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Ireland Old News

Irish Catholic Chronicle And People's News of the Week
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 2 November 1867


     October 26 at 68 Harcourt street, the wife of William Jameson, Esq., of twin sons.
     October 21, at 60 Upper Sackville street, the wife of Mr. John Whyte, of a son.
     October 29 at 27 Harcourt street, the wife of Dr. Henry Gray Croly, F.R.C.S.I., of a son.


     October 26, at his residence 70 Thomas-street, Mr. John Kean, jun.- R.I.P.
     October 25, Mrs. Francis Murphy, 9 Usher's-quay.
     At the North Circular-road, of consumption, Thomas Carbary, aged sixteen years.
     October 28, at Devere-terrace, Rathgar-road, of consumption, Mr. Timothy O'Brien, aged 28.- R.I.P.


     Queenstown, October 29- The City of Baltimore has just arrived, with New York dates to the 19th inst. The Toronto Globe reports the probability of another Fenian raid into Canada during the New York elections, to be held next month. Both political parties are courting Fenian support. The Canadian Government is in possession of full and complete information, and is prepared for any contingency. The commanders of military ports have received their instructions and all are on the alert. Four thousand stand of arms recently arrived at Potsdam. They were restored to the Fenians by the United States Governments having been seized during the former raid.

     So far does the Fenian craze appear to have extended in the sister country that everything Irish in now regarded with suspicion, and not even our only National Volunteer Corps had been an exception to the rule. We are informed that when the corps assemble at Somerset House for drill, detectives are sent to watch the proceedings; and when on Friday last the regiment marched out, a considerable number of police accompanied it.-- Irish Times.

     CAPTURE OF SUPPOSED FENIAN PRIVATEER.- The Glasgow Herald published the following from its Greenrock correspondent:- "Intelligence has been received in town from H.M.S. Lion, presently stationed at Lough Swilly, that a few days ago a suspicious looking craft being observed in the offing, a boat from the war ship was promptly manned and went in chase. Coming up to the craft, a request was made by the officer in charge of the Lion's boat to the person in command of the unknown craft that she should produce her papers. The request was declined, and intimation was given that the first man who dared to set foot on board would be thrown into the sea. Upon this the strange craft was promptly boarded by the blue-jackets, and the crew, nine in number, of the craft being seized, they were put in irons and taken on board the war ship, where they await orders from the Admiralty. The vessel has also been detained. Details are not given as to the cargo of the captured craft; but as she had no papers on board, and is suspected of being a Fenian privateer, considerable interest is attached to the result of the investigation now being made.


     The Special Commission for the trial of the twenty-six Fenian prisoners charged with being concerned in the murder of Police Sergeant Brett, was formally opened on Saturday by Mr. Justice Blackburn and Mr. Justice Mellor.
     All Manchester and Salford and the surrounding towns fell the strangeness of the circumstances which have led to the Commission, and hardly know what to really think of Fenians. Now that the first shock of the think has been got over, they are beginning to recognize in the Fenian organization something beyond mere desire to commit outrages. I was speaking on Thursday to Mr. Ridgway, one of the principal witnesses of the rescue on Hyde-road, and he said, "I believe Allen and his party had no desire to commit murder, if they could have rescued Kelly or Deasy without sacrificing life. They might have shot several of us if they were intent on committing outrages." This feeling is now growing up here, and for the sake of Irish character in general, it is better that this should be so. It is, after all, preferable to have it understood as an incident in a political offence, than to have it set forth as the mere murderous propensities of "the Irish." On Saturday evening the discussion in the Manchester Anthenaeum was upon the following:- "What is the cause of Fenianism?" many crude and ill-considered notions were put forth on the matter, but one member, the son of Irish parents, tried in a very fair and reasonable speech to correct many erroneous notions held of the Irish. Thus the Fenian question crops up every where in this great business city at present.
     The Fenian prisoners are held in custody in the New Baily prison in Salford, and a guard of over 200 soldiers is quartered in the gaol, and armed police move up and down outside of it. If they had guarded Kelly and Deasy half as well, they would have had no necessity to guard Allen and his associates, and the Commission in Green-street, Dublin, would now be trying the former instead of a Special Commission in Manchester trying the latter. The Manchester Examiner advocates a postponement of the trials, in order to give longer time to the accused to prepare their defense. The Crown has hitherto refused any punishment.
     The principal prisoner is William O'Meara Allen. he is twenty years of age only, and about five feet ten inches high. H is long-featured, pale, fleshless, high cheek-bones, beardless, but with a great head of black curly hair. He is entirely a Celt in every feature. He has very small eyes, deeply set, with next to no eyebrows. He is a joiner by trade and has worked in many leading shops in this city and in Salford. He is an excellent billiard player, and was well known at most of the many billiard rooms here. William Gould, his companion, is about thirty years of age, five feet nine and a half inches high, a clerk, and well educated. He is very handsome looking. His features are round and full just the reverse of Allen's. He is also perfectly beardless, with a good head of yellowish fair hair. Michael Larkin is a tailor, thirty-two years of age, five feet six inches high, with as the Americans say, "a goatee" on the point of his chin.
     There are many hundred or rather thousands of workers now idle in Manchester, with mills stopped, owing to bad trade and crowds of these assemble at the New Bailey, to try and catch a glimpse of the prisoners whenever they are being moved about. The want of employment here at present will cause great crowds about the courts in Salford where the judges sit.

    MONDAY, SECOND DAY- The twenty-six prisoners charged with the murder of Police-sergeant Brett were brought from the New Bailey Gaol to the Assize Courts, at eight o'clock this morning, under a strong escort of the 8th Hussars and the 72nd Highlanders, who remained in the building until the close of the proceedings. Arrangements for the maintenance of order were very complex. The public were admitted to the court with the same facility as at ordinary assizes. Precisely at ten o'clock Justice Blackburn and Mellor took their seats and the usual formality of swearing in the grand jury was gone through. Mr. Justice Blackburn, in charging the jury, said the special commission only differed in that it was confined to such crimes as arose out of, or related solely to the outrage recently perpetrated in that county. Having described the attack on the police van, his lordship said the grand jury would see a variety of crimes had been committed beside the assaulting of the police when in the execution of their duty. There were shots fired, which, although most of them had not taken fatal effect, was in itself a great crime; but the chief crime was the causing the death of policeman Brett, and it was this crime which the grand jury would have specially to consider. He need hardly say that each of these different crimes implicated the whole of the persons charged-that the persons guilty of the crime of murder would be guilty of the other crimes; yet each crime would be brought forward separately, and ???? must  be found in accordance with the evidence bearing on each case; but he would repeat the main point was the murder of Brett. There was but one shot that was fatal, and but one man could have fired that shot, yet every one who aided in the attack was equally guilty of the crime of murder with the person who fired the shot. It was not for the grand jury to direct their attention to the consideration of which individual prisoner was guilty of that act, but whether they were convinced from the evidence that the prisoners were aiding in the act which resulted in the murder of Brett, although they did not individually fire the fatal shot. He must explain that it was not necessary, in order to constitute the crime of murder, that the main object should be to kill a particular individual. Murder was killing by malice aforethought, as it was called, but it was not essential that there should be the intention to kill one particular man. The law had always been so laid down, and common sense said that it must be so. When men associated for the perpetration of an unlawful act involving violence, which it must be known will be dangerous to human life, if death ensued from that violence that was the crime of murder, although there might be no wish to kill the particular individual man was was slain in the present case. The grand jury could not doubt that every man concerned in the act, whether in shielding those who made the attack or actually breaking open the van, or in the act of stopping the van, was party to the unlawful design of rescuing those prisoners. Then, the fact of the death of Brett showed that there was the intention to use violence. It was scarcely possible that any man could have joined in that attack in doubt as to whether resistance would be made on the part of the police. Further than that, when it was found that these parties were armed with firearms, the evidence was additionally strong against them. A man did not commonly use a pistol merely to ward off a blow from himself; its possession could, therefore have only been with the intention of doing injury to others. Again, there was the fact that after the discharge of the firearms, the prisoners still continued to attack the police. He did not mention this a s a matter of law, but as a matter of practical common sense. There were a considerable number of prisoners who were not taken on the spot, but at different periods afterwards. In those cases there was the possibility, of course, that the witness might be mistaken, as to their identity, but the grand jury had only to consider whether the men should be put on their trial. If they thought the evidence against any one of the prisoners was too slight, or if they were not satisfied that there was no reasonable ground for putting him on his trial, then, so far as regarded that individual, they would not find a bill.  It was of great importance to the prisoners, and it was also a point of great importance to the public interest that the evidence should be dispassionately considered in each case without either weakness in favour of the prisoners or any feeling of passion as against them.
     The grand jury retired for upwards of an hour, and on their return into court it appeared that they found a true bill against William O'Meara Allen, Michael Larkin, William Gould, Thomas Maguire, and Edward Shore for murder.
     The prisoners were then brought up into the dock, and severally pleaded not guilty. They were not handcuffed.
     On the application of Mr. Digby Seymour, Q.C. and Mr. Sarjeant O'Brien, the counsel for the defence, the judges consented to the postponement of the case until next morning, in order to allow the leading counsel a little more time for consultation.
     The grand jury afterwards took into their consideration the cases of the other prisoners.

