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Freedom and the Workplace

Updated Jul 8, 2012, 09:10pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

There is a very interesting debate afoot between libertarians and liberals about libertarian beliefs and worker freedom. It started with a joint blog post from liberals Chris Bertram, Corey Robin and Alex Gourevitch (hereafter BRG), with replies by Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, and a counter-reply from John Holbo. There are a lot of words to read between all these posts, so I will try to keep my thoughts relatively brief to prevent flooding the conversation unnecessarily.

First, let me try and boil the issue down it. There is a seeming paradox: if you give people the freedom sell their freedom, and they do so, are they more free?  For example, in a world where the government let people enter into any contract they wanted to voluntarily, it would be possible for people to sell themselves into slavery. Does allowing them the freedom to sell their freedom make them more free?

BRG and Holbo argue that libertarians embrace the definition of freedom that emphasizes freedom to contract, rather than the resulting freedom. In particular, they emphasize how paradox plays out at the workplace. They argue that laws which prevent employers from restricting freedom of workers increases freedom, and so libertarians should support it. This is to answer "no" to the paradox above: being allowed to sell your freedoms does not make you more free, so you should be prevented from it.

I want to tentatively propose a dichotomy of freedoms that I think can help resolve some of this paradox: there is difference between dynamic and static freedom. Dynamic freedom is allowing individuals' choice over their own constraints over time. Static freedom is allowing individuals choice over their constraints at any given moment. In general, libertarians want the government to focus on maximizing dynamic freedom. But there are two tensions that work against this, the latter of which I think is what BRG wish to emphasize.

The first tension is that libertarians, while wishing the government to focus on dynamic freedom, also recognize the value of static freedom. However, they believe there is a lot of disagreement about how much value to place on static freedoms, and thus which should be sold and at what price is best left to individual choice. Obviously most liberals would agree with this about some static freedoms. Consider the fact that many workers could go to their bosses today and buy more freedom by giving up wages. For example, having to show up at 9-to-5 Monday through Friday is a loss of static freedom. These workers would be more free if they could work 40 hours a week at any time intervals they felt like, e.g. working ten hour days Saturday through Tuesday. Some workers could buy back this freedom from their employers in exchange for, say, giving back a third of their wages. Similarly, workers could simply choose a job with more flexible hours and less pay. Would the government forcing workers to give back a third of their wages for this extra static freedom actually increase their freedom overall?

Cowen and Tabarrok emphasize that liberals wish to take choices like these from workers. Holbo in contrast does not acknowledge the joint determination of static freedom and earnings:

...freedom is not ‘in’ the right to exchange. If you exchange your freedom for a TV you become an unfree person with a TV, not a free person with a TV, even if you prefer a TV to freedom... The shoe could not fit more snugly on the other foot, then: Tabarrok says BRG are systematically conflating wealth (things like TV’s) with freedom. But in fact they are keeping them separate and Tabarrok is conflating them, opting for wealth when they come apart.

Holbo wishes freedom to be separate from the wealth which we sell our static freedoms in exchange for, but the reality is that they are very often jointly determined in the real world. Static freedoms are up for sale all the time, and in ways that I think almost all liberals would agree both increase dynamic freedom, and would be called in a common sense way "more free". This is the economics of labor markets and compensating differentials.

I discussed one case where static freedoms where obviously defensibly sold in the 9-to-5 workweek example above, but lets leave the workplace for a moment. Imagine a man who sells his freedom to do whatever he wants from 6 pm to 6:15 pm every single day to his wife, to whom he commits to do the dishes at this time. In exchange for his freedom she provides him with dinner. At 6:07 pm, the man's freedom is not maximized by this exchange. If he decides to watch TV, he will be punished by not getting dinner. He is coerced into doing the dishes. He has exchanged his freedom for dinner. But does the government allowing the man to enter into this implicit contract make him less free? Could the government increase his freedom by banning implicit contracts to perform dishwashing at given times in exchange for dinner? In a sense, it would increase his static freedom, since he would be free to do what he wants for that time period. But I think liberals would generally agree that the dynamic freedom to enter into such contracts outweighs this static freedom such that it increases overall freedom based on any common sense conception of the word. Furthermore, I think liberals would agree that the government should not prevent the man from selling this freedom.

The main point of this is that static freedoms exist on something of a continuum, and liberals embrace allowing individuals to sell some of them, and should agree that allowing them to do this makes them more free. But this brings us to the second tension in libertarians' preference for dynamic versus static freedom: in the limit, hypotheticals can be crafted where many libertarians acknowledge that the damage to static freedom is "unacceptable", and should be outlawed. This is the example of selling oneself into slavery. This is the tension that BRG and Holbo wish to emphasize. My rebuttal to this is that in the real world, individuals do not choose egregiously terrible sacrifices of freedom enough that this a actually a problem. I think Tyler sums this up nicely in his rebuttal, when he says "I find many (most?) of the cited restrictions on labor freedom, if that is the right phrase, defensible". I don't think they will find this reply sufficient, but I have certainly gone on long enough, and I'm an economist, not a political theorist or moral philosopher, so I'm not as concerned with what happens in hypothetical limits which do not occur very often in the real world.

So that is where I think we are overall.  Liberals agree that in some circumstances the dynamic freedom to sell static freedoms 1) should be allowed, and 2) increases overall freedom by any common sense conception. I think a major point of this entire debate is that liberals wish libertarians to admit that overall freedom can be increased by restricting some freedoms. I don't have any problem admitting this is possible, but I also don't think it matters much in the real world. It is an inevitable result of the fact that any society that is free in any sense must sometimes rely on individuals to choose how much freedom they want and how much it is worth to them.