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The Field Guide to Natural Phenomena:
The Secret World of Optical, Atmospheric and Celestial Wonders
by Keith C Heidorn, PhD, and Ian Whitelaw

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The Weather Doctor

Weather Eyes

  • The Weather Doctor's Classic Weather Books
  • Wind Vanes: Pointing To The Wind
  • Weathervane Forecasting
  • Dreaming of A White Christmas?
  • Wind Chimes
  • The Nephoscope
  • Basic Cloud Atlas
  • Noctilucent Clouds Photo Gallery
  • A Springtime Cloud-Watching Kind Of A Day
  • Looking at Clouds: From Both Sides Now
  • Weather Satellites and Tropical Storms
  • Cloud Men
  • Watching Thunder
  • A Matter of Scale
  • Moonbows
  • Light Show Of The Heavens
  • Giant Snow Flakes
  • Hailstone Sizes

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    and Posters featuring my images, visit
    The Weather Doctor's Nature Gallery

    Weather Phenomenon and Elements

    General Meteorology


    Clouds and Precipitation

    Optical Phenomena: Sunsets, Halos, Mirages, etc.

    Storms (see also For Strong Winds)

    Winter Weather


  • Light Show Of The Heavens
  • The Aurora
  • Space Weather
  • Under The Solar Wind
  • The Fire of St Elmo
  • Permafrost: Specter of The Great Ice Ages
  • The American Monsoon
  • Drought: The Silent Disaster
  • Dust In The Wind
  • Blowing Dust: Gone with the Wind
  • Spring Flooding
  • Urban Heat Island: Hot Town: Summer in the City
  • Urban Canyon Winds: Winds of the City
  • Mountain Weather: Weather in the Rockies
  • Wind-Driven Ocean Currents: Of Shoes and Ships...
  • Fall/Spring Lake Turnover
  • Sloshing The Lakes: The Seiche
  • Superior Moisture Gain
  • Volcano Weather
  • Now Available! Order Today!

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    by Keith C. Heidorn
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    And Now...The Weather
    by Keith C. Heidorn

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    From the Sunshine Coast
    to Storm Mountain

    by Keith C. Heidorn
    Now Available in the US!

    The BC Weather Book:
    From the Sunshine Coast
    to Storm Mountain

    The Cycle of Seasons

  • Summer: A Mid-Summer Dream: The Summer Solstice
  • Summer: The Elders Speak: About Summer
  • Summer: Comes The Rain And Thunder
  • Summer: The Dog Days of Summer
  • Summer: Lammas: Let The Harvest Begin
  • Summer: Autumn's First Hint
  • Autumn: The Hidden Season of September
  • Autumn: Comes the Fall
  • Autumn: The Elders Speak: About Autumn
  • Autumn: Life's Seasons: Autumn To Fall
  • Autumn: Halcyon Days of Indian Summer
  • Autumn: The Elders Speak: On Indian Summer
  • Autumn: The Winds of November
  • Autumn/Winter: Entering the Dark Days
  • Winter: The Return of the Dark Days: Samhain and All Hallow�s Eve
  • Winter: Halcyon Days of December
  • Winter: Dreaming of A White Christmas?

  • Weather Almanac

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    Weather Almanac 2000 Archive

    The Field Guide to Natural Phenomena:
    The Secret World of Optical, Atmospheric and Celestial Wonders
    by Keith C Heidorn, PhD, and Ian Whitelaw

    Available through and

    Weather Almanac 1999 Archive

    Weather Almanac 1998 Archive

    Weather Diary

  • July Weather Diary
  • August Weather Diary
  • September Weather Diary
  • October Weather Diary
  • November Weather Diary
  • December Weather Diary

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    Weather Events

    See also Weather Diary above and Weather History below.

