a little bit terrified, all at the same time. I'm in the company of some VERY creative Scrappers!!!! I can't wait until our first assignment in the new year!


Wednesday, December 10

a Fun Weekend!

Hi Folks!

Just getting ready for Christmas lately, and all the projects I've been working on are I can't post photos of them until the big day :) Kristine and I had a wonderful day on Saturday visiting a new local Scrap shop that just opened Scrapbooking Gone Wild, and then we scrapped until 2am!!! It funny though, although we chat the night away, we scrap well together and get lots accomplished.

I made a few buttons last night, but haven't had the chance to photograph them yet (see above elf duties) Hopefully I'll have the shop updated tomorrow night :)

Until then, Steph

Monday, December 8

Design Team Call!

~Whimsy Design Team call~

My Little Bit of Whimsy is looking for 2-3 Designers

this is a term position from January 31st until July 31st 2009
- Deadline for submission is January 15 2009.
- Selected Designers will be announced on or before January 17, 2009.
- email us 3 samples of your work showcasing your love of Embellishments!

If you're chosen as a Designer
-- You'll be contacted via email- You will be sent a selection of buttons or embellishments once a month to play with !!!
- You will be required to create two layouts/altered item every month,
incorporating MLBOW products
- Your designs will be featured in our NEW Gallery!
need info contact [email protected]

Tuesday, December 2

Chicks RAK Winner!

Congrats to Captain Scrappy!!!

Please email me your addy :)

Thanks to all who stopped by to wish Rohan a happy Birthday, he had a wonderful day full of excitement, loved ones and cake!

Here's a little scrappyness before I sign off: Jenni Bowlin, Fancy Pants papers, AC Puffy Thickers alphas, Prima Flowers and My Little Bit of Whimsy Buttons!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, November 26

Free Chicks!

Tee hee.....did that get your attention?

In celebration of my super cute nephew's birthday today, I'm having another Blog freebie! Leave your comments below and I will have another one of the cats draw a name this weekend. Up for grabs: Imaginisce: Snag Em Clear Stamp CHICK Bird

and one of my new little birds (these are so much fun to make!)

Happy Birthday Rohan!!!


Auntie Stephie

Sunday, November 23

Feeling Linear

I'm not certain if it was the late hour, but I scrapped a linear/grid- like LO (without the help of a sketch etc) for the first time last night! I finally dug out my Fancy Pants: Daily Grind papers and had some are the results.



PS Kristine is playing with my Blog this week, I'm very excited to see what design she comes up with... She soooo talented!

Summer Colors on a Winter's Day

Although its been snowing here in Saint John for most of the day, I can't help but want to play with my bright, summer colored clay!

Dave was here this week and he was a tremendous help with some of my harder clay... He can mix a handful of clay in a matter of minutes, something that can at times take me 20-30! Thanks Sweetie *kiss*

Here are a few things I've been working on this weekend, with more to add tomorrow night so keep checking the shop!

I've also added a few holiday jewelry cloth gift bags, these are free with the purchase of any piece (earrings/bracelet/necklaces), please just add the item to your cart before checking out.

Until tomorrow night!
I'm hoping to scrap at bit tonight


Sunday, November 16

I love Crops!

Kristine and I had a marvelous time at the Close to My Heart Crop on Saturday.....9am until 7pm of non-stop scrap time! I managed to put the finishing touches on a few buttons, along with completing Kristine's Creative Scrappers Weight Loss Journal kit, most of CS November kit and a little bit of a Funky MLBW business card Mini (Hopefully, this will be done soon and I'll post photos!)

Although my foot/ankle is feeling the pain today (I had it up on a milk crate while I scrapped, but perhaps not high enough!) it was a wonderful day :) Can't wait until the next Crop!

Kristine asked me to come up with an *exclusive* MLBW embellishment for her December kit, and here they are! I am quite happy with them (Shhhh...kept a couple for myself tee hee)

Take Care!

Thursday, November 13

Sassafras + Mushroom Buttons!

Here's what I worked on last night folks! I love these papers from Sassafras Lass, so fun and bright, perfect for kids pages :)

It seems like all I've done lately is make buttons and jewelry, so it was pure indulgence to get my hands all full of ink and glue last night, and FINALLY use some of my mushroom buttons. They were the beginning of this polymer clay journey, and I think they are still my favs :)



Tuesday, November 11

New Buttons for November!

I've finally had the chance to photograph and upload some new buttons I've made these last few weeks, here is a preview, but there is lots more listed in the shop (along with new jewelry).