     The Dublin Commission was opened on Friday by the Chief Baron and Judge Morris (locus tenens for Judge Keogh) when the former delivered a charge to the grand jury, who found true bills for treason-felony against Generals Halpin and Fariola, Colonels Warren and Nagle, and a number of others. The trials were postponed to Monday, but in consequence of  the continual absence of Judge Keogh were further put off till Wednesday. Unusual precautions seem to be taken to guard against any attempt to rescue the prisoners; the outer gates are kept closed and are strictly watched and guarded, and inside the court almost every second man is a policeman. Colonel Warren was the first put on his trial, he declared himself an American citizen and protested against the jurisdiction. His counsel withdrew from the case.


     Manchester, Tuesday Evening- This court proceeded with the trial of five men against whom the grand jury found a true bill on Monday. Their names are Allen, Larken, Gould, Maguire and Shore. In reply to an application for the removal of the trail to their Central Criminal Court, London.
     Mr. Justice Blackburn said that as this was a special commission, the application could not be entertained.
     While the jury was being empannelled, Mr. Roberts, the attorney, took objection to several of the special jurors as the names were called over. The judge cautioned him that this was not his province. Mr. Roberts persisted in his objections. His Lordship in a determined tone said- Officer, take that man into custody.
     Mr. Digby Seymour appealed on behalf of Mr. Roberts. An officer of the court requested Mr. Roberts to move. Mr. Digby Seymour again appealed to his Lordship, and ultimately Mr. Roberts was allowed to remain, on condition that he did not further interfere. The jury were then empannelled.
     The Right Hon. the Attorney-General having opened the case for the crown, a number of witnesses were examined who spoke to each and all of the prisoners as being prominently engaged in the outrage.
     During the day the grand jury found true bills for wilful murder, also for felony and misdemeanour against Martin, Nugent, Coffey, BAcon, Brennan, Scally, Boylan, Fetherstone, Wilson, Henry Maguire, Murphy, Kelly, Brophy, Ryan, Carroll, Moorhouse, O'Brennan, Chambers, Johnson, Martin, Reddan and Kennedy.
     Manchester, Wednesday Night.- There was much less excitement both inside and outside the courts to-day. The trial of the five men arraigned on Monday was resumed this morning, and continued till the rising of the court. The evidence for the prosecution has not yet concluded.

     The Transatlantic steamers Scotia and Erin were searched thoroughly at Queenstown on Monday, it being suspected that some Fenian leaders had secreted themselves on board. The search, however, was fruitless.


     A most daring attempt at assassinating of two members of the Metropolitan Police was made at a late hour on Wednesday night at Eustace street, under the following circumstances:- Between twelve and one o'clock Constable Kenna, 167 A, was on duty at the corner of Wellington-quay and Eustace-street, when a man came up to him carrying a bundle under his arm. As he was passing the constable stopped him and was interrogating him respecting the bundle, when the man suddenly produced a revolver pistol and fired at the constable's breast, lodging the contents of the barrel in his chest. The constable fell on the ground. His murderous assailant proceeded up Eustace-street, towards Dame-street, but before he had proceeded far he was encountered by Sergeant Kelly, 19 B, who having heard the shot, was hastening in the direction where it was fired. The sergeant challenged the man, who, instantly presented and fired his revolver, and shot the sergeant in the breast. Sergeant Kelly fell and the perpetrator of this double attempt at assassination made his escape, and has not up to the hour at which we write here, been arrested. Some women who found the policemen lying bleeding and helpless upon the street, gave the alarm at the Exchange-court station, and a number of constables at once proceeded to the scene of this frightful outrage, and as quickly as possible conveyed the sufferers to Mercer's Hospital where they received prompt attendance from the medical gentlemen. Dr. Butcher, the eminent surgeon, was sent for, and speedily arrived. Having examined the men, he expressed his opinion that the would are likely to prove mortal. The men, on learning that their lives were in peril, expressed a desire to receive the ministration of their clergy. The Rev. Mr. Crotty, of the Carmelite Order, Aungier-street, immediately answered the call and has since remained in attendance upon the sufferers.
     Half-past Three o'clock, a.m.- We regret to state that on inquiry at the hospital we learned that Dr. Butcher found the condition of his patients so alarming that he has remained in the ward in personal attendance since his arrival. Poor Kenna, the man who was first wounded, is suffering in great agony. The ball entered opposite the region of the stomach, between the naval and the breast bone. It was suddenly discharged from a small-sized pistol. The ball did not pass out, and is still lodged in the poor fellow's body. We understand that Kenna is a native of Mullingar, and that on learning the serious nature of the wound, requested that his father be telegraphed for, a request that was of course promptly complied with. The Rev. Mr. Crotty administered the last sacraments, and is in continuous attendance on both the men. Sergeant Kelly is not suffering much, but his wound, which is also a stomach wound, is not as dangerous as that of his fellow sufferer. We understand that he is perfectly calm and collected, and quite resigned to his impending fate.--Freeman of Thursday.
On inquiry we find the men still linger, but without hopes of recovery.


Irish Catholic Chronicle And People's News of the Week
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 9 November 1867


      MANCHESTER, WEDNESDAY- The trial of the second batch of prisoners was concluded to-day. Mr. Justice Mellor's summoning up occupied two hours and a half. He carefully pointed out discrepancies in the evidence, telling the jury that the testimony of two of the witnesses, Kate Riley and Beck, the railway clerk, could not be accepted. The jury were absent nearly four hours, and returned into court with a verdict of "Not Guilty" against all the prisoners. They, however, remain in custody on one of the minor charges. At the close of the judge's summing up in the above court, Mr. Justice Blackburne sat alone, and another batch of Fenian prisoners were placed in the dock. Their names are Henry Wilson, Thomas Scatley, Michael Joseph Boylan, Michael Maguire, and Wm. Murphy. The Attorney General intimated that in the exercise of his discretion, he should for the present withdraw all the evidence against the prisoners now in the dock except Wilson. The others might be proceeded against hereafter on one of the minor charges. The other prisoners were then ordered to stand down. The court was occupied for the remainder of the day in hearing witnesses against Wilson.

MURDER ON THE ROXBOROUGH ROAD NEAR LIMERICK- A man named John Donovan, a steward of the late Rev. Richard Dickson's was killed yesterday (Friday) by the blow of a stone, inflicted by a man named Whelan from Kilteely, who is arrested. Great praise is due to the workmen of our worthy Mayor, who gave chase to the murderer, apprehended him, and gave him up to the police. The murdered man leaves a wife and four children, the farmer of whom was in his company on the melancholy occasion.--Southern Chronicle.

PICKING THE POCKET OF THE CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY LIMERICK.- John Leahy, Esq., Q.C., Chariman of the county Limerick, concluded the business of the county and city on yesterday, and left by the 4 o'clock train. Before leaving, a respectable-looking man was apprehended by the police for attempting to pick his worship's pocket at the terminus.--Southern Chronicle.