  • Twister Rides
  • Twister Meets The Empire Builder
  • How Hot Can It Get? The Great Heat Wave of 1936
  • The Great Hurricane of 1938
  • The Great Hurricane of 1938: The Long Island Express
  • The Great Hurricane of 1938: The Great New England Hurricane
  • The Fall of �Galloping Gertie�
  • The Armistice Day Storm of 1940
  • North America's Record Cold
  • Life at Minus 80: The Men of Snag
  • Michigan vs Ohio State: The 1950 Blizzard Bowl
  • The Infamous London Smog of 1952
  • The Worcester Tornado of 1953
  • They Called It Hazel
  • A is for Audrey
  • Hurricane Carla: Texas-Sized
  • Hurricane Donna: 1960 Fury
  • 1961 Pacific/Atlantic Hurricane:The Hurricane with Three Names
  • Typhoon Freda: The Columbus Day Storm (1962)
  • 1965 Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak Part I: The Beginning
  • 1965 Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak Part II: The Evening
  • 1965 Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak Part III: Last Strikes and Aftermath
  • The Great Chicago Snow of 1967
  • The Edmund FitzGerald Storm (1975)
  • Big Thompson's Sudden Tragedy: The Flash Flood of 31 July 1976
  • Miami's First Snowfall
  • The Largest of Them All: Typhoon Tip
  • The 1993 Mississippi/Missouri Valley Flood
  • Victoria's Blizzard of '96
  • Blizzard of '96 Photo Album
  • The 1997 Red River Flood
  • The Great Ice Storm of 1998
  • Tornado Outbreaks: Twisters En Masse
  • Typhoon Vamei: Born At The Equator (2001)
  • Two Close for Comfort (2006)
  • The Northern Hemisphere Heat Wave of 2010
  • 2011 Spring Flooding
  • For Strong Winds

    See also Weather Events for specific storm events.

  • Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scales
  • Tropical Cyclone Scales
  • Scaling The Tropical Storms
  • Cape Verde Hurricanes
  • When Weather Goes Bad: Hurricane Katrina
  • 2005: A Record Atlantic Hurricane Season
  • Storm Surge
  • [Eastern] Pacific Hurricanes: The Forgotten Storms
  • Australian Cyclones
  • The Deadly Cyclones of Bangladesh
  • Significant Severe Cyclones Striking Bangladesh
  • Weather Satellites and Tropical Storms
  • The Largest of Them All: Typhoon Tip

  • Blizzard!
  • Cold Outbreaks: The North Wind Doth Blow
  • Arctic Outbreaks
  • Break Out: Arctic Outflow Winds on the Pacific Coast
  • Gulf of Alaska Storms
  • Nor'easters and Alberta Clippers
  • Snow Drifting: Getting the Drift
  • Naming Winter Storms: The Naming Game Revisited

  • The Chinook
  • The Santa Ana: California's Evil Wind
  • Gap Winds
  • Newfoundland's Wreckhouse Winds
  • The Mediterranean: Birthplace of the Winds

  • Dust Devils
  • Dust In The Wind
  • Blowing Dust: Gone with the Wind

  • Weather Bombs: Rapid Storm Development
  • A Study in Opposites: Thundersnow
  • You Can�t Say That!: The Banning of Tornado
  • Counting Tornadoes
  • Rating Tornadoes: The Enhanced Fujita Scale
  • Fujita Tornado Intensity Scale
  • Tornado Outbreaks: Twisters En Masse
  • Twister Rides
  • Canadian Tornadoes
  • Canada Adopts The Enhanced Fujita Scale
  • Canada's Deadliest Tornadoes
  • Foreign Tornadoes
  • Tornadoes of Europe
  • Tornadoes of Asia
  • Tornadoes of Africa
  • Tornadoes of South America
  • Tornadoes of Australia and New Zealand
  • Winter Tornadoes
  • Waterspouts: Water Twisters
  • Fresh Water Waterspouts
  • Microbursts
  • Heatbursts
  • Microbursts and Heatbursts
  • Dry Thunderstorms
  • The Derecho
  • Lake Breeze Thunderstorms
  • What Is A Haze Squall?
  • Hail To Thee
  • Hail Formation
  • Hailstone Sizes
  • Thunder 1: Voice of the Heavens
  • Thunder 2: A Child of Lightning
  • Thunder 3: Watching Thunder