I'm off to scrap!

Cheers, Steph

Sunday, November 9

Where Gabe and Seymour Announce the Cupcake Winners and Steph has a Cast for one Night!

What a weekend! After falling down a couple of stairs Thursday night (stupid shoes, stupid rain, stupid me) and literally crawling from my car to the front door...I woke up Friday morning and my ankle was huge, sore and starting to turn purple... It wasn't improving and by Friday night, so my awesome friend Auntie B insisted on taking me to the hospital (she's bossier than I, so she won). After 3 hours and a few xrays, they weren't sure if it was cracked or not, so they put a slab (fibreglass cast) on my leg and the radiologist was calling me in the morning.

After Auntie B dropped me off, I still had a few hours before Dave was scheduled to arrive from Halifax, and I was crawling around my house again! I didn't want to hop on one foot, because that would have scared the tarnation out of the cats, and well, we can't have that now can we?

When the radiologist called Saturday morning and was able to confirm that I DIDN'T crack my ankle, and I could take the cast off.....I couldn't get to the scissors fast enough! The idea that I may have to wear that for WEEKS literally made me ill to my stomach. How was I going to get laundry done? Put the garbage out? Carry things upstairs or downstairs? Shower? Wow, really puts things into perspective for someone like me who hates asking for help ;)

So now, Sunday night, I'm walking with a cane (a really pretty one with butterflies on it lol)... and I imagine I'll be on my feet in no time!

Now onto the FUN stuff! We have TWO winners for the Cupcake contest...(Gabe asked that I mention all cat toy thank yous can be sent to my address)

Congrats to Norah and MelW! Please email me your addys and I'll mail them to you asap!

Have a great week everyone,

Thursday, November 6

Whimsy Cupcake Giveaway!

Hi Folks,
Well, its been a busy week, I'm always running out of day it seems! LOL Just a quick post, offering up a Whimsy Cupcake Freebie! All you have to do visit the shop and tell me which buttons you like the best, post it in a comment below and your name will be entered to win these little whimsical cuties :)


Monday, November 3

My Favorite Person

I've had this layout in my head for about 3 weeks now, and I finally got the chance to try it out last night when I came home from my wonderful weekend with Dave in Halifax. As you can tell, I was missing him lots :)

Paper: Prima Alphas: AC Thickers Rootbeer FloatHearts: Heidi SwappPotty People: Maya Road

I'm off to add a few more buttons and jewelry to the shop!

Thursday, October 30

Button Collage!

I'm on my way to bed, but wanted to post a little update before the weekend...

I had my very first button sale on Wednesday! YAY! It was soooo very exciting! tee hee

Happy Halloween, stay safe!


Wednesday, October 29

My new Whimsy Shop!

I'm very excited to announce the opening of my new craft shop where I will be selling my handmade jewelry, acrylic paintings and my new polymer clay buttons!

Huge thanks to the super talented and awesome Kristine for putting the entire site together for me in one day....all I asked was that there was hot pink and lime green....and voilà! She built this perfect store (with new logo) that was EXACTLY what I wanted :) If it wasn't for all her hard work, this would have just been a passing thought on a Sunday morning...

Please wander over to the shop and take a look, if you are looking for any specific buttons/paintings/jewelry please email me, Custom orders always welcome!


Tuesday, October 28

I have a secret....

And I'm not going to give in to bribery, so don't even try to tempt me with chocolate or scrappy supplies! LOL I've been working on a new endeavour with the wonderful and talented Kristine's help...but its not *quite* ready until the big reveal, here's the project I worked on in between classes at the Paws Crop a few weeks ago:

Creative Scrappers October Afternoon kit, again, Kristine totally rocked this design! Loving the October Afternoon papers (I just ordered their new monster line called NightLight, too cute)

Enjoy, and I'll be back with my exciting (to me anyway lol) news in a few days



Thursday, October 23

Kathy Thompson Laffoley's Crop Classes

I have many scrapbooking projects to share with you....the Paws on Scrapbooking Crop was very productive for me! I attended 2 classes given by Kathy Thompson Laffoley, if you ever have the chance to take one of her classes, do it! She is a great teacher :)

Class #1 Get Interactive
Papers used: Scenic Route Suprise Collection

Papers used: American Crafts Everyday Collection

Class #2 Secrets to Simple Design

Papers/Flair/buttons used: American Crafts Moda Bella Collection

Thanks for taking a peek!


Monday, October 20

A Button Here, a Button Everywhere!

