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The Science Museum: Not Just A Tourist Hotspot

Sir William Bragg, the eminent physicist, once stated, "The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them." The profundity and truthfulness of this statement seems nowhere more relevant than in the National Science Museum in London - one of the country's most loved historical institutions. As part of the National Museum of Science and Industry, the Science Museum is more than a tourist attraction for London's many visitors: it preserves some of the world's most impressive scientific artifacts, while constantly showcasing new talent and the latest in scientific innovations from across the globe.

The Science Museum first opened in 1857 from the collection of the Royal Society of Arts, as well as surplus items from the Great Exhibition of 1851 to promote the achievements of science and technology. Initially created as part of the South Kensington Museum, the museum went through several incarnations before being officially titled the Science Museum in 1885.

Today, the Science Museum holds over 300,000 exhibits. Its most famous items include Stevenson's Rocket, an early steam locomotive built by George Stevenson in 1829, James Watson's model of DNA and Charles Babbage's Difference engine, a special-purpose mechanical digital calculator. The Museum itself is made up of a series of permanent and temporary galleries, including 'Space', a historical gallery that tells the story of human space exploration, 'Flight', which contains a number of aeroplanes and helicopters, and 'Making the Modern World', a new gallery which houses some of the museums' most iconic collections.

Since December 2001, the museum has been free to all visitors, and is therefore a popular attraction for families in Britain. In fact, the Science Museum also organises "Science Night" - described as an "all-night extravaganza with a scientific twist". On these evenings, up to 380 children aged between 8 and 11 are allowed to spend an evening in the museum performing enjoyable, science-based activities before being allowed to spend the night among the exhibits. In the morning, the participating children can awake to breakfast in the museum, more scientific-based fun and an IMAX film - an altogether unforgettable scientific experience!

But the Science Museum doesn't simply provide a place for children to learn and play amongst some of the world's most important scientific developments: it also opens up forums for controversial scientific debate. The Dana Centre, a groundbreaking urban bar and café, was opened in 2003 in an annex to the Museum, and is currently the UK's only dedicated scientific discussion venue for adults.

As an integral part of the National Museum of Science and Industry (which includes York's National Railway Museum and the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford), the Science Museum plays a crucial part in the scientific education of much of Britain's population.

If you're hoping to visit the Science Museum, you're sure to find a range of London hotels located in South Kensington through a variety of online travel sites. So choose to spend a day - or a night - in the Science Museum, not just because it provides fun for children and adults alike but because, as an institution of scientific progress and learning, it's virtually unparalleled.

A Students Prelude to Management and Computer Science

A friend of mine said, "I've visited your web sites, viewed your articles, and took a look at your background." It's apparent to me, you do not have a background in Information Technology (Computer Science) or Business Intelligence as a field of study acknowledging Computer Science.'

I wondered, does one have to have a background in IT or BI to qualify as a professional in the industry; or does it take a simple interest?

AutoCad, C Language, Visual Basic, Power Point, Java Script, Excel, Access, Cobol, Word (Microsoft Suite), Data Entry/Processing, DOS, Fortran, Lotus Notes, Management Information Systems, HTML, and Management cover a broad spectrum within the beginning or preparation in the world of IT / BI. The eclectic value of the specialization in one or more of this study group is the mastery and/or understanding of all.

About a week ago, I was contacted, recruited, and enrolled in a four-year college program. The recruiter was adept at what she was doing and I went along with the schedule as presented. I continually asked, "How am I going to pay for these college courses?" When the prepared documentation was submitted for the finalization process, it all came down to dollars and cents. The financial aid person finally made contact with me assuming that I was a prime candidate for the 'Stafford Loan!' This is a general education loan designed for students to enroll in a given college. I explained to the administrator that I am without money, have no wish to establish a loan (for anything), unemployed, and not to age is also a factor. With the ability to complete the required studies, I would be done in less than a year. I have three years of accredited college courses with an Associate Degree. I estimated that I would be paying off on a student loan for more than a few years, if I landed a job. I will soon be sixty years of age. Burdened with an educational loan that would probably be on my plate well after I'm sixty-five, I asked the recruiter and financial aid worker, "Do you really believe that I would take out a loan for an extravagant amount of money in the hopes that I would get my age?" Even if I were to start up a new business, a loan would be a bit risky...improbable. It would have been a good thing if I were able to get back into the classroom.