  • Weather Journal

  • A Unique Temperature
  • Wind Speak
  • Lake Breeze Thunderstorms
  • Giant Snow Flakes
  • Soaring Migrations
  • Bright Downpours
  • Name That Field
  • A Matter of Scale
  • Tap That Barometer
  • The Weather Doctor's Amazing Weather Facts
  • The Weather Doctor's Amazing Weather Facts--2
  • The Weather Doctor's Amazing Weather Facts--3

  • Weather People and History

    Weather People

  • Tom Grazulis: A Different Breed of Storm Chaser
  • Luke Howard: The Man Who Named The Clouds
  • Thomas Jefferson, America�s First Climatologist
  • Robert Juet: First New York Weather Observer
  • Increase Lapham: The First Storm Warning
  • Philipp Lenard: Brushing the Teardrops from Rain
  • L.F. Richardson: Building The Forecast Factory
  • The Saxby Letters
  • Joanne Simpson: A Head for the Clouds
  • Paul Siple: Man of Cold and Wind
  • Eric Sloane: Look At The Sky
  • Dorothy Taylor: Dedicated Weather Observer
  • The Legend of Snowshoe Thompson
  • Henry David Thoreau: The Transcendental Meteorologist
  • John Tyndall: Sky Blue and Greenhouse Gases

  • The Field Guide to Natural Phenomena:
    The Secret World of Optical, Atmospheric and Celestial Wonders
    by Keith C Heidorn, PhD, and Ian Whitelaw

    Available through and

    Weather History

  • Inauguration Weather
  • The 1900 Galveston Hurricane
  • Weather and Trains
  • The Deadly Avalanches of 1910
  • Tornadoes and Trains
  • Twister Meets The Empire Builder
  • Twister Rides
  • Canada's Deadliest Tornadoes
  • How Hot Can It Get? The Great Heat Wave of 1936
  • Major Joe Duckworth and the Surprise Hurricane of 1943: Flying Into The Eye
  • TIROS I: First Eye in the Sky
  • Weather Cooperation During the Cold War
  • Weather Maps: Mapping The Changing Sky
  • Spreading The Forecast: Two Flags Flying
  • Snow Plowing: Moving The Snow
  • Name That Storm
  • Atlantic Hurricane Names Retired
  • 2005: A Record Atlantic Hurricane Season
  • The Northern Hemisphere Heat Wave of 2010
  • 2011 Spring Flooding
  • Watching The Weather At Sea
  • Late Season Snowstorms
  • See also "Weather Events" above

    Weather and Life

    Human Impacts

    Weather Clothes and Items

    Impacts on Plants and Animals

    Weather Whys

  • The Global Wind Belts
  • The Horse Latitudes
  • First Weather Instruments
  • First Aneroid Barometer
  • Information on the Perfect Storm
  • Time Interval for Beaufort Wind Scale
  • The Year Lake Ontario Froze Over
  • Blue Sun
  • Thunder Brings Cold
  • What Is A Haze Squall?
  • Microbursts
  • Equal Nights?
  • Rainfall Measurements
  • Estimating Wind Speed
  • Probability of Precipitation
  • Frost Formation

  • Weather and Arts

    The Elders Speak
  • The Elders Speak: Shakespearean Weather
  • The Elders Speak: Henry David Thoreau On Weather
  • Mark Twain Comments on Weather and Climate
  • The Elders Speak: Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley on Snow Crystals
  • The Elders Speak: Eric Sloane On Weather
  • The Elders Speak: George Stewart On Weather
  • The Elders Speak: Guy Murchie On Weather

  • Weather Humour

  • Mark Twain on New England Weather
  • The Elders Speak: Weather Humour
  • Weather Mythology, Proverbs and Legends

  • The Dog Days of Summer
  • Halcyon Days of Indian Summer
  • The Yule Log
  • The Twelve Months of Christmas
  • January Thaw: Winter Cold Relief
  • The Arctic Mirage: Aid To Discovery
  • Connections: A Storm, An Island, A Play, A Princess
  • Naming the Windy City
  • Chicago: The Windy City
  • Cabanuelas
  • Fish and Frogs Falling from the Sky

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    The Weather Doctor is published by Keith C. Heidorn, PhD . �1998-2013. All Rights Reserved.