I've been dabbling into an old hobby of mine these last few weeks....polymer clay! All of my tools and supplies have been sitting on a shelf, I finally dusted them off and got my hands dirty. It began with a bit of online inspiration, and now I seem to be swimming in mushrooms LOL

And here are a few flowers and green leaves I made yesterday:
And finally, my favorite little owl...He's a bit heavy to add to a scrapbook page, I may have to glue a magnet on him and put him up on the fridge :) (I plan on attempting more owls, but with less clay...more scrapbook friendly critters)

Last weekend was spent at the Paws Crop, my very first crop since I took up Scrapbooking 6 months ago. Loved every minute of it, especially the two classes I took with the phenomenal Kathy Thompson Laffoley. I'll post more on the crop tomorrow, as I'm hoping not to run out of day light to get photos of my class layouts! (which is what happened tonight while taking these photos....the days are definitely getting shorter)

Until tomorrow!


Friday, October 3

These Girls

Here is a Layout I did last week....I've had this fabulous photo for years, and I've always treasured it :) Such a cool photo for two of the coolest girls I know.

These Girls are phenomenal, such wonderful friends, such beautiful women.

Shout out to WN and G!


Sunday, September 28

Using up my favorite Scrap Supplies

Many of my scrapbook "pre orders" arrived this week and it was just like Christmas morning!However, I've decided that I'm not to use them just yet...I must use up some of the "favs" kicking around my scrapbench. Do you hoard your favorite items? I certainly do....and often, I don't like to cut into anything unless I have a second one on hand LOL (paper mostly, although I do have three sets of the Feathered Friends eye candy stickers by Glitz Design)

Here is a Layout and Mini Album, made with some of my favorite Scrapbook lines:

Until next time,

Thursday, September 25

Poppies and Butterflies

After much thought, and a canvas whitewash....I finally realized that Auntie B's poppies weren't going to happen the way I wanted to with acrylic paints. I began with a fresh 22x38 canvas, and decided to try something else I've never done before...dry brush painting. I tend to have quite a heavy hand when I'm painting, so I thought perhaps a soft focus would do the trick. Here are the results:

I'm quite pleased with's hoping Auntie B and hubby like it ;)

I was up quite late last night scrapping this favorite pic of mine (courtesy of WN)....The photo was taken at my sister's wedding in 2006, I remember the exact moment and how I felt... he still gives me butterflies.

I purchase the new Fancy Pants collections last week and I'm hoping to get some scrapping done with the Daily Grind collection.

Cheers for now


Quick Scrappy Post

Got my hand full of glue and ink the other night, loved every minute of it!

Here another Layout of my nephew, the sweetest little boy:


I've discovered my scrap style I think....I love products, love to load up all the yummy stuff until I can't fit anymore LOL My layouts are usually layered and heavy, although I admire the simple designs out there, its just not me. I've never been subtle.

Friday, September 12

Art and Life

The other night, I was impatient (shocking, I know) and went ahead with the second layer on Auntie B's painting. I botched it and haven't had the heart to pick it up again to salvage it until tonight. I'm trying to work through the process, because as they always say, its all about the journey.

As someone who is at times referred to as a control freak (again with the shocking revelation), it's difficult for me to surrender to this organic process. After some thought, I've decided to continue with what I originally intended to do: layer upon layer and hope it turns into something that isn't a disgusting blog on the wall.

As in life, the creative process doesn't always work out as planned or intended. However, you discover that more often than not, the most treasure pieces, the more accurate representation of yourself, are the works that were unintentional.

***Just in case I'm wrong though, I bought a new tube of white paint tonight ;)

Here are a few of the project I worked on this week:

- Here is a kit from Creative Scrappers, Morning Glory August. Papers and diecuts are from My Mind's Eye

I cut into my Pink Paislee Pop Fashion and Vintage Moon collections last night, here is a layout of my Mom.

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, September 9

The Evolution of Eddie

Here's a painting I've been working on all week for my friend Kristine. I'm still tweaking it a bit here and there, but I'll do that until I actually give it to her at the end of this week.

Here's a little glimpse of a painting I began tonight for Auntie B... I've decided to try my hand at layering acrylics. The Canvas is 24x30, so this method is very forgiving at this size. I'll try a different layer every night this week and lets see what happens! I had lots of fun with it tonight, just put the canvas on the floor and added paint directly on the canvas as I needed it (not using an actual palette for mixing). Again, something new for me, and I'm curious to see what it develops into by Friday.

Have a good night peeps