     The Dundalk Democrat in an article with this heading says:- The poor-rate for the current year, struck on this union, a few weeks since, will amount to the enormous sum of �5,800. As the average number of poor in the workhouse during he year is about 260, one might think this large sum would make them pretty comfortable, as it would afford each the sum of �22.6s per year, and the expenditure for the maintenance of 260 paupers, at that rate, would be �1,690, which, if deducted from �5,800, leaves a balance of �4,110. It is no wonder that many persons cry out against the lavish expenditure entailed on the country in this manner. The cost is enormous, considering the small number of persons relieved. There are on an average about 160 persons on the out-door relief list, and they cost only about �500 a year; and we are certain that the greater portion of he inmates of the workhouse could be supported in the same manner and that they would be better satisfied. The workhouse is an unhealthy place for old and young; and, unfortunately, lazy and not inclined to work. They lead an idle life inside, and when they go out to work they soon get tired and wish to return to the place again. Two years' poor rates would build a factory which would give more than double their number employment. They would then become useful members of society and earn their own bread instead of being quartered on the hard working ratepayers of the union. Indeed, almost the best thing that could be done with the Irish workhouse at present would be to convert them into factories leaving a wing of each for the infirm and the infant children.

Irish Catholic Chronicle And People's News of the Week
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 16 November 1867


     November 11, at 41 Victoria Terrace, the wife of Mr. M.J. Leahy, of a son.
     November 2 at No. 3 Mount-street Crescent, the wife of Michael Joseph Barry, Esq., of a daughter.
     November 9, at 36 Eccles-street, the wife of P.J. Keenan, Esq., of a daughter.


     November 12, in the Church of St. Laurence O'Toole, Robert Rogers, of Garristown, to Mary Teresa, daughter of the late Mr. Patrick Monks, of Sheriff-street, in this city.


     November 10, at the residence of his father, 151 Pembroke-road, William Francis Camac, aged 27 years. R.I.P.
     November 12, at 34 Wexford-street, Mrs. Margaret Hendrick, relic of Martin Hendrick, deceased. R.I.P.-American papers please copy.
     At Bagnalstown Miss Mary Hayden, sister of the late Rev. James Hayden, P.P., of Kill and Lyons. Requiescat in pace.
     At the residence of her son, Rosevilla, Crumlin, Mrs. Mary Perry, aged 68 years. R.I.P.
     November 9,  Mrs. Mary Doyle of Newtownsberry. May she rest in peace.
     November 10, at his residence, George's-street, Limerick, Patrick Lynch, Esq., solicitor. R.I.P.


     On Friday the trial of John Carroll, Charles Moorehouse, and Daniel Redden, for riot and misdemeanor was proceeded with, and the evidence having concluded, the jury, after an absence of town hours, convicted all the prisoners. The authorities have not relaxed any of the precautions surrounding the removal of prisoners to and from the court-house. They are still escorted, as heretofore, by infantry and cavalry; and so severe have been the duties entailed upon the 57th and 72nd Regiments, in providing the necessary guards to the court, the gaols, &c., that the men, it is stated, d not get more, on the average, than two nights rest a week, and are obliged during a greater part of that time to take their food cold.
     On Saturday morning a batch of prisoners were brought for trial before Mr. Justice Blackburn. Their names are Thomas Scally, Michael Joseph Boylan, Henry Wilson, Michael Kennedy, Michael Maguire, William Murphy and Patrick Kelly.
     Mr. Pickering, Q.C., on behalf of the crown, intimated that he intended to offer no evidence against Boylan, Maguire and Kelly.
     Mr. Justice Blackburn - Then they must be discharged at once.
     Mr. Ernest Jones, who was supported by Mr. Cottingham, made an application that the cost of the witnesses for the prisoners, who had been discharged, should be allowed.
     Mr. Justice Blackburn said the application would require some consideration.
     The trial of the prisoners was then proceeded with. In the course of the day it was intimated by the prosecution that they would not press the charge against Wilson, and the judge therefore ordered him to be discharged from custody. The witnesses for the defence were part heard when the court adjourned.
     MANCHESTER, TUESDAY - The labours of the special commission are fast drawing to a close. This morning the last batch of Fenian prisoners were placed in the dock. Their names are - Wm. Martin, John Francis Nugent, Patrick Coffey, John Bacon, William John Brophy, John Brennan and Timothy Featherstone.
      Mr. Pickering, Q.C., announced that the prosecution intends to proceed against two of the prisoners only, Brennan and Featherstone, and on the suggestion of the judge, he entered a nolle prosequi against the other five, who were discharged so far as the present indictment. The two prisoners then stood indicted for riot.
     A good deal of evidence was taken. The judge reading his former notes, and the different witnesses confirming them, the trials were brought to a conclusion at eight o'clock this evening, when the jury, after a quarter of an hour's consultation convicted both prisoners. These, and the five previously convicted of misdemeanour, were then placed in the dock, and each of the seven were sentenced to five year's penal servitude. The only prisoner who attempted to speak was Murphy, who protested that he was convicted solely on account of the newspapers found in his possession.
     The court adjourned.
     As John Francis Nugent, one of the discharged prisoners mentioned above, was leaving the court he was apprehended by head-constable Thomas Welby of the Irish Constabulary, on the Lord Lieutenant's warrant, charging him with treason-felony. Nugent was one of those concerned in the rising in the north of Ireland, in Drogheda, in March last, and only escaped from the police on that occasion by jumping from a window when they were on the point of arresting him. He was now handcuffed and taken to the Albert-street station, preparatory to his removal to Dublin later in the day.



     The body was taken from Mercer's hospital on Saturday morning at 11 o'clock for transmission to Mullingar where the family of the deceased reside. While the hearse was waiting about six hundred police of the several divisions under their respective superintendents and inspectors, formed along William-street and when the body was brought out, the large crowd respectfully uncovered. The cortege then moved on in the following order - A troop of mounted police cavalry under Inspector Ward and Sergeant O'Callaghan preceded the hearse, which bore white plumes, and succeeding this was a mourning coach contained the father and sister of the unfortunate deceased. The members of the various divisions who were off duty followed in procession in alphabetical order, Colonel Bake and Mr. O'Ferrall, the Commissioners, and Dr. Nedley, followed in carriages, after which were a number of cabs. The Lord Mayor was also present. The funeral was moved along South King-street, down Grafton-street, Westmoreland-street, Sackville-street, and Dominick-street to the Broadstone. As the force marched in twos the cortege occupied a great length. Six representatives from each division accompanied the remains to Mullingar.
     MULLINGAR SATURDAY EVENING- The remains of Police Constable Keena, were this evening interred in the old graveyard at Lynne, three miles from the town of Mullingar. On arriving from Dublin, the coffin was borne from the terminus on the shoulders of a number of men of the Metropolitan Police to the residence of the father of the deceased, and conveyed from thence to the cemetery, where, with becoming reverence he was placed to rest with his kindred. Deep sympathy and regret were evinced by the crowds of country people who followed in the funeral.

Irish Catholic Chronicle And People's News of the Week
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 23 November 1867

Dingle, County Kerry, Nov. 12

     Father Molloy, O.P. has lately visited this remote part of the country. As an antiquary, and to enjoy the genial properties of Dingle, during his stay of seven or eight days in this town, he has visited several places of importance to an antiquarian - namely, the beautiful and far-famed Vestry Harbour, where, we are told, there was once "for a whole year a terrible slaughter;" Slea Head, from which he had a full view of all the Blasket Islands, the magnificent, the magnificent bay of Dingle, the Skelleg Rocks, and Valentia Island; St. Monaghan's grave, which is thirteen feet long and at its head stands a high "monumental pillar," with its Ogham inscription; St. Brendan's house; Keelmalchedar church; the celebrated Oratory at Gallarus; the historic Fort of Gold, called by the Spaniards by whom it was built in 1569, Fort-del-Ore; the crumbling ruins of Ferriter's Castle, the principal seat of that once famous and illustrious Catholic family who had fought hard and manfully against superior numbers of well-disciplined soldiers and all that for their creed, for their religion, for their country and for their God; and several other places of interest but too numerous for insertion here. After having spent seven or eight days in this town, and having visited several places of both importance and interest, the respected Dominican crossed Dingle Bay to enjoy the romantic and picturesque scenery of Caherciveen and all that district called "South Kerry".
     I understand that Father Molloy has travelled through the "Holy Land", has said Mass on both Mount Calvary and on the Pyramids in Egypt; so that I might truly style him a "celebrated traveller."

