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Bob Hawke on voluntary euthanasia and 'losing his marbles'

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A well lit face between two silhouetted figures
Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke says euthanasia should be legalised.()
A well lit face between two silhouetted figures
Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke says euthanasia should be legalised.()
After taking part in Andrew Denton's Better Off Dead podcast, former prime minister Bob Hawke has added his voice to calls for voluntary euthanasia to be legalised. He spoke to RN Breakfast about why it hasn't happened already and his own fears.

Bob Hawke tries to exercise his brain each day with cryptic crosswords and sudokus, but if he were to 'lose his marbles' he would want Blanche d'Alpuget to be able to 'end things' with the help of their GP.

The former prime minister recently appeared on Andrew Denton's pro-euthanasia Better Off Dead podcast.

I'm doing my best not to ever be in a situation where such a decision is required.

Unlike Denton, who was inspired to make the podcast by his father's painful death, Hawke says his stance is not driven by personal experience.

'In my judgement, there's no moral or ethical grounds for the absurdity of having a position where a person is in terrible pain and for some quasi-religious or moral reason you're going to make them suffer and suffer and suffer.'

Hawke says the thought of 'losing his marbles' is unbearable, and considers mental exercise just as important as physical exercise.

'I do at least a couple of hard cryptics each day and a couple of hard sudokus, so I'm doing my best not to ever be in a situation where such a decision is required.'

If it were to happen, though, Hawke believes his wife, Blanche d'Alpuget, should be able to legally 'end things' via their family doctor.

Euthanasia has not been at the top of the political agenda in recent years, and Hawke suggests this comes down to fear.

'Politicians, by definition I think, are not the bravest of people ... They hear some people in the electorate or something in the media saying "we don't like that" and that's almost enough for them to say "we won't touch it".

'Despite the fact that I think the polls show that something like 70 per cent favour pro-euthanasia legislation, the fact that you've got a significant number who don't like it is enough for a lot of politicians to say, "I don't want to get involved in that controversy."

'Their first concern is saving their seat, they don't want to do anything that is going to lose them votes ... It's not very brave.'

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Government and Politics, Federal Government, Euthanasia