Two sisters who run an international equine business, have set up the Irish, British and American Junior Chamber of Commerce to help young entrepreneurs.

Kate and Annie Madden from Meath started their own business, FenuHealth, after their project about equine health won a prize at the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in 2015.

They returned to the Young Scientist to launch the Junior Chamber this week.

"We think there a huge need for a Junior Chamber," Kate said. "The whole idea of the Junior Chamber would be to simplify international business and help young entrepreneurs enter more international markets."

The UCC second year student said the chamber would help young business people navigate Brexit and "Trump tariffs".

There are definitely enough young entrepreneurs to avail of a Junior Chamber, according to Annie. "It's aimed at business people under the age of 23 and membership is free because all the administration costs are sponsored by FenuHealth. In the beginning, it's only going to be for established businesses but hopefully, once it's set up, we can help start-ups and up and coming businesses."

Shay Walsh, who is the MD of BT Ireland, is the honorary patron of the Junior Chamber for 2020. The British and US embassies have lent support to the new Junior Chamber.

There are 4 ways that the Junior Chamber will help young entrepreneurs. It will simplify international business, by sharing knowledge so that young business people do not make the same mistakes. "Also it's to protect the environment because back in the day, it was all about face-to-face meetings, whereas nowadays we are growing up with technology so we know we can just Facetime you, or Skype you, or set up a conference call rather than flying half way across the world to meet you," Kate said.

"Then finally, it's to assist and advise the Government on trade and commerce, and encourage them to promote STEM subjects among young people. Science is behind every good business idea," she said.