Whatever happened to the H1-B Program, The NAFTA Treaty, or the "Financial Hardship" Claus with the "Obama Letter" and/or ex-workers that are forced into the utilization/awarding of UC Benefits?

I was promptly dropped from the student roles by the four-year college.

Meanwhile, I am offering data that may help anyone who is interested in the pursuit of computer science knowledge. Should you be attempting to enroll in computer science and management courses, this information will give you a leg up on what is entailed in this multi-faceted field of study. Many schools will teach these courses as pre-requisite(s) to advanced courses in a four-year college. Even if you are not enrolled or intending to enroll in school but only interested in how it all works, the limited amount of information that is detailed in this message will probably aid you in your preparation and/or research.

The outlined courses are:

COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language):

COBOL was first released in the 1960s as a joint venture of industry, universities, and the United States Government. COBOL's purpose was to provide a high-level computer programming language for the business world. COBOL directly addresses the basic needs of information processing while being easy to use as well. (Take a look at SQL).

COBOL, BASIC, C, JAVA, and PASCAL are examples of high-end level computer language(s). A low-level language is a programming language requiring knowledge of a computers' internal components...that are non-transferable.

Auto Cad (Computer Assisted Design):

2D (Dimensional) drafting tasks, allow you to get acquainted with computer assisted designing. Auto Cad is designed to assist you in the creation of landscape plans, including setting up layers, adding text and dimensions while making modifications. You can create electrical diagrams using symbols and attributes.

You are taught how to extract the attributes into an Excel Spreadsheet Program. Boolean operations and modeling construct and analyze complex 2D shapes and images for isometric drafting, a method for simulating 3D drawings and Lt drawings. Explaining the use of Auto Cad, one can learn to embed DWF (Drawing Web format) files in web pages. An overview of Auto Cad and progressive projects teaches you how to create drawing projects, landscape plans, and/or electrical schematics. The Internet related topics include direct access to particular web sites, opening and saving, drawings on the web, and embedding DWF files in a web page,

C Language:

The available text on C Language enables the student to be taught both a rational approach to program development and an introduction to ANSI C. Because the first goal is primary, a disciplined approach to solving problems and applying widely accepted software engineering methods to design program solutions as cohesive, readable, and reusable modules. ANSI C (American National Standards Institute), is a standardized, industrial-strength programming language known for its power and portability. C Language helps the student consolidate their understanding of pointers as arrays, output parameters, and file accesses. Just prior to their exploration of the role of the pointer in dynamic memory allocation.

C Language is widely perceived as a language to be tackled only after one has learned the fundamental of programming in some other friendlier language. Designers as a vehicle for programming the UNIX operating system, C Language found its original clientele among programmers who understood the complexities of the operating system and the underlying machine concepts that are not in the syllabus of a standard introductory programming course. C Language is for computer science majors and/or students of a wide range of other IT/BI disciplines.

Visual Basic:

The easiest and fastest way to write 32-Bit Windows-Based programs is the Microsoft Visual Basic Programming System. One can learn to work with ActiveX controls, compiler options, and new development tools. You can master programming fundamentals, including variables, decision structures, loops, and functions. Creating custom dialog boxes, clocks, menus, animation effects, managing text files, encryption, and sorting algorithms are learned through the utilization of Visual Basic Programming. VB also adds dimension and automation to integrate Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, and other features into an application. Other examples of the integrational power of Visual Basic include the ability to explore ActiveX controls that process RTF (Rich Text Format), run videos, display progress information, and play audio compact discs (CDs). You can also call the memory management function in the Windows API (Application Program Interface), download FTP (File Transfer Protocol), and HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) files from the Internet and design DHTML (Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language) pages, exploit ActiveX data objects (ADO) with learned skills from Visual Basic.

