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Translation of Sahih Bukhari

Book 1 is Revelation. Al-Khattab said „The rewards of deeds depends on intention.“ Divine intervention was in the form of dreams. The Prophet Muhammed was visited by an angel in the Cave of Hira. The angel came back while he was walking and told him to desert his former idols.

Book 2 is Belief. The Five say that 1. Allah is worshipped. 2. Pray 3. Give to charity. 4. Visit Mecca. 5. Observe Ramadan. The hater must go to disbelief. It is important not to be a hypocrite. „Good deeds may be rewarded seven hundred times“, says Muhammad.

Book 3 is Knowledge. The Prophet was asked when the Hour (Doomsday) would be, but acted as he didn’t hear. Eventually he said „When power is in the hands of the unfit then wait for the Hour.“ Later he was asked if was sent by Allah, replied „By Allah, yes.“

Book 4 is Ablutions. The Prophet said that anyone who prayers and does Hadath (passes wind) must repeat ablutions. The Prophet said „Anyone who wishes to increase their radiance must do so-perform ablutions“. He continued; „If you hear or smell Hadath you should only then leave your prayer.“

Book 5 is Bathing. When the Prophet bathed, he washed his hands and prayed. He would pour three handfuls of water over his head and then his body. He said that was sufficient for him. He put on his Jabir and led the prayer.

Book 6 is Periods. The Prophet talked to a girl with menses on the pilgrimage. He said it is was Allah ordained. Do as all pilgrims do. While Aisha was in her menses she would comb the Prophet’s hair.

Book 7 is Rubbing Hands and Feet of Dust. This information is missing.

Book 8 is Prayers. Aisha asked the Prophet to look for her necklace in Al-Bhuta, but this was a place with no water. We stayed there the night and the Prophet revealed the Divine Verses of Tayammum. After it was performed the necklace was found.

Book 9 is Prayer Hall. The Prophet planted a Harba or spear in front of him, to use a Sutra, in other words pray behind it. The people did the same on the journey. Muslim rulers follow this tradition.

Book 10 is Prayer Time. When the prayer was delayed. Al-Ansari spoke of Gabriel offering the Fajr prayer and Zuhr prayer and several other prayers? Umar said that Gabriel ordered the timing of all the prayers.

Book 11 is Prayer Call. The people suggested a fire or a bell as calls to prayers, but the Jews and Christians used these. It was suggested to pronounce „Iquama“ when people are ready for prayer.

Book 12 is Prayer’s Character. The Prophet was injured falling off a horse. He told Taslim to follow the Iman, and if he prays, prays too. „Sami’a-I-Iahu Liman hamida“ needs the response: „Rabbana wa-Iaka-I hamd…“

Book 13 is Friday Prayer. The Prophet said „We (Muslims) will be foremost on Ressurrection day so this is our day (Friday). The Jews day is tomorrow, Christians the day after. Bath after prayers.“

Book 14 is Fear Prayer. Shu’aib asked Az-Zhi about the Fear Prayer. He said the Prophet performed it while praying. It consists of two prostrations. The Muslims can pray while standing or riding.

Book 15 is Two Festivals. Umar bought the Prophet a silk cloak for the delegations, but he said, „Persons who wear this have no share (in the Hereafter). He said we must pray on ‚id ul Adhu and sacrifice an animal the next day.

Book 16 is Witr. A person asked the Prophet about the night prayer. He replied, „Two Rakat followed by two Rakat. Those who fear the dawn should give a Raka, a Witr for all the previous Rakat.“

Book 17 is Rain Invocation. Whenever the prophet raised his head after the last Raku he began, „O Allah! Save…“ and names the people he wanted to save. He wished for famine for Mudar’s people. This famine occurred. Allah said belief will end when the famine ends.

Book 18 is Eclipses. Abu Bakra was with the Prophet during the eclipse. He led them in prayer until its end. The Prophet said the eclipse wasn’t due to death. They must invoke Allah until its end.

Book 19 is Prostrate Listening. The Prophet recited Suratan-Najm at Mecca. He and his followers were prostrate. An old man wasn’t prostrate, he raised some stones to his head and said this was sufficient. He was later stoned to death.

Book 20 is Prayer Shortening. When the Prophet travelled for nineteen days he shortened the prayer. When he travelled longer or stayed put he used the full prayer. From Mecca to Medina he had two Rakat for each prayer.

