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Washington, D.C.
Beigetreten Februar 2015


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet

    Data science can provide new insights into public opinion. As we explore innovative methods, we are now making our analysis code available to the public on GitHub:

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  2. 27. März

    Content coding often involves both clear-cut and highly subjective kinds of decisions. Using multiple online content coders for the same questions improves agreement for both kinds. More on Decoded:

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  3. 27. März

    Individual online workers are less reliable than trained research assistants when classifying video content. But combining several online coders’ decisions makes the two groups more comparable:

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  4. 27. März

    New on Decoded: Crowdsourcing a video coding project can be as effective as using trained research assistants

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  5. 26. März

    4/ In-depth results for 99 CBSAs are available using a new interactive tool. Results for the remaining 833 CBSAs are organized into six groups based on similar community characteristics. (One CBSA, Vineyard Haven, MA, is not included):

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  6. 26. März

    3/ For this analysis, researchers chose CBSAs as the unit of analysis because they are designed to group counties that share a level of social and economic integration. Additionally, there is a wealth of supplementary data about CBSAs, or that can be aggregated to the CBSA level.

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  7. 26. März

    2/ CBSAs are geographic areas defined by the U.S. federal government as consisting of at least one urban core of 10,000 people or more, plus adjacent counties socioeconomically tied to the urban center. There are 933 CBSAs in the U.S., which contain about 94% of its population.

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  8. 26. März

    1/ Data generated from about 35,000 survey respondents in 's recent study on local news enabled researchers to develop a geographically granular view of the local news landscape using core-based statistical areas (CBSAs) as a unit of analysis:

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  9. 26. März

    What are the local news dynamics in your city? Use 's new interactive tool to examine data about the attitudes, habits and preferences of news consumers in individual communities across the United States:

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  10. 26. März

    New report finds that nearly as many Americans prefer to get local news online as through the television set. Nearly 35,000 U.S. adults were surveyed to examine both national- and local-level news habits and preferences.

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  11. 25. März

    Stay at the forefront of the changing social science research universe by subscribing to 's Methods newsletter, delivered directly to your email inbox quarterly:

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  12. 22. März

    How to analyze Pew Research Center survey data in R:

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  13. 20. März

    To get a sense of differing human rights priorities around the world, examined data from the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a program from the UN Human Rights Council, to see how countries reviewed human rights in the U.S., China and Russia:

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  14. hat retweetet
    20. März

    As the 2020 census approaches, you might take a look at what has written about how the census works (and what happened during the 2010 census). It's gathered here:

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  15. hat retweetet
    20. März

    A challenging aspect of designing opinion surveys in countries with different cultures and languages is making sure we understand what people are thinking about the subject we’re studying, in their own words.

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  16. 15. März

    Conducting international survey research? Learn how focus groups helped inform our recent survey about technology use in emerging economies:

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  17. 8. März

    2/ found that women are underrepresented in image searches across 57% of jobs and overrepresented in 42%: .

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  18. 8. März

    1/ In December 2018, we used computational methods to analyze Google Image Search results depicting men and women working common jobs, and then compared those results with real-world data about the gender composition of the U.S. workforce.

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  19. hat retweetet
    6. März

    NOW AVAILABLE: The Pew Research Center's U.S. data from October 2017 is now available for download here:

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  20. 6. März

    On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do the numbers used in survey scales really matter?

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  21. hat retweetet
    27. Feb.

    We are committed not only to researching today's most rigorous survey methodology practices, but also to doing so transparently, and sharing our findings with the larger community and the public. Here is the latest example of these efforts.

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