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Tara's Flickr photostream:

I finally got tired of not really having a website. And occasionally, people are curious.

Ergo, here are some pictures, the display of which is the main point of running my own webserver. Just about all of the following galleries were auto-generated with iPhoto on a Mac.

In March of 2004, I took a mini-tour around Central Europe. The pictures are here:

There is also a travelogue, which in my Copious Free Time I will integrate with the pictures.

Other photos of random things:

Since I put this page up, I started a proper weblog on this server. Here I provide a link for those who were curious enough about me to find this page, but not curious enough to see what the root domain is.

I am a bit of a languages and Unicode geek, as the above captions probably betray. If your browser can render the following, you officially have a Good Unicode Font. This is also a useful set of passages for me to test any random computer I happen to be on.

Իսկ ընդ աւուրսն ընդ այնոսիկ եւ ի ՆԱ թուականին Հայոց եղեւ սով սաստիկ ի բազում տեղիս. բայց յաշխարհն հարաւոյ յերկրին Տաճկաց եղեւ նեղութիւն մեծ եւ առաւել քան զամենայն ի Միջագետս. եւ ի խստութենէ սովոյն տագնապ եւ տատանումն լինէր ի բազում տեղիս եւ եւս ի հռչակաւոր մայրաքաղաքն յՈւռհա, զոր կանգնեաց Տիգրան արքայ Հայոց:
(First line of the Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa: "For in those days, in 401 of the Armenian era, there was a great famine in many places, but in the country to the south, in the Tajik [Muslim] land, there was great affliction and most of all in Mesopotamia; and out of the harshness of the famine trouble and turmoil occurred in many places and even in the renowned metropolis of Urha [Edessa], which Tigran king of the Armenians founded.")

Ὅσα μὲν οὖν ῾Ρωμαίων τῷ γένει ἐν τοῖς πολέμοις ἄχρι δεῦρο ξυνηνέχθη γενέσθαι τῇδέ μοι δεδιήγηται, ᾗπερ δυνατὸν ἐγεγόνει τῶν πράξεων τὰς δηλώσεις ἀπάσας ἐπὶ καιρῶντε καὶ χωρίων τῶν ἐπιτηδείων ἁρμοσαμένῳ· τὰ δὲ ἐνθένδε οὐκέτι μοι τρόπῳ τῷ εἰρημένῳ ξυγκείσεται, ἐπεὶ ἐνταῦθα γεγράψεται πἀντα, ὁπόσα δὴ τετύχηκε γενέσθαι πανταχόθι τῆς ῾Ρωμαίων ἀρχῆς.
(First line of the Secret History of Procopius, tr. H.B. Dewing: "All that has befallen the Roman Nation in its wars up to the present day has been narrated by me, as far as it proved possible, on the plan of arranging all the accounts of its activities in accordance with their proper time and place; Henceforth, however, this plan of composition will be followed by me no longer, for here shall be set down everything that came to pass in every part of the Roman Empire.")

ܐܰܦܶܣ ܡܳܪܝ ܐܴܩ ܠܰܙܥܽܘܪܽܘܬܝ. ܕܬܺܪܡܶܐ ܒܓܰܙܳܟ ܫܳܡܽܘܢܳܗ.
(Line from a poem by Ephrem the Syrian, about Abraham, bishop of Nisibis.)

I suppose it is also traditional to have things like CVs on one's homepage. All these are current as of May 2005.

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  • [HTML] will be available when I've convinced myself to go through with learning CSS.
tara andrews
The obligatory best picture of me that I could find.
Tara L Andrews