Book 21 is Vespers. The Tahajjud (Vespers) begins (in translation) „O Allah! All the praises are for you. You are the Holder of the Heaven and Earth…“ and ends „There is none to be worshipped but you.“ Abdul Karim added „There is neither might nor power without Allah.“

Book 22 is Prayer Actions. Abdullah used to greet the Propet at prayer and he used to answer. After he came back from AnNajashi (Ethopian ruler) the Prophet stopped doing this, he said „In prayer one is occupied.“ He was also reported to say „Guard strictly your prayers“.

Book 23 is Funerals. The Prophet said „Someone came from my Lord and said if any follower worships none but Allah, they will enter Paradise, even if they have committed adultery and theft.“ He stated that those who worship others and Allah they will enter the Fire.

Book 24 is „Donations“. Jarir bin Abdullah pledged to the Prophet for offering prayer, giving both money (Zakat) and advice to every Muslim. The Prophet said at Judgement Day the camels and sheep will tread on those who have not paid their Zakat. He told them that they are forewarned.

Book 25 is Ramadan Donations. The Prophet enjoined (urged) payment of one Sa (3Kg) of dates or barley as Zakat-ul-Fitr (donation after Ramadan) whether slave, free, young, old and to be made before the ‚id Prayer (cottage cheese or raisins are also referred to).

Book 26 is Hajj. A woman of the tribe of Khath’am came to Al-Fadi, who was riding behind the Prophet. She said, „O Allah’s Apostle my father must take Hajj (travel to Mecca) but he is too weak; May I perform Hajj on his behalf?“ The Prophet said „Yes.“ The Prophet said „Labbaik“ as his mount stood up.

Book 27 is Pilgramages. The Prophet stated that Umra (performance of minor pilgrimage) is the expiation of sins committed (usually after an earlier pilgrimage). The reward for Hajj is Paradise. The Prophet said there was no harm in performing Umra before Hajj.

Book 28 is Unfinished Pilgrimage. Ibn Az-Zubair was attacked by the army, preventing his followers from completing the Hajj. The day of slaughtering prevented it. He did say, „I will not finish the Ihram before the Tawaf on entering Mecca.“ Hajj was obligatory for him.

Book 29 is Hunting Penalty. Abdullah bin Abu Qatada’s father set off for Mecca. The Prophet was told that an enemy wanted to attack him so he went ahead first. His father come across an onagar, killed it and ate it. Abdullah looked for the Prophet and, finding him, told him of the hunting. The Prophet said he should eat it though they were in the state of Ihram.

Book 30 is Madinah. The Prophet said that Madina is a sanctuary. Its trees shouldn’t be cut, there be no heresy or sin. Those who do will incur Allah’s wrath. He ordered a mosque to be built here. The land was given for nothing. The arranged the cut date-palms to the mosque’s Qibla (direction of Mecca).

Book 31 is Fasting. An unkempt bedouin asked the Prophet what prayers are compulsory. He was told „Offer perfectly the five compulsory prayers, the Nawafil are optional.“ He also asked about fasting, he was told „Fast the whole of Ramadan“. The bedouin said he would do what was decreed and was told he would enter Paradise.

Book 32 is Ramadan Vespers. Abu Huraira said that if you pray at night during Ramadan with sincere Faith and hoping for reward, then his sins will be forgiven. In the early days of Umar’s Caliphate and I saw different groups. Umar made them pray in a congregation. Umar didn’t like it that they now prayed too late-„Sleep in this time is better.“

Book 33 is Allah Remembrance. The Prophet practised I’tilkaf (stayed in the mosque) in the last ten days of Ramadan until he died and then his wives practised I’tilkaf. Abu Said Al-Khudri dreamt of being in mud and water. As it rained during the night when he woke he saw mud and rain water on the Prophet’s face.

Book 34 is Trade. Abu Huraira rememebers that the Prophet said „Whoever spreads my garment till I finish and gathers it to himself will remember whatever I will say.“

They had wish to visit the market, but was this a sin? The Prophet replied, „There is no sin in seeking the bounty of the Lord.“

Book 35 is Credit. The Prophet came to Medina and people paid in advance for fruit over a number of years. The Prophet said, „Whoever pays in advance should specify weight and measure and for a specified period.“ This applied to wheat and barley too.

Book 36 is Hiring. The Prophet said,“The honest treasurer who give what is ordered is one of two charitable persons“ (The owner is the second)

The Prophet said too, „Allah didn’t send a Prophet but shepherded sheep. I did the same, I shepherded them to Mecca.“

Book 37 is Debt Transference. The Prophet said, „Procrastination in paying debts by the wealthy is injustice. So you should agree if your debt is transferred to the wealth.

A dead man was brought to the Prophet, who asked if he was wealthy. He was told he had three dinars. Another dead man was brought but he was in debt for three dinars. The first man paid for the second.

Book 38 is Representation. Uqba bin Amir had been given sheep by the Prophet. After the sheep was distributed a kid was left. The Prophet said, „Offer it is as a sacrifice.“ A governor at Khalibar came to Medina with Janib dates. The Prophet asked, „Are all Khalibar dates like this?“ He was told two Sa’s of bad dates equals one Sa of Janib. He was told this was a kind of usury and forbidden.

Book 39 is Agriculture. The Prophet said „None among the Muslims plant a tree or sow seed. A bird or animal eats from it.“ He also said „One Qirat of your rewards for your deeds is removed if you keep a dog, unless it guards a farm or cattle“. It may also be used for hunting.

Book 40 is Water Distribution. The Prophet was given milk mixed with water in a tumbler. There was Abu Bakir on his left and a Bedouin on his right. Umar asked the Prophet to give it to Abu Bakir but he gave it to the Bedouin. „You should always start with the one on your right.“

Book 41 is Loans. Al-Amash talked with Ibrahim about mortgaging (loaning). He narrated that „Aisha said,'“The Prophet brought foodstuff on a Jew’s credit and mortgaged iron armour to him.‘ The Prophet said „Whoever takes money as a loan, Allah will repay and whoever takes money to spoil it, Allah will spoil him.“

Book 42 is Trove. Ubai bin Kai’b found a purse of one hundred Diners. The Prophet said he should make an announcement for a year. No one claimed it and the Prophet repeated his message. Returning the Prophet told him to count the money, give it to its owner if they come; else utilise it.

Book 43 is Oppressions. The Prophet said „When people cross over the bridge across Hell they will be stopped from reaching Paradise where they need to be purified of sin. They will recognise their Paradise dwelling better than their earthly dwelling.“ They will have to confess all their sins. Infidels and hypocrites will receive the curse of Allah.

Book 44 is Partnership. Jabir bin ‚Abdullah was in the army who had been sent towards the coast. The ration was dates, soon it was one date only. Jabir was asked how one date could benefit him. „We soon knew when it finished“ was the reply. At the sea shore they found a huge fish and ate for eighteen days.

Book 45 is Mortgaging. The Prophet mortgaged his armour for barley. Anas heard him saying „The household did not possess except for a Sa for the morning and evening meals.“ He said too, „One can ride the mortgage animal because of what one spends on it. You can drink the milk as long as it is mortgaged.

Book 46 is Slavemasters. The Prophet said, „Whoever frees a Muslim slave, Allah will free from the Fire. The best deed according to Allah is „to believe in Allah and to fight for his Cause.“ He says too that refraining from harming others is a charitable deed.

Book 47 is Gifts. The Prophet said, „O Muslim women! None should look down on gifts sent, even if it were sheep’s trotters.“ When the Prophet was given a meal he would ask if it was a gift or Sadaqa (charity). Only if was a gift would he eat it, else his companions would eat it alone.

Book 48 is Witnesses. Ali and Usama were consulted about the Prophet’s wife. Usama said, „Keep your wife“ and Ali said „She neglects the family dough sometimes“ The Prophet said he had defamed the reputation of his family, he didn’t know anything except good.

Book 49 is Peacemaking. The Bani ‚Amr bin ‚Auf tribe had a dispute, the Prophet was meant to go with his companions. But after the call for prayer the Prophet didn’t turn up. Abu Bakr led the prayer. He saw the Prophet as he finished and he led the prayer instead. Abu Bakr said that the son of Abu Quhafa can’t lead the prayer in front of the Prophet.

Book 50 is Conditions. Allah had revealed to the Prophet words about woman. „When believing women come as emigrants Allah knows their belief. Do not send them back to the unbelievers, because their husbands are not lawful husbands.