     OPENING OF THE MISSION OF CROSSERLOUGH - On Sunday last the Rev. Fathers Alphonsus, Joseph, Leonard, and Clement, of the Order of Passionists, Harold's cross opened a mission in the parish chapel of Crosserlough. The happy scene presented was the source of much joy and consolation to the holy missioners, as well as to the immense concourse that were fortunate enough to obtain admission to the sacred edifice. -- Anglo Celt.

     THE BLACKROCK SHOOTING CASE - A man named John Walsh was brought up on Saturday at the Head Police Office, charged with being of the party who fired at Reilly the crown witness on Sunday the 20th ult. He was also charged with having fired two shots at a policeman. Evidence was given and the prisoner was remanded.

     At half past nine on Saturday morning the seven men - John Carroll, Charles Moorhouse, Daniel Redden, Thomas Scalley, William Murphy, John Brannon and Timothy Fetherstone, who were convicted at the Special Commission of assault and riot in Hyde-road, were removed from the Salford New Bailey to Millbank convict prison. Their removal was effected very quietly and expeditiously.

     Two men named Fe?thy [note: may be Felthy] and M'Garry were arrested on Sunday on suspicion of Fenianism, the one in Lurgan-street and the other in Blackhall-street. They were subsequently lodged in Kilmainham goal under a warrant of the Lord's Justices.

     ARRESTS AND SEIZURE OF ARMS IN DUBLIN - Five young men, named Stephen John Hanrick, William Hopper, John Keogh, John Quinn and John Kelly, were charged on Wednesday before Mr Dix at the Head Police office, with having arms in a proclaimed district. The prisoners were arrested in a public-house on the Coombe, on Tuesday evening, and behind the counter the police found eight revolvers loaded and capped, two pistols, and a quantity of percussion caps and ammunition. The three first named prisoners were remanded and Kelly and Quinn were discharged.

LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT TO FATHER LAVELLE -  On Friday evening last the dwelling of a poor man in the vicinity of the Rev. Gentleman's house was observed to be on fire, and with that courage and devotion to the cause of the poor which have been so characteristic of his whole life, Father Lavelle was the first to render aid in rescuing whatever he could from the flames. Whilst thus engaged a heavy bar of iron fell from the blazing roof, striking the Rev. Gentleman on the left eye, and forcing it nearly two inches out of its socket. The injury inflicted on the temple and jaw bone is also very serious and there is, it is to be feared, great danger that the use of the eye will be lost. The lamentable event has cast a deep gloom over more than his own flock.-- Connaught Ranger.


     The London Times correspondent at Philadelphia writes: "The Fenians are again appearing on the surface. They have made complaints to the government at Washington that Mr. Adams, the American minister, has neglected to urge the British government to release John Nagle and John Warren, held as Fenian prisoners in Ireland. In connexion with this matter, it is announced from Washington that upon suggestion made by the President, Sir Frederick Bruce, just before his death, recommended to his government the release of these men. It is also announced that the United States has appealed to the British authorities to grant an early consideration to the cases of all Fenian prisoners claiming to be citizens of the United States, and the discharge of all against whom no valid charges can be substantiated. Counsel have been employed by the United States government to defend Nagle and Warren at their approaching trial."


In union commingle the Orange and Green,
     Which bigotry base has for centuries sundered,
And no longer the emblem of party be seen
     Where too long the foul demon of discord has thundered.
Let the standard of union triumphantly wave,
     With a margin of Orange, a centre of Green,
Let's Brotherhood swear over bigotry's grave,
     And the spirits of our martyrs shall smile o'er the scene.

When war spread its wastings with sword and with flame,
     Tho' the spears of our fathers contended in fight,
We are Irishmen now, and our duty's the same-
     To love our poor country and stand for her right!
Add the glories of William and Sarsfield in song,
     With Limerick and Derry's proud heroes let's join.
Their memories let's cherish, nor ask who were wrong-
     Who won at Benburb, or who won at the Boyne.

Let dissension and discord submerge in the past,
     Be a nation in numbers, in feeling but one,
And not long shall the shadow of thraldom o'ercast
     Our Land, and her woes and her wailings be done;
For a Nation's one voice- 'tis the voice of the skies!-
     Can hurl to destruction the God-stricken realm-
And the tide of a people's stern vengeance can rise,
     And the ruin of tyranny's temples o'erwhelm!

And, oh! glorious that day that our country shall find
     Her children United-all races and creeds!
Be he damned of the Heavens, the accursed of mankind;
     Who'd sow in that blending dissension's dark seeds.
What a lesson that act of our fathers affords,
     How they snatched their just rights from their rulers' dark fears;
When, a Nation of soldiers, they leant on their swords,
     And made tyranny quall, did those brave Volunteers.

Then pale! ye passions that flame in the bigots' rude breasts,
     And fanned by the wind of the fanatic's tongue-
Be each prejudice vile that our union arrests,
     To the depths of oblivion eternally flung!
Be men, with the heaven-inspired spirit to defend
     Your hearths and your homesteads, your children and wives.
"The land is our own!" let your shouts now ascend,
     "Twas decreed us by Heaven! We'll defend with our lives!"

Hurrah, then hurrah! for the Orange and Green!
     Hurrah for the glories of Limerick and Derry!
But one aim shall we have, but one standard be seen
     From dark Donegal to the wild hills of Kerry!
Ay, let tyranny quall, we're a brotherly band,
     Oppressors to crush and to raise the oppressed,
Soon we'll rend the dark veil that blights our fair Land,
     And she'll rise to her glory, the Star of the West!
Co. Donegal, Nov 1867.


     November 15, at Kilrush, county Kildare, the wife of P. Maher, Esq. of a daughter.
     November 18, at 45 Wellington-place, the wife of Thomas Crotty, Esq., of a son.
     November 17, at No. 1 St. George's-place, North Circular-road, the wife of Mr. James Farrelly, of a son.


     At the Cathedral, Marlborough-street, John Quinn, Esq, Philipstown, King's County to Eliza, daughter of the late Patrick Fitzpatrick of this city.
     November 12 at the Catholic Church, Castlecomer, Patrick F. Fletcher, Esq, Castledurrow, to Harriet Mary, daughter of James Brennen, Esq, Coolbawn, Castlecomer.
     November 6 in the Church of St. Louis d'Autin, Paris, Alter, daughter of Alderman Peter Paul M'Swiney, J.P., to Ernest Le Febvre des Valliers, Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneux, et Inspecteur General des Monuments Historiques de France.


     November 19, Luke Connolly, Esq, of Golden-bridge. R.I.P.
     November 17, at his residence, 17 Synge-street, Christopher Asken, A.M., M.B., T.C.D.
     November 13, at Knockaveelish, County Waterford, Ellen, youngest sister of the late Lord Carew.
     November 15, at Carton, Lady Geraldine Fitzgerald, daughter of the Marquis and Marchioness of Kildare, aged 18 years.
     November 15, at Tritonville avenue, Sandymount, of apoplexy, John Gill, Esq., of Munglass, in the county of Wexford.
     November 16, at his residence, Navan, John Leonard, Esq.
     November 16, at his residence, Carlisle-terrace, Kingstown, Thomas M. Donnell, Esq.


