The philosopher Heraclitus observed, "Everything changes and nothing stands still." Although not directed at business leaders, this phrase nevertheless rings true. British business leaders are faced with numerous changes that threaten revenues in 2019:

  1. Technological change.
  2. Fierce competition and market disruptors.
  3. Economic uncertainty (perhaps due to Brexit negotiations and other geopolitical developments).

How can we tackle these challenges? Traditional business practices such as restructuring, adjusting personnel, and change management have their place, but are not enough. There is a "third way" executives can adopt: Agile.

What is Agile?

Agile is a mindset that enables businesses to succeed in uncertain environments. When coined as a term in 2001, Agile described a common set of principles shared by several approaches to software development. Today, an Agile way of working delivers higher quality products in a shorter time, no matter what is being created.

Increasingly, executives across the UK are seeking Agile coaching and training to create an Agile culture throughout the organisation, from HR to the C-suite. The Agile approach they turn to most often is Scrum.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is an Agile approach that relies on teams to deliver products in short cycles, enabling fast feedback, continual improvement, and rapid adaptation to change.

Imagine a business needs to build a new product for their customers. It could be anything from a new financial platform to an advertising video or even a car engine. Traditionally, the company might create the product using a 'conveyor belt' methodology: The product starts in one department, then is passed to another department where they work on their piece, then pass it on again until it ends up at its final delivery point. Often by the time it arrives, it no longer matches the needs of an ever-changing market.

Now, imagine a Scrum team. A Scrum team breaks the new product into small batches of functionality that can be completed in short timeframes. Each batch is created by a cross-functional team who have the skills necessary to bring the product from idea to delivery, without transferring it down a conveyor belt of handoffs. As each batch is completed, the customers and stakeholders give feedback that informs the next batch of functionality. This cycle repeats until the full product is delivered — a product that meets customer needs because the business had the opportunity to adjust the fit at the end of each time frame.

Can Scrum help my business?

Research by Forbes Insights in collaboration with Scrum Alliance shows that of businesses who adopted Scrum, six out of ten have experienced a faster time to market and faster innovation. It is no surprise, then, that this same study found that two-thirds of executives now see Agility as an essential part of their company's DNA. Scrum and Agile help businesses be more productive, drive higher customer satisfaction, and lead to increased team morale.

Everything changes. As a leader it is down to you to ensure that you are fully engaged with the transformation, so your business is not left behind.

If, like most business leaders surveyed, you'd like to learn more about Agile, you might start here.

This post is sponosred by Scrum Alliance. | Content written and provided by Scrum Alliance.