Book 51 is Wills. The Prophet said that a Muslim who has something to will must not wait two days to write a will and keep it ready. Talha bin Musarrif asked Abdullah bin Abu Aufu if the Prophet had made a will. He replied, „No. The Prophet bequeathed Allah’s Book (Quran).“

Book 52 is Jihad. Abdullah bin Masud asked the Prophet what the best deed was. He replied, „To offer prayers at the stated times“. The next? „To be dutiful to parents.“ And next? „To participate in Jihad for Allah’s cause. Abdullah asked no more, knowing it wouldn’t be answered.

Book 53 is Fifth to Allah. Ali got a she-camel on the day of the Battle of Bakr but they were attacked by Hamzu and their livers removed. The Prophet rebuked him but Hamzu said, „Aren’t you slaves of my father?“ The Prophet left, noticing the man was drunk.

Book 54 is Creation. To the people of Bani Tamim the Prophet said, „O Bani Tamim! Glad tidings.“ They said „You gave us tidings, now give us something.“ The Prophet’s face changed. The people of Yemen came and the Prophet said, „Accept the tidings that Bani Tamim refused. They did so and the Prophet talked about Creation and everything up to Judgement Day.

Book 55 is Prophets. This information is not there.

Book 56 is Prophet’s Merits. Hudhaifa heard that when Al-Dajjal appears he will have fire and water with him. That which people consider as cold water will be. He added „There will be a man whose soul was captured by the Angel of Death.“ He told of a dying man who asked for a heap of wood to create a fire and when his bones become ash to throw them out to sea. He did this for fear of Allah, but Allah found the ash and forgave him.

Book 57 is Prophet’s Companions. The Prophet said, „The time will come when a group will wage a holy war. They will be asked ‚Has anyone accompanied Allah’s Apostle?“ They will say yes and be given victory. He also said, „The best of my followers are now. There will come after you the treacherous and untrustworthy“.

Book 58 is Madinah Helpers. Anas was called Al-Ansar by Allah. Anas narrated Ansar’s deeds to Ghailan bin Jarir. The people of Medina were divided on Bu’ath (where the two tribes of Ansar fought) and their chiefs killed. Allah had brought the battle so that Ansar might embrace Islam.

Book 59 is Prophet’s Campaigns. Zaid Al-Arqam was asked, „How many Ghazwat (battles) did the Prophet undertake?“ He replied, „Nineteen.“ He was asked, „And you?“ „Seventeen.“ The first being Al-‚Ashira. Kab bin Malik though was only at the Ghazwa of Badr, where the Muslims met their enemy unexpected.

Book 60 is Prophetic Commentary on the Qur’an: This information is missing.

Book 61 is Qur’an’s Virtues. The Prophet remained in Mecca for ten years, where the Qur’an was revealed to him and then ten years in Medina. Gabriel came to the Prophet when he was with Um Salama, but he thought him to be Dihya al-Kalbi. He did not take him for anyone else until he heard his sermon.

Book 62 is Wedlock. Three men visited the Prophet and were told how the Prophet worshipped. They considered their worship insufficient. One said, „I will pray nightly forever.“ The next said, „I will never break fast.“ The third said, „I will never marry.“ The Prophet said, „I am more scared of Allah than you yet I sleep, break fast and marry so you don’t follow my tradition.“

Book 63 is Divorce. ‚Umar bin Al-Khattab’s son had divorced while his wife was menstruating. The Prophet said „Order your son to take her back and wait until after her next period, when she becomes clean and if he still wanted to divorce him he could do so. This is the prescribed period that Allah has fixed.“

Book 64 is Family Wage. The Prophet said, „When a Muslim spends for his family for Allah’s reward this is Sadaqa (charity) for you.“ He also said, „Allah said, ‚O son of Adam! Spend, I shall spend on you.'“ He believed that „He who looks after a widow is like a Mujahid (warrior) who fights for Allah’s cause.“

Book 65 is Food. The Prophet said, „Give food to hungry, visit the sick and release those in captivity (pay ransoms). Muhammed’s family didn’t eat their fill for three successive days till he died. He said to a boy when eating, „Mention Allah’s Name and eat with the right hand from the dish nearest.“ The boy would follow these rules as an adult.