     Shortly after eight o'clock on Monday night a fire broke out in  the premises of Mr. Waters, bookbinder and machine-ruler, 6 Crowe-street, which was of a most destructive character owing to the quantities of books, paper and other ignitable materials that were in the workshops and stores. The fire brigade, with engines, was promptly up, but owing to some repairs going on at Cork-hill, the necessary supply of water was delayed until the Vestry water from another district of the city had to be turned on into the locality where it was much needed. The flames raged with great violence and fears were entertained that they would extend to the large stores of Messrs. Woods of Crowe-street, said to contain �20,000 worth of sugar, tea, spirits, wine &c., and also to the house of Mr. Percival, jeweller, Temple-lane. As it was found thqt nothing could save the premises of Mr. Waters, every effort was directed to prevent the flames extending to the adjoining concerns, and these efforts were successful. The fire was got under at eleven o'clock, but not until the premises in which it had originated were reduced to a heap of ruins. The cause of the fire has not been ascertained. One of the policemen on duty, while striving to keep back the crowd, was struck with a stone on the head and cut severely. Men of the Fire Brigade remained on duty during the night, and from a hose attached to one of the mains of the Vestry supply, a column of water thirty feet high was kept playing on the debris of the fire, and on the heated walls of the adjoining premises.

     FIRE AT MESSRS. GUINNESS'S BREWERY - On Monday evening a fire broke out in a quantity of hay stored in one of the yards of Messrs. Guiness's brewery, James's-gate. The engine of the establishment was soon set to work, and extinguished the flames before much damage had been done.

     DUNDALK AND ITS PEOPLE - Anyone who remembers Dundalk some twenty years ago, and contrasts its appearance then with its present appearance, cannot but be struck with pleasure and surprise. This change is not alone remarkable in a commercial point of view, but it is particularly so with reference to its progress in building splendid houses of worship. In this respect we venture to say in all broad Ireland there is now provincial town that can be compared with Dundalk --- Dundalk Express.


     The New York sun has the following: Captain Deasy gives a humorous account of his escape from Liverpool. Having packed up his trunk with the aid of Colonel Kelly, and disguised himself so as to defy detection, he proceeded on board the steamship City of Paris, in company with the colonel, the latter dressed as a porter, and carrying the traps on his back in the most approved fashion of the fraternity. As soon as they reached the deck of the vessel, and passed the long lines of detectives without attracting attention, Captain Deasy gave Colonel Kelly a shilling for his trouble, but the assumed porter refused to accept such a small amount for so much work, whereupon the regular porters were called upon to act as referees, and decided that the ill used confrere was entitled to eighteen pence at least. Kelly was so demonstrative that the police threatened to arrest him if he did not accept the shilling and go away, which he thought it better to do, after exchanging a knowing look with his quondam employer. At Queenstown the captain put on a careless exterior and passed round among the detectives, discoursing freely about the emigrants, and making inquiries generally respecting the objects of the wretched Fenians in keeping up such hopeless crusade against her Britannic Majesty. In the course of conversation as a matter of course, the daring rescue of Kelly and Deasy was alluded to and condemned. One of the detectives remarked that he'd be ____ if they would get away from him if he had them once in his clutches. In connexion with the escape a very interesting letter had been transmitted to the Irish People by the man who planned the rescue. he says that Colonel Kelly and Captain Deasy were returning from a private meeting when they were suddenly pounced upon by four policemen, and dragged off before they could draw their revolvers and show fight. When the arrest was made known to the officials of the Fenian Brotherhood, a vigilance committee was instantly appointed to prevent their identification by Corydon. Men were posted at the railway station, the jail, and all the places where the informer was likely to pass through, but by some chance, owing to the want of identity, he was permitted to enter the jail. The arrangements for the removal of the prisoners to jail were duly chronicled at the Fenian headquarters, and eleven trusty men, well armed with revolvers, were detailed to frustrate them. The moment the van left the courthouse a cab shot out of the adjoining street containing the commander-in-chief of the party. It drove along in front at a rapid pace until a point was gained where the object could be carried out with facility. Not one of the men who did the work was captured. As soon as Kelly and Deasy arrived at a given place they parted company, and took temporary refuge in the house of an old Irishwoman. Kelly disguised himself in a few minutes, started out by another door and mixed with the crowd. An omnibus passed along just at the moment and he got into it in presence of half a dozen policemen, who were in the act of arresting two men on the top of the vehicle, believing them to have been connected with the rescue. Further on he encountered another batch of policemen, and waited to learn full particulars of the affair from them. Later in the evening of the same day Kelly and Deasy returned again to Manchester, and took up their quarters at the house of a tried friend. Another correspondent from the same city, also a Fenian, says that Colonel Kelly has concluded to remain in Liverpool.

Irish Catholic Chronicle And People's News of the Week
Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, 30 November 1867


     November 22, at Westminster, Grosvenor-road, Rathmines, the wife of R.O. Anderson, Esq., of a daughter.
     November 24, at 41 Lower Dominick-street, the wife of P. Gibbons of a daughter.


     November 29, at the Roman Catholic Church, Borris-in-Ossory, byu the Rev. J. Bi9rch, P.P., William Delany, Esq. of Rathdowney, to Winny, second daughter of James Farrell, Esq., merchant , Borris-in-Ossory.
     November 23, at the Church of St. John the Baptist, Clontarf, Mr. Joseph H. Keenan, son of Charles Keenan, Esq., of Mary-street, to Theresa, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Collins.
     November 23, in the Church of St. Andrew, Westland-row, by the Rev. Canon Farrell, Christopher D. Woods, to Mary, Daughter of the late Mr. John Brougham, of Sough Great George's-street.


     November 24, at her residence 4 Merrion-avenue, Blackrock, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation, in the 68th year of her age, Mrs. Mary Jordan, relief [sic - relict?] of Richard John Jordan, much regretted by her family and friends. May she rest in peace.
     November 25, at Upper Abbey-street, William Bergin, aged 65 years. May he rest in peace.
     November 26, at 10 Cole's-lane Market, Mr. James Mullen. May he rest in peace.
     November 22, at the Convent of Mercy, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sister Mary Xavier of the Holy Cross, in the 34th year of her age and the 15th of her profession, daughter of the late John Hayden of this city. R.I.P.
     November 27, Mary, wife of William Owens, Esq., of Shallen County Meath.


     The earnest and persevering efforts made to save the lives of the Fenian prisoners at Manchester having unfortunately failed of success, the last sentence of the law was carried out on Saturday morning at eight o'clock on the three prisoners Allen, Gould and Larkin. the crowd was very much smaller than was anticipated and all was quiet. Extensive arrangements had been made by the authorities to insure the peace being preserved. No attempt, however, was made to disturb it, and the number of those who assembled to witness the sad scene was much fewer than was expected. The mayors both of Manchester and the adjoining borough of Salford issued notices urging the people to abstain from being present on the occasion and all the Catholic clergy impressed similar advice on their flocks. We give the following details which will be read with melancholy interest.


     The boat and train which brought me here yesterday morning also conveyed the sister and cousin of Allen, and two sisters-in-law of Larkin. When I got to the prison at ten o'clock I found these poor women seeking admission for the last time to those ill-fated and unhappy men. Inside the iron gate set Larkin's wife and children - mere babes. They were soon joined by his affected mother and a more heart-tearing scene I never witnessed. Words have no power to convey the blank despair - the wild but speechless mercy of these poor women. They were possessed by that dumb, hopeless grief, whose expression was the big unhidden tear that rolled down the wan and emaciated face. But the eloquent and ominous silence twas broken by the presence of young Allen's almost distracted affianced whose low piteous cry and frequent bursting sob compelled the sympathy of all, and made even strangers turn swag. For reasons I daresay unknown, and certainly never to be explained, this miserable band were refused even the hope of admission, and after clinging to those iron bars for hours, they were sent away by authority. Subsequently a message was sent to Allen's mother that she would be allowed in, and his sister, cousins and his youthful betrothed were denied that last interview for which they had come so far. Of Larkin's relatives, his mother, his wife and baby child were permitted to see him. Larkin's mother was greatly excited in the corridors and she approached the cell in which lay her unfortunate son; but she and her companions in misery were soothed by the Rev. McGadd, who had been in continual and immediate attendance on the men since their conviction. He told them to allay their fears, and quiet the expression of their sorrow- that their unfortunate relatives had received in meek submission the never-failing consolations of religion. The reverend father administered the Holy Communion to his charges every alternate morning for the past ten days.


