UberTài khoản được xác nhận


Helping millions of people move towards opportunity every day in over 600 cities around the world. Have a request? See .

Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2009


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    17 thg 9

    When opportunity arises, move.

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  2. 15 thg 10
    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  3. 15 thg 10

    Together with , we’re proud to and move entrepreneurs toward opportunity. Through the Uber Pitch contest, we're awarding more than $200,000 to budding entrepreneurs—submit your idea here by October 21, 2018:

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  4. 9 thg 10

    "We’ve taken some big steps on the safety front. We’ve changed our actions but the cultural change continues. You never stop working on culture as a company.” -

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  5. 8 thg 10

    You could stay here and watch us roll out content, or you could roll out and make your own.

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  6. 5 thg 10

    Go forth and make the content that you want to see in the world. .

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  7. đã Tweet lại

    Decisions get made by those who show up. That’s why is putting our technology to work so on , November 6, you can drive the vote.

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  8. 4 thg 10

    You drive the vote, we’ll get you to the polls. Learn more about how we’re helping people show up on Election Day.

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  9. 3 thg 10
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  10. đã Tweet lại

    . is the first private company to join INTERPOL’s Human Trafficking Experts Group. We truly value the role of private sector partners in identifying, reporting and disrupting .

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  11. 2 thg 10

    Excited to welcome our new Chief People Officer, Nikki Krishnamurthy, as we continue to focus on building an inclusive and entrepreneurial workplace for all.

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  12. 26 thg 9

    Excited to partner with in our commitment to sustainable transportation by providing cities with street speed data. Learn more:

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  13. đã Tweet lại

    ., & 's unprecedented commitment to sharing data through the platform will give cities & mobility companies new tools to manage congestion, save lives & cut emissions:

    , ,4 người khác
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  14. 24 thg 9

    In an emergency, you should be able to focus on what’s important: your safety. That's why we're making our response to a crisis consistent globally—learn how we'll be supporting you.

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  15. 21 thg 9

    Opportunity is here, moving one step closer to your goals.

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  16. 20 thg 9

    "What we are saying is opportunity happens everywhere if you are willing to move." -Executive Creative Director

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  17. 19 thg 9

    Opportunity is here, where every date can feel like the very first.

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  18. đã Tweet lại

    We’re launching ’s new “Doors are always opening” ad campaign tonight. Proud of the work the team has done bringing this to life in a beautiful way. "Whatever your ambition, whatever you are chasing, opportunity is everywhere. All you have to do to find it is get out...here"

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  19. 18 thg 9

    Opportunity is everywhere. All you have to do is get out and find it.

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  20. đã Tweet lại
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