Power Point:

Power Point is a computer presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation, i.e., word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools. A formal presentation to a large audience using 35mm slides of a more intimate presentation in a small conference room using overhead monitors, and/or an email presentation - Power Point has it all! The user is empowered with an outline to help organize his/her thoughts, an on-screen slide show with special effects such as animated bullet points, speakers notes, and audience hand-outs. Users of Power Point create color schemes, masters, and templates...there are ways to create the look you want for your presentation.

Java Script:

It is supposedly easy according to some Java Script authors. To start a simple script that makes cool things happen on your web addition to more complicated stuff, as you need it.

Because the web is a dynamic medium, page designers want their pages to interact with the user. It soon became obvious that HTML was insufficient to handle the demand. Java Script was invented by Netscape to control the web browser, and add pizzazz and interactivity to your web pages.


Objectives - to reach the fundamentals of Microsoft Excel, to expose students to examples of the computer as a useful tool, to develop an exercise - oriented approach that will allow students to learn by example and to encourage independent study. Students are introduced to Excel terminology, the excel window, and basic characteristics of a worksheet and workbook. The applications include entering text, numbers, selecting a range using the auto sum button, copying using the fill handle, changing font size, bolding, centering across columns and rows (columns and fields), the auto format command, charting using the chart wizard, and the auto calculate area through-out the grid of columns and rows of the Excel spreadsheet. Any form of accounting, be it business, personal, or otherwise, Excel is a must study program for recording, charting, and analytics.


Microsoft Access includes two tools that provide assistance in helping to refine the design on an Access database. The GUI (Graphic User Interface) Development Environment of Microsoft Access, with menu commands, tool bars, buttons, tool tips, examples and help screens make development easier. Sound, quality relational database design and development requires considerable knowledge and expertise, no matter what the platform. Access, a Relational Data Base Management System, has the ability to manage data files from a single database. A must study course for any and all Data Base Administration, Business Administration, Secretarial Administration, and Computer Science students.

Word (CMOU - Certified Microsoft Office User):

Creating and Editing word documents; Wizards and Templates to create a Cover letter and Resume; creating a Research Paper with a Table; creating Web Pages; creating a document with a Title Page and Tables; generating Form Letters, Mailing Labels, and Envelopes; creating a Professional Newsletter, and using Word Art to add Special Text Effects to a Word document.

DOS (Direct Operating System):

Before Windows, there was DOS. With just a few mouse clicks, any Windows PC can revert to the original "Disk Operating System." Under DOS, all program files are named with either a COM, and EXE, or a BAT ending (called a filename extension). The DIR (Directory) Command is used to find files by name as well as to locate files in other Sub Directories on a disk. The output of the DIR command shows a list of files on a disk. The list has five columns: the file's name, the file's extension (part of the name), the file's size (in bytes or characters), the date the file was created or last modified, and the time of the last modification (changes).

Lotus Notes:

Lotus Notes is a Document-Centric Database Management System. Lotus Notes is a Cross-Platform, Secure, Distributed Document-Oriented Database, Messaging Framework and Rapid Application Development Environment that includes Per-Built Applications. Lotus Notes is an Integrated Desktop Client Option for accessing business email, and Groupware System. Lotus Notes operates as the Client Side of a Client - Server Application.

Fortran (A Scientific Language):

Formula Translation - was designed to allow easy translation of math formulas into code of High-End Language. Fortran was designed n the 1950s. It used the first compiler (A program that translates source code into object code) ever developed. Fortran was designed to be a programming language that would be suitable for a wide variety of applications while being easy to learn

Fortran expresses mathematical functions as it permits severely complex mathematical functions to be expressed similarly to regular algebraic notations.

RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems):

RDBMS was designed for the business organization. It requires extremely careful planning, setting up and maintenance. A database is a collection of information that's related to a particular subject or purpose, such as tracking customer orders or maintaining a music collection. If your database isn't stored on a computer, or only parts of it are, you may be tracking information from a variety of sources that you have to coordinate or organize yourself. Access can manage all or your information from a single database file, within the file, divide your data into separate storage containers called tables; view, add, and update by using forms; find and retrieve just the data you want by using queries; and analyze or print data in specific layout by using reports. RDBMS Systems allow users to view, update, or analyze the database's data from multiple locations. When the data is updated, it is automatically updated everywhere it appears.

Information Management Systems (M.I.S.):

MIS combines tech with business to get users the information they need to do their jobs Better Smarter and Faster. MIS Systems are planned systems of the collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating data in the form of information that is needed to carry out the functions of management. The system(s) consist of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to decision makers - "The Right Information to the Right People At The Right Time!"

MIS is actually Information Technology Management and arguably not considered to be computer science. Armed with this information, the contingent, aspiring, Computer Science, Business Administration, Secretarial Sciences, Computer Hardware (A plus), and Accounting Student(s) will be prepared to face the challenges the IT/BI industry and the respective colleges have to dish out.

My friend and other cynics have caused me to wonder after comments were made. I wondered, what does it take...what form of study qualifies as a computer science student with a major in IT/BI? Well, I've studied all of the aforementioned programs and/or courses with an acceptable level of understanding, study, utilization, and practice...not to mention all of the other technological software/programs, articles, periodical reports, and white-papers involved in the learning process? Is it due to my background and experience in the Transportation / Hospitality / Customer Service Industry for a good many years? Or was it in fact... IT/BI Study/Research was secondary? "One Never Knows...Do One?"

What would it take to qualify as having a background in the field of "IT/BI - Computer Science" after studying all of those courses?

The point is...GAINED KNOWLEDGE!

Til next time...


Gregory V. Boulware

Technology and the Environment

To one who has seen the adverse effects of some technologies on the environment the question how does technology protect the environment? May have only one answer - it doesn't! The reality however is that from the onset science and technology has been at the forefront of ensuring the environment is safeguarded. Science is a weapon through which good or evil can be done depending on the consciences of those who are using it. There are lot of ways in which technology has been used to restore the integrity of the environment.

From reversing the damage done by the chlorofluorocarbons (c.f.c's) on the ozone layer to minimizing the harmful effects of the greenhouse gases which bring about global warming science has played a key role in safeguarding the environment. Through science machines that were discovered to be releasing c.f.c's into the atmosphere were removed from the market and in there place others were invented a case in point the refrigerators of old and modern refrigerators that are CFC free. Through scientific research it has been discovered that presence of trees and vegetation greatly decrease the amount of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide by absorbing them to use in their natural processes such as photosynthesis which has led to more environmental awareness

Advancements in the scientific process of wastage disposal have led to the discovery and adoption of new and better ways for carrying out refuse and sewerage disposal. Recycling has today become a major activity the world over which has been through the intervention of science. This has led to conservation of resources for example purifying sewerage into clean and safe drinking water and the recycling of polythene into usable plastics.

Use of simple equipment such as garbage cans for disposing litter and recycling of natural waste for instance using vegetable waste as manure may seem inconsequential but in the long term the benefits are left for all to see.

Machines that in the past used to release a lot of toxic fumes into the atmosphere like cars, manufacturing plants and factories and mining apparatus have nowadays been modified to use fuel that does not release harmful gases in the atmosphere. Through the discovery of better ways of making fuel like from use of sugar cane processing the harmful effects of polluting gases have been greatly reduced. Use of more efficient energy systems and means of disposal is how technology protects the environment. Continued scientific research and study into the environmental hazards that abound keeps on creating awareness about what is right and wrong, what should be avoided or done more all in the interest of protecting the environment.

The use of solar panels to harness the sun's energy, application of thermal and wind energy has provided the necessary incentive and alternative to the over use of oil and petroleum as the primary source of fuel which has led to better use of natural resources and the reduction of air pollution from toxic fumes. From these few elaborate examples its clear how science and technology is protecting the environment.

Effective Marketing: Driven by Math and Creativity

Ah, yes. The old left brain versus right brain argument when it comes to effective marketing. The question of what truly drives effective marketing attempts to pit actuaries against Mad Men. Madison Avenue against Number Crunchers. Artists versus Scientists. It is an interesting debate, and one that I have seen probably since the very first day I entered the business world. So which one rules: creativity or math, design or analytics?

I, for one, am tired of this debate. I think it is an outdated and irrelevant conversation, quite frankly. If there has been one thing that the digital age has taught us is that marketers need both skill sets. They don't just need a passing interest in both, they actually need to LIVE in both areas. I believe the days of being a really good direct marketer, or numbers person, OR a high-flying studio executive at a major ad agency are gone. Marketers, and especially good Chief Marketers, need to own both personalities and skill sets.

The reason I believe this so strongly is that digital marketing, done via the internet, mobile devices or social media, presents an amazing opportunity to create marketing that is supremely visually appealing and impactful, yet steeped in analytics and measurement. I'm not simply referring to impressions, clicks or sales. The ability to measure how people interact with your advertisement, what they really think of it and what happens after they interact with it exists like never before, and as technology evolves even more, math, science and creativity will intersect on a much greater scale.

Think about it this way: twenty years ago, advertisers could run billboards in Times Square or place a great ad on top of a taxi. The advertiser (or agency) really had no way of knowing how people view the ad, much less how they interacted with it. Sure, there have always been vague (at best) techniques for measuring advertising done outdoors, on TV, or on radio. But largely, advertisers were left in the dark when it comes to really knowing without a shred of doubt what the real impact was on the millions of dollars they were spending. Professionally, this was me for many years.

On the flip side, you had direct marketers, direct mailers and direct response infomercial marketers who were less concerned with aesthetics of their ads but almost wholly consumed with numbers and metrics. Anything that moved, they measured. A few creative tweaks here and there were necessary for most marketing campaigns, but largely those tweaks were made in order to measure the impact of the changes and how those related to direct sales. Professionally, this was also me for many years.

Enter the age we're in today which is far more digitally-based, and I believe we are on the verge of a marketing utopia. One indisputable fact is that a lot more investment from marketers and advertisers is getting put into interactive channels (online, mobile, etc). This is because it is where consumers ARE these days. They are online. They are on Facebook. They are blogging. They spend most of their time in front of a computer screen, and good marketers always want to be where their audience is.

It is a burgeoning marketing utopia because marketers that were on either side of the two scenarios I painted above are being forced to merge together and intersect. And why not? Creative folks most consumed with a compelling design and execution now actually have some more data at their fingertips to stoke their creative fires even more. I fail to see how that is a bad thing, in fact it should be embraced. Number crunchers have the benefit of technology at their backs, which allows them a lot more creative license to become more, well, creative rather than spending a majority of time or energy plowing through spreadsheets or figuring out how to slice and dice their list or database differently. Automation is a great thing for the direct response types because it provides speed and ease; think of all the time they can now spend on creativity and messaging.

The truth is that if you're a marketer who wants to have a long career in your profession, you need to be masters of both domains. You need to be more creative than the next marketing professional. You need to have a deep grasp of numbers, analytics and all the metrics available to you. As people's lives become more and more digital, possessing one set of skills but not the other will leave you behind the competition. My advice? Embrace the right and left brains and understand that they intersect now, and will forever, for truly effective marketers.

