Monthly Archives: February 2010

Growth and Depressions in New Zealand’s Economic History

Asia-Pacific Economics and Business History Conference, 17-19 February 2010. Keywords: Political Economy & History; Introduction I originally said I would recycle the paper It’s the Same this Time? which I gave in November 2008 shortly after it became evident to everyone that the world economy was about to enter a severe recession – if it…
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Te Ara: Income and Wealth Distributions

From the section ‘The Economy and the City’ released February 2010. Keywords: Distributional Economics Te Ara is New Zealand’s On-line Encyclopaedia. The primary author of its section on the Income and Wealth Distributions ( ) was Brian Easton. For other of his contributions The Economy: New Zealand’s economic history:

Te Ara: Economic History

From the section ‘The Economy and the City’ released February 2010. Keywords: Political Economy & History; Te Ara is New Zealand’s On-line Encyclopaedia. The primary author of its section on  New Zealand’s economic history ( ) was Brian Easton. < For other of his contributions The Economy: Income and Wealth Distributions:

An L-ish Future?

Our economy is suffering from some severe imbalances that are hindering an upswing. Listener: 6 February, 2010. Keywords: Macroeconomics & Money; The so-called recovery of the New Zealand economy could turn out to be L-shaped. Under this scenario, after the economy reaches the bottom of the contraction, it doesn’t move into an upswing, either rapidly…
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