     I happened to meet at the jail, yesterday morning, a young gentleman who was the bearer of good news to these unhappy men and their afflicted relatives. He came from the Dowager Marchioness of Queensbury, of ancient Catholic lineage. he was the bearer of a letter to Father Gadd, in which  the noble lady enclosed �100 to be distributed as his reverence should deem proper. Subjoined is the letter, which is certainly one of the most beautiful ever written- 
     "My Dear Friends - It may be that these few lines may minister some consolation to you on your approaching departure from this world. I send you by the hands of a faithful messenger some help for your wife, or wives and children in their approaching irreparable loss, and with the assurance that as long as I live they shall be cared for to the utmost of my power. Mr. M'Donnell, the bearer of this for me, will bring me their address and the address of the priest that attended you.
     "It will also be a comfort for your precious souls to know that we remember you here at the altar of God, where the daily remembrance of that all-glorious sacrifice on Calvary for you all is not neglected.
     "We have daily Mass for you here, and if it be so that it pleases the good God to permit you thus to be called to himself on Saturday morning, the precious body and blood of our Lord and Saviour, and our Friend, will be presented for your before God at eight o'clock on that day, that blood as precious which cleanses from all sin. May your last words and thoughts be Jesus. Rest on Him who is faithful and willing and all powerful to save; rest on Him and on his sacrifice on that Cross for you, instead of you, and her him say - 'To-day thou shalt be with me in Paradise.' Yet will we remember your souls constantly at the altar of God after your departure, as well as those whom you leave in life.
     "Farewell, and may Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sinners, save us all, and give you His last blessing upon earth, and an eternal continuance of it in Heaven.
                                    "CAROLINE QUEENSBURY.
"Ventnor, Isle of Wight."
     Father Gadd immediately communicated the contents of the letter to the condemned and their families. They were deeply grateful. The Dowager Marchioness of Queensbury, is a daughter of the present Sir William Clayton, Bart. Her mother was heiress of Colonel O'Donel, eldest son of Sir Neil O'Donel, Bart. of the county of Mayo. Her husband, while still a young man, killed himself in 1858, by accident, when out shooting. One of her sons lost his life two years ago when ascending Mount Blanc.


     About ten o'clock large crowds began to gather in the streets immediately in the neighbourhood  of the scaffold, but the outer barrier arrested all further progress, and then these Englishmen sat down. The peculiar characteristic of the nation was fully displayed by the lively disputes concerning the purchase of hot potatoes which were being cooked in enormous quantities by machines resembling fire-engines. Around these were squatted those chattering, swearing, obscene; but eating assemblages to be found nowhere but in England. Wrangles and jokes were settled and laughed at, and politics and Fenianism warmly and energetically discussed. Cans of beer and lumps of cheese; hot potatoes and squares of bacon; steaming pies and odorous onions- hodge-podges of marvellous and heterogeneous confusion were discussed and consumed with a gusto that only the eve of an execution can bring to the enlightened Englishman. Females sat in these gatherings, and joined in these disgusting festivals as confidently as if that were the scene for woman. Young lads and girls sported in high glee in front of the glaring gas jet that told of the beer-cellar and youthful lips rang out the ready oath that spoke the culture of degraded parents. A strong contrast was found in the stolid, stupid, besotted mass that leaned against the barricade; it stirred not, breathed not, spoke not- but patiently awaited the chance of improving their position, and with unruffled and bovine quiet, stayed out the weary night to witness the strangulation of three human beings. Just before the barricade a wall of policemen prevented the possibility of entrance. Those who had tickets forced a difficult way through the crowd that hoarsely shouted in reckless blasphemy, or roared a line of drunken song, or warmly disputed the possession of food, or hotly quarrelled for the right to drink, and were then blocked by that immovable barrier of stolid savages through whose compact gathering passage was impossible. It was pleasant - if one could be pleasant then - to know that "the mere Irish" were not of these brawlers, that the never failing charge of riotous uproar must this night be laid to the account of the uncouth sons of Lancashire. I learned on inquiry that the Catholic clergy had inculcated peace and moderation to their people and especially requested them to absent themselves from Salford and its neighbourhood during the night of the execution. This commendable injunction was strictly obeyed and there was no Irish element in the motley crew whose ugly shadow was thrown in grotesque outline across the feebly lighted streets. At last I made my way to the Albert Hotel, a house standing almost fifty yards from the scaffold on the opposite street. I had learned that 'the fourth estate,' was there and there only; and soon I found myself in presence of some fifty press-men from every port of the United Kingdom. At intervals during the night we dropped out in couples to see the streets, but there was a general cluster when a Manchester gentleman brought in a copy of an anonymous letter which had been received by Calcraft, with the pithily illiterate rejoinder of that worthy man! - "If you hang any of the gentlemen condemned to death at the New Bailey Prison, it will be worse for you; you will not survive afterwards." Calcraft immediately sent the note to the visiting justices of the jails, with this comment - " I have received the enclosed letter. It seems a serious job. I hope you will look after it that I shall get home safe again." It seems that the executioner was in some say worried; and in truth if preparation could ease his mind, he must have been content. About twelve o'clock the police entered every house, and took the name and address of all persons who did not permanently reside therein. It is rather lucky Mr. Calcraft was not shot, or else we might all have been put on trial on the capital charge in that "constructive" spirit which marks the administration of recent law. About two o'clock the fog was dense and bitterly cold. An hour later; vocalism became popular, and the ringing tones of "John Brown" from a hundred throats pierced the thick "blanket" of the night." And thus, in eating, and drinking, and singing, and dancing ,and talking, and swearing, and marching, did these Englishmen hail the morn whose first light heralded coming and certain death to three men hard-by.
     There is little to add respecting the prison life of the condemned. Clinging to hope at first, they believed for some days after sentence was passed that they would not be hanged. The assurances which they received from without, however, dispelled this feeling a few days ago, and since Wednesday the men have been fully resigned to their fate. The parting interviews of Allen and Larkin with their friends took place on Friday; and after their final severance from earthly ties, the doomed men devoted themselves with increased fervour to their religious duties. They were locked up at the usual hour - about half-past six o'clock. Strange as it may appear; the three men, standing on the brink of the grave, about to suffer an ignominious death, slept as soundly as had been their wont. At a quarter to five o'clock on Saturday morning, Mr. Holt, the warder in charge, went to their cells and awoke them. The priests in attendance, the Rev. Canon Cantwell and the Rev. Fathers Quick and Gadd, celebrated mass at half-past five, and administered the holy communion. After partaking of the sacred rite, the convicts spent their time in prayer until nearly seven o'clock, when they breakfasted. The last preparations were then begun. At twelve minutes to eight o'clock, the executioner and his assistant, Armstrong, were introduced into the cell in which the convicts were placed, and the process of pinioning their arms was gone through. The priests stood by the side of the unhappy men, administering the consolations of religion, and exhorting them to firmness to meet the last dread ordeal. The convicts at this time manifested a remarkable fortitude. Not one of them flinched in the least.
     They had severally expressed an intention to address the crowd from the scaffold, but at the urgent entreaty of the priests they abandoned that intention.
     At a quarter to eight o'clock the interior court of the gaol presented a strange and striking spectacle. Behind the wall in New Bailey-street was erected the long staircase leading to the scaffold, and by the side were platforms for the tise of the military. The fog was so dense that objects could be but faintly distinguished at a distance of thirty yards. Suddenly the worlds of military command were heard and a company of the 72nd Highlanders marched round the Roundhouse and took up a position in line of the foot of the staircase. Simultaneously small detachments of the same regiment ascended to the platform, and crouched there, with their loaded rifles slightly projecting over the prison wall. At almost the same moment the heads of a line of soldiers arose above the parapet of the railway viaduct. A line of warders was formed in the gaol court. The sentries on duty ceased their walk; magistrates and reporters stood aside, and a dead silence prevailed for a few moments, as a signal was given from the corner of the Roundhouse. At three minutes past eight o'clock the solemn voice of a minister repeating the litany of the Roman Catholic Church was heard; and the head of the procession became visible through a thick fog, about thirty yards from the foot of the staircase. The Rev. Cantwell walked first, by the side of Allen. The convict was deadly pale; his eyes wandered alternately from the priest to the individuals standing round and then he uplifted his gaze in a vain endeavour to pierce the dense canopy which hung above him. He walked with a tolerably steady step, and uttered the response, "Lord, have mercy upon us." in a firm voice. As he ascended the staircase he seemed to summon all his courage, and he succeeded so far as to be able to confront the crowd with an unshrinking countenance. Next to him came Larkin, in whose appearance confinement and anxiety of mind had wrought a striking change. He walked with difficulty and required the support  of the warders as he mounted the staircase. He seemed to join mechanically in the responses; and as he neared the head of the stirs he gave one hasty glance at the black beams overhead and seemed about to faint.
     Gould was the last, and he met hi fate firmly. Joining in the responses with a steady voice, and keeping his eyes upward, after one glance at the group assembled below, he mounted the steps without hesitation and took his place upon the drop.