Status of Science in India

At the time when India gained independence the country was devoid of science and technology. The shattered economy gave nothing except low agricultural production, low number of medical facilities, and undeveloped infrastructure. All these issues became hurdles in the growth of the civilization in all aspects. But there was one thing that the country gained in terms and that was the love, humanity, patriotism, and brotherhood instilled within every Indian heart. With this most significant inheritance, the nation was able to defy all hurdles.

The people of India came together to introduce the country to innovation, advancement, science, and technology. Various initiatives and measures were taken in order to surge ahead and achieve dramatic success in the field. Every citizen of the country strived to achieve new formulas and methods to list the country's name in the high-tech global world.

To foster the significance of science and inspect its status in the country, National Science Day is celebrated every year on February 28. The day commemorates the incredible introduction of Raman Effect discovered by Sir C.V Raman. This was discovered in the year 1928 and Raman was honored with the Nobel Prize in 1930 for the same. This scientific innovation further gave birth to Raman Spectroscopy which is considered to be the most powerful and advantageous tool for various scientific applications.

Since Independence, the country has traveled a long journey in various development activities. Significantly, science has become a key driver of Indian economy. However, there are certain disturbing trends that are eventually reducing the significance of science in the country.

Many students in the present day are switching over from science filed to other lucrative options. The key factors contributing to this switch over are low wages and lack of opportunities. Then there are factors that are pushing behind the essence of research in technology, students are learning only the text available in the huge books. Neither the teachers nor the students are bothered to take extra initiative to do a thorough research and gift something new to the country. There are only a few counted numbers who still show their participation in such activities. To improve this scenario, the country definitely needs renowned scientists and skilled professors. The infrastructure, the financial help, and the interest of students are all taking a backseat.

To strengthen the economy, all these factors have to be pushed forward to enable the nation surge ahead in the techno-world. There is a need to reform the education system, increase the pay package of doctors and scientists, demand liberal funding by the government, and improve infrastructure of science universities. The status of science can be improved by these simple measures and initiatives whilst maintaining the pace with the changing times.

Benefits Of Innovated Science Lab Equipment In Schools

There are countless reasons why schools should provide their students with innovative science lab equipment. After all, almost every part of their lives is or has been affected by science. From the local weather to the food they eat, it plays a role.

When school labs are not outfitted with up-to-date materials, supplies, and equipment, it will adversely affect the progress of scientific advances yet to come. The advances in medicine and technology would not be possible without the brilliant and dedicated scientists and researchers. Many of them developed their lifelong interest in the field as soon as they performed their first experiment in the lab of their school.

The intention of most high school curriculum is to ready its students for working or prepare them for higher education. Most colleges and universities demand completion of laboratory courses to be eligible for admission. Studying in this discipline will not only increase their literacy in the field, but also provide a foundation for a future in the scientific and technological labor force.

The discovery of a treatment or a cure for a debilitating or life-threatening disease might never be realized if the personnel shortages that research labs are experiencing now continue. To interest and encourage students in science and related subjects, it is essential for schools to provide a well-equipped laboratory. Being able to design and make new materials, and investigate the things that make up the world around them will prevent the loss of future scientists.

This discipline is different from any other course a student takes in school. It involves seeing, handling, and manipulating real objects and materials. Teaching it requires being in a perpetual state of show and tell. The knowledge one attains in a class is ineffectual without learning about the methods and processes of research.

Science education would not be about science if it did not include opportunities to learn the process. Schools that pride themselves on their innovative approach to teaching know that classroom instruction combined with laboratory experience derives the best results. Evidence shows this method increases mastery of the subject, aids in developing scientific reasoning, and cultivates interest in this subject.

The laboratory provides students the opportunity to interact directly with data gathered from the material world. Here is where they will learn how to use tools and experiment with different techniques for collecting data. They will be using models and implement scientific theories. Experiences like this will help improve overall scientific literacy and prepare the next generation of scientists and engineers.

