
The Bodleian Libraries and Cookies

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded onto your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website. Many websites use cookies. They can do useful things, such as recognising that you are logged-in, or counting the number of people looking at a website. This can help in providing an effective website experience and relevant content.

The rules on cookies are covered by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR). PECR also covers the use of similar technologies for storing or accessing information. This website makes use of several cookies and one instance of local storage. Local storage is where scripts run by a website through your browser can temporarily store data on your device for use on the current website.

Managing your cookies

If you block cookies, this may affect the usability and functionality of websites and your experience of using our websites may suffer.

It is possible to prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Be aware that doing this may affect the functionality of other websites that you visit. The UK Information Commissioner’s Office provides information on browser controls and where to find instructions for controlling cookies in different browsers.

Cookies on Bodleian Libraries websites

A visit to and its child websites will generate the following cookies automatically on arrival (see our website Terms of Use):

Cookies that measure website use

Cookie issuer Cookie name How long will the cookie last? What does it do?
Google Analytics _ga 1 year 1 month

Anonymously tracks individual visitor behaviour on the websites so that we can see how the sites are being used. We only use this information for monitoring and improving our websites and content for the benefit of our users (you).

You can opt out of Google Analytics cookies completely (from all websites) by visiting

More about Google's Privacy Policy.

_gat 1 minute
_gid 1 day
_ga_* 1 year

Cookies that help with our communications

Cookie issuer Cookie name How long will the cookie last? What does it do?


2 years

We embed videos from our official YouTube channel using YouTube’s privacy-enhanced mode. This mode may set cookies on your computer when you arrive on a page containing a YouTube video. The cookies do not directly identify individual users and YouTube will not store information to personalise your experience unless you are logged in to a Google account. Read more at YouTube’s embedding videos information page.

If you have a Google account and are logged in, YouTube may set cookies for analytics and advertising purposes and collect data linked to your Google account. For more information, see the Google Privacy Policy.

YSC Session

Active cookies

These cookies are only generated if you choose to use the particular piece or type of content that they are associated with:

Cookie issuer Cookie name How long will the cookie last? What does it do?
LibraryH3lp libraryh3lp_jid 1 hour Provides a consistent and anonymous guest identification number for the duration of the chat and for up to 1 hour afterwards. For more information see

Cookies on,,

In addition to the cookies across all sites, we use the following cookies on,,

You can only deactivate them by changing your browser preferences.

Cookie issuer Cookie name How long will the cookie last? What does it do?
Site URL CookieControl 13 weeks Save cookie preferences

Disabling cookies

On,,, in addition to disabling cookies in your browser, you can use the Cookies button to update your preferences specifically on these three websites.

Local storage

The websites,, make use of the SaaS tool New Relic to monitor performance. We measure application and server performance to help us optimise the delivery of the site so that we can identify and address problems such as slow loading of pages.

It can be useful to understand patterns of performance, for example how a site performs for a given user as they visit pages on the same site in one session. New Relic creates an identifier – a random string of numbers and letters - to track a user session by temporarily storing the identifier in local storage on your device. This lasts for a maximum of 4 hours or sooner if you end your browser session or become inactive on the site.

Monitoring with New Relic is essential for us to understand any performance issues with this website and assists us to ensure that the site remains usable.

Cookies on Digital Bodleian

The following cookies apply to in addition to those for

Cookie issuer Cookie name How long will the cookie last? What does it do? sessionid 2 weeks Keeps you signed into your Digital Bodleian account, so you don't need to log in every time you refresh the page. wpcc 1 year Keeps the cookie notification banner hidden once you've dismissed it. crsftoken 1 year Protects from CSRF attacks.

Cookies on Manuscripts and Archives at Oxford

The following cookies apply to in addition to those for

Cookie issuer Cookie name How long will the cookie last? What does it do? wpcb 1 year Keeps the cookie notification banner hidden once you've dismissed it.
Stripe for Font Awesome __stripe_mid 1 year We use Font Awesome to deliver our icons. This cookie is collected by Font Awesome to calculate the fees for Font Awesome Pro customers. More details at
CloudFlare Challenge Pass cf_clearance up to 45 minutes We use CloudFlare to deliver some our content. This cookie specifies the duration our website is accessible to a visitor that successfully completed a previous Captcha or JavaScript challenge. This cookie is stored temporarily to check that the user is not a robot. More details about CloudFlare Challenges

Cookies on Bodleian Webstore

The following cookies apply to (Gateway's Galaxy application) in addition to those for

Cookie issuer Cookie name How long will the cookie last? What does it do?


The Galaxy webstore is hosted on Microsoft Azure Cloud.

-affinity cookies are what the Microsoft Azure Application Gateway uses to maintain a user session and is not related to Gateway’s Galaxy applications but to the hosting provided via Microsoft Azure.  Please see details here: IsMemberPortalCategoryGroup  Session This is an essential session functional cookie to ensure the webstore works for users – such as remembering the items in your basket. The cookie is stored temporarily and no user data is passed on to us. GTSASP.NET_SessionId Session This is an essential session functional cookie to ensure the webstore works for users – such as remembering the items in your basket. The cookie is stored temporarily and no user data is passed on to us. RestartURL 7 days We use RestartURL to redirect the user back to a category grouping after their session expires rather than showing an error page. 

Cookies on the Bodleian Picture Library

The following cookies apply to All are issued by, and are set to expire after one month. 

autoshow Autoshow similars
backgroundColor Bbackground colour of search results
basic Basic display of pricebook
basketSequence Sequence of items on the basket
bgcolor Background colour of search results
caption Autozoom window of assets has caption enabled
choice Lightbox/basket tab selected in overlay
colorDepth Colour depth of user's browser
delta Height of similar panels
expanded Extended display of pricebook
gallery ID of the selected gallery
grid_layout Selected layout in search result
grid_thumb Selected thumb size in search result
lang Name of the selected language
lang2 Name of the selected language
lightboxSequence Sequence of items on the lightbox
maximized Similars are maximized or not
minimizeOverlayInManager Minimize the lightbox/basket overlay in lightbox manager
PLUS_LDF_Display Display of pricebook
pullout Pullover menu on the search results page
screenResolution Screen resolution of user's browser
simPan Similars preview panel enabled 
sortMode Sort order of search results
username Username of the user
zoom Autozoom of assets in the search result

Website performance

If you choose to block cookies from your computer, tablet or smartphone, we cannot guarantee optimum site performance or access to all content.

Changes to our cookie statement

Any changes we may make to our cookie statement in the future will be posted on this page.


Any queries or concerns about the use of cookies on this website should be sent by email to [email protected] or addressed to the Data Protection Office, University of Oxford, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD.