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  1. 8分钟前

    Dead gray whales keep showing up along the west coast of North America, from Alaska to Mexico, and it has become a concern for marine biologists. And you guessed it: The climate crisis is theorized as the leading cause for these deaths.

  2. 20分钟前

    London's tube network has become the latest transportation agency to use location data collected from people's smartphones in a bid to improve services

  3. 29分钟前

    Barbie's been through a lot of ch-ch-ch-ch-changes over the years, but her latest incarnation as David Bowie may be her coolest yet.

  4. 41分钟前

    India is still heavily dependent on coal, but it has ambitious plans to transition to renewables.

  5. 1小时前

    This newly discovered purple fish honors "Black Panther"

  6. 1小时前

    R. Kelly was arrested in Chicago on federal sex crime charges on Thursday night. He's charged with sex trafficking in New York and attempting to influence a case in Atlanta

  7. 1小时前

    R. Kelly was arrested in Chicago on federal sex crime charges on Thursday night. He's charged with sex trafficking in New York and attempting to influence a case in Atlanta

  8. 2小时前

    This US coastguard jumped onto a submarine full of drugs and netted over 16,000 pounds of cocaine

  9. 2小时前

    Take a look at some of China's most interesting yet under-appreciated cuisines

  10. 2小时前

    Nine countries -- India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Indonesia, Egypt and the US -- will make up more than half the projected growth of the global population between now and 2050, according to a 2018 study

  11. 2小时前

    A sunken Soviet nuclear submarine that's been on the sea floor for three decades is leaking an abnormally high amount of radiation, according to the Institute for Marine Research. The institute says the leak poses no risk to people or fish.

  12. 2小时前

    The raids are expected to take place over several days in these cities across the nation: Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York and San Francisco

  13. 2小时前

    Typically, all the snow in the Rocky Mountains is gone by mid-July. But for the first time in nearly a decade, that's not the case.

  14. 3小时前

    The United Nations Human Rights Council has voted to investigate the thousands of killings in the Philippines tied to President Rodrigo Duterte's ongoing war on drugs

  15. 3小时前

    More than a third of people at risk of HIV infection are now protected with the medication, which is more than 90% effective, according to the CDC

  16. 3小时前

    China will remain the "primary challenge" to the United States military for as long as a century, President Trump's nominee for chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has warned

  17. 4小时前

    American Airlines has apologized to a woman who says she was humiliated after being told she couldn't fly unless she covered up her romper

  18. 4小时前

    Monsoon rains have hit overcrowded refugee camps in Bangladesh, destroying thousands of families' homes and possessions

  19. 4小时前

    Millennial magicians are exposing the secrets of traditional Chinese tricks -- so some illusionists are calling on China's government to censor magic online

  20. 4小时前

    "If you weren't appalled by these pictures, then something is dead or dying in your hearts and in the heart of America," Sen. Mazie Hirono said



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