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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hello, is anyone there!

Greetings from long ago, friends...not sure if anyone is still out there reading, maybe thanks to Google Reader you'll see a message from me!

So...I'm flabbergasted that it's been almost A YEAR since I blogged. I've been reading all of yours this whole time, just haven't gotten to writing my own thoughts down. But I'm compelled to come back for several reasons.

Ummm, what a year it's been. Since I last left you, I have a) found a fantastic guy (well, I found him early in 2010...), b) graduated with a new master's degree c) got engaged d) got married and e) found out we're moving to Hawaii! Yikes!

So, if anyone's still around, I'd like to take you with me on this new journey. I'm looking for a new banner, anyone have suggestions on where/how to get one? I need something to reflect these amazing life changes and our crazy adventures coming up! I'm now married to the military, so I'm also looking for advice and guidance on that mystery, too!

I know everyone else has been having a crazy summer as well. I have a feeling I'm going to need to be venting over the next few months, and I need a creative outlet. Since everything is about to be in boxes/storage, this is going to have to be it. Sorry, y'all!


Friday, August 20, 2010

15 Years Ago...

15 years ago tomorrow, my dearest Daddy passed away. August 21, 1995. A day that is still kind of fuzzy, yet I will never forget. Those of you who have lost someone so near and dear will know what I'm talking about.

This year is of particular significance. As I was 15 when Dad died, this year, 2010, marks a point in my life where I have now lived the same number of years without him as I did with him. That seems so crazy, because many memories of him are so fresh in my mind. There are still times where I just want to pick up the phone or send him an email because I see something he would laugh at, or I have a question I KNOW he has the answer to!

Every year as this anniversary approaches, I take the inevitable inventory of my life. I think "what would Dad think of me and where I am in my life?" Every year is a bit different; God knows there have been years I am so ashamed of myself and I'm thankful he wasn't there to see me. We've all made mistakes, some bigger than others, some truly life-altering. But each decision we make, for better or worse, weaves together the fabric of our soul and life (not meaning to sound like a cotton commercial...).

This year, though, I think he'd be pretty darn proud of me. I'm at a great place in life. I turned 30 this year (good gravy); I have a fantastic job that I love, where I often feel like I'm making an effort for the world to be a better place; I'm continuing with his love of higher education (working on masters degree #3); I'm in a wonderful and healthy relationship with a fantastic guy, one who I think my father would adore; my days are filled with amazing friends and my tiny family that's left.

Sure, I still have a lot of flaws, some of which are not surprisingly reminiscent of my own father. Patience is not a virtue I have learned yet, I have a bit of a temper, and I spend too much money. But aside from all that, I'm loving who I am. It's devastating to me that I had to spend the last 15 years of my life becoming a woman I know my father would be proud of, and to not have him here to share that with. But that's the hand we're dealt, right? I know too many of you have the same story...

So, with tears streaming down my face, I think about my father and I miss him more today than I did on August 22, 1995. But I hope that on this day next year, I'm as happy and healthy, if not more, than I am today. Miss you and love you so much, Chip.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th Weekend!

As I count down the hours to the long weekend, I can't help but think of the reasons the 4th of July is so special to me. In addition to getting to sleep in, enjoy the relaxing days of summer, and spend time with amazing friends, I have to focus on the REAL reasons!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend, but take some time to think of the men and women all over the world who are putting their lives in danger each and every day to keep us all safe. Not just the ones in uniform (though love them too!), there are so many dedicated people working for a global effort. Think of the families back home, missing their loved ones, but being so proud and strong!

While not perfect, we live in an amazing country that I am very proud to celebrate this weekend!

Be safe, y'all! xoxo