The benefit of having innovative science lab equipment in the schools is immeasurable. However, an important one is the critical role it plays in the lives of students. Besides the hands-on experience in lab research and experimentation, students also learn how to make a scientific argument. Writing, reviewing information, using the right language, constructing a logical line of reasoning, and responding to analytical comments are a few of the skills necessary to do this. These are valuable skills to have because of their usefulness in any discipline.

Renaissance Science and the Overpopulation Problem

The 5th Century BCE philosopher, Anaxagoras, was a central figure in the development of the Classical Greek Era's life science. The Harvard/NASA High Energy Astrophysics Division Library has published papers arguing that this life science was based upon fractal geometrical logic. During the 5th Century St Augustine classified such pagan life science mathematics as being the work of the devil. This effectively denied its re-emergence until the present time when the fractal life energy theories of the engineer Buckminster Fuller, derived from Plato's banished mathematical research, were observed functioning within the DNA. Fuller's work became basic to a new medical life science institute established by the three 1996 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry. Fuller's world view completely challenged the fixed world view's understanding of universal energy.

Plato had written that engineers who did not understand about his spiritual engineering principles were like warlike barbarians who were not fit to be called philosophers. As ethical mathematics has been divorced from life science physics for almost sixteen hundred years it is necessary to explain that for centuries, well meaning aesthetical considerations were no real substitute for the lost Greek ethical physics principles. This statement demands authoritative reference, as it is rather offensive to demean honest attempts by scientists who strove to act or think ethically.

In 1990, Edward Husserl's publication on pure logic listed the mathematician, Bernard Bolzano, as one of the world's greatest logicians. German scientists recently rediscovered Bolzano's Theory of science, which had been constructed by correcting the Aesthetics theories of Emmanuel Kant. Through computer extrapolation they discovered that Bolzano had based his correction upon fractal logic. In 1991 the Cambridge University Press published the German scientist J Alberto Coffa's reaction to Bolzano's correction of Kant's work. In the book entitled The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap. To the Vienna Station, edited by Linda Wessels is the following paragraph "Kant had not even seen these problems; Bolzano solved them. And his solutions were made possible by, and were the source of, a new approach to the content and character of a priori knowledge." Therefore, it can be reasonably argued that Plato's ethical spiritual engineering principles should not have been banished from science in the first place.

Our present scientific world view is barbaric because it is incorrectly governed by an energy law that prohibits the existence of any life science being linked to the functioning of universal ethics based upon fractal logic. We can now compare the old engineering logic regarding solutions to, say, the problem of overpopulation, to the new fractal logic life science. Thomas Malthus' famous Population essay was based upon the religious teachings of St Thomas Aquinas, the thrust of which became synonymous with the entropic second law of thermodynamics, now governing all of science.

Charles Darwin cited Mathus's Population paper as the basis for his life science theory of evolution. A commonly accepted entropic solution to the problem of overpopulation is that nature will find a way to cull the population. On the other hand fractal logic is now presenting various reality models that allude to new technologies providing more ethical considerations.

Animal and vegetable fatty acids combined with minerals in prehistoric clays to form liquid crystal optical mineral soaps. When subjected to cosmic radiation crystalline structures evolved, defying the logic of present day entropic life science. For example, jasper crystal growth produces Mumford fractals. Mainstream science accepts that a property of fractal logic is that it extends to infinity. Plato's spiritual or holographic optical engineering principles appear to have been instigated by nature for some completely unknown future purpose. Human Swarm Technology alludes to various possibilities beyond the ability of modern science to even begin to comprehend, echoing Emmanuel Kant's inability to conceive of the problems that Bolzano solved.

Population may soon inherit ethical technologies anticipated by nature to allow population to disperse into aspects of holographic reality that holds infinite human survival potential.

Professor Robert Pope