Book 66 is Birth Sacrifice. Abu Musa had a son who the Prophet named Ibraham, invoked Allah and returned to him. Another boy was brought for the Prophet to do Tahnik (blessing) but the boy urinated on him. The Prophet poured water on him. Asma’bint’s son had Tahnik with a date (from the Prophet). The Muslims were happy with the birth, as it was thought the Jews had bewitched the couple.

Book 67 is Slaughtering. The Prophet was asked about game killed by a Mi’rad (a sharp piece of wood). He said, „Eat the game if it was killed by the point, if it was killed by shaft or its broad side then its illegal to eat.“ He was asked about game killed by hound. He said „Only if the hound is your own.“

Book 68 is Festival Sacrifice. The Prophet said about Idal-Adha that we offer the ‚Id prayer and then slaughter the sacrifice. If he does so he’s acted to our Sunni (tradition). If it was just meat for the family, it isn’t sacrifice. Abu got up, for he had sacrificed before prayer. Another sacrifice was found.

Book 69 is Drinks. The Prophet said „Whoever drinks alcohol and does not repent he will deprived in the Hereafter.“ On the night of the journey (Miraj) two cups-one of wine, one of milk-was presented in Jerusalem. He took milk. Gabriel said, „Praise be to Allah. If you had taken wine, the nation would be lost.“

Book 70 is Patients. The Prophet said, „No calamity recalls Muslims but that Allah exposures sin, even if it were a prick from a thorn“. This also included fatigue, disease, sadness and hurt.

Book 71 is Medicine. The Prophet said, „There is no disease Allah created, but has created its treatment“. Rubai said he went on military expeditions with the Prophet and provided them with water, serve them food and bring the dead and wounded to Medina.

Book 72 is Dress. The Prophet said, „Allah will not look at those who drags his garment conceitedly. Abu Bakr said „One side of my Izer hangs low.“ The Prophet said, „This is not out of conceit.“

Book 73 is Manners. A man asked the Prophet who was entitled for best companionship, the Prophet said, „Your mother.“ He was asked who was next. The Prophet said, „Your mother, then your mother and then your father.“ Someone else asked if they should take part in Jihad. The Prophet replied, „Are your parents living? Do Jihad for them.“

Book 74 is Permissions. The Prophet said „Allah created Adam in complete shape and form, sixty digits in height. Allah said, ‚Go and greet angels and listen to their greeting.“ Adam said, ‚Peace be upon you.‘ The angels replied, ‚Peace and Allah’s Mercy be upon you.“ The Prophet said, „Whoever who enters Paradise will be the shape and form of Adam“.

Book 75 is Invocation. The Prophet said „For every prophet there’s an invocation that Allah will never reject and I want to keep it for interceding for followers in Hereafter. He gave a superior way to ask Allah for forgiveness. „If somebody recites it with faith and dies the same day he will go to Paradise.“

Book 76 is Wooing. The Prophet said „There are two blessings which people lose. Health and free time for good.“ He also said „No life is worth living except the Hereafter life, so make Ansars and Emigrants righteous“.

Book 77 is Divine Will. The Prophet, truthful, truly inspired, said, „Each one of you was in your mother’s womb for forty days and became a clot for a similar amount of time, became flesh for the similar period and Allah must write certain things-whether his life be good or bad and his provisions. Then life is breathed into him. A person among you must do the deeds of the people on the Fire (Hell) as well as the people in Paradise.“ He said Allah put an angel in charge of the uterus. He says „O Lord it is semen.“ An angel will ask whether it male or female. It is sorted out when we are in our mother’s womb. Allah knows what happens to those stillborn should they have lived. The Prophet referred to everything that happened to us up to the Hour (of judgement). Some stored it up, others forgot.

Book 78 is Oaths.

Book 79 is Unfulfilled Oaths.

Book 80 is Inheritance.

Book 81 is Allah’s Limits.

Book 82 is Disbelievers‘ Punishments.

Book 83 is Blood Money.

Book 84 is Apostates‘ Behaviour

Book 85 is Tortured Confessions.

Book 86 is Tricks.

Book 87 is Dream Interpretation. This information is missing.

Book 88 is Apolocalyptic Afflictions.

Book 89 is Judgements.

Book 90 is Wishes.

Book 91 is Accepting Truths.

Book 92 is Qu’ran Obedience.