    As the moment drew nigh there was a stillness in the crowd that might be felt. The jail clock rang out eight in sharp cold tones, and the units were repeated by the anxious multitude. At the moment the cap of the officer commanding the Third highlanders inside the jail appeared above the wall, and soon the gleaming guns moved briskly towards the scaffold. At two minutes past the hour the door was opened and Allen appeared. By those who looked up and saw that young but distorted face, it will never be forgotten. he stepped firmly on the drop, his wan and convulsed countenance raised to the sky; in his pinioned hands he clasped the cross, and in agonizing tones fervently cried, "Jesus, have mercy on us; Jesus, have mercy on us." Calcraft was by his side instantly, quickly drew the close-fitting white cap over his head, and threw the noose round his neck. Allen continued to pay loud and fast. The executioner just touched his hand  and turned to receive Gould who boldly stepped on, raised his bound hand, and laid it on Allen's; he then kissed him on the cheek, and immediately joined in prayer. At this moment Larkin stepped on and looked collected, but almost immediately reeled, staggered, and fell with bent knee and helpless body slightly against Gould and fainted in the arms of a warder. Gould turned and looked on Larkin, who was held up while Calcraft with rapid hand adjusted the cap and noose. A dull crash was heard, and the three ropes sprung to their utmost length. Allen's was perfectly still, Gould's quivered for a moment, Larkin's had a rotary motion, and then all was still. The clergymen continued to repeat the prayers for the dead, standing uncovered over the suspended corpses. For three quarters of an hour the prayers were repeated, and then all retired. At seven minutes past nine the door was re-opened and Calcraft appeared to remove the bodies. He looked a comely old man, with a large, flowing white beard. He wore a velvet travelling cap and stood right firmly on the scaffold. With one hand he held the single portion of the rope, while, with the other, he undid the knot which ran round the beam. he then held in his two hands the rope from which was suspended the body; and so on to the end of his foul work. He was assisted by a young man who is practicing this vile trade in Chester ,and who is styled in a Manchester paper, " a manly fellow."
     At half-past nine the huge crowd began to melt - the deed was done - the law was revenged - the sight was over. And every man went into his place.


    The Times says - "When at nine o'clock the bodies were cut down, hardly any persons but those on duty round the spot were present. The remains of the culprits were at once carried down the ladders leading from the scaffold, and taken across the prison yard into a little soil, where they were laid on benches. The straps which had bound them were then removed. and the surgeon came and certified formally as to their deaths. Singularly enough, as far as the expression of their features might be judged, Allen seemed to have suffered most, through he died earliest and apparently without a struggle. The features of Larkin, who jerked the scaffold itself in his convulsive struggle, were as placid as though he had merely fallen asleep. The remains of Gould, too, showed equal signs of tranquility in death as those of Larkin. The hands were opened wide; those of Larkin were merely folded together; but with Allen, who had apparently never moved, the finger nails seemed almost dug into the flesh. About the middle of the day the bodies were buried, without form or ceremony, in the jail passage where Burrows the murderer is laid, the only murderer - indeed, the only other criminal- that has ever suffered death in Salford jail.


     PROFESSION AND RECEPTION - On the festival of the Presentation, the Convent of our Lady of Mercy in Ardee was the scene of an interesting and edifying demonstration, the profession and reception of two young ladies. The Most Rev. Dr. Kieran, Primate of all Ireland, officiated on the solemn occasion. the young lady professed was Miss Pally, of the county of Down and the lay sister was Miss Mary Callan, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Callan, of Shanlis.

     LAUNCH OF THE STEAM-SHIP "MULLINGAR" - On Wednesday this magnificent steamer was successfully launched from the building-yard of the enterprising firm of Messrs. Walpole, Webb and Bewley, Northwall. She has been built for the City of Dublin Steampacket Company.

     Lady Esmonde, widow of the late Right Hon. Sir Thomas Esmonde, whose death is recorded, has bequeathed the sum of �30,000 to the board of Trinity College as Trustee, for the purpose of building and endowing a classical school in the county of Waterford.

     A man named Thomas Francis was arrested on Monday morning at New-street, on suspicion of being a Fenian Centre, and he was conveyed under the Lord Lieutenant's warrant to Kilmainham Prison.


     On Saturday evening a serious bread riot occurred here, and although it lasted but for a comparatively short time, there was a considerable amount of damage done. A few weeks ago the journeymen bakers of the town made a demand for higher wages, and threatened to go on strike if their employers did not grant it. After some consultation, the master bakers decided to give an increase, and about the same time they raised the price of bread. This course excited general dissatisfaction among the working classes and proposals were freely mooted in the newspapers and elsewhere for the establishment of one or more bakeries on the co-operative principle to enable householders to purchase bread at a cheaper rate. the employers in several of our large foundries and mills held meetings, at which resolutions were unanimously passed condemning the increase in the price of bread as unjust and oppressive, and pledging the people not to purchase any more bread from the bakers until they could obtain it a lower rate. No general public meeting however, was held and yesterday afternoon, when a large assembly of persons met at Carlisle Circus, a piece of waste ground on the Antrim road, to consider what steps should be taken to reduce the present tariff. The meeting lasted about an hour, and on breaking up portions of the crowd attacked the model bakery. Not more than two or three panes were broken when a small force of constabulary arrived, and drew up in front of the building. The crowd then rushed down the road and did not halt till they came to the bakery of Mr. Trueman, T.C., having broken the glass in the windows, they made a sweep of all the biscuits, confectionary, &c, exposed for sale. By this time all the constabulary in town were on duty, and the mayor and resident magistrates were most active in their exertions to preserve the peace. A cry was then raised, "To the public bakery!" (in Church-street) and accordingly to the public bakery they went. A volley of stones through the windows announced their arrival here. Thereupon some one inside fired among them. They then went to the steam bakery, a large establishment belonging to Marsh & Co. and having smashed the glass, took all the bread they could get.


     Contrary to our most recent hopes and prayers, those of the Fenian prisoners at Manchester - Allen, Larkin and Gould (or O'Brien) have been put to death, nominally for the murder of Sergeant Brett, but really for the successful rescue of the Fenian leaders Colonel Kelly and Captain Deasy. The political scaffold has thus, after the lapse of half a century, been once more raised in England. It is well understood, and will be dearly remembered hereafter, that these men were put to a horrible death because they were Irishmen and because they strove to the best of their knowledge and power to win their country's independence. Had that country been England - and not Ireland, their reward had been, not the gallows, but the Spectator tells us "something very like admiration and sympathy." It is not a question for discussion - blood is thicker than water, and millions of Irishmen feel that a great public crime has been committed, not the less odious because of its base hypocrisy. Had those men or any others been tried, convicted, and hanged for treason, the curse of the British government, however cruel and unwise, would at all events have been straightforward. But public hypocrisy has ever been a great British talent, and in this case the utmost advantage has been made of it. The common sense of the world will, however, scout with contempt the false pretence that three men were executed for murder. Mankind indeed will be apt to characterise by the foul name of murder, not the casual death of the policeman, but the deliberate and dastardly slaughter of the Fenian victims. At all events Irishmen and  have but one feeling regarding this odious crime, and all who have committed, advised, abetted, or rejoined at it. Nor is it a feeling that will quickly pass away. In that miserable five minutes on the scaffold of Manchester a deed was done that has sundered Englishmen and Irishmen for this generation.
     "There rolls between us a great sea of blood."
     In one day the political relations between the two countries have retrograded half a century. Ireland cannot forgive that wanton and cruel bloodshed. England must account for the lives of these three men, humble though they were. Millions who know nothing of Fenianism feel for these men as if they were their own kindred foully murdered. God knows we do not exaggerate. Men who resisted with their whole strength the Fenian movement - priests who denounced it from the altar - have shed hot and bitter tears over this deed of blood. Could it be otherwise while they had the hearts of Irishmen in their bosoms? The government have committed a great - a fearful- an irreparable mistake. The problem of Irish disaffection and Irish misery, always difficult, they have made well night hopeless.



