Monthly Archives: September 2010

The Global Financial Crisis Ii (index)

In early 2009 I published a summary of my writings on the Global Financial Crisis from August 2007 to March 2009: (itself following an early note on what I called the Millennium Depression: This index updates the earlier summary and its prologue remains relevant here. The summary is to trace my thinking on…
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Gambling Economics (Index)

Keywords:  Health; Time and Money Spent Gambling and the Relationship with Quality-of-life Measures: A National Study of New Zealanders (July 2010) Journal of Gambling Issues Measuring the Impact of Gambling (February 2009)  Paper to Wellington Statistical Group Assessment of the Social Impacts of Gambling in New Zealand (January 2009) Report to the Mnistry…
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Reserve Bank to the Rescue

The crew worked extremely hard to keep the good ship New Zealand afloat. Listener: 18 September, 2010. Keywords: Governance; Macroeconomics & Money; Political Economy & History; When Alan Bollard transferred from the position of secretary of the Treasury to that of the governor of the Reserve Bank, a good friend announced it was “more pay…
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The Canterbury Earthquake and the South Canterbury Meltdown

I was asked what was the impact of these two events on the New Zealand economy.  This hurried note covers some, but not all, the effects.  a major omission is the impact of the private capital flows arising out of the compensation by insurers. Keywords: Macroeconomics & Money; These are harder questions to answer than…
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Christchurch As a Global City

For the 131st AGM of the New Zealand Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 13 September, 2001 in Christchurch. (Revised) Keywords: Business & Finance; Globalisation and Trade; Growth & Innovation; This presentation takes place barely a week after the Great Canterbury Earthquake. It is a tribute to the fortitude of those who are here and their ancestors…
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The Bottom Line

Selling products around the world is much more complicated than it once seemed. Listener: 4 September, 2010 Keywords: Business & Finance; Globalisation & Trade; There is no problem understanding why Fonterra exports milk products to China. New Zealand is a very efficient producer of milk, and it sells its large surplus offshore. But why does…
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Public Spending and Home Health Services

New Zealand Home Health National Conference, 2 September, Auckland Keywords: Macroeconomics & Money;  Social Policy; I have been asked to present an account of the economic context in which the home health services industry will function. I am not going to talk about the rising demand for its services because of population shifts taking that…
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