     Subjoined is a brief sketch of the life of this unfortunate young man previously to his departure for England. The circumstances of his untimely fate, will, we presume, render the few facts here submitted interesting to the reader. W.P. Allen was born in April, 1848, in a well-known village near the town of Tipperary, and was about three years old when his parents removed to Bandon, in this county, where he was brought up in the Protestant faith, which his father professed, while his mother was a good Catholic. At Bandon he was a constant attendant at the training school conducted under the auspices of the Hon. Mr. Bernard, for the education of young men designed to fill the office of district parochial teachers, at the same time, however, attending the morning and evening schools conducted in the same town by Catholic masters, under whom he learned the branches of algebra and drawing, being remarkably proficient in the latter acquirements. While at school young Allen made himself conspicuous by his intelligence and application - these qualities attracting the notice of many persons of station. Allen was from his childhood of thoughtful and studious habits, very imaginative, exceedingly gentle in his disposition and a great favourite with his companions, to whom his pleasing manners endeared him. On the occasion of the visit of some Catholic missionaries to Bandon, Allen frequented the sessions and religious exercises which marked the mission and his natural acuteness, aided by the teaching of his pious mother, convincing him of the error of the creed in which he had been hitherto reared, he became a convert to the true religion and was received by the Rev. P.P. of Bandon into the bosom of the church. This was about four years ago, and since his reception Allen has been a strict and exemplary Catholic. His only sister, now married, and living in this city, influenced by the arguments of her brother, followed his happy example and became also a Catholic, his four brothers, among them a brother Joe, for whom the poor fellow entertained a particular affection, being still Protestants. Allen was, while yet a youth, bound apprentice to Mr. Preston, a respectable master carpenter and timber merchant  in Bandon, but from circumstances of a painful nature, which it is charity now to refrain form publishing, but in which the young convert's faith was at stake, he felt himself compelled to leave his master before the expiration of his time, and coming well recommended to this city, was employed by Mr. Barry M'Mullen, with whom he remained for six months, when he once more returned to Bandon, whence he proceeded to Manchester, on the invitation of some near relatives of his residing in that city. The following affecting letter, which has been entrusted to us for publication, was entrusted by Allen to his aunt in Manchester, with directions to forward it to his sister in this city:
                                       Manchester, Nov 18, '67
     DEAR SISTER, BROTHER-IN-LAW, AND BROTHERS - I am sure you will regret to be hearing out of a prison dungeon from me; but it cannot be helped. There are a great many changes in the world, and we must all put up with our share. Next Saturday is the day of my execution; also three others. I will be gone only a few days before the longest liver of you all; it is nothing , dear sister, to look into it. I hope you do not forget praying for me, and for those that are in with me. It is hard, dear sister, brother-in-law and brothers, to be suffering for a charge a person is not guilty of. I am quite reconciled to the will of God, whatever my fate may be. I received Holy Communion this morning, thank God, and am in very good spirits. There is nothing in the world that a person should be sorry for leaving it. Tell my brothers to mind their duty to God and always pray for me and all that are in with me. I am very sorry, dear sister, I had not the pleasure of seeing James before leaving this world and also your daughter. I think I have a slight knowledge of James, if I do not make a mistake. I hope if I do not see him here, I will see him and you all, please God, in heaven. Remember my words, dear friends - there is no use in grieving at all. It does not make the thing any better, and injures your own health, although I am quite sure there will be many thousands that never saw me or any of the other prisoners in their lives, that will regret our deaths; and many a tear will flow from parties with whom I never was in my life. I am about to leave the world and I do not think I have enemies in it, except those that swore my life away for blood money. I forgive them from the bottom of my heart, and may God receive them. Farewell sister, brothers, and brother-in-law, niece also. It has crossed my mind not to  forget Miss Clancy, and my grandmother, tell them to pray for us also.
     No more at present from your affectionate and ever loving brother.
                                  W.P. ALLEN
     P.S. - Remember me to father and mother and aunt. Send this to my sister in Cork as soon as you receive it. Keep up your hearth and never forget praying for me. Remember me to all friends. I send you 1,000 kisses each and 2,000 to my brother Joe.


     Michael O'Brien was born near Ballymacoda, the birthplace of the ill-fated Peter Crowley. O'Brien having reserved a good average education, served his apprenticeship in the establishment of Messrs. Arnott, Grant, and Co., and afterwards spent some time at the Queen's Old Castle. He left that firm for America, where most of his friends reside, some of them in affluent circumstances. O'Brien seized with the pervading ardour of the time, joined the Northern army, and served with distinction through several campaigns. When the regiment to which he was attached was disbanded at the conclusion of the war, he returned to Liverpool, where he got into trouble in connexion with the Fenian movements. The accusation then brought against him fell to the ground and he came to this city, where he obtained employment at the Munster Arcade, where he remained till Shrove Tuesday night when he disappeared and was not hears of again till he turned up at Manchester on the recent melancholy occasion. It will be remembered that on the trial of Co. F.X. O'Brien, who was tried and convicted at the last special commission in this city, frequent reference was made to another Col. O'Brien, who is supposed to have been identified with the deceased. At that trial also a receipt was produced for certain arms taken from the residence of Mr. George Wyse, Newcastle, signed "F. Lomax, Colonel Irish Republic, Sough Cork Infantry." At the trial a man named Kemn swore this signature was the handwriting of Mr. F.X. O'Brien, but the prosecution declared it was not, and it is now supposed the receipt was signed by Michael O'Brien. The Irish police were on the track of deceased since March, but without result. It is supposed that he formed the fourth in the party at Kilclooney Wood, which was completed by Peter Crowley, M'Clure and Kelly on the memorable 18th of September. Deceased was a person of genteel appearance and attractive manners.


     The following letter, the last it is understood that was written by the ill-fated Allen, previous to his execution last Saturday, has been forwarded to us and will, were are sure, be perused with a painful interest:- 
               Salford, New Bailey Prison, Nov. 22
     TO YOU MY LOVING AND SINCERE DEAR UNCLE AND AUNT HOGAN - I suppose this is my last letter to you at the side of the grave. O! dear uncle and aunt, if you reflect on it, it is nothing. I am dying a horrible death - I am dying for Ireland, dying for the land that gave me birth, dying for the Island of Saints, and dying for liberty. Every generation of our countrymen is suffering, and where is the Irish heart could stand by unmoved? I should like to know what trouble, what passion, what mischief could separate the true Irish heart from its own native isle. Dear uncle and aunt, it is sad to be parting you all at my early age; but we must all die some day or another. A few hours more and I will breathe my last, and on English soil! Oh, that I could be buried in Ireland! what a happiness it would be to all my friends and to myself, where my countrymen could kneel on my grave! I cannot express what joy it afforded me when I found, Aunt Sarah, that you were admitted here. Dear uncle, I am sure it was not a very pleasant place I had to receive you and my aunt; but we must put up with all trials until we depart this life. I am sure it will grieve you very much to have me in such a place on the evidence of such characters that swore my life away; but I forgive them, and may God forgive them. I am dying, thank God, an Irishman and a Christian. Give my love to all my friends; same from your affectionate nephew,                  W.P. ALLEN.
     P.S. - Pray for us. Good bye, and remember me. Good bye, and may heaven protect you - the last wish of your dying nephew.
                                                  W.P. ALLEN.



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